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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The rest of the day past in a blur with Jess leading Rikke over and under in and out till finally they reached a familiar looking tower with a simple sign. Come on Rikke girl its getting dark and no telling whats gonna be out tonight. Entering the tower Rikke found it much the same as they had left it the previous day. Barricading the door with an old table Jess led Rikke up the stairs to the bunk room. "Rikke are you going to be okay? Look at me your scaring me you haven't said a thing sense we left the center of town."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke sat down solemnly her gaze lowered "Not much to say..." Jessica could tell seeing the slimegirls suicidal stand had an impact on the girls morale "But... we did it, we tore the badge out of hell itself. Something noone managed to accomplish-" "And we lost a dear friend." Jessica smiled motherly as she approached the girl and sat down behind her wrapping her arms tenderly around the rogue "Oh Rikke..." "Sylph only knew us for barely a day, but there she was ending her life, just so these two random strangers could escape. Why?" Jessica smiled warmly "One day with a stranger, can bring more joy than a lifetime of solitude. To have someone so full life, so warm, even just for moment break your lonesome existence... it's more than words could ever express." Jessica gently wiped some of the tears from Rikkes eyes "When my sisters found out I hid you... they did such horrible things to me." Rikke tensed up, but Jessica tightened her grip "And throughout anything they inflcted on me, I never not even for moment regreted it. Just to know you are still alive, just to know that warm light, that silly adventurer would still be out there going off on reckless adventures, facing off against the darkness and helping those in need... Perhaps Sylph thought so too." the rogues tears just kept flowing "It's okay to cry Rikke, but please don't let this beat you down. For Sylph, for me..."

The two girls sat there for some time in complete silence, Rikkes tears still running down her face "When we'll get our reward *sniff* We'll make a saphire statue of her..." "And have her join us in our adventures." Rikke finally seemed to normalise her breathing "But first as a gift to her..." the rogue raised her head, which much to Jessicas joy was adorned with a small smile. "We'll save her city." the two girls hugged each other warmly "Come on, better rest up. It'll be a big day tommorow" Rikke continued to smile warmly "Aye!"
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The night thankfully passed uneventfully letting the girls sleep even if it did take Rikke a little longer than Jess. Maybe she was thinking of what to do next or about a new friend take away to soon. Either way sleep soon took her and in an unusual twist it was Jess waking her up in the morning. "Come on sleepy the sooner we are out of these ruins the better Ill feel." Jess helped Rikke up and handed her a very meager amount of food. "Its all we have left. I figured you should have sense I don't really need to eat as much as you do." It was partly true but still even if Jess could sustain herself on the spiritual energies of others being hungry could be distracting and that could be dangerous. Noticing Rikke's stare Jess placed her hands on her hip and looked at the rogue. "Now none of that we are almost out of here and sense we are covering territory we've been in before it should take a half hour tops to get out of here. If you feel bad about me skipping a meal then you can treat me once we get our reward." Going back to sorting what was left of their gear Jess soon had everything in order her little satchel ready to go. "Lets go I want to see the puppies today did you think of a name for your little friend?"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke took the offered fruit, well it was just breakfast anyway. The girls will cheery pick their food after they get back to town. "Jess I've been thinking... now imagine what happens when DeGravil finds out we returned?" Rikke nibbled on the fruit "You think he'd be sleezy enough to try and... steal the badge? Or maybe not him, but I bet there's dozens of people who'd easily kill to get their hands on it. And judging from past experience 2 cute adventurers are considered a free meal to some bastards" the rogue eyed Jessica, what would the girl have to say on this "We could always stash the badge, tell DeGravil we chickened out and be free to do what we will with it."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I don't know Rikke wouldn't just be safe to deliver it to the council unexpectedly so they don't find out we have it till its in their face." Jess looked and smiled. "That way we can get our reward and make sure DeGravel can't sneak theif it away."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke sat there a moment thinking it over "I wouldn't trust that council with this city's fate Jess..." the rogue got up "Though if we did it your way, the reward would be guaranteed. That paladin fella would sooner strangle DeGravils skinny hide before giving control of the city." But then the argment of who rules the ruins would never cease, halting any and all possible reconstruction "It's a shame we have no idea who the priestess and paladin were. I'd trust the holy order more than the mages... but as things are right now." Rikke sighed "We could always leave it with Rhea, she'd deliver it to her mate... OH~ but what if then the wargs will try to seize the city!"

Rikke sat right down again, lost in her thoughts. Who shall she trust the city's future to... "then again even if that happened.. The Wargs aren't such a horrible bunch. Maybe the city needs an iron fist to watch over it." the rogue looked over to her companion "Perhaps let's leave it with Rhea. Whatcha think?" Rikke smiled warmly at her companion., though the denarii reward would be lost, perhaps the mages and mercenaries will gather up a decent sum for conpensation and maybe a few free services.
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Okay so if we give it to Rhea and she dose nothing and instead turns it in for the reward herself then what?" Jess looked thoughtful for a moment. "Why dose the council even need the badge seems kinda pointless for a simple emblem of office." Jess hadn't been with Rikke during her secret meeting with Saul and didn't have all the story. "Why not leave it with the church anyway? They don't seem to hostile and they have been upholding the law of the city."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I don't like trust the church too much too... I love the ideals and the message they spread, but the actual servants are very questionable." Rikke tapped her lips, ugh who would think this could be such a difficult decision! "Rhea is the mages mate, doubt she'd betray her own. And remember when I went unconcious back at the Warg camp?... well that was because the mage summoned me for a private chat." the rogue turned her head and looked up "He seemed alright, did mention something about the rightful heirs too. OH! And this isn't just a badge, it's a key. A key for the citys grand treasury" Rikke smiled, if she was particulary greedy the girl would consider taking a short trip to it, for souvernirs ofcourse.

"On the other hand, the city might break apart and maybe into conflict if we don't do this officially..." Rikke pretty much closed her eyes in frustration and growled "Screw it, let's just go to the council and present the badge to the mage there. Behind the table dealings always go sour, especially when the town is in its current form."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke perception: 48 vs 11,11,24, and 45
Jess perception: 34 vs 11,11,24, and 45

"Its probably for the best anyway this town couldn't handle a riot at lest the council will have the badge and we won't get caught up in any of the politics." Jess was about to speak again when feeling her skin crawl Rikke covered the girls mouth with one hand while putting a finger to her own in the shhhs motion. Looking about nonchalantly Rikke noticed a group of people ahead. There were four figures all together 1 heavily armed and armored one stood next to a robed one discussing something. Another looked to be hiding himself in some ruined shop but was failing while another lithe figure stood on at a heightened position. Rikke had almost missed the lithe figure in the shadows but lucky for her a glint of steel had caught her eye. From her position on the ground Rikke could swear the lithe figure had seen her and Jess but there was no way to be certain. The conversation between the robed figure and the armored figure was to hard to make out but they where right in the path to the warg camp.
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke eyed the group infront of them, another band of adventurers seeking the badge perhaps... but then why were a few of them hidding? Scavengers seeking those who try to escape the ruins... talk about a loathesome bunch. "Jess I'm getting bad wibes from this lot. Get your blades ready." Rikke glanced around, well there was still plenty of ruined buildings. Maybe the girls could turn the tables on them "Let's go over there and wait." the girls would dash to a street and hide, if the group gave chase means they're hostile. Knocking a few out from the shadows would give the girls an upper hand.

I presume there's a fair distance between the two. The girls would rush to a side street and stealth where comfortable.
IF the opponent footsteps tell they're running sneak attack! Non-lethal.
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke Stealth: 42 vs 31, 35 success!
Jess Stealth: 27 vs 31, 35 fail!

Rikke and Jess bolted down a side street her instincts right as the sound of pursuit began in earnest. Ducking into a building Rikke hid and well Jess tried to hide as well. Waiting a moment the footsteps stopped."Alvin stay here and make sure they don't get past you. Selina take some high ground and cover us. Me and Gork will check the ruins. Come out come out where ever you are. I promise Gork and I are perfect gentlemen you have no need to worry about us ladies." The one called gork snorted in laughter and Rikke could tell he was an orc. The other looked to be human and very well armored and both where heading straight at Jess.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Seemed Jessica was pretty much bait for the two opponents. Looked like the two noticed Jessicas hiding spot and were making a B line towards it, still once they enter the building Rikke would have an easy drop on their opponents! With that the rogue drew her blade awaited patiently for her chance to pounce! Best not kill the creature, but since it's an orc her cqc unarmed moves would not be enough to take it out. Perhaps a combination of a few slashes and a powerful pummel strike would eliminate the orc from the fight.

If sucessful at taking down the orc [AS if there's any doubt], Rikke would question the other one... probably starting with a "And what would gentlemen of such fine stature want with us?" :p
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke waited for the duo to come into her trap but it seems they where not going to oblige today. "Hey there red" Jess gasped as she realized she had been seen "why don't you and your lovly friend come out nice and quiet like. Gork and I just want to rob you blind and let you go. It would be such a shame to mar that pretty little face or burn you out of your hole." Jess eyes narrowed and seem to glow a little it looks like the two had said the wrong thing.


Hp: 44/44 Ep: 36/36 Pp: 36/36
Hp: 51/51 Ep: 38/38 Pp: 43/43
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Fine if they wanted to play hard to get seemed the girls would have no choice. Rikke made eye contact with her companion obviously there would be no backing down from this fight, nor delaying it... just incase Rikke unclipped the pouch where she held the badge. If bad comes to worse atleast their great treasure wouldn't be in jeopardy. The rogue nodded once signaling her friend that her target is the armored human. With a silent breath of air, Rikke entered the fray. This time no holding back, the thieves will rue this day!

Sneak attack on the orc. Jessica should focus on the human.
The shit is about to hit the fan!
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jess Attacks Human twice(rend): 66,63 vs 62 both hit Triggering rend 14 rend damage only
Rikke Sneak Attacks Gork: auto hit auto KO
??? attack Jess (shield bash): 70 vs 43 48dmg (53-5a) 17tp resistance vs prone 31 vs 25 Jess is prone!
Selina Attacks Rikke: 44 vs 53 miss!
Alvin Attacks Jess (flaming sphere): Casting check auto success 47 vs 43 Hit! 38 dmg (48-5r-5a) 16tp whats left of Jess armor is burned away Jess is KO

Rikke gave the signal and Jess popped right out of cover letting into the unknown knight with a few slashing blows only to have them blocked by the man's shield. "So the hard way is it?" The knight made a kissing motion with his lips. "I love when they fight back it makes it so much better I when break them." Jess with a furious look she had seldom seen spun off the man's shield and caught the side of his face with her blade. "BITCH! YOU'LL PAY FOR THAT!" Rikke easily trounced the orc from her hidden position taking out his knees then smacking his face with the flat of her blade downing the orc before he even knew what hit him. Rikke recovered just in time to see the big knight forcefully slam Jess right off her feet and onto her back causing her to slide a little bit in the dirt. Still Jess tried to recover only to have red ball of fire streak right into her engulfing her in flames which passed quickly. Thankfully Jess doesn't burn easily but it couldn't be said for her armor and cloths which where completely consumed by the fire. Trying valiantly to get up from the assault Jess struggled once twice but fell down unconscious. Leaving Rikke to fight a mage, a knight, and an inept archer by herself.


Hp: 44/44 Ep: 36/36 Pp: 36/36
Hp: 0/51 Ep: 38/38 Pp: 43/43 unconscious wounded


??? Hp: 54/70 Ep: 90/90 Pp: 50/50
Gork KO
Alvin Hp: 30/30 Ep: 26/30 Pp:45/45
Selina Hp: 39/39 Ep: 29/29 Pp: 32/32
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jessica was down! Obviously Rikke underestimated the armored man and he had a mage and a ranger to give him support to boot! The rogues eyes sharpened things were not looking good, but she wasn't just going lie down admit defeat.

Now knowing her attackers Rikke could prioritise her opponents, beating the knight with a ranger and mage firing away at her would be rather tragic. So first she'd have to take out the mage! Obviously it was the figure left behind to watch and the archer was raining her arrows from elsewhere. Rikke quickly dashed towards the mage, honestly killing any of the group would bring ire if worst comes to show. A frail mage wouldn't take much to be down anyway.

Dash to the mage, use 1 proc of lightining strikes to help close the distance? :confused:
AND USE LIGHTNINING Strikes on the mage!... and pray :D
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke charges the mage and attacks(lighting Strikes): 33,45, and 52 vs 25 all hit! 64dmg (3 hits 85 -21a) Mage is KO
Selina attacks Rikke!: 43 vs 53 miss!
??? uses binding on Rikke 66 vs 53 hit Resistance vs Rikke: 60 vs 26 fail Rikke is bound and sealed

Rikke made her mad dash easily out maneuvering the cumbersome knight and managing to defect an oncoming arrow with her blade. This only made the mage panic as he began to cast his spell but Rikke got to him first. A quick nonfatal stab to the leg followed by a quick blow to the head and the mage was done but Rikke wasn't giving the mage one more whack to the head with the flat of her blade for Jess made Rikke feel a little better. Turning to face her next target the archer Rikke felt chains wrap around her wrist, ankles, waist, and neck. She was trapped.

"Selina you can come down now the fights over." Walking toward her the knight twirled his blade effortlessly. "Aww don't look at me like that you are not cute when your angry." The knight addressed Rikke condescendingly with a all to perfect smile. "If you girls had just surrendered like I asked you to then none of this unfortunate business would have happened. Though I must thank you I wasn't sure what I was going to do with those two after my mission was done. But sense you did most of the work for me I think Ill let you keep your life." Walking over to the fallen mage the unknown knight plunged his sword right threw the mages heart. "There one down one to go its so much easier when you don't have expenses to pay." The knight looked up as Selina approached. "Now Selina search this pretty young thing here for valuables while Ill go take care of Gork." "Yes Master" The elf as Rikke could see her up close now was dainty and lithe she wore a leather collar that was locked in place and had green leather armor on. She didn't speak to Rikke and didn't even look her in the eye as she searched for valuables. A moment later the knight returned carrying Jess over one shoulder. "Well dear lady it seems that our friend Gork didn't make it." The knight had a cruel smile on his face telling Rikke exactly who was responsible for Gork not making it. "Well Selina did she have anything on her?" Rikke couldn't see but the expression on the knights face gave the answer. "Two bad looks like we'll have to take Red for our troubles." Rikke's heart panicked and she struggled in vain against her bounds. "Oh don't worry about her girly she will be treated well. Well once shes broken anyway isn't that right Selina." The knight laughed a cruel laugh but was interrupted by the sounds of bells. "Damn Wargs must have spotted us its to bad I think you would have made a nice bed warmer to." He looked down at Rikke. "Yes indeed I like those lips of yours perfect for well I don't have to say do I." The knight began to laugh again. "Well girly I can't have you following me so sorry about this." With that the knights shield slammed right into Rikke sending her world into darkness.

Rikke woke to the sound of voices but her head was so blurry she didn't know who. All she could make out was pointy little ears and familiar woodsy scent and voice. "Gather her gear search for her mate. Ill take her back to base." With that she drifted into sleep again only to wake in a soft bed covered in bandages with Rhea, Saul, and their daughter watching over her.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikkes eyes widened in disbelief, this man was killing his own men! No remorse or guilt, just with that all too pleased smile on his face "Aren't they your allies! STOP!" Rikke growled out to the man in protest and digusting, though the armored murderer just shrugged it off sending the archer to search the bound rogue. Thankfully, Rikke did not have the badge on her... and well anything else of note, except for the jewelry she found on her trip.

Unfortunately this was far from enough for the attackers as the man came out with Jessica on his shoulder... why? "Too bad looks like we'll have to take Red for our troubles." Rikke violently jerked against her bindings "LEAVE HER ALONE!" a vile cackle escaped the man "Oh don't worry about her girly she will be treated well. Well once shes broken anyway isn't that right Selina." Rikke eyed the man with absolute hate and spite, doing her best to remove the bindings as he forcefully tugged on the elf girl! However the sounds of familiar bells rang out nearby... THE WARGS! The murderer flinched in annoyance and turned back to Rikke "Damn Wargs must have spotted us its to bad I think you would have made a nice bed warmer to." the man leaned closer to the bound rogue a smirk on his face as Rikke lightly lunged forward aiming to tear that smirk right off his face! Just out of reach unfortunately. The futile attempts at defiance made the man even more pleased at his current position, why not taunt the spirited fight a wee bit more "Yes indeed I like those lips of yours perfect for well I don't have to say do I." with that and a final goodbye the knight knocked the heroine out cold...

Rikke later woke up covered in bandages, though the very moment she regained conciousness the girl quickly lunged up "JESSICA!" Unfortunately the red haired girl was nowhere to be seen, though a few friendly faces did meet her eyes in the room "Where's Jessica?!"
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Sir Reginal the bastard took her but I have my scouts looking for his hide out. Don't worry Rikke we will find him." Rhea had a dangerous glint in her eye as she spoke. Saul was next to speak. "Im sorry about your friend I had no idea Reginal was back in town. This may play out very poorly for us if her brings his black cloaks in their will be war." Rhea shot a look over at Saul "Do you doubt my Wargs?" There was hint of danger in her voice. "No Rhea I do not doubt your Wargs its just we don't need fighting in the streets right now. No doubt DeGravel is behind this!" Saul began to cough again. "Damn DeGravel to hell for all this. With only the Wargs in the city and an understrength garrison of church Templar we could be in deep trouble." Saul sat in a chair the weight of his age clearly catching up with him.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Sir Reginal... Black cloaks? War?!" Rikke blinked a few times "I don't need all this, I gotta go find Jessica!" Rhea looked ot the girl rather sharply "Calm down Rikke. She's with that bastard and my scouts are better at finding his trails than you..." Rikkes eyes lightly twitched with annoyance.... but Rhea was right. The rogue couldn't nothing right now, seemed the wargs have already extended a helping hand for the girl, putting her in no position to be rude to them... "S-sorry..." Rikke hunged her head lightly and clenched her fists tightly "...but what is this all about? Who has Jess?"
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