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Chapter 2: Absolute Power

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Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Vezina was not certain to whom Pallas was referring with her question, but answered smoothly nonetheless.

"I enjoy the lucidity of the Malkavian, Jocelyn. One cannot ignore the insights of her clan, and when the madness is not so great in them, they are certainly useful. You warned me against association with the low clans, Sister Pallas, but as Aethulwulf demonstrates, there is nobility in fulfilling one's purpose, whatever it may be."
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

"So I discovered last night. Though I suspect ye're not merely referring to the gargoyle. This, city, is certainly much different than my home up in tha north," Anabelle said, face scrunching up as she considered all the backroom dealings and whispers that could more easily lead to her true death than any monster skulking in the shadows.

"I don't know how ye do it," she said after a moment.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Pallas nods at Vezina's response. "Of course we all have our parts to play, both the high and the low. There are rare exceptions to the general rule such as our war-master. I did not mean that we should not use the low clans when they are needed, I merely wished you to remember your place as a born leader amongst kindred. Even the high clans have their rare exceptions to the rule and I would not wish one who shows such promise to end up a rarity.

Perhaps now that everyone is here we shall get started."

Aethelwulf seems amused by Anabelle's statement before saying. "The same way one survives in the forest. Learn to survive quickly or die. What is the city after all but just another unexplored wilderness. It is rife with both pleasure and pain just like a forest.

Now if you'll excuse me Anabelle. I fear we have more important matters to attend to. May we both survive to meet again."

Jourdain and Eliza both enter as if for the first time that night. Isleena and Donegal give a brief stare at the pair though they say or do nothing and immediately go back to their own conversations. This time there is no laughter at the expense of Eliza.

Genevieve makes her way to the pair as soon as she sees them enter and smiles seductively at both of them. Jourdain seems not to notice her attentions as he says. "I see we haven't missed anything. In fact it looks like we are about to get started."
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Nodding at the veiled compliment, Vezina took a place at Pallas' side, widening her view to look at the elders that had gathered to pronounce their findings to the court at large.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Eliza stared right back at the pair briefly before finding someone more interesting to look at, Genevieve! She smiled at her clanmate and gestured for her to stand next to her. "Well then, I suppose we are about to learn what all the fuss is about." She whispered, glancing around the room curiously.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

"You more than me, I think. May we both survive to meet again," Anabelle said with a small smile, and nodded her head slightly, before sliding away from the war master. He was certainly an interesting person, and she liked his much more blunt nature.

Moving to the side of the room and leaning once more against the wall, Anabelle pressed one foot behind her, and crossed her arms over her chest. She stayed there to watch the others in the room, eyes sliding over them, seeing which of their number gave her more than a glance of curiosity, for her garb was indeed not in fashion. Especially here in England.

Knowing how invisible she was amongst the kindred was one step to survival.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Once everyone has settled a little more into their seats and the smaller conversations have finished Sir Rodger steps to the middle of the chamber. Lysandra remains close by his side the entire time watching everyone and everything as though someone might attack the chamberlain in his own home. He speaks clearly and eloquently, though perhaps a bit flowery about why they are all gathered at court for this evening. Everyone seems to listen closely as he gives his speech which seems to drag on a bit longer than is necessary.

He reiterates everything that has happened in Lord Mithras domain as of late. The disappearance of Valerius, the poisoning of Aethelwulf, and finishes with the story of how three of their newest members had captured a strange creature the previous evening. He finishes by explaining that the scourge has been as yet unable to derive any information from this gargoyle-like creature. He then bows and calls Lady Pallas, the Ventrue primogen forward to relate some more information.

Pallas also speaks eloquently, though her speech seems far more stirring and interesting to the gathered kindred. Several of them even seem to start nodding their heads as though they agree with any hypothesis she puts forward. Her speech relates the information found in the journal about the usurping of Cainite blood by a group of mere mortals. As she finishes she returns the floor to Rodger who steps forward and looks over the kindred with his pallid corpse-like smile and says.

"I believe we all owe thanks to the newest members of our Lord Mithras' domain and that they should be admired for making themselves so useful so quickly. Now does anybody have any questions?"

Both Vezina and Anabelle can't help but notice every eye in the room look at them after this is said. The looks on the faces of their admirers a mixture of fear, curiosity, and boredom. It's difficult to tell what anyone really thinks of the situation though they all certainly know about the newest members of the damned in their domain now.

Kind of boring, but really you already know about the things mentioned. You can always ask more questions if your unsure on something in or out of character. Anabelle, Vezina, and Jocelyn also just earned the status: admired.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

"I have a question," Vezina said, stepping forward. "Despite our scourge not yet being able to extract useful information out of the prisoner, what is the court's opinion about it? Is it a vampire? Is it to be regarded as a creature of Caine's blood - having been warped by magicks from recognized bloodlines? And what of its master? It has always been tradition that the right of progeny is granted only by the eldest among us. These usurpers were mortals who stole the gift of Caine from the high clan Tzimisce. Their appearance is a threat to us all, for it is with certainty that they continue to increase their numbers, beholden to none of our laws. Should not any of these... 'Tremere,' be destroyed on sight, as a law of our court?"
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

"Caoch," Anabelle muttered quietly as she noticed the eyes now flicking towards her and the others who had fought the creature last night. As thoughts of being invisible suddenly turned to ash, she pondered how to move forward next.

Yet she did not move from her spot on the wall, save to let her gaze slide to meet some of those that looked towards her, while her ears listened to the speakers on the floor.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Eliza quietly listened to the gathering for now, maintaining her position of anonymity to get a better idea of where the other kindred stood. She was very intrigued by the story of this supposed clan of blood sorcerers. For her part, she felt the Tzimisce was being rather rash, surely to be expected from a young girl so easily frenzied. Killing them would be such a terrible waste. These sorcerers would clearly make useful allies if they were but made to follow a few rules! She made a note to herself to speak with Lysandra after the meeting in order to arrange a meeting with the gargoyle to find out more information.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

The court listens closely as Vezina makes her plea, a few of them certainly seem to agree with her regarding the destruction of such creatures. The majority however show little emotion as they think over her question regarding the gargoyle.

Finally Isleena stands from her seat and addresses the court politely. "I have yet to see this gargoyle but from what we have heard it certainly seems to be a Cainite like ourselves. If we allow the lepers amongst us, why not another clan equally as unappealing. It is true that they have violated our sacred laws but who are we to violate our own sacred laws and destroy them on sight. Our admired Cainite sisters were able to capture one. Why couldn't we simply capture the rest and let Lord Mithras decide as to their punishment, as is his right?"

Ulric and Guy both seem to be shaking their heads in agreement with Isleena as she carefully re-seats herself. The most important head of course being that of Donegal beside her. Pallas has already made her wish to destroy the Tremere obvious though Bayard seems swayed by Isleena's words. Aethelwulf has remained rather stoic in his seat without making his wishes known as has Rodger. Jourdain seems far more concerned with looking at Anabelle and seems to be barely paying attention to the other proceedings. Rodger seems more interested in making sure the proceedings are running smoothly leaving the decisions up to the others.

I think that made sense. Though if you want to know how someone specific is leaning just ask. I think I hit most of the main people at court.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

"The Toreador primogen makes valid points, but it is my understanding she has yet to encounter this gargoyle creature for herself. She may wish to change her opinions on the matter if she does. When face to face with it, I could not ignore the apparent thralldom this beast was in. Beholden to its master as though it were in a blood bond - and under orders to capture other Cainites, that it might have more like 'company.' Are we to pay no heed to such blatant actions against our realm?

"It is the right of Lord Mithras to decide the fate of both the gargoyle and of its master, but to allow these miscreants to roam free before their fate is determined seems foolish in the extreme. The beast should remain in torpor and its master found and staked at the earliest opportunity."
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Noticing Jourdain apparently being distracted with Anabelle, Eliza took that as her cue to speak up if she wanted to. The Lasombra smiled, lowering her hood and stepping forward just slightly before interjecting after the two had finished.

"Come now Lady Vezina... let us not rush to accusing Lady Isleena of extreme foolishness! Alas, I believe both of you esteemed ladies make strong points, steeped within our sacred traditions. Perhaps more information is needed to make the proper recommendation. If I may propose a temporary recess, I could accompany Lady Isleena to interrogate the gargoyle so that we may see it for ourselves and perhaps extract new information. With all due respect to the scourge of course. It could be that the gargoyle just needs to hear a different set of voices to become cooperative."
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Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Anabelle listened to both sides, but did not speak up still. She let her own opinion idle.

Locking gazes with Jourdain, she wondered what was strolling across his brain. She cocked her head slightly, a lock of hair falling over one eye, it's eyebrow raising, as she looked upon the man. It made her curious, but still her lips did not part.

Vezina's and Eliza's words slipped over her ears, and she listened, but Jourdain had her attention for the moment.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

The court listens as Vezina makes her retort of the Toreador primogen. The other primogen and Rodger seem rather pleased by her civil discourse though none speak as Eliza steps forward to speak. Isleena gets a cruel look on her face and quickly stands to say. "I would think it is the place of your primogen to speak for your clan rather..."

Jourdain dourly interjects before she can finish. "The Lady Eliza now speaks for my clan as primogen." He returns to looking back at Anabelle just as quickly. Though to Anabelle it seems he is merely looking at her to avoid looking at the others, as if he wishes he could simply be alone.

The Toreador primogen seems floored for the merest second before continuing. "I see. Well in that case perhaps it would be a good idea to see this creature for ourselves. If no one has any objections that is?"

Aethelwulf who has remained stoic up to this point sniffs the air once before asking. "Why do we not simply bring the creature forth so that we all might see for ourselves."

Almost everyone who is paying attention to the proceedings nods their head in agreement after Aethelwulf speaks and Rodger leans over to whisper something to Lysandra who quickly disappears. Allowing the others to briefly resume their smaller side conversations in hushed tones.

I don't know why but this seems so complicated and confusing as I'm writing it. It could just be that I'm not used to actually doing politics though.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

"I have accused no one of foolishness," Vezina gazed at the Lasombra with minor irritation in her eyes. Must she butt in? Both her and her brother seem unsatisfied if they cannot tell me how to act.

"I lay that claim only upon the idea of delayed action or apathy. These sorcerers are active. We should respond in kind. However..."

She swept her hand magnanimously. "If Eliza of Clan Lasombra feels she can get more out of the prisoner than our Scourge can. I shall not stand in her way. In fact, I would be most interested in seeing her inquisition methods myself."
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Anabelle couldn't help but smile softly at Jourdain, before looking up at Aethlwulf, and nodding softly. Bringing the gargoyle could certainly help sort this all out. At least she thought so. She let Jourdain's gaze filter into the back of her mind, he didn't seem to truly want something.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Eliza ignored Lady Isleena's look, though she did stand up a bit straighter, a pose that said she was quite confident even if she did not quite feel that way. Instead she smiled at Vezina. Though as the same time, she was quite disappointed that the questioning would take place in a public setting.

"An idea normally has a source my dear, but it is immaterial. I am afraid manipulation requires subtlety that is quite difficult to achieve in a public setting that will just inspire fear in the creature. That is an emotion, I am sure it is already feeling quite strongly. However, I of course, acquiesce to the Warmaster's wisdom. Perhaps we may learn something of the creature by simply observing it in person together."
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Eliza paused for a few moments contemplating, a finger stroking through her hair. Once the hall went back to conversations, she nodded to Genevieve and made her way along the perimeter of the circle, stopping next to Vezina, locking eyes with her for a brief moment before speaking quietly.

"I would like to speak to you privately my dear if you are up for it."
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Vezina kept to herself, hanging near Pallas, but not inclined to start any conversation. She was impatient to have the gargoyle brought before the court and have them all bear witness to its twisted form - cursed not by the will of Caine but by the magic of sorcerers - creatures that pretend to be worthy of the blood - stolen from the Tzimisce.

It was unforgivable. Perhaps there was something to pity about the gargoyle, but it was now just a mindless tool of the usurpers - better to put it down and grant it the peace of Final Death than let it continue to advance the agenda of these Tremere.
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