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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke slapped the water which only seemed to bring the ire of Steve the massive gold fish who responded with a slap of his tail splashing Riike and causing Jess to eeek in fright!. "Steve you bad boy stop teasing Rikke this instant!" The melodic voice of Luna wafted over the air almost teasing Rikke's ear. Steve simply swished his tail once more again soaking Rikke before swimming to deeper water as his owner came round a small bend her face a little red from embarrassment due to Steve's behavior. "Im sorry Rikke as you know Steve is poop head." Luna was dressed in a sea green silken dress with her hair tied up in a bun. She had a small basket full of luminescent flowers that looked like lilies. "Oh Moon Lilies" Jess voice sounded ecstatic and to seemed to almost waver with excitement. "Your friend has a good eye Rikke is she the one that was worried about getting fucked silly?" "What?" Ignoring the question Luna approached Rikke and slung her free arm under hers. "Did your friend tell you that not only do they smell divine but if you mix the ground up petals in a potion it becomes a potent aphrodisiac? You have to be careful though it can be addicting thats why I grow it on the inside garden not the outside." Smiling as she pulled Rikke closer to Jess. "So girls what can Luna do for you? Need another dose of the potion?" Luna raised her eyebrows in lewd inquire.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke smiled warmly "Oh~ that potion wasn't for us. But nevermind that. Luna, we've got a huge problem..." the heroine sat down on a nearby rock and explained the captive girls current situation with Jess providing any required insight Rikke lacked. "So I was hoping maybe the brothel or you might know how to help someone like that" with that final sentence Rikke looked up to Luna, hoping for any insight on the matter.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Luna's brow was furled in thought as she pondered the problem on hand. "Sadly all the brothel would do is use her in some strange fetish room. Though she would be well taken care of I doubt she would recover. As far as recover the only thing I can suggest is time unless you know a wizard or priest with extensive training that could delve into her mind and fix her fractured memories. Even then she sill wouldn't be the same. Anyway its a moot point as their are no priests or Mages left in Endus that have that capability. But the good news is this I will be willing to care for her in my home until you and Jess here get back from your adventure. How dose that sound?"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"You would do that for us?" Rikkes eyes widened at the generous proposition "Ofcourse it would hardly be a bother" the rogue clapped her hands in excitement and looked over to Jessica gleefully, who didn't seem quite as convinced as Rikke, but glad nevertheless. The girls had no reason to believe the mermaid could be trusted - Rikke had only briefly met the girl some hours ago. Still it wasn't like they had a choice and the girl seemed good spirited, perhaps lady luck smiled upon the girls once more.

"But still how could we ever make it up to you?" Rikke eyed the mermaid hopefully, acts of pure kindness very an exceptional rarity these days. Perhaps the golden-eyed girl wouldn't ask much in return...
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Luna looked a little sad at first but then smiled brightly. "I was taken from my home many years ago but I still have memories of it. Your injured friend had even those taken away from her. But if you really want to pay me back just keep visiting me and checking up on her." With that Luna followed them up to there room where she was able to coax the young woman from her slumber enough to walk her back to her home. "If you and Jess want to visit a little while come along with me I could use your help encase she gets wily on me. Not to mention I could use someone to keep Steve distracted." Either way it was up to Rikke to decide.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Ofcourse Luna. Right Jess?" Rikke smiled at her companion and by the look in Rikke's eye Jess could tell 'No' was not up for debate. Well Rikke did wake up rather recently no way was she going to bed quite yet, nor was she in the mood for "other" late night activities.

"Just gimme a moment..." Rikke quickly slipped out of her borrowed evening wear and squeezed into her leather pants, clipping on her bra she was ready to go. "Let's go!" the rogue barely contained her excitement she always loved late night walks in nature and as bonus she'd get to see the mermaids house too!
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Great! though Rikke you might want to wear something you don't mind getting wet and is easy to swim in." Jess didn't look at all happy but quickly changed into panties and bra before wrapping a large towel around herself. Making their way to the gardens through a path Luna knew that avoided the main room they soon came upon pond. "Okay girls this is where it gets fun. Im going to give each of you a kiss and guide you to my home. Ill take Jess and your friend here first while you keep Steve busy alright Rikke?" Luna bent down and kissed the injured girl on the lips before walking her way to Jess. "Im not so sure about this.. I could just wait right here for you guys I don't mind really." Luna had a devilish glint in her eye before kissing Jess squarely on the lips. "Come on girls when we dive in just breath normal it will be odd at first but trust me. If you break the surface the enchantment will be at an end and Ill have to kiss you again." Pulling the girl and Jess into the water with her Luna soon disapared under the ponds surface leaving Rikke to deal with Steve.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

'Keep Steve busy... sounds simple enough' Rikke leaned closer to the pond and tapped the water a few times "Here fishy, fishy. Stevie come out to play~" slowly but surely the great fish appeared peering into who dared interupt it. "AW~ there you are Steve. That's a good fish--- *SPLASH!* -ie..." It was rather amazing just how much water the fish managed to throw out at Rikke, either it had exceptional training at this or it REALLY "liked" the young rogue.

Squirting some of the water Rikke sighed lightly "Now now Stevie, that's not very *SPLASH!* Manners Stev-- *SPLASH!* That's quite en-- *SPLASH!* You can sto-- *SPLASH!* I said~ *SPLASH!* FINE!" the girl wasn't making any headway with the darn fish and the constant waves of water did get rather annoying. "I dare you! I double dare, you~ *withheld swear* Splash me again!" Steve kept his gaze on Rikke perhaps her voice finally reached the fishes warm and gentle side Luna mentioned... *SPLASH!* Nope.

"I'll see you at the sushi bar!" Rikke menacingly pointed at the fish, before grabbing some pebbles nearby and throwing at the fish, making it seemingly flee away. "Yeah you've got the right idea now, buster. You don't mess with this girl. Nuh-uh" Rikke smirked victoriously. Though moments later a bright glint caught her eye, seemed the fish had returned and actually brought a real pearl in it's maw. The heroine blinked a few times and looked away. "Not falling for it, bub." though the pearl did glint so alluring. The fish after all this time surfaced and made its way slowly towards Rikke, maybe this was it's way of saying sorry.

Rikke glanced over to the fish with one eye, it still remained motionless. "IF you're sorry prove it" as if on queue the fish made some zig-zag motions in the water and once again resurfaced the pearl in it's maw. The heroine lightly eased up, one last chance... maybe. "No funny business okay...?" Steve remained calm as Rikke ever so cautionsly inched her way closer her arm extending towards the pearl. 'Easy...easy.. careful..' the pearl was almost withint reach... almost... when suddenly the fish flipped around and dived down using it's rather strong fin to rip Rikke bra off, a feat easily accomplished with the rogue nigh-leaned right above the fish.

"HEY! Give that back!" Rikke blushed lightly as the fish gleefully started something along a dance, Rikkes bra as a glorious red headband. "Bloody fish" and just like that the heroine continued to wait for Luna to come back for her, arms crossed and eyeing the victorious fish with a disgruntled beaten look.
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

It seemed to take forever for Luna to return and Rikke's generous but cold bath at the hands of Steve only mader her nipples tent. She could feel them pressing hard against her arms which attempted to cover her endowments. A sudden splash nearby caused Rikke to turn momentary forgetting her modesty and yell an insult at the perverted fish before she stopped her self as she nearly verbally accosted Luna. "Well well I see Steve has added another bra to his collection." Rikke's ears burned in embarrassment party do to her partial nudity or Luna's complete nudity maybe even due to being bested by a fish. "Sorry it took so long but we had a little trouble with Jess. Apparently she doesn't know how to swim. But we made it through so now its your turn." Luna gave Rikke a come hither look and was even beckoning with her finger. She had reverted back to her true form with iridescent indigo scales and fin like ears. Rikke now noticed her hands where webbed between fingers. Approaching the mermaid Rikke noticed the sweet smell of water was very strong around her and when she kissed Rikke on the lips they tingled. "Okay Rikke like I told the others just breath normally it will be strange but trust me we have a little ways to go and there is no way you will be able to hold your breath long enough."

With that they dived in, at first Rikke tried to hold her breath but Luna's golden eyes and shaking head gave the impression she was being silly. Still Rikke's lungs began to burn she needed to breath. As the panic of needed air began to over take Rikke Luna gracefully swam back to her and tickled the girl forcing out all the spent air in Rikke's lungs and forcing the rogue to breath in water. 'Im gonna drown!' came to Rikke's mind but Luna with strength unbecoming her slight frame held Rikke down in the depths of the pond. Panicked breathing soon took the place of violent struggles as Rikke slowly realized that she was breathing water. Luna winked at Rikke and led her by her hand while using her tail to speed them through the depths of the pound. Diving deep Rikke soon noticed Steve the rascally goldfish swimming around them in a playful manner his usually aggressive attitude completely gone as the fish had bested the rogue this time..... Upon reaching the large formation of rocks she had seen on the surface Rikke noticed a slight cave entrance that Luna led them through and up aways before the rocks started becoming stairs. Breaking the surface Rikke could see Luna's simple home.

The home its self looked to be caved from a single large rock giving the impression of a sunken home in Atlantis. Grey stone colems hung with large drapes of seaweed. The home itself was no bigger than the room in which Rikke and Jess where staying in but it had a brothel bed and work station as well as two shelves one with books the other with ingredients and vials. Jess and the young girl where already arranged comfortably on some nearby cushions waiting for Rikke to join them. "Welcome to my home Rikke. What do you think? It took awhile but I managed to save up enough money to buy my freedom and a permanent residence. Normally I would have returned to the sea but after all this time I think Ive finally adapted to the fresh water. I know I feel different and Im not sure I could return to the sea even if I wanted to. Any way I think I would miss the feel of silk on my skin."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikkes jaw slightly dropped a real-life mermaids house and it was almost just like she imagined it! The heroine turned to the mermaid with a prominent playful smile "Tour time~!" the girl lightly swung her hips side to side in anticipation.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Luna smiled as she took on her humanoid form she favored. "Well its not much but I have a comfortable bed and little chest to store my things. A work station that Im still paying on but I think Ill have enough soon and it will be free and clear." Walking over to the bookshelf housing a small collection books and a fare amount of cloths Luna gently traced the spine of a ragged volume. "These are my most prized possessions. Books listing almost every thing I could need to make almost any potion in the world. As well as a few lewd stories." Taking Rikke by the hand she led her to the pillows where Jess sat. "Now its your turn what brings you to Endus ruins of splendor." Luna let out her own chuckle at the state of the city in which she lived.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke gently jumped into the pillowy cushion, all too happy of this little detour. The heroine turned her companion, the smile still dominant on the rogues face "Such a wonderful place~ Eh Jess?" the host lightly giggled as she sat down nearby "Now its your turn what brings you to Endus ruins of splendor."

Rikke got herself comfortable and looked to Luna "Honestly, we just happened to wander here. We've been travelling for like what four? Five weeks together?" the rogue turned to her companion "More or less" Jessica smiled warmly "Mhm~ The roadside Inns aren't exactly something to brag about, nor is the safety of camping. So, heck we figured we might aswell drop by a huge city, grab some R&R you know? Endur was nearby, so~ a chance meeting later here we are." the red haired girl snickered at the over-simplification of their adventure "Thinks that's the jist of it." Rikke grinned happily at Jessica before turning to Luna in a far more stoic, but obviously faked face "But remind me to slap whoever paved the streets here, how's a new visitor supposed to find their way around the city is beyond me!" 'New visitor'
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Oh you think they are bad now you should have seen them just after the invaders left. Streets full of rubble and bodies. Not to mention the smell and constant attacks buy the lust zombies left behind by the invaders. Sasha had one captured but it proved to be to hostile to be of any use to the brothel so she put it down." It was surprisingly dry in Luna's home considering the nature of its location. It was certainly exotic with phosphorescent lichen Illuminating the walls. Speaking of the walls they all seemed to be rough stone unaltered in anyway. while the pillars surrounding the room seemed designed to support an open air room or even shrine. As Rikke's eyes wandered around the room she came to a faded mosaic on finished stone ceiling. The lighting in the room seemed to come from several small stones placed at regular intervals around the pillars but looked to be a fairly new addition. "So any of you grils want a drink I got something that will put gills on ya!" Rikke blinked and hoped that it was just a merfolk expression for strong drink.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Sure... so long as there won't be any actual gill gain involved" Rikke snickered lightly inspecting the mosaic and other numerous signs of this place being much more than a simple habitat... atleast awhile back. "So... how did you find this place Luna?" the heroine slowly stood up "Or did you carve out all these pillars inside here... also this." Rikke lightly pointed out the mosaic and raised an inquisitve eyebrow.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"No gills I promise but you may want to sit for a little while after a little while after drinking it." Getting up for her resting spot Luna went over to her work table and began to mix something with her equipment before looking over her shoulder at the girls. "Wine or something with more kick?" After receiving the orders Luna proceeded to grab the required bottles of alcohol of her self. "I find it easier for some of the girls to take their medicine if its in something they like." Bringing a small tray over with the requested drinks Rikke noticed a small bowl with fine powder. "Okay girls take just a pinch of powder an added it to your drinks but just a pinch anything more may lead to some interesting situations." Jess showing a small amount of bravery took a pinch and put it in her wine which promptly began to fizz and bubble a little before settling back down. Taking a small drink Jess eyes widened in surprise before downing the whole glass. She leaned back in the cushions face flush eye wide and licking her lips. Luna looked over at her in concern. "Thats a strong reaction tell me Rikke is Jess not human?" Whether or not Rikke answered Luna would continue to explain about her home before drinking her own drink with the powder enhancer.

"Well Rikke truth be told Sasha almost had this shrine destroyed but I told her it reminded me of home so she had it moved to the bottom of the pond block by block and boy did that cost me another year of service. The Rocks surrounding us I "paid" and earth mage to move up from the ground. Making the air pocket was hard but it was worth the effort. I have my own little home secluded from the brothel and fairly private unless your a mage or have exceptional lung capacity but thats why I got Steve to."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Wine or something with more kick?" Rikke smirked mischieviously at the question "Depends how fine the wine is." Luna pulled out a exceptioanlly old looking bottle from her mini-bar "Oh~ I'd say VERY fine" Rikke slowly approached Luna and check through her mini-bad "OH~! Look at all of these!" for a humble bar Luna had few but of very execptional brand drinks lined up in the small drawer "I can't even read some of these? Are they foreign?" Luna giggled proudly "I find it easier for some of the girls to take their medicine if its in something they like. So wine?" the rogue didn't even want to walk away from all the drinks, how she wished she could get just a sample of some of those, still the wine would surely prove to be a treat "Aye!"

Luna poured some of the wine into Rikkes and Jess's glasses and placed it on a tray. "Gimme a sec. Be right with you". Rikke quickly skipped her way to Jess and expressed her amazement at the collection she just witnessed, before Luna approached them with a new treat.

Explaining the proper use of the powder Luna smilled warmly and awaited which girl would give it a try first, though she wouldn't have to wait for long since Jess seemed all too eager to get a taste. Rikke blinked a few times at fizzling and bubbling wine, this definedly reminded her of a certain mad scientist and a certain potion he concocted "Jess are you..." before Rikke could even finish the sentence Jess had emptied her glass and lied on her back satisfied "Thats a strong reaction tell me Rikke is Jess not human?" Rikke lightly laughed at her companions little show, which Jess only answered with a warm look at Rikke and a nod off her head, to encourage the girl to try the drink and powder mix. "huh "Strong reaction" indeed. Actually Jess drinks spirits easier than water... don't know if I should." Rikke wanted a taste she really did, but dangit this stuff seemed way over her head "Don't worry Rikke, I'm a specialist it's perfectly safe. Though I suspect your friend is keeping some secrets due to that reaction..." Luna raised a curious eyebrow at Rikke, the girl didn't really answer her question, no doubt Jessica was hidding something.

"Try it Rikke! You'll love it!" "Just a taste, come on Rikke" both of the girls were dead-set on the young rogue tasting the beverage... well what was left for her to do. "Fine. But I'll hold you two responsible if I do something stupid." Rikke beamed a smiled at both of the girls, dropped a pinch of the powder into the drink and ever so slightly tasted it.

'Unbelievable...' the mix of the powder and wine had been unlike anything Rikke drank before, heck it didn't seem like a drink, but more like liquid pleasure. "W-w-what is this?" Rikke grinned widely, before taking a much braver sip of the exceptional beverage "Wine and my special brew powder." the young rogue looked at Luna curiously "Special brew? Do tell." Luna giggled lightly "That's my little secret" the mermaid winked slyly at Rikke before preparing and downing her drink too. "As for my home well..." as the mermaid explained the creation of her home Rikke quickly filled all the glasses up again, adding a little more powder this time.

As Luna finished her little story Rikke quickly raised her glass for a toast "Well then a toast to Steve! For guarding our dear host... and may he one day return my bra." the girls laughed out loudly and raised their respected glasses, downing them in unison. Now Rikke turned to Jess as if it was her turn to continue the round table of toast.
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jess lifted her glass her eyes already slightly glazed and her cheecks and noise a vibrant red that almost matched her hair. "To...to ... Rikke's boobs!" Jess laughed aloud before downing her drink and giggled to herself. "I feel so hot need to get this off to hot." The obviously drunk girl tried her best to remove her bra but seemed to struggle as her coordination was way off. Luna of course watched this with an amused expression on her face. "To good friends and drunk friends." Luna raised her glass before taking a sip watching Jess. "You know the only reaction Ive seen like hers was from a demon. Apparently Moonlillies are extremely potent due to their magical nature. Humm we better put the powder away just in case. I woundn't want anyone to get sick not to mention the hangover if we let her continue." With that Luna got up and took the powder with her and placed it on the shelf.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke laughed merilly at her drunk friend, as she leaned closer to her fumbling companion, Jessica seemed to be freeze in place her eyes locked on the topless girl approaching her. The bra's lock was no match for Rikke nimble hands as she quickly undid whatever "Freedom to the beauties~!" the heroine giggled lightly, though when the two topless girls locked their eyes together Rikke just barely escaped the temptation to jump her companion, but they were guests, their hostess wouldn't appreciate the girls starting their games right in the middle of her home... right?

Rikke quickly darted out embarassed by her sudden sudden waves of excitement, though she had a tingling sensation that if she stayed there for a moment longer Jessica in her current state might've wanted to do interesting things with her. The rogue wasn't sure, but perhaps Luna didn't notice this little episode.

"Um... well you're open-minded about races right?" Rikke smilled innocently at the mermaid "It's not fair to label someone just based on what they are in appearance, rather than heart." the heroine trailed the powder to wherever it was put. 'B-but it felt so nice, why put it away' the girl almost pouted in her mind. "Though maybe Jess had enough" Rikke looked back to Jess with a gleeful smile, to her surprise the red haired girl lied on her back, gently caressed her body causing another shock to run through Rikke's body. The heroine looked over the sight her eyes lidded, a faint blue glow starting to emanate from her icy blue eyes.

"Rikke?" the rogue quickly snapped out of her lustful gaze and turned to Luna "I said would you like a refill?" Luna smilled warmly the bottle of wine in hand "Ofcourse! Wine like this comes 'round only so often" Rikke returned the mermaids smile as she filled the rogues glass.
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"The matter of race doesn't bother me one bit after I'm far from human myself." Luna laid back sipping her glass. Rikke staird right back at Luna contemplating her next question when Jess reached over and started caressing Rikke's leg and whispering in her hear. "Lets go Rikke Im so horny right now."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikkes eyes slightly widened in shock as her friend started caressing her legs "Lets go Rikke Im so horny right now." the girl slightly tensed up at the offer, but if she gave in now that's it for the evening. "Jess, no. We're guests here..." Rikke ever so gently slid Jessicas caressing hand away, though stopping absolutely on the edge of removing the hand completely. She didn't want Jessica to stop, but had to do it.

"So Luna you were here during the invasion two years ago?" Rikke tried to keep a pokerface, but her blush was rather evident.