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Chapter 2: Absolute Power

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Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

"Hmmm.. if you knew her, you might understand better. I consider myself to be more loyal to my sire than Jourdain, but we all have our desires for independence, myself included. I think that's part of what makes us Lasombra. At least we remain true to our sire through it all. There are those that don't."

Eliza grins, her kiwi eyes seeming to shine against the contrast of the snowy landscape, a few strands of platinum hair showing from under her hood. "Besides, I'm not so sorry to hear of your troubles with him my sweet. I wouldn't particularly care to have to share you with him! I'm afraid we're very competitive siblings... his loss is my gain it seems."
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

"He found me in Africa, shipwrecked and near death. I came back home, but eventually... grew bored. I needed to do something, explore, and somehow I felt London calling. So here I am, out of my element and curious," Anabelle said with a small laugh and a smirk, mostly towards herself.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

"Well I would love to count my blessings and move on but he's like that forbidden piece of fruit. If you could simply get a taste you might not want it anymore."

Genevieve says as they dismount near the stables, she hands her horse off without even bothering to speak with the blank-faced servant. She smiles as Eliza joins her and they begin making their way into the ancient mansion.

"Besides competition is good, how can one be their best without ever facing any challenges. So what's your plan for gaining aid for our little quest, simply ask or perhaps a more subtle route."

"Well your clan is known for wanderlust, so it isn't that odd I suppose. Curiosity can be a little dangerous but not if you temper it with caution and some planning. Though Jourdain might argue with me on those last points but he does follow a path of instinct over self-control."

Lysandra answers before setting her book down fully and stopping as if she's listening to someone for a moment. She doesn't leave though and looks back with a smile.

"It's good to experience the company of others like yourself once in a while too. Loneliness and isolation are a good way to end up losing your mind which usually leads to a messy death. Unless you're a Malkavian that is, they seem to survive no matter what. Sort of like rats except a lot smarter if you can get at the good stuff behind the madness."
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Anabelle could not help but laugh gently at the last comment. She absently glanced around the room, taking it in as if for the first time.

"There is something to be said for instinct however,"
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Eliza wrinkled her nose, giving Genevieve a weird look after she dismounted and heard the comment about Jourdan as a "forbidden fruit."

Rather uncharacteristically, she just said "Ewww!" followed by a startled giggle. More characteristically she followed it up with, "Forbidden fruit? Now that's an image I'd like to forget."

The former duchess ignored the blank faced servant too, mostly because she didn't want to look at him. She walked side by side with Genevieve, stopping to remove her cloak to reveal her elegant white dress.

"We should probably not advertise what we plan to do to maintain secrecy, but maybe you could use some of your lovely charms. I'll handle Jourdain when we find him though. I don't really expect to find him here, but maybe someone will know where to look. I noticed he seemed to have a bit of camaraderie with that redhead woman. Who is she? Do you think she would be helpful?"
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Having made it out the back door of the tavern and into the alleyway beyond, Jocelyn continued her wide-eyed escape, following the alley back towards the tavern she had seen the pair in originally, heading past it by two or three buildings before finding a dark corner int he alley to sit, wrapping her arms around her knees and waiting for a bit, unsure what she wanted to do.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Vezina shook her head.

"I have only pieces of a puzzle, but not yet the full picture my lord. This Menyhert seems very out of place. It is possible he is linked to the disappearance and the poisoning in some fashion, but I have no proof at the moment. I merely wished to know if others in this city knew of him."

Vezina produced the book she had taken from the warded room.

"I followed up on the missing ghoul innkeeper. He took great pains to keep this book from Cainite eyes. It is in a Germanic tongue however, one that I am not familiar with. I wonder if you could decipher some of its meaning, or know of another Cainite who might?"
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

"They can be dangerous, unfortunately. The best way to deal with a Malkavian is one at a time, they get scary in groups. Of course you've dealt with at least one already so you've probably already realized that. What ever you do don't point out there insanity or they might try to show you what it's like."

Lysandra hardly seems to notice the other kindred in the room as if she's so used to the sight it bores her. She seems pleased by the conversation however as if it's a welcome diversion.

"It can make one a difficult person to deal with though, of course I think Jourdain likes it that way. He much prefers to act than plan or at least it seems that way, i think he just plans quicker than most. Myself I prefer quiet study with the occasional conversation to learn of what goes on in the world, not a lot of instinct needed for such things."

"Now I see why you refer to each other as brother and sister. I always assumed he just used the term sister as a play on our nickname but I guess you really are like siblings. Brilliant of your sire to create such a rivalry in her childer. It's almost frightening to imagine you working together if you think about it, each trying there best to outdo the other."

Genevieve can't help but smile a little at Eliza's reaction though she doesn't seem to be ashamed of what she said. Her far simpler black dress seems to make Eliza's own that much more noticeable as she too removes her cloak.

"Well I certainly don't mind trying out my charms, though I prefer to do so with someone like yourself. I guess that's why I've come to follow the path of sin.

Lysandra might know something. She is Roger's assistant and she does seem to get along well with him. At the very least she might know how to get in contact with him"

Jocelyn hurried through the back alleys until she found a perfectly hidden dark corner to sit down in. The feeling of being watched never seemed to leave her as she mad her escape and it still stuck with her as she sat in the dark.

Suddenly a nearby door opened and a kindly looking older woman hobbled out and began to walk away down the alley. She doesn't seem to notice Jocelyn sitting in the corner as she slowly makes her way. That's when Jocelyn notices the dark figure ahead of the woman, a small glint of silver the only noticeable hint of what's to come.

"Ah, in that case I will let you investigate further. You seem to have turned up more than our sheriff's investigation. I would feel remiss not to urge caution though as we have little ideas of this Menyhert's capabilities. I'm sure you will let us know what you have learned when the time comes."

Roger says as he bridges his hands in front of his face, with his dead smile. He looks the book over but shakes his head with a slight sneer as he says.

"I haven't enough knowledge of the barbarian languages of Hardestadt's fiefs. A few of the lesser Ventrue are from those lands however, Sister Pallas would know which. Aside from them the young Lasombra, Genevieve, hails from the same region. I'm sure one of them is likely to know such an uncouth tongue."
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

With a soft grunt Anabelle crossed her arms, pondering the Lysandra's words for a few moments.

"I've not been one for strategy or planning. I suppose us Gangrel react as much on instinct as the Malkavian. I wonder though, if Jourdain merely puts up a ruse to throw off the scent of his intentions. It would make sense, seeing as to which clan he belongs," Anabelle said, and finally leaned back to place her feet on the table.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

"Mmm, yes she never ceases to amaze with her ingenuity. I suppose it's like the old Norman tales my father used to tell me. Fierce loyalty but with the potential for the worst form of treachery. One never knows what may happen and when."

Eliza paused but then smiled, intertwining her fingers with Genevieve's. "There's nothing to fear darling so long as you remain by my side." Just smiling as she led Genevieve down the hall, the older Lasombra left what would happen if she didn't remain unaddressed.

"I just adore your dress. Black and white - we make a good pair tonight if I do say so myself. Perhaps you can introduce me to Lysandra then."
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

"I quite agree, and I will be speaking with Sister Pallas soon about it. I have just one more thing to show you, m'lord. It is a curious trinket, and perhaps you have seen it before?"

Here, Vezina produced the 'all gift' puzzle box, setting it on the table in front of her, with the lettering facing the Cappadocian.

"It reads, Pandora, as in the Greek fable story."
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

"We all use instinct from time to time, but most of us don't turn instinct into a philosophy. Of course you could be right and it could just be something of a ruse on his part. Though I've seen him ride his beast before, which requires instinct over self-control. Many gangrel follow a similar path, though he seems to have adapted it for a city life."

Lysandra says seemingly not bothered by Anabelle's feet on the furniture. She even gets an amused look on her face as one of the Toreador scowls in their direction before doing the same.

"It certainly makes him an interesting character at court, ruse or not. No one really knows how to act around him. Still he's useful to have around even if he's usually looking out for himself first and foremost. Not that anyone else is different they just don't make it so obvious."

"Oh I wouldn't dream of leaving your side, unless you plan on becoming boring like so many other elders."

Genevieve says as they make their way through the quiet halls of the mansion. She smiles as Eliza points out their outfits and says.

"We couldn't have planned it better if we tried, not that I would ever plan something. Spontaneity is a virtue of sorts, perhaps a sin would be better a better word when it comes to my philosophy.

I can introduce you at least, she doesn't seem to like me much. Of course neither does anyone else for the most part, but at least I know what I am. Ah it seems your other friend is already speaking with Lysandra."

Roger looks the puzzle box over with little change to his demeanor, his appearance never changes much. One of the few advantages to looking like a corpse, you rarely let slip your true feelings. He leaves it sitting on the table as he looks it over before saying.

"Interesting, it does indeed say Pandora, in many languages. There is the Greek myth which you are familiar with but there is another myth of sorts that might be more appropriate. I believe Pandora was an ancient of the brujah clan or was it the ventrue."

He stops for a moment as if to set the facts straight before continuing.

"Ah yes that is right, Pandora was a brujah and her sworn enemy Tiamat was of the ventrue. I believe it has something to do with the Sword of Nul, an artifact supposedly of great power from the days of the second city. There are several knightly orders which seek it out, both amongst mortals and kindred. The mortals I believe call it Caliburnus, my clan mate Lysandra would know the mortal myth better than I as she is from the Celtic lands."

Well let's see who figures out what sword I'm talking about first? I made it a little more difficult by giving it's less common names.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Glancing upwards, Anabelle noticed Eliza and the woman she had been with before. The Scot wondered who the woman was, for she hadn't bothered to pay attention to many others the last time she was here, preferring the combat within the fencing.

"Seems we have some guests," Anabelle said, smirking as she watched Lysandra pull her feet up onto the table.

Excalibur! So far as I know anyway.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

"Elder is such a passé term though. When I get to that position, I would like to be called 'Queen Eliza...'"

Eliza's kiwi eyes glinted, smirking crookedly as she contemplated what ruling the kindred would be like. "Mmm, I assure you darling, you will not be bored. Besides if some are too dense to appreciate you, that just means more of you for me."

When they got to the larger courtroom area, Eliza tempered her smirk, going back to a neutral, self-assured expression, noting the presence of Lysandra and the crusader.

"Yes it is as I expected." The older lasombra nudged Genevieve gently. "Could you introduce me as Eliza de Valletta, my dear? She already knows who I am, but I would like to be polite."
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

"Intriguing. Perhaps all this nonsensical dissappearing has something to do with a relic hunt? Where might I find this Lysandra clan mate of yours, my lord? And would she be receptive to my inquiries?"

Vezina picked up the puzzle box and placed it back within her satchel, along with the book. Had Sir Rodger known enough to open the puzzle box and been willing to show her how to do so, the odds were that he would have done it already. She would have to follow the leads he gave him. Sister Pallas for the book's translation, and Lysandra for the details of this alternative Pandora legend.

The Sword of Nul, blade of the second city, Enoch. No doubt such an artifact would be powerful if it were the something to have been wielded by an ancient Cainite in those elder nights.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Jocelyn stifled a gasp as she spotted the second figure in the dark, the slight glint of metal telling her that he meant to do the woman harm.

Just let it happen, we don't know either of them, and we likely couldn't help anyways.
She needs our help, you aren't just going to sit there and watch are you?
I agree. We should leave before he spots us too!

The slender woman picked herself off the ground, ignoring the bickering voices in her head, and snuck carefully forward, trying her best to hurry. She didn't really have a weapon, but maybe if she got close enough, she could warn the lady away and... maybe bite him, or something...
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Lysandra looks up to see the new arrivals at court, a slight sneer passes over her brow as she looks at Genevieve. She leans over as the sneer remains and whispers.

"It looks like they may be looking for one of us. I believe the taller one is Jourdain's sister, at least that's how he refers to her. The other is Genevieve, another Lasombra, not my favorite Cainite to deal with.

You expect certain things when dealing with the Lasombra, but she embodies some of the worst stereotypes of the clan. Still it pays to be respectful as even the worst Cainite will keep a debt."

Well darn, and here I thought I was being sneaky by giving the Latin name. Then again I guess there aren't many famous swords to choose from.

"Queen Eliza does have a lovely ring to it, I hope none of the elders realize the the competition in store for them. As you wish, Eliza, it does pay to be polite even if you don't get along. We are civilized after all."

Genevieve says in her ingratiating fashion, she nods her head and begins to walk assuredly with Eliza behind her stops at a respectable distance and smiling at both Anabelle and Lysandra introduces her to the redheaded Cainite. She seems more than pleasant as she does so even offering a polite smile to Anabelle.

Calling yourself a king or queen is actually a fairly big faux pas when it comes to vampires. Prince or on rare occasion princess is really the height when it comes to kindred. Not that it's actually that bad, just elders don't like that sort of thing. They can be kind of stuffy and bossy for some reason.

"Would it surprise you if everything occurring was somehow connected to the search for a relic?"

Roger says with a smile before continuing.

"You have seen Lysandra, though you perhaps did not realize she is a clan mate of mine. She does not look the part, as she is of the Lamia bloodline and they do not share our weakness. The redhead who showed you to the library last night, I believe she is in the main hall.

She already knows you are here and I'm sure you would be able to get her to tell you a few of the tales from her homeland. She does enjoy telling a fairytale or two on occasion. Though I wouldn't discount anything she says as pure myth or legend."

Jocelyn moves forward steadily but carefully, neither the old woman nor the dark shadow aware of her presence. It's almost as if she is invisible to the mortals as she moves forward when she steps on a bit of trash which loudly cracks. The old woman slowly turns and smiles pleasantly as she sees Jocelyn standing almost right behind her.

The shadow suddenly moves as a darkly clothed man leaps out his dagger held aloft. He seems to be little more than a bandit as he moves to attack the old woman. Jocelyn has a few steps on him if she acts quickly to stop the murderous attack.

Not sure if you were meaning to use obfuscation there but since you stepped on a twig it doesn't really matter all that much.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Eliza nodded to Lysandra and Annabelle, politely enough but focused most of her attention on Lysandra, smiling serenely.

"It is a pleasure to meet you Lysandra, and I have already had the pleasure of meeting your friend here. I always so enjoy meeting my brother's acquaintances. They are such an eclectic and interesting mix of kindred." She lied. "I hope I'm not being presumptuous in thinking that you three are mutual friends... but he did mention you..." Eliza lied again.

"I'll get right to my point, so as to avoid wasting your time. Do you perhaps know where I would be likely to find him other than at court here? I have a question for him, but I'm afraid I have only just arrived last night, and Jourdain unfortunately did not do me the courtesy of telling me that crucial piece of information..."

The lasombra woman trailed off, seeming to lament Jourdain's lack of providing the most important information but still smiling for Lysandra.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Vezina stood. "Myths and legends can be built upon small truths. I will hear what Lysandra has to say on the matter. By your leave, I will seek her out. A good night to you, sir."

She inclined her head to the Cappadocian and waited a moment for his approval of dismissal. With Lord Mithras in torpor and she a newcomer fledgling, she knew enough to always make the small efforts towards deference. A time would come when she would rise in status and station, but on the way up, it was unwise to buck the establishment.

After leaving him, she went through the halls in search of the red-headed Lamia.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

"Jourdain's sister I've met. We don't see eye to eye, but the other I've only briefly encountered," Anabelle said before the two Lasombra came within earshot, and for the first time in the evening, lowered the hood of her cloak to look at the two.

As Genevieve introduced the pair, and Eliza began to speak, Anabelle kept quiet, and threw a sidelong smile towards Lysandra. She decided she liked the woman, and would do well to keep contact with her.

Well, I was working with Caledfwlch for my own medieval vampire story, and had come across a fair amount of ways to call Excalibur, Excalibur.
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