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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rhea stopped her yellow eyes staring right into hers. "Its a good story Alpha Rikke and it might even be true." Rhea's tail swished side to side hardly giving any indication as to what she may be thinking. "But let me tell you a story. Its a story about a deceitful man who schemed and lied to get to a position of power only to be thwarted by a Wise man who led an suicide charge so that his people might live." The wolf girl's tail swished back and forth some more. "This did not stop the schemer however. Undaunted he searched the lands far and wide for the brave and the foolish to do his deeds. Still few fell for his deceitful words and only the most desperate attempted to do so." Rhea looked at Rikke again raising an eyebrow at Rikke to see if her words had begun to sink in yet. "See the deceitful man never trusted anyone or anything he couldn't buy and dispose off afterward and thus he ignored those who had the skills that would help him find what he sought because like any proud animal she would not be collared." Stopping to regain her breath Rhea looked over at Rikke and tried to gauge her expression. "Alas I do not have the gift of words that our friend here has. So while your story maybe entirely true Alpha Rikke there are only two ways through that gate. Threw us or with my permission and I only grant permission to my Wargs!" Rhea threw up her hands and a cacophony of barks, wolfs, and even a few howls echoed down the ally where Rikke stood. Rhea lowered her hands and the noise stopped. "Of course their is one way Alpha Rikke if your up for it?" If Rikke asked the way is to join the wargs which means you have to challenge the pack leader to a nondeadly fight.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

'She didn't buy.. she didn't buy it all... doh~' Rikke listened to the speech given to her, though slowly but surely she placed two and two together this wasn't just a random tale. This was actually a recollection of things that happened and are currently at hand. Seemed Rhea had sensitive information surrounding the invasion and it's aftermath. But some of the things she mentioned were rather personal. Rikke finished listening to the alphas speech inquisitively. Obviously the girl won't let the two adventurers pass on good will alone.

"I won't fight your wargs Rhea. What do you have in mind?" The female grinned "Simple, become one of the pack. Become one of the Black Wargs!" cheers rang out from behind Rhea "So what will be it, Alpha Rikke?" Rikke slightly narrowed her eyes, she was not keen on joining a band of mercenaries. "I'm sorry Rhea I'd rather not be collared..." as if quoting the previous story Rikke dismissed the initial invitation "However, I still need to cross... perhaps a friendly challenge?" Usually communities like these allow the strong to do as they please... Rikke wasn't exactly the most badass girl on the block, but she was far from a pushover.
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

A hint of disappointment played across Rhea's eyes but it was soon replaced by respect. "Oh I know all to well the feeling Alpha Rikke but I think further discussion should be in private." Rhea put a hand on Rikke's shoulder and the world spun in a multitude of colors the faint sound of Jess screaming out her name came distorted to her ears before the world righted itself and Rikke was no longer in Endus. Instead she seemed to be in some sort of forested clearing and she wasn't alone. Not only was Rhea here but the Old Mage Saul and his pink haired and pink tailed apprentice... wait pink tail?

"Ahh Rikke" the old man spoke "sorry to way lay you like this but it was urgent that DeGravel not know I was meeting you. I see you have met my mate Rhea." The black hared wolfgirl went over and nudged the older mage affectionely. "And this is my daughter and apprentice Diana." The pink haired fox girl bowed revealing her fox like ears as her hood fell free. I know you probably have a few questions so I will give you a moment to sort them out but be aware we don't have much time."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke blinked a few times "W-what...?" the heroine quickly glanced around, what exactly happened? "Wasn't I? And you? Mate?" Rikke shut her mouth for a moment, allowing all of this to just sink in... any moment now... any moment.

The rogue took a deep breath and slowly started talking "I won't even ask what or how..." the girl decided to best chalk this one up for "magic" in her little memos and just carry on. "Rhea you know this ol'--- *did he say mate?" Uhm... gentleman?" Rhea nodded slightly to the question "Okay so~ anyone mind telling me whats going on?"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Well to answer your first question." The old man obviously weary moved over and gingerly sat on a rock. "I needed to speak with you in private and DeGravel has spies everywhere. I needed to inform you that he has agents already inside whose sole goal is to kill anyone who dose not work for him alone and retrieve the medallion. I couldn't say as much to you before or her would have known I know. The council has power now but when the badge is retrieved a new Lord Mayor will be determined and I would rather my brothers legacy not be tarnished by that slime DeGravel. I asked Rhea here to block off any of the obvious entrances to the city ruins so I knew who and when traffic entered the ruins." The old man paused seemingly waiting for Rikke to ask her next question.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke noticed a nearby rock and sat down near the man. "Okay so two things: If everyone knows what kind of scumbag DeGravil is why not lock him up or worse? And two... what's so special about this badge anyway. Can't you just elect a new Mayor without it?" honestly these two questions have been bothering Rikke for quite some time and finally she found someone who could potentially answer them.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The old man sighed "DeGravel has one skill he is master at and that is covering his tracks. He always works threw intermediaries and any evidence or witness tend to go missing or change their stories. Normal if the church had its way they would simple hang him but he has popular support among the people even though his is the driving force of their suffering. It was the support of the influx of refugees that let DeGravel claim his seat on the council and any action we take would only cause riots." The old man paused a bit then coughed his mate and daughter starting to move towards him in hurried steps before he raised a hand to hold them at bay. "By the gods Im getting to old for all this cloak and dagger nonsense." Clearing his throat her spoke again. "As for your second question the badge is enchanted. You see its the key to the treasury without it we cannot open the vault to access the funds we need to rebuild. We thought about breaking in but the vault is so heavily trapped that it would probably destroy what ever was in it." The old man looked at Rikke again a small spatter of blood on his lower lip.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke slightly leaned back almost apologetic, the girl had no clue the old man was this ill... but perhaps one more question "I'm sorry I didn't know you were ill... but then what would you have me do with the badge? Why summon me like this?" she felt terrible for barating the old man with these questions, but without these answers the girl may do more harm than good.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I wanted you to know the danger you where in and that it wasn't necessarily from the creatures inside the ruins. If you happen to find the badge your lives will be in more danger. Im not sure who all is allied with DeGravel on the council so trust no one. If your thinking that includes me then yes it dose. I may not be able to claim the title of Mayor but I will make sure it falls into good hands."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Years of experience taught Rikke that not everyone is what they seem to be... but whatever the case may be, the old mage was a better pick nevertheless. "I'll keep that in mind. Thank you. Don't worry I can assure you DeGravil will not see that badge. Promise" Rikke smiled confidently at the man. "But nor will I..." the heroine turned her gaze to Reah "Unless the Black Wargs allow us to pass." Rikke turned her smile to Reah, now with a much friendlier expression than their previous encounter. Afterall there was no need to keep her "alpha" act on in here.
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Oh yes I almost forgot. Rikke Rhea only made the offer on my request you see the Black Wargs are the most prominent of the cities mercenaries and their protection would have been a great boon to you and remember Im her mate not the other way around." With that and a clap of thunder The old mage and his daughter where gone leaving Rikke and Rhea alone. "He is strong man despite his frail body" Rhea's tail swished back and forth. "Well now that leads us with our little buisness to complete. You said you had a challenge in mind?."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke blinked at the girl "Umm... well that was more to get me a way to pass." the rogues smiled bashfully "And under these circumstances, don't think we really need the competition anymore... do we?" Rikke did take her passage for granted now, the old man did entrust her to retrieve the badge. Did Rhea still want to test the rogue before actually allowing her to pass.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The glint in the wolf girls eyes gave Rikke all the answers she needed. "So Rikke what did you have in mind and what would the wagers be?" Rhea did have a more relaxed attitude than before but still kept an aura of control around her. "My mate seemed more than a little interested in you and after all Im curious to see what you can do?"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

A cold sweat drop rolled down Rikkes face, weren't their dealings done?! "Um... won't Jess and the wargs notice us missing?" Things just can't ever be simple for the poor heroine.

"Don't worry, time flows differently here. So we have all the time in the world for some fun." the wolfy Kitsune still had that unnerving glimmer in her eye. Obviously the rogue wasn't just going to slip out of this one.

Rikke sighed lightly "I was going to challenge one of your pack, for a test of stregth, skill or something... dunno anything to get me past the barricade." the rogue was significantly more casual now, well if time wasn't of the essence a little warm up before she went into the ruins couldn't hurt. "So~ unless you've got a few fake swords around, guess that ones out" Rikke smiled warmly at the girl, obviously the dazzling girl didn't even doubt her chances in a spar.
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Humm fake swords wheres the fun and danger in that? But if your scared Rikke its okay. I will take you back to your mate and you shall proceed to the ruins." Rhea walked towards Rikke again letting her hand touch the rogue's shoulder. Unless Rikke wanted to stop Rhea she would find herself back at the ally waiting for Rikke and embracing her upon her return.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke smirked at Rhea "Oh I think I'll get my fill of danger and "fun soon enough... it's more of a matter that I don't want either of us to get hurt Rhea"" the heroine smiled earnestly at the rather disappointed Kitsune, but Rikke definedly refused any attempts to tease or taunt her into fighting with their blades. Rikkes was sharpened to a razor edge, goodness forbid the girl actually miscalculated and landed a heavy blow....or worse if Rikke actually got hit herself.

Moments later Rikke found herself back in the alley though now both of the girls were brought inside "Rikke!" Jessica quickly embraced the girl happily "I was so worried! You just--" Rikke snickered lightly as she gently pulled herself away, seemingly not wanting to embarass herself infront of the crowd she just now acted rather tough "It's okay Jess, the wargs are our friends."

"T'is a great honor for non-wargs to gain entry." one of the nearby guards adressed the girls "Follow this road, should take you closer to the heart. Be careful , love, some of the lads reported bad things lie in wait there." Rikke slowly found her footing and smiled warmly at the guard "So we heard, thanks for the warning." the guard just nodded and continued on his way.

It wouldn't take long and the girls would finally reach the bounderies of the warg outpost... the rather massive ruins lieing infront of them. Rikke took Jessicas hand gently and squeezed it firmly "Whatever happens, we stick together, Jess" Rikke looked to Jess with beaming eyes. Who knows what will happen next, but if Rikke would have her way, the girls would face it together.
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

As they entered the main gate they could finally see two wooden watch towers looking out over the ruins two Wargs indistinguishable from their current postion seemed to be watching the ruins in great detail. Holding Jess's hand Rikke was about to take her first step into the ruined streets when she felt the change in air pressure that signaled the arrival of Rhea. "Alpha Rikke when you return we have a contest of arms to pursue no worries I will get the taining swords you would require but I cannot have another Alpha in my territory with out properly challenging them. So keep that in mind you better come back as honor demands it." Not waiting for a reply Rhea disappeared once again no flash or noise just gone. "What was that all about Rikke?" Jess looked to Rikke for an answer though Rikke wasn't sure she had one just yet as the motivations of the Wolfgirl still eluded her.

The ruins themselves where a maze of collapsed or burnt out buildings and even a few remains which caused a little distress to Jess. Checking their map they found it almost useless unless they found a land mark that had survived the devastation. It was up to Rikke to choose left right up over down any number of possibilities lay before her.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The two girls slowly proceeded deeper into the ruins. It was best to just continue going straight via the road they came, eventually they were bound to hit something of interest. Otherwise Rikke kept an eye out for any buildings that towered above the rest of the wreckage, if they can get higher perhaps they could see the road to take.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke continued on for awhile looking for any sort of building that may have had its roof survive the destruction and fires that had ravaged the ruins sense the invasion. Though the utter devastation was bleak Rikke could see the signs of new life beginning to take root. Small grasses and weeds the occasional vine seemed to be slowly encasing the ruins in a leafy green tomb. Spotting a very over grown fountain Jess exclaimed and pointed to the map. "Thats triumph fountain! It was right on the main street which lead straight into the center of town......." Nearly dropping the map Jess's voice trailed off as she saw the status of the main street. Impassable amounts of rubble seemed to be piled in hazardous stacks waiting for the right moment to cause a catastrophic land slide that would obliterate anything it its path. "By the Gods what happened here?"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"A giant lazer and a horde of invaders..." Rikke approached Jessicas side looking over the street aswell "Hmph.. Well there goes plan A... And here I thought we'd catch a break for once" the rogue stiffled a gentle smile at Jessica "Well atleast we've got a point of reference." Rikke unfurled the map and looked over it. Atleast the girl had a something to help her navigate, now she only needed to decide which way to try and use to avoid the junk.