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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Janet laughed it was heart warming and joyful to hear"I think it was a ploy to get all the orphan girls of the streets before they became whores or worse sold as slaves. It must have been a simpler time before demonic invasions and strange creatures from the sky." At the question of the kind soul Janet's features darkened a little. "His name was Jordan the Lord Mayor of Endus." Rikke could tell Janet wanted to say more but the moment they drew close to the Mead cart she began to play the submissive pet again.
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke gently stopped Janet from going first, just to keep appearance that it was her actually guiding her leashed pet around. "Two pints of your finest, please" the heroine smiled warmly at the cart handler. Perhaps with the drinks in hand she could hear more about the actual Major and his fate.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The vendor had a scraggly blonde beard and even more tousled blonde hair. Looking over at Rikke then at Janet his face darkened a little "That will be four denari for the drinks miss." Rikke could tell that for what ever reason the vendor had a dislike for the rogue but pushed it out of her mind as she paid the man. Leading Janet away from the Mead cart and to a more secluded ally she once again found a suitable place to sit and talk. Upon being out of sight Janet smiled again and visibly relaxed. "You must forgive Carl he thinks you are using me for some perverse pleasure." Taking a sip if indeed the rogue offered it Janet continues her story about the Mayor. "He was a fine man a good man the last of a breed I would hazard to say. When the Invaders attacked he lead the charge in defense of the city. You are aware of his last orders to me but that wasn't the last time I saw him. When I completed my mission and his children where safe I ran back to his position only to find utter devastation. The old coot had managed to rally the Mages guild and Mercenaries alliance for one swift devastating push into the heart of the city. They succeeded but the cost was terrible bodies of the invaders and the turned and unturned alike lay scattered and broken. He was still riding his horse Lucky when the horrible egg shaped object let loose a massive energy beam that devastated the area around the center of the city and blasted anything not obliterated to the outskirts. I was lucky I landed in a pile of dung others not so much." Janet sipped her mead again but it looked like she was done sharing on this topic at lest.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

'Huge beam of magic onto the center... Oh no....' Rikke blinked a few times and gulped, almost dropping her mead "By chance... did the Mayor have some sort of badge of significance on him during the last assault to the heart of the city?" hopefully the heroine didn't already know the answer. Since that would mean the girl would have to track into the very epicentre of whatever ruined the whole city, encountering both magic and the invader remnants on her way.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Janet simply nodded in answer to Rikke's question but not noticing her little slip up. "So Rikke you haven't always been an adventure what was your life like?"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Oh.. umm...there's really nothing to tell, just uh. Ordinary." Rikke avoided eyecontact with Janet as best as she could, honestly the heroine had a great life, atleast till she hit a plump age adn the bandits took great interest in her. Though everytime Rikke managed to squeeze out a happy memory from her past, her father training her in swordsmanship or there life together, atleast two memories surfaced how she hid the gangs activities that the girl was "included with", from her loving father usually just refering to it as "out with friends."

"I'd rather not talk about it." Rikke smilled an earnest smile "While we're on the Mayor... I won't ask where they are. But are his children safe?" the girl tried to change the subject, though she was honestly curious of the children fate.
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Janet looked at Rikke for a few moments as if measuring a hidden quality that only she could see. "Last I knew safe enough." Janet smiled at Rikke but Rikke couldn't tell why. "So where to? Back to the brothel maybe? Im sure you could find your way back here with out my help and your friend should be waking soon if not already."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"But then I'd have to treck all the way back here~" with a fake pouty voice Rikke let out a small whine "Maybe they're done already. We've been talking for some time now" the rogue smiled warmly "But you've got a point. Don't wanna leave Jess there for too long. I'll just pop by the blacksmith and we'll go. 'kay?" with that the rogue slowly made her way back to the monstrous weaponsmiths forge, hopefully her blade got the treatment it needed for the task soon upon the girl.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I don't know Rikke Gruff is very dedicated to his work. If he said two hours it might actually be three or four." Still the collared girl followed Rikke to Ready blades for Ready hands and took her seat from before. "Don't say I didn't warn you and please don't mention Im here with you it will cause..... complications."

Rikke once again entered the shop the little brass bell ringing as she entered. However Gruff was not at the counter instead a soot coverd girl of about 9 or 10 stood fiddling with a knife. "Welcome to Ready blades for Ready hands! Here to buy?" The girl while young showed sign of early blossoming much as Rikke did at her age and while her face was still that of a little girls Rikke could tell she would be very fetching in a few years time. But her now her Hazel eyes and freckle adorned face with its dirty blonde hair still held the image of a young child. Though her apparent skills with a knife lead her to believe that the young lass would be able to care for herself when the need arose.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Well hey there little one." Rikke smiled warmly at the cute girl "I was nearby so just dropped by to check up on how's my blade, the one I brought a few hours back." the small girl giggled lightly and as if quoting someone replied "It'll be ready, when it's ready." the nodded eagerly at her new customer. Actually on second thought perhaps Rikke should indeed wait for the man to work his magic, impatience in such matters will likely greatly drop the rogue in the blacksmiths eyes. "Thank you very much, little lady. Just do me a favor, don't tell pa' I came here, alright? Keep my secert and maybe I'll bring something for you next time" Rikke playfully winked at the girl, as if wanting to make a secret girls only deal.

With that Rikke went away as quickly as she came in, well it was worth a try. "Nope, not yet. Let's go Jess might be getting worried"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The walk back to the brothel was uneventful and silent the numerous people that started their daily routines ensure that Rikke and Janet had to maintain their little game. Upon entering the main area Rikke released the lesh and placed it back in the girls mouth before dismissing her to clean up and return to the room. Rikke then proceed to climb the stairs to her third floor room and gently opened to door to find Jess fully awake tail hidden and still mostly nude. She was gently combing her blood red hair and smiled as Rikke entered. A small tray of food mostly fruit and a strong smelling drink (coffee) sat on the end table. "Rikke! back from your little stroll with Janet." Jess didn't seem upset at all about this and in fact even motioned to the strange drink on the table. "You should try some its a little bitter but It woke me right up."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke smiled at the sight of her friend "Hey~ Jess. Sleep well?" the heroine slowly unbuckled her armored top, breakfast sounded right up her alley. "So where were you anyway?" Rikke sighed lightly "Asked Jenn to take me to the blacksmith to get my beauty tempered." a slight sigh escaped her "Todays the day... we're in deep, Jess." Rikke approached the offered drink taking a slight sip and placing it right back "Ugh... I'll pass on this one." Jessica snickered lightly Rikke never was a fan of anything bitter.

"We probably shouldn't keep the bastard waiting, might aswell make the job approval official..." Jessica raised an eyebrow, when did Rikke start calling DeGravil a bastard?
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I take it you learned some not so nice things about our employer?" Jess finished combing out her hair and proceeded to get herself dressed finally slipping into her armor. "I wish you would have woke me my weapons probably good have used a look at as well." Walking over to Rikke comb in hand Jess proceed to comb the rogues hair gently. "So how deep is deep?"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke rolled her eyes slightly "Previously hotspot of invaders, later devasted by a huge spirit lazer, along with most defenders of the city. Deep. Also our would-be employer is an ex slaver, pimp and abuser of women, all the while being corrupt to his rotten core." the girl couldn't help but release a sarcastic snicker "... dunno Jess, this job might turn from bad to worse in mere moments." Though no matter the girls doubt, she had already been written down as "accepted the task", seemed most everyone of power already decided on this.

"Ugh... and we're going to have to go to that creepers manor again too" Rikke shuddered lightly as Jessica continued to comb her hair. "What's your take on this?" the heroine looked over to the red hair curiously, right now Rikke had made all of the girls decisions, she almost forgot she wasn't travelling alone anymore.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Well if we are in as deep as you say then what choice do we have? We could leave but what about the poor people here?" Jessica slowly combed even more of Rikke's hair. "Maybe we should look for allies on the council if DeGraval is as bad as you say?" Jess stopped combing Rikke's hair and set the brush aside and hugged the rogue from the back a gentile loving hug not her usual needy lustful one Rikke was used to. "Or I happen to know a very sneaky clever girl who might just turn the tables on those nasty types." It seemed that Jessica had her back no matter the decision Rikke made it was just up to her now to make it.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke smiled earnestly at her companion, it was so reinvigorating having an ally like Jessica "Thanks Jess." The two lingered in the loving moment for a moment before Jessica released her embrace "Guess I better get dressed then" The red haired girl smiled warmly as she proceeded towards her clothes and armor. Rikke followed the girl with her gaze, while eating some of the makeshift breakfast, she was already in gear just needed to buckle her top armor on and she was good to go.

As the heroine relaxed for the moment and occasionally glanced over to Jessica getting in gear, her previous discussion on "endowment length" with Janet sneaked back to her mind. Rikkes eyes slowly glazed over and stayed on Jessica carefully measuring every curve on her companions body. 'So how did it feel...' Rikkes thoughts seemed to be rather foreign to her, as slowly but surely greatly distorted images of Jessica mounted on the monster rod occasionally creeped into the girl imagination. Rikkes eyes slightly caught their telltale gleam...

Though before the thoughts formed vivid images or the girl really got into them Rikkes eyes stopped at Jessicas face, her earnest smile seemingly shattering the fog around the heroines mind. Rikke shook her in annoyance as wanting to be rid of the lewd and corrupt thoughts "Rikke?" Jessica couldn't help but notice the rogues glare "S-sorry Jess. Maybe I'll wait outside, think the brothels rubbing of on me in a horrible way." Rikke uncomfortably made her way towards her upper armor.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jess saw the signs and new Rikke's thoughts had drifted onto a more lustful daydream. Which caused a small amount of worry for Jess even though she didn't know what the daydream was about. "Rikke?" Her lovers glazed eyes cleared as she shook her head. "S-sorry Jess. Maybe I'll wait outside, think the brothels rubbing of on me in a horrible way." As Rikke made her way to her armor top Jess own thoughts where ablaze. 'Its not the brothel my dear Rikke though it certainly isn't helping.' Jess looked over at Rikke as she started to slip into her armor her promise she made during Rikkes sleep refreshed in her mind. "Hey Rikke we still got some time right? Lets head to one of the temples and pray for good luck in our endeavors." Jess had never been found of temples even before her change but now she wasn't sure what would happen if she entered one but was willing to risk it for Rikke. "A little prayer should clear the mind and help us focus on our goal." Well at lest Jess hoped it would.

A knock on the door interrupted any intimidate reply Rikke may have had as she went to open it to find Janet head bowed waiting to enter. "Janet what are you doing here? And why dear girl are you bowing?" Jess's questions seemed a little odd at first but then Rikke realized that she had been asleep for the conversation explaining Janet's promotion and new position.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"A temple?" Rikke blushed lightly, she hasn't been to a holy locale since she was a mere child. Chances were she'd not even remember how the prayer goes. "uhm I dun---" a knock on the door interupted the girls musings. Seemed Janet was back and ready to be off service.

"Hey Janet~" Rikke to turned to Jessica gleefully "Jess meet our new maid... atleast while we stay here" Janet bowed to the red haired girl "Say Janet, are there any active temples in the city? We might make a quick stop there on our way to the creeps manor."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

A look of through crossed Janet's face as she pondered. "Well the only major temple left is the temple of Justice and they have been kind to let other faiths at lest place alters on their grounds till their own holy places can be restored."
Going about the room and picking up things Janet still looked thoughtful. "Other than that the only place I find remotely peaceful is the gardens in the middle of the brothel. I heard their use to be a shrine to some sort of love goddess their a long time ago." With seeming nothing else to add Janet proceed around the room picking up after the girls.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Love Godess? You mean Venus?" Rikke turned to the blonde curiously, for whatever reason the heroine felt some sort of attachment to the dead godess. "I think so." Obviously Janet wasn't exactly the praying kind anymore, with her city in ruin hardly any temples had time to rebuilt, nor did the teachings hold much sway for the citizens anymore.

Both of the girls were in gear now, but Rikke decided to go visit the temple a quick stop wouldn't hurt and honestly she almost felt compelled to do so. "Lead the way, Janet." the heroine smiled warmly at her "maid", as the trio proceeded out of the room.