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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke held Jess lovingly while Jess did the same to Rikke just sharing a moment between the two woman that reenforced their bond. Meanwhile a dark energy rejoiced in its victory having gained a little foot hold in the rogue. It had been worried that it would be pushed out but after this recent event it had gained some ground though still nowhere near where she had been before. Something would have to be done though to make the girl fall into the depths of depravity if things didn't change soon her old nemesis Venus would have a little more power in the world.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke continued to lovingly rest by Jessicas side, there was nowhere else she'd rather be. The rogue looked up to her friends eyes and smiled warmly "You know... after Saul gets control of the city. We could build a proper shrine of Venus in the city... the cult doesn't have much places to go much else" Rikke rolled on top of Jessica smiling widely, her eyes extra bright in their icy glow "We could make Endur one of the very few cities to have a grand shrine dedicated to Venus... with a small memorial for a certain slimegirl in the corner..."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Yeah we didn't know her long but she sure made and impression." Jenny held Rikke close not daring to let her slip away. "I have to admit I kinda miss her slime keeping us warm. Their was just something that made it feel so safe like being in the womb again." Jess looked over at Rikke "Maybe we should visit the shrine today. Ill keep myself disguised just in case any of Sasha's goons are about."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke smiled warmly "Aye, let's do that... but I'll have to talk with Rhea first..." the heroine got comfy near Jessica "...later" she smiled earnestly and continued to hold Jessica "I know~ you can shapeshift right? What shall we make you look like?" Rikke giggled warmly "Oh~ Can you become like me?!" the girls eyes widened "We could have so much fun with that!" Rikke laughted out lightheartily, for once there was no perversion in her thoughts... atleast this time.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Oh I know every each of you that would be easy." A look of concentration came over Jess's face as her body shifted and reshaped itself. It felt odd to say the least as Rikke could feel bones move and shrink flesh expand and retreat. But soon it was all over and Rikke was looking at a near perfect twin of herself minus the blood red eyes and hair.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikkes eyes widened as a huge grin formed on her. The girl paused silently looking over... herself. "Ah~~ haha!" the girl laughted our merrily clapping once with her hands "You look... exactly like me!" The heroine paused a moment, looking at Jess "This is gonna be wierd, but... can I kiss you?" she couldn't help it, a opportunity like this comes around very rarely!
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Oh~ still thinking such pervy thoughts." Rikke didn't know how she did it but Jess had changed her voice to be exactly like hers. However any thoughts on the matter were soon dashed as her replica moved in for a deep kiss.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

A jolt ran across Rikke body as Jessica even adopted her voice, though the moment of confussion was the perfect opportunity for Jessica to strike and give Rikke a deep kiss. Well this was amazingly odd, though Rikke didn't want to even separate herself away. She pushed Jessica closer to herself, the two bodies mirror images of each other... such soft and pure skin, such forms... was she really THIS dazzling. Rikke indulged in the kiss, but Jessica broke it off grinning evilishly, taking perverse joy in granting the rogue such an odd sensation.

"Do you know what we could do now..." Rikke leaned in closer... but whatever naughty intentions could've been suspected were quickly dashed aside "We could SO~ mess with everyone in the wargs!" the rogue grinned happily "OH~ quick let's find somewhat matching clothes! And can you change your hair? It kinda gives it all away" Rikke giggled happily thinking of the mischief she was gonna cause.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Oh no no no Im not being your harem bait besides I like my hair and eyes the way they are." Jessica made a face at Rikke dashing her fun for now. With that Jessica changed her shape again assuming a very down to earth looking woman that had a great deal of resemblance to Jess though certainly not as well endowed and the occasional wrinkle. Wait was that what Jess looked like before she became a succubus? Though hardly a sexy bombshell the form she had adopted was still attractive in its own right with bouncy B's and a round bum she still kept her red hair and eyes giving Rikke the surefire clue that it was Jess. "There now I should be safe from being spotted."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Aw~~ spoilsport... and what do you mean harem bait!" Rikke made a playful angry face at the girl "I meant peek-a-boo style messing with people, perv~" the rogue stuck her tongue out. Seemed whatever perversions had taken hold on her, upon reaching the peak were quickly fought back down. She was back to normal.

"...besides it would've been fun to see the look in the boys eyes when we make out right outside the barracks..." Well hey Rikke was always lightly perverted "So~ shall we visit Rhea?... but I'll still get you to play along with my double vission trick, later 'kay?" the heroine kissed the girl warmly on the cheek and quickly got out of bed to get back into dress she had... the plan of clothed sex seemed to quickly change the moment Rikke spotted the tools in question.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I think Im gonna rest a bit maybe get some food Rikke come and get me when your done with your meeting." Rikke couldn't be grudge Jess for wanting to relax but being separated from her for so long did put the rogue on the possessive side though she was in the middle of the Warg's base so she was as safe as she could be. Still with her new sluttified clothing Rikke was starting to wonder about meeting Rhea dressed like this.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke looked over her clothing... what the heck was she thinking. Still it was fairly cute and sexy... maybe more whorish and sexy, but still it was comfortable atleast. "Oh... I'll make sure you'll get the best the chef can cook!" Rikke smiled warmly at Jessica, she didn't want to leave her. But then again the girl was tired, hungry and perhaps wanted some room to relax alone.

"I'll be back soon-ish. Don't get kidnapped again, ya hear?" the heroine snickered lightly and walked out the room. By now she knew more or less where to look for Rhea... otherwise she could just ask someone on guard.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Finding Rhea was easy she just followed the trail of people who looked in a hurry. Entering into an open room filled with maps most of which where of Endus. Rhea sat in an overstuffed chair listing to her senor commanders talking about recent incursions by unknown mercenaries. Noticing the rogue Rhea hushed her commanders and ran up to the girl and gave her a hug. "Glad to have you here Rikke after your little stunt with a certain badge things have gone a little crazy around town. Come take a look at this." Rhea pointed at a map showing colored shapes. "These are the area's of relative power for each mercenary guild and Commerce guild. Usually they over lap with very little movement between the two but look at this." Rhea pulled a different map of Endus but with the colors of several area's pushed back some even gone from the map. "The Steel and Bulwark mercenary companies have been wiped out. We've been helping the survivors get medical attention. They where two of our strongest allies and besides being allied with us they also had bases on the edge of the ruins. Something is going down and I was hoping you had some insight sense you where in the ruins for a few days. Did you see anything odd or masses of enemies?"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke eyed the maps with concern sure she was not strategist, but she got the basics "N-no... I don't think so. There was a horde of Goblins there, some lust zombies and some giant creature in the middle... but nothing trained mercenaries couldn't handle." the heroine turned to Rhea with concern "You think this is because the badge?"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Its to coincidental we turned in the badge and using our influence got Rune to be declared heir. She will be the new Lord Mayor of Endus. Needless to say DeGravel didn't take it well and left in a huff. I think hes making his move to take the city by force but Im just not sure where hes getting his forces from. Reginald is dead and the cloaks disbanded." Rhea sighed "I was hoping you had found a bandit army or something in the ruins so I could unite the mercenary companies but it dosn't look like thats the case."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I'm sorry Rhea, I honestly didn't see any signs of anything remotely organised there..." Rikke paused a moment "We did kind of piss of the goblin god there... perhaps this sent a frenzy through the green freaks camps? At the very least they'd make excellent cannon fodder." it was worth atleast considering, but goblins were far too stupid to be actually manageable... atleast to the rogues knowledge.

"Rune? She's the rightful heir? What about the mayors children?" Rikke eyed Rhea curiously.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Saul is the Mayors brother but sense he is a guild leader he can't take the position. Rune is his daughter so by blood is the next in line until the mayors children can be found or if they even want the position. Rune is not a member of the guild yet and well she can't be now unless a different heir make themselves apparent. It broke her heart to give up being the next guild leader of the mages but she made the choice herself we didn't force her to." Rhea got misty eyed for a moment "My little girl is growing up so fast." Looking at the gruff men around her Rhea quickly snapped to. "If any of you weaklings breath a word about that I will skin you alive myself!" The men in the room all paled a little and stood at attention with a resounding "YES MAM!"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke smiled warmly at her friend, though she did have to come out with it "...but... I know where the Mayors children are... well to be more specific I know the girl who hid them away. The ex-royal guard Janet." the rogue looked around uncomfortably, the wargs already had a set plan and here she was coming up with such things. "But if you have the badge, how can DeGravil even fight you? What that metal piece is just for show?"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Rhea took the news in and nodded so thats why Sasha looked so satisfied when we made our play. I honestly expected her to protest the most. As far ad DeGravel is concerned that bastard son of Bardian whore is as clever as a rat and just as slimy. He can't openly oppose us but that dosn't mean he won't have his lackeys act. No doubt he's using this to disrupt trust in the new government that will form."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke paused a moment "You made a deal with Sasha?! Why? For what?" for reasons unknown Rikke still had it out for the brothel mistress and had no problem to show it to Rhea "You can't trust that woman!" the heroine sighed "So with the rightful heir and badge in hand, why can't we unite the rest of the city versus DeGravil? We could go catch him aswell, with his life on the line he should call his troops back..." honestly it seemed all too simple to solve to Rikke, though politics of all things was never simple.