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Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

River watched the cat warily, trying to make heads or tails of it's aura when Cody spoke up. "Good and bad. Sounds like Flights is scrapping with Fletch in the junkyard, and I'm sitting here looking at the strangest large cat I've ever come across. It moves like it's mechanical, but it has an aura, not strongly enough to be alive though. Ever heard of anything like that?" She replies, then tries speaking with it.

"Hey, calm down, I'm in charge around here. Why are you in my territory?" She growls at it, trying to assert control of it.

((Feral Whispers. Know it won't work, but meh, it's what she would do ;) ))
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Jack listens to Claire explain that the woman saw the attack and that she mentioned vampires. Turning his head to look at the cop who has been standing off to the side quietly he nods. The cop nods back and starts walking off toward the campsite.

Jack looks over at the woman for a second before turning back and looking at Claire. "Kill her but see if you can't get a description of the attacker out of her first. Description might not help much with a kook but you never know."

((Welcome to your first moral conundrum))
The cat looks back at River as tries to communicate with her but doesn't respond as if it understands. It just keeps looking at her while it sits and wags it's tail slowly back and forth.

Cody responds back sounding just as puzzled as River is. "No never heard of anything like that. You could always ask Vincent though of course I doubt you would get a straight answer from him."

The other kindred dives to the side, the chain barely missing him as he quickly gets to his feet. Once to his feet he takes off for the back fence of the junkyard.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

"Uh-huh. Something about 'Clan matters, you needn't concern yourself with it' or other bullshit. I'll pass, thanks." River muttered back, still working on the dilemma of the cat in front of her. "Alright then buddy, English it is. Bet you came with Flights down there, huh? I know an easy way to test that..." She says to it, leaning around until she could see the scrap going on down in the junkyard. Keeping a wary eye on the cat, she quickly called up her supernatural speed, pulled her pistol, and fired off two shots at the other guy down there, before turning back and watching the cat's reaction.

((Spending one for Celerity, drawing gun, fire two shots at Flights. Preparing for cat pouncing in anger XD ))
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Claire frowns briefly at Jack before getting a notepad from the cop, and walking back over towards the woman and Eve.

"Alright Ma'am, I want you to tell me everything you can about this attacker, so we can catch him before he hurts anyone else. Constable, you can return back to your duties, and please return my firearm, I'll need to put it back in the vault tonight," Claire says in her motherly tone, the last part directed at Eve, holding the borrowed notepad in front of her along with a pencil.

(I figure the cop won't mind a notepad being borrowed for the sake of getting information)
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

"Oh hell no, you don't," Fletch yells as he runs after him, giving the chain momentum again to swing it against the guy's legs, hoping to bring him down.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Eve gives Claire and odd look and returns the gun, before returning to her spot behind the distraught woman and placing a comforting hand on her shoulder.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Claire meets the look evenly for a brief second, before shrugging and going back to talking with the girl.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

The woman takes a few minutes to compose herself while Eve retrieves the gun. The combination of the cruiser in the background and the tone of Claire and Eve seems to have a calming effect on the woman as she starts recounting the attack.

"Well me and Jay, that's my boyfriend, had just -um- went to bed and so had Janey and Mark. That's when Jay and I heard the blast of the gun, he t-told me to stay put and jumped out of the tent. I c-couldn't really see what happened to my friends though I could see the tent was all torn and stuff. T-that's when he attacked Jay."

The girl has to take a second to compose herself again before continuing. As she does so Eve notices Jack waving her towards the campsite as he's heading that way himself.

River's shots fly through the air one impacting directly in front of Flights as he runs towards the back fence. The other shot either goes through his stomach or it goes through the jacket as it flaps. As the shots impact in front of him he changes direction slightly giving Fletch the perfect shot. His chain flies perfectly, taking the kindred's legs out just as he's about to jump for the fence.

As River looks back to the cat it snarls angrily with a hiss but doesn't react quite as she was expecting. Instead of attacking it starts running towards the other side of the roof as if to escape.

Marcus nods and indicates she can go seemingly satisfied with her answer before shooing the dealer off with a look. moving back toward where they were standing before though Marcus does take a look behind her again as he's leaving though he just shakes his head as if he's thinking he must have been seeing things.

Izzy makes it the rest of the way across the parking lot without a problem though she gets the feeling that the dealer and Marcus haven't taken their eyes off her the whole way. Once she makes her way into the trees she finds Lucky waiting a worried look on his face.

"Did that big guy see me, he was looking right at me at first. I only managed to get away when you shoved the little guy."
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

"Can you tell me anything about the appearance of the attacker?" Claire asks gently, writing down everything the girl told her.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Once she hits the trees again, she stops looking back. She keeps an ear open, but she doesn't look back. She also keeps walking, sort of making Lucky keep up with her if he wants to keep the conversation going. "I'm not entirely sure. It seemed like he might have, though how, I'm not sure of that either, unless he caught sight of you before you went all ninja vanish or something. That's why I got in the little guy's face. Distraction." She adjusts the strap on her shoulder and keeps going. "Let's just get you out of here before numbnuts back there decides he doesn't like getting shown up by a girl or something stupid like that."
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

"I've just about had enough of you," Fletch growls as he closes the distance between them as fast as possible, feeling the Claws growing in. He knows he can't just waste the guy, but a claw in the heart oughtta keep him still until Vincent arrives.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Jack gets an annoyed look on his face when Eve shakes her head but continues on to the campsite without her. Meanwhile Eve listens as the woman tries to give a description of her attacker. Listening to the description she tries to form an image in her mind to see if she can figure out who it might resemble. Long blondish hair, expensive suit, hawk-nose. Then she remembered the last elysium they had attended that guy from Calgary, Heidrich, but what should she do about it. After all she couldn't just accuse him, Alexander had explained to had explained to her that it wasn't wise to accuse people.

"Well he was about average height and weight, I think, about the same height as my boyfriend though for sure. I think his hair was like a brownish-blond and pretty long, maybe, though I'm not sure since it was so dark. Same with his face though I do remember one thing for sure, he had a...oh what do they call it...oh yeah, a hawk nose if you know what I mean by that. The only other thing I remember was that he dressed really nice, or at least his suit looked really expensive."

The cat reaches the edge of the roof and looks as if it's about to down to the ground. Instead though it turns around and sits down to watch River again.

Fletch is upon the other vampire just as he manages to get to his feet his claws growing out as he runs forward. The other vampire growls as if annoyed but he does try to take a step back while trying to catch Fletch's eyes with his gaze.

Lucky does his best to scurry after Izzy as she quickly walks away from the parking lot through the trees. He does look over his shoulders once in a while as if worried that they might be followed by one of the two guy's in the parking lot. Neither Izzy nor notice anything as they travel along and he starts to relax again as they travel through another park area towards the bad part of town.
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Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Why am I doing this again? It wasn't the notion of helping Lucky that had Izzy second guessing herself, but more the trek across town, to what wasn't one of the best neighborhoods with only the Nosferatu as company. Raven had disappeared on her, not that she expected him to follow her around, but she wouldn't mind the company for the hike back. Watching Lucky glancing back over his shoulder, she really hoped no one from the parking lot had decided to follow her. That could lead to some really awkward questions and there's a chance someone would end up hurt, or worse. Not to mention she was going to have to avoid coming home this way if she didn't want the two of them to possibly catch her coming back if she were already going home.

Managing to surpress the urge to sigh, she kept on, keeping alert to the streets and areas ahead of them, not wanting a repeat of what just happened, or to really run into, well, anyone at this point. Or if they did, the list of welcome faces was pretty short, at any rate.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Right. Good thing River warned me. As soon as the kindred tries to look at him, Fletch lowers his gaze towards the man's chest - and strikes, a single talon outstretched, aimed to pierce the heart and stay there.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

((Heh, sorry for the delays,,,))

"Sonuva..." River muttered. Chances of Fletch actually taking out someone who has a 100-year old grudge with a Tremere was pretty slim. Hell, she wasn't too confident of her own ability to. Screw the cat then.

Keeping half an eye on the cat, just to make sure, River fires at Flights again, three more times.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

((Still not what i had in mind, my illustrious GM. But you'll edit it once you see this >.> )))

Eve shook her head when she saw the gesture. The important thing to her, more than anything right now, was making sure the woman she was comforting stayed that way. She felt a certain kinship, considering the recent violence in her own past.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

"Thank you very much for all your help and patience. I'll be getting hold of you as soon as we find the bastard that did this," Claire said, a comforting hand on the woman's shoulder. She looked at Eve for a moment, before turning full attention back to the girl.

"Now if you'll just go over to the car, I have to talk with my partner here," Claire said and took a few steps behind the woman.

Without further warning, she spun on her heel, lifting the shotgun so the barrel was just a few inches from the base of the woman's skull... and squeezed the trigger.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Eve did not know how to react. Part of her was angry, the rest of her was stupified. Wasn't this what they'd been accused of in the first place? This girl had been their ticket to freedom! "Wha... why?" She finally managed to spit out. "Now we're both in trouble again, what the hell..." she trailed off still staring at the body. Not once had she raised her voice. "I don't understand."
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

"I didn't think you would, that's why I told you to go back to the car," Claire said, a cold edge to her voice again as she nudged the body with her foot to make a bigger mess to better match the other corpses.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

"Isn't this going to get us in trouble again?" Eve seemed to still be stuck on that. "I don't want to die again..." this last part was almost inaudible.