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Chapter 2: Absolute Power

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Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Lysandra sits up politely after smiling one last time at Anabelle and listens to Eliza's introduction. She offers a cold stare for Genevieve, which softens pleasantly when Eliza states her request. She politely responds in her heavily accented English to Eliza.

"Of course he mentioned that you and Anabelle may come asking for his whereabouts. You should find him at Valerius' inn, the Gilded Noble. At least for the night. You may wish to ask him his normal whereabouts for other nights."

She politely turns and smiles at Anabelle before adding.

"I would have mentioned this to you already but I was enjoying the pleasant conversation. I'm sure we shall have the chance to speak again. I have to see to my elder's wish at the moment however."

She smiles once more at Anabelle and Eliza so as to excuse herself and makes her way from the room. Genevieve for her part remains quietly to the side throughout.

I think that's what I called the first inn that Anabelle stayed at, could be wrong but that's the inn I meant. Yeah I remembered you knowing the Celtic name but I thought the Latin name might trick you. Though I'm sure the twist I've added to the myth will keep it interesting.

Roger nods his head and offers a simple good evening as Vezina makes her way from the room. Descending the stairs for the main room she spots Lysandra herself as she makes her way towards the stairs. The red-headed Cainite nods her head and politely asks.

"Lady Vezina? I am Lysandra, my elder Sir Roger has relayed that you might wish to speak with me about something?"

Vezina's sharp sense catch sight of Lysandra's odd fangs, this coupled with the woman's strange accent makes her seem rather exotic. Searching her memory she can remember no mention of the Lamia bloodline. Though she has heard of a few of the rare bloodlines in their world. Most of them offshoots of the various low clans, especially the Gangrel.

I doubt if Vezina or even Gyulu would know much about such a rare bloodline. Same with anyone else in the coterie. Though if you're curious feel free to ask OOC.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

"Splendid! I should have known to look at an inn or a tavern really. Thank you Lysandra." Eliza offered a polite and somewhat forced smile as the redhead turned to leave before turning to Genevieve.

"Have you been to the Gilded Noble before Genevieve? I suppose we should go then unless you have any business here."
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Vezina bowed her head slightly in greeting to Lysandra. It did not escape her notice that Rodger had somehow alerted Lysandra to Vezina's approach. Was it a telepathic link, such as Auspex? That explanation made the most sense, but it could be something as simple as Lysandra having sat and listened to her elder's conversation through some thin wall. It made no matter right now, save that it was something Vezina should expect in the future.

"Lady Lysandra," Vezina began, not hiding her own unique accent, "Your elder informed me that you know details of an old legend, one of an ancient Cainite called Pandora. I implore you tell me what you know of this one."
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Anabelle got to her feet, and nodded her head towards Lysandra.

"Until next time my friend," she said in Gaelic before turning towards Eliza and pulling up her hood.

"Shall we go then?" she asked her fellow Kindred in English.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

"Look out!" Jocelyn told the old woman, running at the cutthroat and trying to bowl him over, not really knowing what else to do.

I haven't really decided how actually *aware* she is of her disciplines, so I've been writing them as mostly reflexive for the time being. But yes, the plan was to obfuscate there.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Genevieve nods, apparently not bothered by the look from Lysandra as she left. She smiles demurely as she looks at the other two cainites before saying.

"Of course, it's something of a gathering place for our kind. Your really can't miss Valerius' inn as it's the nicest place in that part of town. Though I'm not exactly welcome there."

She regards Anabelle for a moment before offering her hand and saying.

"Pardon my lack of introduction. I am Genevieve of clan lasombra."

Lysandra smiles and nods her head, before heading to a nearby bench where they can sit. She waits for Vezina to join her before seating herself and asking.

"It can be quite a long tale. I assume you know of the Greek myth concerning Pandora's box and how she released evil upon the world. Of course Pandora herself was far older than that being of the second city. Her rival was a Ventrue known as Tiamat. Supposedly they both have something to do with the myths that bear their names, though it's difficult to distinguish myth from truth.

Tiamat was perhaps the most powerful of the Ventrue outside of the antediluvian itself. All thanks to her legendary blade, the Sword of Nul, and the demon held within it. Please stop me if you want me to explain in more detail as we go on."

The cutthroat didn't seem to expect an attack from the small woman as her sudden leap manages to knock him over. Jocelyn landing squarely on top of him as his dagger skitters away. He begins to struggle and it won't be long before he escapes from Jocelyn's clutches as he reaches for the silvery dagger on the ground.

The old woman seems to be taken by surprise at first but seeing the dagger skitter away she suddenly moves with an unnatural grace and begins to scramble for it herself.

What are you doing
Now we're in trouble
Don't let either of them get that dagger

That's kind of what I figured you were doing, since as you said she isn't all that aware of what she can do. Especially considering her derangement.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

"The Sword of Nul, a relic housing the soul of a demon. A powerful one I presume? Do we know of how Tiamat came to be in possession of such an artifact?" Vezina asked.

"And how did Pandora and Tiamat come to be such rivals?"
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Jocelyn grappled with the man, but his larger size let him throw her off after a few seconds. She looked at the woman still standing there, and was opening her mouth to tell her to run again when she went for the dagger as well as the thug. The voices were going in her head nonstop, and the man was reaching for the dagger, and if she just had her circles... "Shut up!" She yelled, scrambling after it herself, aiming to give it a kick into the darkness and take it out of the picture.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

"Tch. Why on earth not? How could it possibly be the nicest place in town if you aren't welcome there darling?" Eliza queried in response, the bewilderment at Genevieve's statement plain on her pale, regal features.

As far as Eliza was concerned, the nicest place in town was wherever a Lasombra was staying.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Glancing at the offered hand somewhat warily, Anabelle soon took it.

"Anabelle, clan Gangrel," she said, before shifting her eyes to Eliza, then towards the door.

Without further words she began to move towards the exit, hoping to get to Valerius' Inn with enough time to spare before sunrise to actually accomplish something.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Lysandra nods. "More like the sword is the demon itself, and yes it was very powerful. Supposedly Tiamat was a powerful witch before she was ever embraced and she summoned the demon, Drakonskyr, to protect her sire from an attack.

The sword made Tiamat more powerful than you could possibly imagine but of course the demon had it's own plans. It was able to slowly gain control of Tiamat over time, and turn her into it's own weapon against humanity. It coerced her into devouring the soul of her sire, not to mention destroying anything that stood in it's way."

Lysandra pauses for a second before continuing. "I'm not quite sure of why the two Cainites were rivals. Though the rivalry between their clans is well documented. Almost as well documented as your own clan's rivalry with the Ventrue. So perhaps the rivalry is simply a result of the clan rivalry."

Hopefully this is all making sense, but if it does get confusing you can always ask me for a better explanation.

The old woman, the man, and Jocelyn all lunge for the blade at the same time. Jocelyn's hand grabs the blade away a split second before the others as they scramble through the filth of the alley. As Jocelyn's hand closes on the strange blade a searing pain shoots through her arm as she tosses it away into the darkness.

The searing pain stops as soon as the blade leaves her hand but it leaves it's mark. Jocelyn's hand is badly burned where it touched the weapon and worse the others are still there.

The old woman's hand misses the blade by a mere second, followed by the man. Seeing he has no chance at the blade for now he grabs the old woman and drags her to the ground where they wrestle in the mud and grime. they seem to be roughly equal in strength lays holding her burned hand.

Jocelyn takes one aggravated damage.

Genevieve doesn't seem to show the same distaste as many others have upon learning Anabelle's clan though she doesn't say anything. Letting Anabelle past so that she can head for the door she lowers her head as she says to Eliza.

"I made a mistake in a hunt there when I first arrived. Jourdain was able to convince our good seneschal to simply banish me from the inn rather than something more severe. Just more stuffy elders ruining my fun if you ask me but I dare not challenge Valerius, even if he is missing.

I can always meet you later to find out what your brother has said. We won't have enough time to travel to Gravesend tonight anyways. I could always follow and wait nearby if you wish as well. If you don't trust Anabelle that is, though the Gangrel aren't known for betrayal. Either way I'll be longing to be by your side the entire time we're apart."

Sorry have to take Genevieve from you for a little while. Don't worry though I'll give her back before long.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Uhh, she wanted to kick it away, if she thought she could grab it in time, she likely would have kept it for use. At least until she grabbed it. Ah well, this works too, I suppose, and doesn't really change much. XD

Jocelyn screamed again as the dagger burned into her grip, tossing it away as fast as she could. By the time she had dealt with the pain enough to check on the other two, they were wrapped around each other and rolling on the ground, each trying to gain the upper hand. She jumped in herself, trying to get a hold of the man and bite him before he could give her too much attention. It was quickly becoming clear to her that one or both of them were petitioners like her anyways, she shouldn't have to hide how special she was, for good or ill.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Vezina followed along with Lysandra's story well enough.

"So how did Tiamat lose possession of the Sword of Nul? And what did Pandora do that makes her a part of this tale?"
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Eliza sighed heavily. This was frustrating news indeed. All the more reason for her to eventually become elder herself, so she wouldn't have these kinds of problems in the future.

"Do not worry Genevieve dear. I would not ask you to risk your life on my behalf, and I am sure waiting around for me would be exceedingly boring." She offered a small smile and brushed a stray blonde hair from Genevieve's cheek. "Perhaps you should just find something fun to do for the night instead. When I finish, I will stop by your haven so long as I am able, I promise."

Frowning slightly after leaving Genevieve behind, Eliza eventually caught up to Anabelle again, heading back to the lobby area to retrieve her black cloak. "I'm afraid Genevieve will be unable to accompany us on this particular journey."
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Anabelle glanced at her new traveling companion briefly, before pushing out through the front door.

"Something to do with Valerius not wanting her in his inn I'm guessing. Shame," Anabelle said evenly.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

"An astute guess." Eliza replied, snowy eyebrow quirked as she pulled her dark cloak over herself, hiding the white dress beneath it completely as they set out into the night.

"Indeed it is something like that. Says something about him I suppose." Eliza said, her tone and words neutral but the darkness in her eyes suggesting what she thought that something was.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

The old woman laughs, almost cackles, as she looks down at the man in her grip. The bandit grimaces slightly but remains stoically quiet as the woman seems to gain the edge in their fight. They both seem to have forgotten about Jocelyn as she cradles her burned hand. Rolling to her feet Jocelyn feels a bit unlike herself as her as her vampiric nature asserts itself. Tossing herself into the combat she grabs at the man who twists away as she attempts to sink her fangs anywhere she can get a hold.

Her fangs sink into his neck and the world seems to slow as Jocelyn tastes the sweetness of the blood flow into her mouth. She is only vaguely aware of the man pulling one arm free and touching it to the forehead of the old woman. As he does so the old woman's eyes turn black as coals as she screams before belching forth a cloud of darkness which flies off into the night sky.

Like I said sorry for jumping the gun before, though I think it's more interesting this way. Just don't let me get away with it too much.

"Pandora learned quickly that she would stand no chance of defeating her rival as long as Tiamat held the sword. So she did what any Cainite would do and searched for a means of removing the problem. She eventually found it in the way of her own artifact, a box supposedly capable of containing the demon within it.

While Pandora searched for this box, Tiamat was able to briefly regain control of her body from the demon. Her control lasted just long enough to toss the sword into a nearby river hoping it would free her from the demon's possession. However a portion of the demon remained within her and in the hopes of preventing it's return she hid herself away and entered torpor on an island far to the north."

Lysandra's pauses briefly to gather her thoughts before continuing.

"No mention of either the sword, Pandora, or Tiamat occurs till many years later when Pandora's box is found in a tomb in Greece and opened. The chaos that ensued is most likely the source of the myth you are most familiar with. No one knows for sure what was in the box, though it seems likely that it was the sword containing the other half of the demon."

"Of course, you may visit me any time you wish my dear. Be careful, I shall count the hours we're apart."

Genevieve whispers before Eliza departs to join Anabelle in the hallway. Once Anabelle and Eliza have finished their preparations they depart on horseback for the city once more. As they travel the unusual companions both realize that they have to find some common ground if they are to work together. No matter how much they might loather each other.

Alright knock yourselves out with conversation for awhile. I need to get the rest caught up before you arrive at the inn.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Riding from the mansion towards the walls of the city, Anabelle stroked the mane of her horse, keeping a gentle trot. No need to draw unneeded attention by tearing through the countryside.

"I know you're not English, where are you from?" Anabelle asked, keeping her eyes forward, peering out at the world from within the shadows of her cloak.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Oh, don't worry. You see, i am now one karma point up, it lets me be a bitch next time. Should be fun ;)

As always happens when she has to feed, The voices both stopped suddenly, her mind focusing on the feeling of blood running down her throat. She barely noticed the interaction between the other two, up until the woman spouted a black cloud with her scream. Suddenly terrified that she had made the wrong decision in who to help, Jocelyn released her grip on the man and fell backwards, scrabbling away from the pair again...
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

The old woman falls backward after the black cloud flies away as though she were dead. The man simply gets to his feet as Jocelyn begins to scramble away. He seems unfazed by the blood that's dripping from his throat where Jocelyn had been feeding. Looking at his face, Jocelyn sees nothing but disgust in his eyes as he growls out.

"How dare you, abomination."

Aha, I knew you had ulterior motives. Just be gentle the next time, I bruise easily.
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