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Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Eve and Claire take off through the trees, Eve in the lead is still doing her best to try and follow the sound of the woman as she runs through the trees. She's still moving fast but Eve is now positive that they are on the right path now. Claire manages to pick up the occasional traces of the woman's passing where she's broken through the brush, though she probably wouldn't be able to follow it fast enough to catch the woman on her own.

Despite not being made for throwing the stake does manage to come quite close to hitting the vampire as he flies into the air. Flying high enough to get over the roof of the garage, where they manage to lose sight of him. Bubba jumps at the same time that Fletch tries to take a step forward though the dog misses the vampire by quite a bit, and after recovering keeps looking up to the roof and barking his head off.

Lucky nods his head as he answers glad as though eager to get back to someplace that understands better.

"He's a real big vampire, has blond hair. He's usually pretty quiet even he's talking to you. Kind of creepy the way he stares at you when he talks almost like he's trying to read your mind but not like the pretty vampires try to read your mind. More like he just does it because he can't help it. I can't remember his name but he was wearing brown pants and a nice shirt tonight."
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Izzy listens to his description, trying to place it with those that she's seen at Elysium, eyes crinkling a little as she thought about it. She also tried to think of any Nosferatu that showed up there as well. She'd have remembered seeing Lucky if he'd been there. Then again, River had said that the Nossie's could change the way that they looked and Raven had explained it was slightly different from their own illusions.

"So, how's come you decided to follow him tonight, Lucky? Or do you head out on adventures like this fairly often?" Despite the other Kindred not knowing his way around above-ground, Izzy took care to keep track of where they were, either by street signs or other landmarks: billboards, businesses, funkily painted houses, etc.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Eve's legs pumped as she increased her pace, listening to the ragged breathing get louder, shutting out all but the chase and their goal from her mind. When they got close enough she had to be ready, had to let go of her enhanced hearing. She didn't want to scare the woman anymore than she'd been already. She had to stay with the woman while Claire went to get Jack. He's the sheriff. He'll know how to approach the situation.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Claire tore through the woods, her eyes spotting the broken branches and trampled undergrowth from the woman's passing, but still she followed Eve. She felt a familiar pang at the base of her fangs, a hunger rising in her gut, but she pushed it down as much as she could for the moment.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

"Down, boy." Fletch narrows his eyes and stares up at the roof, trying to find out if the flying bastard is still up there. After a quick check that no kine are around, he starts to peek into the shadows while his eyes start to glow.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

"God dammit I need to find a way to carry a bigger gun around!" River curses from beside Fletch. "Do you have a rifle or something around here? I doubt he's stuck around, if he wanted to see Vincent personally, he would have shown up earlier, but it would help to be prepared."
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

"No rifle. Not even a pistol. I'm staying away from that stuff," Fletch growls, keeping his eyes up. "Damnit, if only I had Vincent's number. Ah well, he'll..." Remembering that the kindred apparently had super hearing, he lowers his voice to a whisper. "He'll drop by tomorrow, we can tell him then. Or we go looking for him."
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

River shakes her head and pulls her hair back a bit, exposing a bluetooth headset on her one ear. "I got a friend working on it, he should be here soon." She explains, before pushing a button on it and speaking again, ostensibly speaking to whoever was on the other end. "How's that coming along, by the way? Is suit-and-flames coming to give us some backup?"
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Eve can still hear the woman running, though she's starting to worry a little as the woman seems to be so far ahead of them. The woman probably isn't any faster than they are but with her head start they might be hard pressed to catch her. Especially since it sounds like the woman has finally made it out of the forest and is nearing a road since Eve can hear cars up ahead of the woman.

A little uncharacteristically Bubba doesn't back off at Fletch's command and continues to bark up at the roof loudly. Fletch scans the roof as best as he can from the ground, seeing nothing he drops his gaze to search lower and still sees absolutely nothing.

Cody's voice comes over the headset. "Working on it but Vincent is being difficult as usual. I'll let you know when he's on his way."


Tall and blond sounded like quite a few of the kindred she could remember seeing at elysium. Though she didn't really know any of them except for Alexander which she highly doubted would hangout with a nossie. The only nossie she could remember was the rather corpulent Eddie, who she thankfully hadn't seen much off. Suddenly a thought occurred to her as she remembered something Lucky had said earlier that night. He had mentioned something about being scared of the rats though he seemed to know about animals, it seemed to match up with another conversation she had before, but with who?

"No I don't normally do stuff like this, I'm not really sure why I followed him since I wouldn't really call him nice. I guess I just wanted to see where he goes all the time, all the other ones in the area are more worried about all that oppression stuff and all that."
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Fletch growls deep in his throat and turns his head, scanning the neighborhood. After a moment he points towards an apartment block on the other side with a fire ladder on the outside. "You got a gun on you? Try to get up there and see if the bastard's lurking on the roof... Or hell, he may do that ninja thing. Jesus Christ, DOWN!" He turns and barks at Bubba. Whether it shuts the mastiff up or not, Fletch heads inside and rummages around for a moment before...
"I knew that thing was still around," Fletch grins as he pulls out an old, grimy and massive chain that used to be part of the hoist system in the garage. No hook though. Pity. This'll have to do.
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Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

"So he's the type that doesn't exactly care too much about what other people think, huh? Seems a dangerous sort of trait, but then, you can't follow others around like sheep all the time. It's not healthy."

The conversation was niggling and she had an idea on either who it might be that Lucky was following or at least that she'd heard him, or at least that particular trait of his, mentioned before. Especially given how close the Nosferatu had been to the campus and with the conversation that she'd had earlier in the night, things were starting to fall slightly into place. Where they fit in the puzzle was anyone's guess at the moment, but still, knowing you had more of the pieces was always a good thing.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Forgetting her heightened hearing for a moment she curses. "Fuck it! She's almost to the road!" Then reeling a bit from the noise she speeds up.

(Activating Celerity, swiftness.)
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

"Roger and out." River says before turning back to Fletch and noticing Bubba still going crazy. She takes out her pistol and tries scanning the roof herself, as well as the airspace above it, eyes aglow and senses heightened. "Maybe bastard didn't leave after all..." She mumbles, almost to herself.

((Eyes of the beast and Aura Perception, please and thankie. We'll deal with this prick if I have to order pizza to do it, he wouldn't screw with flying around if some poor mortal was around XD))
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

For a split second Claire stopped and stared at the running woman.

"She just fuckin swore? Holy fuck," she said, before pushing herself after the other kindred.

If the woman was getting to the road she might get to the police, or get lost amongst the noise of traffic. Claire ran as fast as she could go, desperation coursing through her now.

(Activating celerity as well)
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Eve speeds through the underbrush as she runs toward where she last heard the woman. Glancing back for a mere second as she breaks through the trees she can see Claire right behind her by less than half a step.

Up ahead about a football fields length away they can see the road after a short embankment. As they run towards this road they notice what must be the girl they are after stumbling up the embankment in a panic. She doesn't look hurt but she does look only half-dressed and disheveled. Once she reaches the level of the road she turns and shaking her hands and shouting she takes off down the road towards pair of lights heading their way in the distance.

Bubba stops his barking when Fletch asserts himself though he refuses to stay entirely quiet and starts growling back up at the roof after a few seconds. The chain is right where Fletch thought he had stashed it and though it feels a little heavy in his hands, a few practice swings reveals that it should make for a fine weapon. Exiting the garage he hears the thump from the junkyard at the same time as River.

Scanning the sky and the roof River is can see a strange aura (more like the lack of a color in this case) of what looks like some weird cat sized creature crawling along on the roof. She also hears a soft thump off to their side somewhere in the fenced in junkyard portion of Fletch's garage. The creature on the roof doesn't seem to be moving from the spot where it's crawling back and forth even though Bubba continues to growl up at it.

Lucky nods his head and adds, "I'm not sure if I would say he didn't care what other people think. More like he tends to not care what they think till after hes done something, he always tries to apologize and make up for things he feels were wrong."

Crossing the path quickly when they see that it's clear they both run to the other side where they are able to get back into some more trees. Thankfully the campus is easy to make it's way around at night without being seen. Though they both have to stop in the trees when they reach what must be Gaetz Avenue. Across the street they can see the shopping center which though closed at this time still seems to have quite a crowd in it.
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Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

And taking Lucky around people likely isn't an option. She gets the feeling that if he could have changed his looks, he probably would have. Then again, it might not hurt to ask. How best to phrase it so he wouldn't take offense, though...

"Better to ask forgiveness than permission?" Izzy asks with a bit of a smirk. "Y'know, if we're thinking of the same guy, that sounds like him." Lingering in the trees, she lets out a bit of a sound as she notices the crowd. "Great. Looks like we're taking the long way around." She pauses, as though thinking. "Though I'm told your clan's pretty good at hiding in plain sight. Think you'll be all right or do we keep long range?"
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

"Ma'am! Ma'am we're here to help," Claire yelled at the woman, tearing after her, slowing down only when she got close or if the woman looked at her. No point in shattering the masquerade while trying to clear her name of doing such a thing...
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Eve did the same as Claire, keeping her triumphant smile to herself. "Ma'am! We heard what happened! Get out of the road!" There was a sudden sick feeling in her stomach, watching those lights barrel down.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Eve and Claire make it about three quarters of the way to the woman before she notices their yells. She stops and turns back to look at them with a thankful look on her face. A thankful look that quickly changes to one of abject horror as she notices the shotgun in Claire's hands.

The car is steadily moving towards the woman though she is not yet in the headlights. Quickly judging the distance you can see that you won't be able to reach her in time at a human pace.

River isn't quite sure what the creature is that she's looking at since it seems pretty catlike though the aura indicates that it isn't alive. Whatever the creature is it seems to have noticed her looking up at it, with a hiss it backs away from her and quickly moves to the other side of the roof and out of her line of sight.

Whatever made the noise in the the junk area of the garage seems to have quieted down. No matter how hard either of them search they don't seem to be able to pick anything up aura or otherwise.

"Hmm, I can hide pretty good but only when I'm holding still but it looks pretty dark along the edges. So if we keep an eye out maybe I can hide before anyone gets too close to us."

Lucky responds while looking up at Izzy with his eyes. The parking lot does seem rather empty of people along the south side of the parking lot. Though they would have to make it all the way across before they get to the cover of more trees.

Of the two longer routes north of the parking lot is most likely out since she sees a few restaurants and bars. To the south would probably be doable but it's likely to take a long time for them to pick through since it looks like to be residential.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Claire lets out a pained breath, knowing she's about to get in shit.

"Ma'am, I'm with the Police. Please step away from the road and I'll do everything I can to help you," she yelled out.

Didn't she get in shit for just this awhile ago? Last time it sent her on a little hospital trip... hopefully this time she'd be able to avoid it.