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Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Eve hrmed and tapped her lips. "I must admit, we'll never make any headway this way. Are there any special police searching tactics you remember? What about those little flashlights that let us see blood?" Eve's only experience with the police was watching CSI on TV.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

River watched the other kindred start walking towards Fletch, then leaned in close to her own captive's neck. "Alright, you grab your buddies and scoot, we'll stick around and play with buddy over there. What's you name, by the way? Tell your other friends I need to come to another one of their parties soon, it was a blast last time." She whispers to him, then leans back a bit and releases his hand. Assuming he gathers his flunkies and runs, she'll turn to the remaining kindred, put her gun away, and pull a stake from the same place the gun was hiding.

"So, just us now, care to try a little two-on-one, or do you prefer to chat a little more first? You Sabbat, or just stupid, for one? Don't look him in the eyes Fletch, that cuts out half of his possible 'persuasiveness'".
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

"Do I look like I carry anything nifty around on me? Alright, we'll walk side by side down the waterfront for a bit here. There's only two of us, no flashlights, so we're going to have to do this the long and slow way... fuck," Claire muttered as she began to walk down along the side of the water.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

"Sorry, it was just a thought." Eve grimaced at the idea of a long walk. Glad I wore comfortable clothing tonight. She kept pace with Claire and kept her eyes peeled for anything out of the ordinary.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

No matter how hard they try neither Claire nor Eve are able to pick up anything as they walk along the shore. It doesn't take them long to reach the edge of the clearing. Though it seems pretty obvious that it's going to take far to long to find out where the human ran off to, especially considering she was probably panicked by what she most likely just saw happen to her friends. If only they could somehow track her they might catch her in time to prevent any problems.

From the parapet of the fort they can hear jack call out to see if either of them have found the girl yet. His search of the fort hasn't turned anything up and he says he's going to check around the other side of the fort after they respond.

The captive vampire turns and takes off without even waiting for the rest of his gang when River lets his arm go. He's even too afraid to give a proper answer as to who exactly he is instead mumbling either Justin or Jason as he beats it. The normal gang members still look confused and surprised when their leader takes off like he does but they are smart enough to realize that they want nothing to do with whatever is happening and back off themselves.

The mysterious kindred stops and looks back at River as she pulls the stake out before answering.

"I don't bother much with the politics of any of the others if you really care to know. Still much like both sects I have my little hobbies I like to partake of, the sort I don't want interrupted by a nosy Tremere scourge in the neighborhood."

"Er, well most of the other kindred just call me Lucky."

As he continues looking out at the path he looks very perplexed as if he just realized that he's done something stupid. The perplexed look changes to one of fear and panic as he finishes answering, while holding his head.

"Umm, yeah there is something wrong. I, uh don't remember how to get back to my home. I've never been this far away before and I don't know how to get back."
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

"Lucky, huh? I'm Izzy." She grins just a little bit. As he stops, so does she, her frown growing a bit as he seems a bit disconcerted. "Lost?" She glances around. "All right. Why don't you tell me what your neighborhood looks like. Any businesses or buildings around and we'll get you home." She pauses for a moment. "Though next time, if you're going to follow someone? Make note of your surroundings, hmm?" She seems to be gently teasing him with that, but at the same time, she's calling him out on it, too, it looks like.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

"Nothing," Claire called out to the sheriff before closing her eyes and snapping her fingers, trying to think.

"I could change... but claws and glowing eyes tend to be frowned upon when looking for a human... wait Eve, can't you better your senses or something? Enhance them?" Claire said, looking towards the other woman.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

River shrugs. "Honestly, I don't care much for one or the either myself, but you show up to a couple parties and the Camarilla leaves you alone. I don't think anyone likes Vincent, so it's the easiest way to keep him off your back. So at the risk of sounding cliche'd, what's it gonna be?" She asks, shifting a little as she finishes, one foot slipping out wide as she ducks down a little, widening her stance.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Fletch hmphs and crosses his arms. He's insured, so he'll get a new window. Still, he'd really like to tear this guy a new one. Just for kicks. He's been having that itch again lately, but the work on the Defender kept him too busy to break out and run. Just run.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Eve slapped her forehead. "You're right. I've been an idiot, following you like a puppy." She concentrated, taking in the sights, smells and sounds all around them with her heightened senses.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

"Fitting term," Claire muttered under her breath, watching Eve's face to see if she heard it.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Her hearing being suddenly elevated, Eve did in fact hear it. She grinned however and said, "Look who's talking, Miss Gangrel."
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Claire drew her lips back, baring her fangs in a wide grin. "Woof," she mocked, surprised at the humour she found in the moment. Especially with someone she had never gotten along with before.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Eve laughed and looked around again, trying to get her mind back on clearing their names.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Eve is almost overwhelmed as she heightens her senses to their supernatural peak. Realizing that she'll never be able to piece anything together with all her senses enhanced she decides to focus on her hearing. She's almost surprised to hear Claire seemingly shouting at her, when she realizes it's more likely just a whisper.

Focusing back on trying to clear their names she listens intently to her surroundings trying to find what she's looking for. The wind blowing through the trees, the chirping of crickets, and the quick steps of Jack as he searches the parking lot are eliminated one-by-one before she hears what she's looking for. The heavy, frantic panting of a woman reaches her ears from the opposite direction they had originally looked. The woman was running as fast as he could away from the campsite through the trees.

The kindred doesn't smile as he stands there taking in the situation that he finds himself in standing between River and Fletch. He almost laughs as he responds to River's statement, though he seems to be concentrating rather intently as he does so.

"Ah so Vincent is what he's calling himself by these days. I would agree that the best way to draw his attention would be to just act like a good little cam, but Vincent and I have a bit of a history together. So I guess you have your answer as to what it's going to be."

As Fletch watches the kindred speaking to River he can't help but notice the similarities between this guy and Vincent. Not only his personality but also his manner of going about things. Before either Fletch or River have a chance to act the kindred takes off straight up into the air as quickly as possible.

Lucky looks down at the ground almost like some little kid getting told he did something wrong by an adult. After a couple seconds he looks up as if trying to remember something.

"Well I don't remember any businesses in the area or the street names or anything like that. I tend to stick more to the underground when I move around. Most of the buildings are old run-down apartments and stuff, the kindred guy I followed lives in the one near my home. I'm pretty sure it's towards that way."

After his last statement he points off towards the east, which makes sense to Izzy since as far as she knows there isn't anything really west of the college. She knows the southeast side of town is the rundown area, having accidentally driven that way once when she first came to Red Deer.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

She's a little less concerned with the state of the neighborhood at this point in her life, though hopefully they'll still be able to get Lucky back and close enough to his home before anything interesting decides to cross their path. Hah!

"All right. Well, let's see if we can't get you close by somewhere that looks familiar." She doesn't seem to be lecturing him, just curious. It's not really in her place to scold him, really, not unless he did something to breach the Masquerade, which, well, their only witness to that wasn't going to be getting up any time soon.

"Who was the Kindred that you followed? Do you know his name? What he looks like?" If they were going to run into anyone on their way back, she was willing to be that'd be the one, just her luck.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Eve grins, and points out the new direction to Claire mouthing the words, "I can hear her breathing." And then she took off at a jog, hearing trained on the heavy breathing.
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

"Well, shit! RIVER! THROW THE STAKE!" Fletch takes a few futile steps forward as the kindred just up and flies away. He didn't know they could do that!
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

"Oh, for the love of Christ!" River calls out as she does just that, already winding up when Fletch yells. She aims for the chest as he rises, but doesn't hope for much, the stake she had wasn't made for throwing. "Into the shop!" She calls out immediately afterwards, running in that direction herself as she raises a hand to her ear. "Get Vincent on the phone, tell him to turn around and get his ass back here. Apparently he has a long-lost flying friend that would care very much to see him again."
Re: Chapter 2 - The Calm Before the Storm

Claire watched as Eve's lips moved, forming words that didn't spill out into the air, her head cocked. When the other woman took off at a run, finger pointing out Claire muttered: 'ah shit' before following close behind the other vampire.

Hopefully Eve was leading her to something useful, and not some orchestra.