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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jess winced a little but smiled at Rikke. "Well the outfit is very daring but I miss your auburn hair. The blonde makes you look to much like a bimbo." Jess stuck her tongue out at Rikke feeling safe in her blanket cocoon.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Bimbo?~!" Oh no she didn't! Rikkes eyes widened as a mischievious smile formed on her "Oh~ It's on now girl~" the rogue quickly attempted to remove the covers, but Jess was ready for her, denying any and all attempts to roll her out.

"Bimbo~" Jessica stuck her tongue out again playfully and grinned at Rikke "Hmph..." Rikke eyes sharpened as she quickly jumped back. There was one easy way to penetrate Jessicas defenses... at her feet! Rikke easily opened herself a passage way and slipped under the covers, running her kisses from the girls belly and up. Stoping to caress her mounts midway. Wow Jess sure had quite a pair, though it made it all the more fun to play with them.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jess moan slightly in approval at Rikke's actions. This of course only made Rikke try harder and soon she could feel Jess's nipples harden under her treatment. "Is it me or did you get a little better at this." Of course Rikke did have alot of practice on the other girls but for now she kept that to herself even though Jess as a succubus probably knew all to well the urges Rikke felt at times. Jess shivered under her touch as her moans got a little deeper and soon Rikke could feel a dampness form at Jess's pussy.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke smiled to herself, she almost forgot how soft and perky Jessica was, just how enticing her moans were. Feeling her companions arousal Rikke quickly slipped up, out of the covers and into a deep kiss. The two kissed like there was no tommorow, Rikke grinding her leg gently up and down Jessicas fairly wet pussy. The rogue finally broke their kiss, her eyes lidded and smile as sultry as ever "So Jess, how would you like your welcome back sex? Like this? Or~" Rikke lightly shifted herself making her pussy grind against Jessicas clit "Do you want to really feel me?" the heroine licked her lips and looked to Jessica for an answer.
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I would like..." BAM! the door popped open and a horde of girls all piled in looking embarrassed and red in the face. Jess looked over at the intruders and sighed before whispering to Rikke. "I would like some privacy." Jess smiled at Rikke "Well you know what they say somethings get better with waiting." The girls in question where trying to untangle themselves from each other each babling some excuse or another before Rhea poked her head in. "Sorry Rikke saw some snoops had to ruin their fun." Rhea smiled and began to walk off when Alice shot a reply back at her. "Oh don't give me that you where listing in first." Rhea turned red and quickly vanished from sight leaving the Lucky Venus Girls at the mercy of Rikke.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke quickly looked back at the sounds behind her, as the girls all fell in. The heroine eyes widened and a smile quickly formed on her face. Well she certainly had her share of perverted fans. Heck drop Matt and Steve in there somewhere and it's a complete set.

"Girls!" Rikke cheerfully called out to her "Jess these are the girls I grouped up in the brothel!" the heroine turned to Jessica smiling widely "On top there's Alice, right under her is Nayomi..." Rikke paused a moment and gave Jessica a silent look, she did tell her companion about Nayomi in greater detail than the others. ALL the details. "And~ is that you Cass at the bottom?" Rikke snickered lightly "Sorry I abbandoned you girls back there, had to make sure Jess was okay."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Oh not bother at all Rikke we just wanted to see how you where doing." "Ye Yeah just dropping by for a visit." Erica worked herself out of the pile. "I thought we where seeing if Rikke was getting sexy time on with the girl we rescued." All the girls palled with the exception Cassandra who had nice big bruise around her eye. "Bah lie all you want girls truth be told I was peeking after all Im kinda a pervert." At lest Cassandra was honest maybe brutally honest but honest none the less. All the girls where in street cloths none of them wearing any of the brothel gear though most seemed to have been altered so it showed them off. Rikke guessed that working in the brothel for so long had some lasting effects but worse yet or better it looked like Rune would have to get a new wardrobe. "Sorry Rikke we'll leave ya be for now."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"It's okay girls, stay" Rikke smiled innocently to the gang and sat down at the edge of the bed, looking over to Jess as if to call her over "So~ you're finally out of there. What'cha gonna do now?"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Well we decided to stay together for a little while at lest until things cool down a bit." "Yeah keep a low profile and such Sasha may not report our escape so she doesn't seem weak to the other factions but that doesn't mean she will stop looking for us." Alice looked at the girls around her. "Yeah no doubt she'll have her own goon squad looking for us for awhile yet." "Also we need to get Janet back before we make our escape shes one of us now after all." The other girls nodded at Nayomi. "Im glad your here with us Nayomi you always keep our head in tune with our hearts." Nayomi just blushed and said nothing.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"So stay with the wargs. They're a fun bunch and they'll have your back if Sasha does something funny." Rikke nodded at the girls eagerly "I'll have someone buy Janet out of there today. Hopefully denarii will speak louder, than suspicion to Sasha." seemed the group was rock solid together, just how long have these four watched each others backs for...
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The girls all looked at each other a little crest fallen. "Rikke Janet's punishment had no fine she needs to be pardoned by the church." Cassndra spoke next "She was tried for treason and insubordination. The fact she had served the church for so long is the only thing that spared her from the noose if you know what I mean." "If she told you otherwise she didn't want you to think less of her for it she really is a sweet girl." "Damn knightly honor it always complicates things."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"WHAT?!" Rikke quickly stood up from the bed "How could she do something like that..." how will she get her friend out now, busting in once more was out of the question and if buying her was not possible... "Stupid, stupid girl." Rikke bit down on her lip in agitation "So how will we get her out? I'm not breaking my promise, she WILL get out of there."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Its a different situation now Rikke maybe the church will listen and pardon her." "Yeah Im not sure why they threw the treason charge at her she told us what happened." Casandra just sighed at the girls. "Obviously you girls know nothing about politics. They wanted the old regime out and they got their chance. Janet was the only one that had the knowledge of the heirs. The church probably saved her twice even though they had to throw her to the wolves so to speak."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Wait a minute... "I might know a way we could remove ALL the charges from Janet." Rikke smiled widely "I have to go find Rhea. Shoo~ Shoo~ girls, me and Jessica need to discuss some things!" well that was a sudden change still seemed Rikke had a plan, a plan she wanted to discuss over with her companion in privacy.

With the girls out of the room Rikke quickly ran up to Jessica "I've given the badge to Rhea. Maybe if she gets control of the city, we could use our hero status to fix everything..." Rikke likely didn't really want to tell her gang about her having the badge, who knows how the girls would react.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Oh thats great Rikke but I thought guild leaders couldn't take on the Lord Mayor Title?" Rikke wasn't sure about that but even if it where true she could still use the badge as leverage to the right people.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I never did ask Rhea whats she did with the badge... or if she even found it." Rikke looked over to the spot she hid it "Still from what I gathered it wouldn't be Saul or Rhea take control, but "The rightful heir"... don't ask me who that is, hopefully someone honorable and grateful"

The rogue glanced over to Jess "Wanna go find Rhea? Don't think I'll be able to focus on our fun, with all these questions." Rikke smiled warmly at Jess and if she agreed both girls would "loot" whatever clothing Rune still had... even if bare bones, it was better than going naked. This was a mostly male camp of mercs afterall.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Yeah before where interrupted again." Jess giggled but was out of the bed and searching threw the cloths Rune had at hand. "Oh dear it looks like she had nothing that will fit me." Jess got a look of concentration on her face and much to Rikke's surprise her friends formidable bust shrank to about the size of Rune's chest. "There all better no more squeezing these babies sore." Thankfully for Rikke her choice of cloths was much easier to come by having had some on hand before her mission began she found them neatly folded with a reddish potion resting on top with a little note. The note simply stated "Heres the potion to get your locks back"-Luna
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Aw~ But you better make sure you get those two beauties back into shape once we're alone..." Rikke smirked at her companion as she looked over her clothing, honestly it was far too modest for the pervy heroine to wear anymore... perhaps some alterations just like the Venus girls made on theirs was in order. Rikke deepened the cut for her cleavage and gave the dress a cute through the right side, sure she looked a bit more raggedy, but now it her clothes were signifcanly more revealing.

Looking over the bottle Rikke grinned happily "M~ I don't deserve a friend like Luna..." with that the girl drank the potion for whatever effect it would bring.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke downed the potion which tasted faintly of apples and soon felt an itching in her head as her hair went from the strawberry blonde back to her auburn color well maybe with a little more red than normal but still it was very close. "Thats much better Rikke now you don't look like a bimbo." Jess once again stuck her tongue out at Rikke playfully. Rikke was about to make a retort when the potions secondary effects kicked in feeling a very sudden rush of energy and suddenly felt really really happy.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Though her hair remained significantly longer than she's used to it was a minor nuisance a pair of scissors should be able to fix. "Hey now~ Luna hand picked that color for me, had to be something subtle so it worked for what needed to be done." Rikke stuck her tongue right on back "Besides it's not like I walked around with gigantic tits on purpose" the heroine smirked lat her companion as she brushed her auburn hair.

Seemed Luna added some special properties to the potion as Rikke could feel herself getting pumped with energy and good spirits "So~ what did you think about my gang?"