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Chapter 2: Absolute Power

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Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

After several minutes of travel through the dark alleyways, Anabelle finds herself on the main thoroughfare leading towards the bridge. Her plan to foil any pursuit seems to have worked as she has seen no one following her. She still has some time before she is to meet with Eliza.

Anabelle is full again.
The inn's servants don't seem to take any notice of Jocelyn as they go about their business. While she keeps her attention on the smiling imps inside the fire a voice reaches her ears which she at first takes to be one of the voices before realizing it's the other Cainite's.

"You think she might know something.
I don't know but sitting here waiting for someone who does won't work.
Alright, I say we meet in one of the nearby alleys then.
Right after we grab her that is."

Gyulu muses for the moment as he looks over the box some more. Finally he sets it down and says.

"Most myths do have their basis in truth. In fact several mythical figures have belonged to our own kind, though humans not understanding thought of them as gods or other creatures. As you pointed out though it doesn't seem to open as of yet, perhaps there is some key we are missing.

Tarbus is taking care of matters for us further north in a city called, York. We can either wait for him to return later in the month or I would assume it easy enough to find a speaker of German at court. I leave the decision up to you."
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Jocelyn brings a hand up to her shoulder as she begins to try and wave the voices away again, before realizing she was hearing the conversation of the other two petitioners in the room instead. Her eyes widen in surprise and terror as she listened, giving either of the two that happened to be looking in her direction a wide-eyed stare before standing and walking right back out the front door again, hopefully before the pair had time to catch her.

If she made it outside, she'd break into a run immediately, keeping to the same side of the walkway and ducking into the next open door she found, not caring where it led at the moment.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Vezina frowned at Tarbus' absence. Just when her 'brother' might be good for something, he had to be off somewhere else. No matter. She would just have to find someone else who spoke the Germanic tongue. Her knowledge of the clans suggested that she might seek out Sister Pallas and her Ventrue kindred, since the clan of the lords hailed from that region.

"I do not think I can wait for Tarbus. The mystery of this box and book need a quicker resolution. If I cannot find my answers here, then I must ride back to London and seek out more immediate sources. Perhaps a Ventrue would be of use? Despite our rivalry with them, the ones in London might be useful. There is also the Lord Chamberlain, Sir Rodger, who is a Cappadocian scholar. He too might have knowledge, though he will ask for favors to be done in return for any help he gives me."

After Gyulu gave her any parting advice or remark, Vezina would take her leave and make preparations to ride back to London. She would seek out Pallas first in Westminster, feeling that she should try to further her association with the Ventrue before she turned to the Cappadocian.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Letting her eyes change back to normal, lest someone here in the more open streets see her, Anabelle pulled her cloak tighter to herself, letting her basic shape be seen. Best now to appear a person than a shadowy threat.

She started to make her way towards the court that Eliza had mentioned. She did not particularly look forward to meeting with that woman again; but she may have clues to where Jourdain was located, and there was no one else she trusted in the city.

With face concealed in shadows, Anabelle wondered to herself, not for the first time, what she had managed to get into now.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

As they made their way through the apparently haunted old chapel, Eliza couldn't help but smile at the surroundings. It was a good idea and would scare away humans easily enough. The humans were all so feeble minded it seemed to Eliza. She wondered if Genevieve had done the job herself or just found it that way. It didn't really matter to her though. Eliza had little use for the church these days. Even in her previous life, her use for it was mainly for appearances sake.

Sitting at the edge of the bed in Genevieve's chamber, Eliza was looking up at the Double Eagle crest with a curious expression on her face.

"What do the eagles stand for?"
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

One of the Cainites is already making his way outside by the time Jocelyn reacts and heads for the front door. The other remains seated until he sees her leaving and starts to follow.

Once outside Jocelyn hurries over to the next inn without noticing the one who left before her. The next inn is almost as empty as the first and after moving to a position where she can watch the door, waits. No one seems to be following her.

Gyulu nods as Vezina explains her decision and makes a parting comment.

"You may find yourself relying on the Ventrue often, as this is their domain. They can be used against each other though, be careful about depending on any single Cainite for too much. You will of course accrue debts but it can be advantageous to owe them to more than any single Cainite.

Have you any other questions before you depart Vezina?"

The trip back to Sir Roger's ancient mansion takes Anabelle little time now that she knows where to find it. The smell of the festering moors isn't nearly as bad tonight thanks to the snow, though picking her path is a little more difficult and muddy.

The blank-eyed creature again answers the door and allows her entry into the familiar building to wait.

Genevieve quickly changes into a simple yet elegant black gown, though she exchanges her shoes for traveling boots. She is fixing her hair as best as she can when Eliza asks her question.

"The crest of mortal family, I'm not sure what the eagles stand for exactly though our main stronghold is the castle of eagles in the Alps. We Hapsburgs might not be very powerful as far as nobles go but we do have a certain amount of pride. It was one of the reasons I was chosen for the gift or so m sire has said.

There I think I'm now better suited for travel on this night, are you ready my dear?"
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

"I understand, milord. I shall endeavor to make certain I owe no single Cainite an especially heavy amount of debt. As to other questions..."

Vezina wracked her brain, considering if there was anything she was missing. There was the poisoning of Aethulwulf, the disappearance of Valerius, the unnatural lupine behavior, the blood sorcery wards, and the pandora box. She just couldn't see the full puzzle yet, but she knew that the pieces fit together somehow.

"I do not think I am ready to speak on things just yet. This sorcery however. You were a great sorcerer within the bounds of our homeland. Is there any way to pierce a ward like the one I told you I encountered?"

Aside from that practical question, Vezina just could not think of anything to ask Gyulu. She needed to get back to London, to hunt, and to find Sister Pallas and ask her if she knew Germanic or someone who did.

If there's something obvious I'm missing, maybe Vezina could make an intelligence or wits roll to notice it and ask about it?
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Eliza smiled, standing up next to Genevieve and linking arms with her.

"You should be proud. You're a powerful woman." She said as they made their way out of Genevieve's haven. "As ready as I'll ever be I suppose. My brother has a rather odd and frustrating habit of making friends with these lower clan types. He's really rather incorrigible in that regard. My sire and I would prefer he didn't."
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Just before stepping into Roger's manor, Anabelle kicked the mud from her boots, a last minute remembrance that these nobles didn't like mud tracked through their homes. She didn't see why, but she was not of their mindset, and wouldn't be able to.

She found a place, in fairly plain view, and leaned against the wall, arms over her chest as she waited.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

"I highly doubt the ghoul would have enough power in his blood to make the ward last for very long. A long lasting ward would require a greater knowledge of blood sorcery than I expect a ghoul to be capable of. I would be most interested in learning where the ghoul came by his unusual knowledge when you find it Vezina.

Few clans outside of our own dabble with blood sorcery and those that do tend to take a more narrow path than we have studied through the ages. The Cappadocians, the Lasombra, and the Assamite have their own methods, though their rites differ from our own. Till we meet again my childe."

You've figured out most of it. At least from the knowledge I've given you. There is one Cainite you've run into who should pop out as a possible suspect, if you remember him. If you haven't figured it out by my next post I'll do a roll to see what Vezina can piece together. You should be done with Gyulu though if you want to head back, traveling would be a good time to think after all.

"Excellent," Genevieve says as they link arms and begin to head out. Stopping briefly to close the door to her haven before heading up to the street.

"I suppose he does have unusual habits in that regard. Though it is hardly my place to question my elder's methods. Much less an elder with a temper to rival any Brujah. Of course he could just have everyone fooled and he thinks of everyone as tool, food, or both. I'll let you figure that out on your own though, my dear."

Stepping out into the snowy streets Genevieve says they should grab their mounts even if the beasts do not listen well and begins heading for the stables they left them at.

Guy the Toreador gives Anabelle a nod of greeting as she enters the main room of the mansion. Though he seems involved in conversation with what Anabelle assumes are his Toreador clan mates. A few other Cainite's sit around the room though the only one she recognizes is the red headed woman who helps the chamberlain, Sir Roger.

As Jocelyn sits waiting to see if she has lost her pursuers the door to the inn opens, and one of them steps in and quickly surveys the room. Thankfully he can't see her from the door though if he takes a few more steps in he would likely spot her.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

"Feel free to question! Your words are safe with me. I do love to hear gossip. To be sure though, I wouldn't recommend doing it to his face. That's my job." Eliza smirked at Genevieve as they walked toward the stables.

She tried to find the same horse she rode last time, but she wasn't quite sure. The Lasombra walked up to it, gingerly patting its mane.

"Hello again. We should come up with a sufficiently majestic name for you. Since your carrying me. I'll have to think about this..."

Eliza said thoughtfully as she got herself onto the horse again (hopefully).
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

As she rode back to towards London, Vezina pondered the situation more. She had very little to go on, and knowing only a small fraction of the Cainite populace within the city, she had no true way of knowing about motives. She thought again about wolves. Wolves and shadows. Wolves searching by sight, not scent.

No scent. Shadows. Blackness. Wolves. No scent.

The Black Wolf. Menyhert. His gait and aura the look of a con man. Were not the Ravnos all cons by nature? A clan of vagabonds and wanderers, outsiders who could acquire something like blood root. Masters of chimestry, blood illusions. Was Menyhert behind all this?

Admittedly, it was not much to go on, but he was certainly an individual who seemed off to her. She must learn more of him. Maybe he knew Germanic? Pandora's box. Could it be a Ravnos trick? She must press Pallas and Rodger for information on him. If he was behind this, could she take him on her own?

Highly doubtful. She knew her limitations. She was a neonate. She would need help. But who? Perhaps the Gangrel soldier could be of use, Anabelle. And maybe Jourdain as well... though she bristled at the thought of bringing him in on it, he at least seemed competent. Yet he would steal any credit, likely. The same went for his sister, Eliza.

"Okay. Seek out the Gangrel first," Vezina told herself. "Just as soon as you're done with Sister Pallas and Sir Rodger."

Vezina still wants to do more research first, so she'll make an inquiry with Sister Pallas first.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Anabelle nodded in return to Guy, but stayed where she was a few moments. The red headed woman caught her eye however, and deciding that perhaps she should take the very same advice she had given Eliza, stepped forward to speak with her.

"Saol fuda chugat," she said to the woman with an incline of her head.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

You don't know they were talking about us, you know.
Of course they were, you saw the looks they were giving us!
Well, maybe they were just worried we-

The voices hushed as the door creaked open, and peeking over carefully, Jocelyn spotted one of the two from the previous tavern. She let out a barely audible groan and slid deeper into her seat, hoping the petitioner wouldn't see her...
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

They both manage to mount their horses with little trouble, even though Eliza's shies away somewhat when she strokes it's mane. The simple creatures are obviously afraid though both Cainite's know enough about riding to calm them for travel. Genevieve starts towards the northern gate and as soon as Eliza is beside her she says.

"I don't really question Jourdain's methods as odd as they might seem. He always gets the result he's looking for. I wouldn't ask him to do anything that absolutely requires subtlety, he's too much like a Zealot in that regard. Actually he's too much like one of the Brujah in most regards and yet he seems to despise the clan."

You should be fine on a horse, assuming you don't try anything complicated that is. Animals are just frightened of supernatural creatures unless they have animalism or the equivalent.

The trip back to the city goes quickly while Vezina is absorbed in her thoughts. Even while she is so distracted she can easily avoid any unwanted troubles and soon finds herself picking her way towards the ancient mansion in the moors. The snow makes it a bit more difficult but she knows enough about the wilderness and her mount is well-trained. Up ahead the blank faced servant of Roger waits by the stables.

Ah, you're on the right track now. He is from the Carpathians if you remember, right where blood root conveniently grows. At least in my world.

The red-head looks up from the book in her hand, a pleasant smile on her features. Anabelle notes her fangs seem to be out, a bit unusual as most Cainite's hide the feature. Perhaps even odder is their unusual appearance, slightly longer and serrated. It doesn't appear as if her bite would be pleasant in the least. The woman offers a seat and answers in a similar tongue to Anabelle.

"Such a pleasant greeting, Anabelle. Though I'm not sure how appropriate it is as we're both dead. Of course I'm one of only two London Cainites who would understand the greeting.

At least our tongues are close enough to converse properly. I assume you're from Alba or perhaps further north. You've traveled a long way judging from our mutual friends."

Lysandra is Irish, but there isn't that much of a difference between Irish and Scots Gaelic they wouldn't understand each other. Same with Manx Gaelic which is what Donegal speaks.

The other Cainite looks as if he's about to leave when he stops and looks back over the room once more. He seems to be looking rather intently about the room almost as if he's looking into every nook and cranny. He stops as he look in Jocelyn's direction and is about to step forward when a piercing scream and the brief sound of a fight from outside the inn. He turns and hurries from the inn as the few servants look up fearfully.

So I don't really have anything to spoiler for you but I didn't want to leave you out. Jocelyn's unseen backup strikes again, wonder if it's good or bad help though.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Rats, I was -this- close to feeling all special XD

Jocelyn fell completely still as the petitioner's eyes fell across her one final time, feeling how she was about to be caught before he was drawn outside by the sounds. Not wanting to wait and see if he came back, she stood again, aiming to slip out the back door and... find somewhere else to hide, though she had no idea where just yet.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Taking the offered seat, Anabelle studied the fangs for a moment, curiosity etched on her features. The Irish accent flowing through the woman's words relaxed her; she had been afraid of an English born. Despite being dead, old prejudices die hard.

"Aye, Alba. A ways south of Edinburgh. A small village that no longer exists," she said and leaned back in her seat. She almost brought her feet up onto the table, but remembered at the last minute not to, so simply stretched them out before herself.

"I was embraced on my way home from the crusades, it was a long time to get back home. What of you? Eire I'm guessing," she continued.

It felt good to speak in her native tongue once more, feeling the words flow without need of pause to think.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

Vezina instructed the human thrall to take care of her horse, and then sought out a doorman to announce her presence, keeping in mind that she was uninvited, and there was no guarantee of a public gathering tonight. She did not want a bad second impression. Assuming she was allowed access to the Chamberlain, she made the appropriate greetings and then took a seat.

"I wanted to speak with you about a Cainite, the captain of a ship that put into port recently. He goes by the name Menyhert, and his ship is the Black Wolf. The Gangrel, Annabelle, and myself questioned him for a short while before we came to your domain for acknowledgement. Has he yet announced himself to the court?"

Vezina figured she would get that initial question out of the way before springing the book and possibly the puzzle box on Rodger.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

As the Lasombra pair rides into the night, Eliza replies.

"Oh he's quite efficient I know. I just prefer my own methods is all." Eliza trailed off, staring straight ahead with her kiwi eyes as the horses clopped along.
Re: Chapter 2: Absolute Power

The screams from without have already quieted by the time Jocelyn finds a door emptying out into the alleys behind the inns. The alley is dark and quiet except for the sound of rats scurrying along the walls. There are plenty of places to hide in the darkness of the alley, though she gets the feeling she is still being watched.

I'm sorry. I'll make it up to by creating a sense of paranoia. It's sort of like feeling special.

"The curse of my bloodline, unlike most kindred we Lamia do not provoke pleasure with our kiss. A small price to pay for the knowledge of being so close to the dark mother." She answers as she notices Anabelle's interest. She doesn't seem to be bothered by the curiosity and continues on with her story.

"Aye, my sire found me deep in the emerald hills of Connacht. My sire was protecting her charge, Roger in his studies. Now I do the same while she serves our mother in other ways. I suppose that is where you met with Jourdain. He doesn't speak about his past much. So why do you travel so far from your home, most Gangrel prefer the wild lands to the bustling city?"

The attendants simply nod when Vezina gives her orders their blank faces showing little emotion. Vezina finds Roger just as he is exiting his library, his corpse like smile emblazoned on his face as he ushers her into the library. After seating himself he listens to Vezina's question before answering.

"I know nothing of such a Cainite, was he perhaps only passing through? If he had sought acknowledgment in my lord's domain I would have surely known. Do you suspect him of some wrongdoing perhaps to do with our recent troubles. It would be easy to have Richard investigate or perhaps even La Faucille."

Roger shudders a little as he mentions the latter, though his smile seems to widen just a bit at the same time.

"We all prefer our own methods," Genevieve says her sultry smile widening. "I do find it odd that he would do things against your sires wish though. She is one of the few things he seems passionate about. He certainly seems immune to my charms despite my best efforts."

The trip goes fairly quickly through the snowy streets until they reach the moors. The stink has did down quite a bit thanks to the snow but the trail is that much more difficult for the same reason. Eventually though they arrive at their destination.
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