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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Steve sat and watch the Yellow head and the Auburn head make strange noises before getting bored and nudging the Auburn head again he wanted attention to. Janet tried to understand Rikke's explanation but it seemed she would have to have some practice before fully understanding what she meant. Still Rikke thought she was ready enough and it looked like Steve was starting to get bored.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Steve slowly floated up to Rikke as she continued her explanation, he wasn't THAT tired... the fish whether on purpose or not bumped with into Rikkes soft and round behind. Calling out for some activities with him.

Rikke looked back and smiled looked like he was ready to go "Just remember DON'T PANIC, the body can esaily float by itself unless you start thrashing about. I'll be nearby and keep a watch out so don't worry." the heroine nodded at Janet and helped her get a grip on the fish. "AND~ GO!" Rikke clapped once as if a start to a race and watched careful over the silly blonde. Hopefully everything goes off without a hitch.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Janet held onto Steve for dear life as the fish swam around the pound but as her unease at being dragged threw a body of water by a fish lessened a delightful "Weeee!" followed her around the pond causing Rikke to smile finally the girl was having fun. It didn't take long before Janet and Steve made their circuit around the pound before stopping in the shallows once more. Janet's face flushed with excitement at her little ride and spoke to Rikke a hint of excitement in her voice. "That was fun but how are we going to repay Steve here for the rides?" Indeed it looked like Steve was waiting for something but neither girl new what.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Repay?..." the though didn't even cross Rikkes mind, she just thought the fish would be happy just playing around with the girls... "Umm... we'll think of something. Feel free to go another round... I think we've forgot someone..." oh no... Rikke had the evil look in her face again, just like when she dragged poor Janet into the pond.

The heroine slowly made her way towards Nayomi! The elven girl was near the shore, heck Rikke could easily grab the girls legs from the water... and that was her intent. Rikke carefully approached the elven girl, well she was sure hard asleep. Seemed the outdoors reminded her of home, so much that she finally could grab those nostalgic zzz's... that is until Rikke came in range atleast.

The rogue quickly grabbed the girls legs and suddenly started dragging NAyomi into the water through the soft moss "I AM THE RAPELIZARD OF THE LAKE! I DEMAND SACRIFICE~~ RAWR RAWR RAWR!"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke easily moved up to the girl she was so deep in sleep that Rikke didn't even have to hide her approach. Grabbing Nayomi's leg however produced two results. One was a kick in the chest from a struggling foot and the other was Nayomi reaching for a weapon she no longer had. Both did little to deter the rogue and Nayomi was soon in the water but unlike Janet she didn't at all seem bothered by the sudden change in temperature however she did throw Rikke an annoyed look. "Rapelizard huh?" thats when Nayomi launched herself right at Rikke grabbing her tight.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke laughted gleefully at her mischief, even if Nayomi did bump her lightly with her foot it was totally worth it! In fact Rikke was so busy laughing up a storm she didn't even notice Nayomi jump at her in retribution.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Nayomi trys to take Rikke down grapple check.
54 vs 41 Success for Nayomi

Nayomi latched on to Rikke easily disturbing the girls balance which easily let the small elf girl trip Rikke up so she fell in the water with a splash. Then Nayomi let go of Rikke and disappeared into the water ready to strike again once Rikke regaind her balance.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke quickly surfaced wipping away some water from her eyes, thankfully she managed to react quickly enough so she wouldn't catch any in her mouth. Still... the challenge has been accepted.

The heroine smirked slyly and positioned herself, Nayomi just signed her "Dunk-me-lots" contract. Standing absolutely still Rikke awaited any ripples or disturbances in the water "Come out, come out where ever you are, you little rascal~"

Rikke uses Defensive stance
+10 dodge; Counter upon success with a grapple of her own
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke perception 34 vs 34 tie Success for Rikke she the hero after all
Nayomi attempts to grapple Rikke
52 vs 53 miss Rikke counters
Auto success Rikkes min is 39 4 points higher than Nayomi's dodge

Rikke looked about for the rascally elf when a shift of pale light in the water revealed her location. It was almost to late but thankfully Rikke had the edge of being an practicing adventure. Still even spotting the elf early almost didn't matter as the girl was nearly dead on with her attack. Rikke was able to avoid it just barly and quickly grabbed the elf. Looks like Nayomi is at Rikke's mercy.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke waited patiently when at the last moment she noticed the elven girls apperance! Just barely slipping out of her grasp the rogue quickly caught Nayomi with her own grapple! "Gotcha~" Rikke smirked evily, something about the elf girl flatout enticed the rogue to play with her "Well~ Thanks Nayomi for volunteering to help me give Steve his reward" a pervert glint quickly ignited in Rikkes eyes. The girl quickly positioned herself behind Nayomi and they both sat down on the bottom, submerged just slightly above their bellybuttons.

Rikke attempts submission hold on Nayomi. Not painful mind you, just restraining.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Nayomi tries to escape Rikke tries to put her in a submission hold
62 vs 39 Nayomi success

"What do you mean reward Rikke?" Nayomi struggled against Rikke attempting to free herself but Rikke held firm or at lest she thought she did until the lithe elf simply slipped from her grasp disappearing into the water again. Darn she was slippery.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke looked down to Nayomi and paused "Maybe you're right... I bet you're gonna love this!" the rogue let Nayomi go her pervert thoughts of Steves reward would wait. This ride was MADE for Nayomi. "Come on this way Nayomi~" Rikke quickly rushed towards Steve smiling warmly.

The heroine couldn't tell whether Janet went for another ride or just spent the time watching them or Steve. Still they were around the place she left them "Stevey~" Rikke quickly ran up to the fish all the while her D's bouncing alluringly, she quickly leaned towards the fish and spoke up. If the odd fish ever had perverted fantasies about human females, his gaze would likely be locked on Rikkes mounds at this point "Stevey~ Please one more ride for Nayomi. I'll think of an appropriate reward for all the rough, tough hardwork you've been doing 'kay?"

"This way Nayomi come on~ Steve will give you a ride around the pond~" Rikke grinned widely calling the girl for a ride with the fish.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Nayomi made her way to where Janet and Steve where waiting moving a bit slower and having to start to swim due to her smaller frame. Getting thei she eagerly took hold of Steve and even whispered something in her own tongue to the creature before they both sped off much faster than Rikke or Janet ever managed. Watching Steve and Nayomi go for their Ride Rikke smiled it was good that the girls got to relax every once in awhile.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke giggled lightheartily "Look at them go!" she turned to Janet smiling widely, wondering whether the working girls ever had a break where they could have such free and relaxing fun... the adventurer life sure had it's drawbacks, but the freedom it gives was unmatched. Rikke sighed happily, not to mention the joys of traveling with someone you... really like.

"...wonder what she whispered to that darn fish." Steve was going awfully fast, likely due to the lower load, but maybe it was something Nayomi said.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke's thoughts where interrupted when Nayomi and Steve returned. Noticing Steve looking healthier and brighter was he always this impressive. Steve swam languidly between the girls occasionally bumping into Rikke. Looks like he was getting restless and even though Steve was enamored with Rikke for the moment he was still a trouble maker and it wouldn't belong before he pranked the girls once more.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke noted Steve sudden change in appearance "Well look at you~" The rogue turned to Nayomi "Secret elven magic?" Rikke giggled lightheartily "And told ya it's amazing fun!" still the heroine did note Steves restless bumps "Since Steve was such a sport... you girls got any ideas of a reward?" Rikke looked down to the fish swimming nearby "Steve, you? Any requests?" it was more of a rhetorical question, the poor creature couldn't exactly answer... well not vocally alteast.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Nayomi blushed a little while her hands worked and pulled her panties off. "Here ya go Steve." Handing the pair of panties back to the fish it surprisingly took them gently and began to swim off tribute in hand err mouth. "Well I am the lowest rank in the brothel I have to be nude most of the time anyway." Nayomi spoke quietly but was flushed crimson.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Nayomi!" Rikke glanced at her and sighed "We don't give away our panties to perverts silly." besides Rikke would've had something a little more... memorable in have for the peeping fish. "At any rate, think we'll be missed inside soon. I'll wait for Luna, have place a few orders for tonights event." Rikke winked slyly at Janet "Heck maybe I should even stay here. It's out of sight and I shouldn't attract much attention."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Janet looked at Rikke arching an eyebrow. "Well if you insist though how are me and Cassandra if she will even help supposed to know when you want us to distract the guards?" Nayomi chimed in soon after. "Yeah plus we should go eat something Luna usally shares her meals with the girls."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Well it's not that late in the day, think we'll discuss the details... heck we could discuss the details over a nice meal." Rikke smiled at Nayomi "Guess we're not really in such a rush." the trio made their way out of the water, with Rikke and Janet quickly getting their loincloths in place "Come on let's go grab a bite to eat and formulated this plan of ours" Rikke winked playfully at the two and the three girls slowly went out on their way... with Steve showing up to lead the girls off with his sadened gaze.