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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Yeah these breasts I swear they get bigger every birth I have." He well she didn't seem that all upset about what lay ahead for her guess DeGravel had already resigned herself to her fate awhile ago.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke snickered lightly "You have to admit those are some darn fine cups your sporting. Though their perkiness leaves much to be desired..." it wasn't an insulting remark just a continuaton of the humerous outlook. Wether Degravil would continue was up to him, but Rikke would play along with a smile.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I was taught more than a handful is wasted. Damn how can woman walk around with these things hanging off their chest. I don't know if Ill get used to them though I doubt Ill have much time either way." There was a moment of silence before she spoke again. "At lest I got to keep my cock hell it even made it bigger."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"You were 'taught'? I do believe you were the opposite sex not so long ago..." Rikke chuckled lightly "Can you as a man say it's wasted?" she smirked lightly.

"What? Really?" Rikke eyed the woman "They actually kept you with a cock?" using specifically such a body to breed with... the demons had quite the fetishes it seems "Shame you won't get to use it..." shame indeed... perhaps the man deserved one last night of actually loving sex, not flatout rape. Just so he'd know what it actually meant to "make love" to someone, not just pound away and fill them up.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Their grim joking came to an end however as the door opened down the hall. Looking over Rikke could see the demon with two smaller demons following heading right for her. "Looks like its your turn rogue. You can try to beg for mercy but it won't work." DeGravel sat against her cage wall while the trio of demons approached Rikke's cage. "My my sweet lips here you are in my humble abode. Its a shame we had to kill that friend of yours Im sure she would have made a lovely addition to my harem." The demon grinned full of malice as he beckoned his two lakies to mess with the door.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke eyes narrowed "Adorable, Regi, but I'm not that naive." Reginal would not find Rikke naive and easy pray to manipulate. The heroine stood in defensive form... unfortunately seemed the demon came himself to lead her off instead of sending off a lackey. Unarmed she couldn't really do much... but if given half the chance she'd sneak in a hit on one of his lackies and make a run for it.

"Besides is this any way to treat your guest of honor?" she smirked spitefully at the demon.

Wait till choker is removed and stealth attack[if not possible sudden strike + unarmed] on the closest lackey.
Make a run for it!
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"HA Im not that stupid after all I have the scars to prove how deadly you can be." The cage door opened and the guards both walked in. One checked her manacles while the other undid her collar chain. After a few moments the sounds of metal hitting the floor told Rikke the chain attached to her collar was now loose. What she did with that was up to her though as her hands where still bound. "Alirght boys escourt her to the baths I want her cleaned up for breakfest after all shes been asleep on that dirty floor for awhile." Reginald began to turn away before hesitating a moment then spoke. "Oh and sweet lips if you try to escape your blacksmith friend and his little family will die. It would be a shame to watch my stalkers rend them limb from limb." Something in his voice was dead serious and chilled Rikke to the bone.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

And there it went... Rikke resolve to escape this place was shattered with that final sentence. The heroine had no doubt JEssica and her crew were fine... but that night when the girls were attacked, Kat nad gruff went out for their walk aswell! Something hinted that this time it wasn't a lie...

Rikke clenched her fists and eyed the leaving demon with utter spite. She could take out his lackeys no problem, but she couldn't risk the lives of that family. The rogue looked down defeated this time and would follow to her bath... she may comply, but she won't make life easy for her captors..
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke was escorted threw the room and out into a narrow hall. There she was lead to another room where a steamy bath awaited. What ever trouble she was causing the guards ended abruptly as she was pushed into the soapy water. Struggling to get her head above water Rikke would see three beautiful woman with horns and tails grabbing rags and soap. Each had only a loin cloth on and got to work delicately cleaning Rikke almost lovingly. Though none of them said a word.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke didn't really cause any trouble... she planned to at the bath, but not enroute. Though fortunate or not seemed it wouldn't be the lackies taking care of her appearance as two fairly beautiful succubi got to work on her, a light sting at the back of the heroines mind at the thought that these girls were recently changed.

Still they already had it rough, Rikke wasn't going to make it any worse for them "Reginald doesn't seem like the kind of guy who takes cares of his girls... any heads up for a fellow girl?" she smiled warmly at the two.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

It seemed their orders where explicit and both girl said nothing while they cleaned her not even looking at her face. A third soon made an appearance and brought a bucket of water that was gently poured of the rogues head soaking her hair completely. The three woman cleaned and scrubbed eventually where finished. Pulling her from the tub they quickly dried her and applied scented oils to her skin. When that was all done they led her to another room where two more of the woman were at work. These two also seemed to be in the same condition as the others and quickly got to work fixing her hair and dressing her unless Rikke resisted.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

What was this? Rikke was taken care of as a queen... or a trophy, the succubi washed the girl thoroughly even adding scented oils before she was lead to another pair who got to work on the rogues hair and measuring up some clothes for her. All this care... Wasn't she a prisoner of Reginald... the very same mans who whipped Jessica and tortured Selina to tears and beyond... the man who slayed his own comrades with satisfying grin... the man SHE murderered.

Rikke was confused, but didn't fight back. There was no reason. The girls were obviously greiveiously punished if they broke their commands, the heroine was not looking to cause any innocent workers trouble... atleast not the poor girls trapped here.
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

With no trouble given the two woman had managed to get Rikke dressed in a simple elegant if a little slutty dress of black. Her hair proved the most troublesome due to its length but the two succubi managed to get it into a elegant short style. The finishing touches where slightly dark makeup and diamond jewelry though she couldn't wear the full set due to the lack of her being pierced. Her nails where done in a dark purple paint both fingers and toes before she was led to a pair of open toed heels that matched her dress. From here she was led to another room where a cheerful looking succubus took over.

"Aww the girls got you ready in record time looks like I won't get to whip them tonight. Come this way Rikke the master is waiting." This succubus looked diffrent from the rest she wasn't cowed like the others and she walked with the air of authority. She had black hair and massive tits her skin was a color of blue and she wore a nasty looking whip on her side. "Now that the girls are mostly trained it looks like Ill be working with that breeding bitch from now on. Got to get her in proper shape or my pay will be docked."

The nameless succubus led Rikke to another room where one more girl waited. Dressed in the same style as the other she had seen this one took charge of Rikke and lead her to a table heaped with food. There she sat the rogue down and reattached her collar to a chain affixed on the heavy oak dinning chair. When that was done she left for a bit only to come back and free Rikke's manacles before bowing and stepping off to the side.

The table before Rikke was well adorned though immediately she noticed her setting had no knives or forks only spoons and a dark glass of wine. Moments later Reginald entered in all his demonic glory taking a seat at the head of the table. "Ah Rikke you look lovely sorry to keep you waiting. The Warg scouts looking for you won't kill themselves. Sorry for the limited silverware but after our last few encounters I decided to be a little more cautious when you have access to stabbing things."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke just flinched at the displays of implied cruelty... she was now deep among demons. The worked over heroine sat down at the table, eyeing the food with disgust even if it was well prepared, she knew all too well just by what kind of means the demons get their food... it wasn't asking or buying it.

Finally Reginald showed up, the table wear slightly tremling with each step "Ah Rikke you look lovely sorry to keep you waiting. The Warg scouts looking for you won't kill themselves. Sorry for the limited silverware but after our last few encounters I decided to be a little more cautious when you have access to stabbing things" the heroine visibly flinched at the mention of the murdered scouts... those were friends he was talking about! Hopefully their deaths would atleast point out which region was failed to be scouted...

Rikke really wanted to be snarky and spiteful, she really did... but if she dared embarassing the demon now, her punishment would likely be even more severe than what awaited her now... didn't mean she'll just be the perfect little slavegirl though "So~ I met DeGravil recently... tell me, why did you choose to change everything, but leave his cock even make it bigger. A fan of cocks Regi? Humm?" Well she really did try no to be spiteful, hopefully the demon enjoyed a little fight in his toys.
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Oh already thinking of cocks dear such a lewd girl. Truth be told it was an accident after all corruptive energies tend to be chaotic at best. Eat your fill rogue after all it came from DeGravel's own cupboards." Reginald wasted no time in starting his meal. "Did you find your bath pleasant? If not Ill have the girls whipped for doing a bad job." Just like that mentioning such things as if they happened every day.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke didn't have the nerves to actually eat something "They did an exceptional job, do you order all your girls to be mute? Not a fan if someone dares to say something to you?" well even if she wouldn't eat the wine seemed aluring, might aswell humor Reginald with atleast sampling it. The heroine took the glass in a noble and swirled the liquid in her hand, eyeing the demon in a fairly hostile manner "You called me by my name just now..." Reginald refered to Rikke as 'hot lips' for so long, why the sudden change.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Reginald took his own wine and inclined it in Rikke's direction before taking a sip. "Its for their own protection. I hear your very convincing so best not risk any uprisings and I just got them all broke in not to long ago it would be a shame to replace them. Latasha's services don't come cheap." Reginaled took another dip sip of wine before continuing. "As for knowing your name well DeGravel was very clear with his info so you shouldn't be to surprised dear after all He and I were partners at one point." Reginald started to eat again stopping briefly to address Rikke once more. "So do you think the girl has the potential to rule the city?" Reginald acted like this was a normal meal conversing with the current topics in and about the city.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke sipped only a very low amount of the vine, just incase it was poisoned or laced, but refusing to touch the food outright "Latasha? I presume that's the grand bitch around here?"

"Guess the sexual tension just got to you. Two men working together for so long..." she smiled a cynical smile, no Rikke would not be particullary pleasant company "I trust you kept your end and the blacksmith and his family are safe... as in left alone in their home." depending on the answer Rikke would humor the demon with an answer to his question "Well the city is in ruins, gangs are running amuck, poverty is everywhere... a cute leader to bring them up from the ashes should do wonders. Especially with the fantastic crew she has backing her, Endus should see the sun once more."
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Oh shes not that bad just really good at teaching people their place in life. Her skill with the lash so uncanny she can inflict pain and punishment without leaving scars." The wine was very rich and as far as Rikke could tell was just that wine. "As for the blacksmith he and his family are safe as long as your here. If the stalkers don't hear from me well I don't have to tell you what will happen."

Reginald listened to Rikkes comments a bemused expression on his face. "You wound me dear girl DeGravel just need to know his place and I showed him it. As for the city I hope it dose get back on its feet it may have exiled me but this dump is still my home after all." Reginald grabbed a napkin and dabbed at his mouth. "You really should eat Rikke think of it as your last meal humm. If your worried about it being poisoned fear not. Joan test our guests food please show her it isn't poisoned." The demon girl that had led Rikke to her seat went up to the table and took a sample of some cooked meat and ate it. She didn't turn green or keel over just stood and waited. "See Rikke not poisoned please eat enjoy while you can."
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

A chill ran down Rikkes spine and gulped lightly "S-so what happens after this meal?" the rogue wasn't worried about it being deadly, if he wanted her dead she wouldn't had been in the cage in the first place... but if her hunches were correct the demon will want a way to burn off the breakfast, with the rogues help ofcourse.

Still, it was her fate for now. She just needed to endure and wait out till rescue comes... or she finds a way not to escape... but kill Reginald. If only she had a way to sneak in a weapon. Nevertheless Rikke would place some of the food inside her plate and eat up. It was likely her only real meal in some time.