What's new

Chapter 1

Re: Chapter 1

Kiriha followed him with her gaze as he got up and looked about the pool.

Halrikk could see that he was in the center of what looked to be a temple of some sort, and he could see shafts of daylight streaming down through holes in the ceiling some 40 yards in a direction he decided to call south. To the west and east were walls each about 20 yards away, with identical stone staircases, broken in places by years of neglect, heading upwards to a landing and then turning in on themselves as the continued their ascent. To the north the elevation of the floor raised steadily and then a few steps led to a circular dias, on top of which was a raised stone circle, covered with pillows of all shapes and sizes, and around them all were four ornate stands on top of which were place glowing blue gems that gave the illusion of moonlight over that area of the temple.

"Your bow is safe," Kiriha said as she rose up and moved closer to him. "I took it with me when I found you."

The naga slid past him and pushed herself out of the pool. When she was fully out of the water, Halrikk saw that her tail was almost three times as long as her legs would have been were she fully human. The tail looked powerful, but was not thick or bulky. Altogether she appeared lithe, agile, and alluring.

"However, you should know something before you take your bow and run off to your village and your woman." she said the last word with a touch of venom in her tone. As she continued to speak, she went to the dais and settled down in front of it.

"I have already told my kin of my intent to take you as my mate, and they expect the ceremony to take place as soon as you are well enough to consummate the arrangement. If you do not follow through, they will kill you for certain, and possibly myself as well. Under our own laws, humans are for food or for pleasure, then food. The only exception to this is for the purpose of taking a mate. It is a commitment, bound in our magics, and is not dissimilar to the act of marriage."

She looked over her shoulder at him, and then uncovered a rug at the base of the stone circle, to reveal Halrikk's bow, and a quiver of arrows that was not familiar to him.

"So you see, we are both of us in an uncomfortable situation. To save you, I have had to promise something you are apparently unwilling to give."

She turned to face him and waited for him to say something. Her eyes were searching, as if she was looking to Halrikk for some sign.

The archer sighed in relief at the sight of his bow, settling back into the water. "Thank you, Lady Kiriha, I would be lost without it."

At her reference of village and woman in the same breath, Halrikk could only laugh, and laugh, and then cough. Once the fit had subsided, he explained, "Nadia? My woman? Were such an arrangement even true, it would be I who would be her man. Nadia is many things. Beautiful, intelligent, independent, fierce. Mine, she is not. She only possesses my loyalty, not my heart, nor my soul."

"And I have every intention of becoming your mate. The woman who owns my soul...I haven't seen her in years. Not since my exile." The man seemed lost in his thoughts for a moment. "So, while I cannot give you that, I can give you my heart. My mind. My body. Anything you desire of me, ask, and it is yours, so long as it doesn't require me to give you my soul or my loyalty."
Re: Chapter 1


Nadia soon spots her quarry, for it is the only one among the tribe who is not running. Dark skinned and painted in bands of red along her thighs, torso, arms and face, she is dressed in a top and loincloth made from the pelt of a red leopard - a rare and massive creature. She brandishes a short metal blade - rare for tribals to possess - and a bronze covered shield, splashed with red war paint. The rebel watches with frustration as her tribe scatters and she realizes too late that the raiders have moved to close off her exit routes.

The rebel doesn't see Nadia approach, swift and silent as a leopard. With a leap, Nadia is upon the leader, and their bodies crash to the earth. The woman struggles mightily, but it is not long before Nadia's guard are upon them, and have their blades angled at the woman's neck.

With a grunt of frustration the woman takes her hands off of Nadia's garments, which had become loose in the struggle. It is when she gets to her feet that Nadia first notices the woman's strange features. Her ears, which had at a distance been hidden by the wild mane of black hair that hung down to the small of her back, are higher on her head than a human's should be, and more than that, they are tufted and covered in red fur. A tail, which at first she had thought was a part of the woman's leopard skin garments, is in fact attached to her body. And a glance at her hands shows that her nails are sharp like claws.

One of Nadia's guards makes a low whistle of admiration, and moves the tip of his blade to the strand that holds on the girl's top. With a quick flick, the girl bats the flat of the blade away and glares at the man in defiance.

"This is a rare find," says one guard. "A real live cat woman."

"I thought they were just myths," said another.

"No," said a third, "There's a whole bunch of 'em in the shrines at Goloa. Worshipping some cat goddess, I've heard."

"Amazing," breathes the second guard, who had been the one to have his sword batted aside.

The men then look questioningly at Nadia for their orders. The rest of the tribals seem to have been driven off back into the jungle.

Nadia held her hand out and was quickly given some rope, with well trained precision she bound the girl's arms and legs behind her motioning one of the larger men to pick her up. "We can't waste time chasing them through the jungle, they're scattered and disorganized for now...." She smirks, "Maybe we'll get lucky and the naga will find them. For now we go back to the village and see how they fare." She finds Omid waiting at the gate for her and immediately goes to business as they walk, "Anyone displaced by the fire may sleep in the dining hall, as soon as possible I want laborers to push back the jungle around the village another 20 or 30 yards. The lumber will be used to rebuild the homes lost, after that I want it used to make our walls higher so that it's difficult to throw things over, extinguish those bundles in earth so we don't have burning slime running everywhere."

She glanced back at her new prisoner, "Have the captains post extra men on the walls until dawn tomorrow, I'm going to see if I can talk some.....sense into our new guest." She took a long route through town, her plan was to show everyone the cat woman, first to bolster her reputation at capturing her and second to show people that it appeared that some of the jungle myths were true. If there were indeed beast people lurking deep in the jungle they needed Nadia more than ever to keep them safe. After her trip around town the cat was unceremoniously handed over to Nadia and carried to her chambers, once there she was placed on the floor with an annoyed Nadia standing over her. "I won't bother asking why you attacked, you'd just shout something about offending the jungle, instead I want to know what the hell was in those bundles you were throwing at us." Nadia knelt down by the cat studying her closely.
Re: Chapter 1

"Mistress Khanna," she said, as Zakiri reached her side. "I've given you my name, so you might as well start using it."

With that she abruptly turned and started walking up the ramp to the side of the chamber where stairs led upwards through archways and passages.

"Follow on, quickly," she urged. "Don't wander."

It seemed that now Khanna had made her decision to take Zakiri with her, she was in a great haste to leave the lower levels, and she did not look back to see if Zakiri was following behind. The stone guardians were inanimate along the walkways and there were no signs of the giants or any other tower servitors about. No leash or chains compelled Zakiri to follow the woman and the thought that she was currently walking freely and could sprint in any direction she wished grew in Zakiri's mind. Khanna apparently did not fear that the slave would run away or attack her from behind.

The stairs and archways soon branched off into differing passages, and after several minutes of climbing, Zakiri looked off through an open portal in the rocks to her right, and found herself gazing down upon the cages from what must be a place very near the cavernous room's ceiling. How tall could this tower be?

Eventually they reached a wooden door, and Khanna stopped and turned for the first time to see that Zakiri was still with her.

"I recommend staying quiet when we pass through this level," Khanna told her in a hushed and deadly serious tone. "It is the abode of Jahangir and his minions of flesh. If we are silent and swift, we can avoid them. It would be better for you if we did just that. Jahangir is unpredictable and lascivious, and truly a despicable toad, but within his domain I cannot prevent his will from being worked upon you, if he discovers that you are present. Even if I claimed you, he would say it was his right to tamper with you before letting me take you above."

After Zakiri let her know that she was ready, Khanna turned again to face the door. Then after a moment's hesitation, she put both hands on the handle and pushed the door inwards, taking care to make as little noise as she could. She pushed her head in from side to side to make sure the way was clear, and then motioned for Zakiri to follow behind her.

The air was musk-filled and humid, but it was brighter here than in the caverns below. Torches were lined at regular intervals to provide some light, but a yellow and orange vapor hung about the low ceiling, looking like a billowy cloud of unclean fumes. It's strange phosphorescence bathed the surrounding area in its dull earthy, clay-like color.

The space Zakiri looked upon was like a dream-scape from some horrible nightmare of twisted metal and black, volcanic rock. The view to any direction save the door they just passed through ended about ten meter in impenetrable orange fog. Stalagmites jutted from the earth and walkways inlaid with metal work crisscrossed among the rocks. Sorrowful moans and inhuman growls sounded in the distance, through the thick clouds.

"The quickest path is to keep along the right wall and follow it to a door like the one we just went through," Khanna said without sign of fear or concern, but she looked to Zakiri once to make sure she had heard her before setting off again at a quick walking pace.

As she walked beside Khanna, Zakiri saw, or imagines she saw shapes and forms in the fog. Things that shambled unevenly on two legs, or things with none the slithered along the floor like serpents. Once or twice she saw the forms of the giants that had given her food down at the cages. They stared at both women as they briskly walked by before disappearing into the clouds.

After a few minutes of walking, Khanna spoke again. "Good. We're almost there. He must have been busy elsewh--"

She stopped dead in her tracks, and put her hand out to her side, across Zakiri's breasts to prevent her from moving forward as well. Before Zakiri had time to think or to perceive whatever it was Khanna was worried about, she found herself being thrown roughly into a side passage where she landed hard on her rump, but strangely made no sound.

She looked up to see a Khanna, who had been the one to toss her down, had her hand up, palm facing towards Zakiri. The air in front of it was shimmering as though in a heat haze. When Zakiri opened her mouth to speak, she found that she created no noise, and that the shimmering in the air near Khanna's palm became more active.

Then with a shock, she saw the tall, muscular shape of Jahangir emerge from the clouds directly in front of where they had been walking.

"Hello, Khanna..." came the same deep and cruel voice. "I though I had sensed you moving through here a little while ago. Come to choose another model then? Another man or two to satisfy your artist's urges? Mmm? Well? Where is he? You wouldn't bother coming here just to leave empty handed."

His voice was slow and mocking, as if he perceived Khanna's deception before she even began her lie.

"I would if the selection of models was as poor as this last batch was," Khanna said, her face reverting into casual coolness. "You know I settle for nothing less than inspiring, and I have determined that once again, everything that lurks down here is wholly depressing at best, and disgusting at worst. Speaking of disgusting, how goes your latest desecration?"

With her hands hidden behind her back, Khanna was making a repeated gesture, apparently waving Zakiri away.

A deep chuckle rumbled from Jahangir's massive throat, "Always playing hard to get, aren't you Khanna. We both know that you pretend to hate me, but your body has always given away your true feelings. Your desire for me."

"You're a deranged pile of bat shit, Jahangir," Khanna said harshly, "the very thought of you sickens me. Now if you'll excuse me, I have work to do, and two new apprentice mages to to analyze. You'll probably want to wipe the blood and bile off your jerkin before coming to the dinner as well, so perhaps we should both be on our separate ways?"

Khanna made to stride past Jahangir, but a meaty arm shot out and barred her way.

"I smell her, Khanna," he growled, and then, he sniffed at Khanna's lips. "I smell her stink on you."

"I don't know what you're talking about, but if it's stench you're bothered by, then concern yourself with your own."

Again, Khanna made to go by him, but he moved his bulky form quickly to block her.

"It's been over 50 years since you last concerned yourself with licking cunt," Jahangir said as a knowing grin spread across his face. "What's the matter, Khanna, those boy toys not living up to my cock? Did I stretch you too far and now no other man can satisfy you?"

A chilling blast sucked the heat out of the nearby air and Jahangir roared with a mixture of pain and laughter as he fell to one knee and gripped his side. Khanna had cast a minor spell and was now storming past him, her calm demeanor gone and replace by a mask of anger. Turning once she was past him, she spat at him.

"Mention that ever again and I swear I'll have a team of golems trample that precious body of yours into paste!" she hissed.

Jahangir recovered and sniffed the air. "Promises, promises," he intoned with a deep chuckle. "But I'm going to find your pretty little prize before she leaves here with you. My creations and I are going to have some fun with her."

The icy glare remained in Khanna's eyes. "Whatever wild goose chase you wish to go on is not my concern. You can stay down here all week searching for some non-existent slave for all I care, it shall make tonight's dinner at least more palatable!"

With that, Khanna stalked off into the clouds, and Zakiri knew she would have to make it to the exit on her own.
"Y-yes, Mistress Khanna," Zakiri said, wincing at her unintended offense of the woman. She may have been claimed, but she was still only a slave, and from what she has seen of this place so far, a slave's fate is nebulous at best. And after what the man in the cage above her had told her, Zakiri had a feeling that this place contained fate's worse than death.

Khanna's speedy departure took Zakiri by surprise, the woman in white leaving her behind rather quickly. The slave girl jumped at the command to hurry, and took a few halting steps forward before pausing. Looking around, she noticed the guards gone. It was the perfect time for her to run from this place, to flee and regain whatever life she may have left. But what could she do? Run down the stairs back into the darkness, left to wander the barren underground landscape with no food or water or any idea how to get back to the surface? No, right now, there was no choice but to follow Khanna, and hope the area above was as nice as the coughing man had said.

Turning around to look at the coughing man, Zakiri raises a hand to wave at him. A motion meant not just to bid farewell, but also to thank for the advice, and to apologize for leaving him behind. Turning her eyes down, Zakiri hurries to catch up to Khanna, following dutifully behind as they ascend the stairs. She pauses once again to look down at the cages from the overlook, marveling at how high they had climbed, but quickly falls back in step with the woman in white's unceasing pace.

Zakiri listens to Khanna's explanation of the area ahead, nodding quickly at the warnings, none too eager to see what Jahangir might do to her after hearing the coughing man's vile descriptions of the mage. She followed closely behind the woman in white, fear obvious on her face in contrast to the mage, as she stares in horror at the strange place. With a hand over her mouth for fear of the strange fumes, Zakiri nodded again when Khanna gave her advice on finding the exit, repeating the information to herself to be sure she would never be lost in this place, with the strange shapes half glimpsed in the fog, and terrible moans seeming to emanate from all around. The longer they walk, the closer Zakiri creeps to the fearless Khanna, desperate not to be separated from the one person who might remove her from this place safely.

When she is thrown to the floor and robbed of her voice, Zakiri begins to scramble desperately to her feet, but stops immediately on seeing Khanna's outstretched hand. Even with the woman urging her away, Zakiri could only push herself backwards a short way, her attention transfixed on the arguing magi before the stunning blast of cold caused her to stop, curling up in a ball to protect herself. Her mind reeled at the power displayed, the slave girl coming to a new understanding of just how terrible the people before her were.

Before she could do anything, Khanna was gone. Shivering while looking at the muscular man, Zakiri's earlier fears seemed to be coming true. Alone, lost in this place, and now hunted by the source of the coughing man's hatred. Her first instinct was to run screaming, but she quickly realized the terrible mistake that would be. Instead, she turns around and crawls on all fours away from the man, as fast as she could, but also as silent. She dared not test to see if Khanna's enchantment was still upon her, but continued down the passage to the first intersection she came across. Once there, she pressed herself against the right wall, the only thing she knew of that could help her find the exit. Pulling herself to her feet, the slave girl begins to take slow cautious steps down the corridor, hoping beyond hope to find a plain wooden door like the one she had entered from.

Suddenly, the slave girl pauses. The coughing man had said Jahangir always took two girls to his chambers. Baherah and Virah might be here, alive and well. If Zakiri could find them, perhaps Khanna could claim them as well, and save them from the monstrous man. Still fearful, but with a new goal in mind, Zakiri renews her progress down the corridor, searching for her two friends.

(Zakiri uses Covertly and For Others to sneak around while looking for Baherah and Virah)
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Re: Chapter 1

Arwia swallowed a lump as she watched Taya's reaction. But it was the statement that she understood that made her completely relax, even letting out a small sigh of relief. It was perfect. The girl understood her meaning, and perhaps, would give her thanks. She would not have to have sex with the girl. It was a perfect work-around to her own agreement that she would relent. The girl likely didn't wish to perform such an act, just as much as she did with a stranger.

Arwia blushed at being called beautiful, it was something she was not used to, as she often took to hiding her radiant appearance from the wretched eyes of the blighted whenever she left the church. However, she chuckled nervously at Taya's statement of Arwia's own wanting the girl to lay with her. She did not wish to interrupt, and she figured the girl was simply grateful to be given a moment of freedom, to know what it's like to have choice, and not be forced into lewd acts, at least for one day... And right at the thought of lewd acts, Arwia flushed with surprise as her cheek was brushed. She looked up with surprise at Taya, before her eyes went wide at the girl's kiss. She trembled at how soft the girl's lips were, and how fresh her breath was. How could a slave, beaten, raped time after time, and treated with such foul ways, have lips that were smooth, and skin so fresh?

It was likely under great work, she imagined. But the words that followed, prevented Arwia from speaking on her own embarrassed behalf. Her story was terrible, and made Ariwa's heart ache with sympathy for her. Her mouth agape, she held a hand to her mouth, her brow furrowed, "Changed and tampered..." Arwia whispered, "What unspeakable things...?" she began to ask, but shook her head, taking a deep breath. The girl was right, Arwia had no intention of staying in a tower such as this. However, she'd only leave once it was left in shambles.

Her hand squeezed, Arwia rose her gaze, looking at her own hand, held in Taya's, before looking up with wide eyes, pupils shrinking as the girl told her indeed, that it was within her desire to have sex with Arwia, in spite of how much Arwia thought that she did not. To be told this, Arwia felt trapped in a space she could not breathe in. How could she tell the girl no, after so much had been said, and for how long Arwia allowed it to grow? The roots of emotion were deep, and Arwia could only remove them with rough hands. Hands she did not possess. But at the same time, Arwia couldn't find a way to find a place into the area which the woman had placed her. She was saying, fair enough, 'yes,' to her, when she nary asked a thing of the girl.

'She has lain with many more than I ever plan to in my life time! How... What should I even do, in a situation like this!?' Arwia exclaimed. Without her knowing, her hand trembled in Taya's own, and her breathing quickened to a pace that left her woozy. Placing her hand on the edge of the tub awkwardly, water slid off of her flawless form, dripping to the warm water below as she rose from the tub, using Taya's hand to assist herself, before going for a towel, and promptly drying herself off in a heated rush. Her backside to Taya as she went to dry. After drying her hair off, she rested the towel in a crumble over her chest, both her hands gripping it. She turned about to face Taya, her face as red as could be.

"Taya..." she nearly wheezed, "I... I don't know what to do..." she admitted. Blinking several times over, her eyes darted to and fro, looking at every aspect of the room, as if seeking aid. "I... I don't even know how... A woman, and another woman could... It does not even seem possible... A-and... I never even thought about such a thing, until now..."
Re: Chapter 1

The archer sighed in relief at the sight of his bow, settling back into the water. "Thank you, Lady Kiriha, I would be lost without it."

At her reference of village and woman in the same breath, Halrikk could only laugh, and laugh, and then cough. Once the fit had subsided, he explained, "Nadia? My woman? Were such an arrangement even true, it would be I who would be her man. Nadia is many things. Beautiful, intelligent, independent, fierce. Mine, she is not. She only possesses my loyalty, not my heart, nor my soul."

"And I have every intention of becoming your mate. The woman who owns my soul...I haven't seen her in years. Not since my exile." The man seemed lost in his thoughts for a moment. "So, while I cannot give you that, I can give you my heart. My mind. My body. Anything you desire of me, ask, and it is yours, so long as it doesn't require me to give you my soul or my loyalty."

Kiriha was confused by Halrikk's laughter at first, but as he came to explain himself, a wry smile appeared across her face.

"You are a curious man," she said, and then sprawled herself upon the cushions that made up her bed. Propping herself up on a fluffy red pillow and her head resting on both hands, she swished her tail idly as she spoke.

"I'm tempted to take both your soul and loyalty by force, you know," she said with a smile. "Never tell a naga what she cannot have, for she shall only lust after it with all her mind and machinations bent upon it. After all, if you are to be my mate and father to my brood, I should desire not only your heart, but your loyalty to my own cause - for it is a worthy one - and I should like your soul intact.

"But I shall not press you," she continued. "If all that you can give now is your gratefulness, your heart and of course, your body, then I will be satisfied with those. Maybe I too can earn your loyalty - and perhaps this Nadia who you respect so much will one day release you of your obligation to her, or join her cause with mine. If she is as competent as you say, then I wouldn't mind getting to know her better."

She remained silent for some time after that, then at length she spoke again. "You may be interested to know that not all your men perished on that night when you were attacked. Most ran into the jungle where they swiftly met my kin, and yes, many were killed for their meat. But some of your men and a few of the tribal women still remain alive as amusements for the other demons of this valley."

She shrugged as if the lives of these people were not overly her concern. "I don't know why I tell you this. Not much can be done for them, but I guess you deserve to know."
Re: Chapter 1


Nadia held her hand out and was quickly given some rope, with well trained precision she bound the girl's arms and legs behind her motioning one of the larger men to pick her up. "We can't waste time chasing them through the jungle, they're scattered and disorganized for now...." She smirks, "Maybe we'll get lucky and the naga will find them. For now we go back to the village and see how they fare." She finds Omid waiting at the gate for her and immediately goes to business as they walk, "Anyone displaced by the fire may sleep in the dining hall, as soon as possible I want laborers to push back the jungle around the village another 20 or 30 yards. The lumber will be used to rebuild the homes lost, after that I want it used to make our walls higher so that it's difficult to throw things over, extinguish those bundles in earth so we don't have burning slime running everywhere."

She glanced back at her new prisoner, "Have the captains post extra men on the walls until dawn tomorrow, I'm going to see if I can talk some.....sense into our new guest." She took a long route through town, her plan was to show everyone the cat woman, first to bolster her reputation at capturing her and second to show people that it appeared that some of the jungle myths were true. If there were indeed beast people lurking deep in the jungle they needed Nadia more than ever to keep them safe. After her trip around town the cat was unceremoniously handed over to Nadia and carried to her chambers, once there she was placed on the floor with an annoyed Nadia standing over her. "I won't bother asking why you attacked, you'd just shout something about offending the jungle, instead I want to know what the hell was in those bundles you were throwing at us." Nadia knelt down by the cat studying her closely.

The townspeople cheered Nadia heartily for her daring sally, and gazed in awe at the strange cat woman, who was strutted around the town in her bound and dejected state. Some of the bolder free laborers attempted to get close enough to touch the prized prisoner, but she sensed them approach and hissed fiercely, showing sharp teeth and red fury in her eyes. Such was her presence that, even bound as she was, the men jumped back in fright, not daring to try their luck against the feline warrior.

The houses covered in the fiery slime are eventually doused with earth as ordered, and the slime remnants are collected and examined, but no exact conclusions can be reached by the veteran officers.

Back in Nadia's room, the cat woman was dumped down on the floor unceremoniously. She quickly righted herself onto her knees, and glared defiantly at Nadia as the human woman paced around her captive.

Nadia's questions however are met with stubborn silence. It seemed the painted warrior was too proud to give in so simply.
Re: Chapter 1

Kiriha was confused by Halrikk's laughter at first, but as he came to explain himself, a wry smile appeared across her face.

"You are a curious man," she said, and then sprawled herself upon the cushions that made up her bed. Propping herself up on a fluffy red pillow and her head resting on both hands, she swished her tail idly as she spoke.

"I'm tempted to take both your soul and loyalty by force, you know," she said with a smile. "Never tell a naga what she cannot have, for she shall only lust after it with all her mind and machinations bent upon it. After all, if you are to be my mate and father to my brood, I should desire not only your heart, but your loyalty to my own cause - for it is a worthy one - and I should like your soul intact.

"But I shall not press you," she continued. "If all that you can give now is your gratefulness, your heart and of course, your body, then I will be satisfied with those. Maybe I too can earn your loyalty - and perhaps this Nadia who you respect so much will one day release you of your obligation to her, or join her cause with mine. If she is as competent as you say, then I wouldn't mind getting to know her better."

She remained silent for some time after that, then at length she spoke again. "You may be interested to know that not all your men perished on that night when you were attacked. Most ran into the jungle where they swiftly met my kin, and yes, many were killed for their meat. But some of your men and a few of the tribal women still remain alive as amusements for the other demons of this valley."

She shrugged as if the lives of these people were not overly her concern. "I don't know why I tell you this. Not much can be done for them, but I guess you deserve to know."

"Yeah, I've been told that before," he replied with a nod at her referring to him as "curious". This was followed by a contemplative "hmmm" when she referred to having a cause. He remained silent as she finished speaking, brow furrowed in thought.

"The payment is acceptable; then, my heart, gratitude, and body are yours. As to Nadia..." the raider paused thoughtfully. "Perhaps she would release me, Lady Kiriha. Perhaps she would join you. Perhaps you should meet with her. Perhaps you should come with me when I leave to report to her," he asked, inclining his head towards the naga. "Once this mating business is finished, of course."

There was a long silence following her reply, before Kiriha spoke again. As she spoke of Halrikk's men being alive, his body went rigid, alarm clearly visible on his face. "My men yet live?" He was incredulous; he'd been sure they were all slaughtered. The bowman sprang from where he reclined against the edge of the pool, only to collapse to his knees as his legs gave out on him. His face went under the water, but he managed to avoid inhaling any.

"I have to go rescue them. You have to help me, Kiriha," he implored, regaining his feet, water dripping down his body. His legs burned from disuse, but the archer was certain that he'd be able to walk soon enough. Anything more than that, though....

"And you should never tell me that there is nothing I can do, for I will act with all my mind and machinations bent to pursuing my goal." As he spoke, he stared directly at the naga, as though daring her to contradict him. "Now, please, show me where the demons that have captured my people dwell, so I may bring them retribution," he asked as he moved to collect his bow.
Re: Chapter 1


Zakiri fled the rumbling laughter and foul wickedness that was Jahangir and began heading with haste towards the door when she stopped and remembered the forlorn looks of Baherah and Virah as they were led off with the slavemaster. They must be here somewhere.

Concern for their safety suddenly overweighed her own and the sudden, crazy desire to find them quickly rooted itself in Zakiri's mind. She turned aside to the left, going deeper into the bilious catacombs, and little did she know it then but her empathy had for a short time saved her.

Jahangir had predicted that the slave would head towards the exit, following closely behind her mistress Khanna, and so had stalked stealthily off in that direction. Soon Zakiri could not hear nor see any sign of the man, and instead wandered through the strange halls.

After a short time and several winding turns later, Zakiri had just spied what looked to be a better lit and less noxious corridor ahead when something slimy and long caught hold of her by the ankle. Not managing to stifle a half-shout of surprise, Zakiri looked down to see a brownish pink tendril, roughly two inches in width and a length still unknown had wrapped itself twice about her leg and was worming its way now swiftly up her calf.

Zakiri knew that her yelp must have been loud enough to be heard, and feared that her tormentor would soon be upon her, and whatever this thing was, she must slip away from it quickly.
Re: Chapter 1

As fearful as Zakiri was, every corridor she entered felt like it stretched on for an eternity. Every second was a lifetime, and every strange sound she heard was every creature, demon, and spirit she had ever heard of, coming to grab her and bring her to the monstrous man. Just when she thought that her attempt to find her friends was a lost cause, that she would be lost in this place for all time, Zakiri spotted the area of fresher air. With a gasp of relief, she started to step towards it, only to look down in confusion at the tug on her leg.

Zakiri's first thought was that some form of strange rope had attached to her leg as she brushed against a wall. When the rope moved however, she yelped, a quick scream as she wondered just what horror had Jahangir unleashed on her. Her eyes shot back and forth, searching for the fearsome man. But he was nowhere to be seen, and the thing on her leg was still slithering it's way up, farther and farther.

Remembering how she had seen one of the hunters in her tribe deal with a snake that had fallen onto a man and coiled itself around him, Zakiri did the only thing she could think of. Though she was hesitant to touch it, she wrapped her hands around the end of the living rope, gripping tightly to stop it from climbing up any further. Then she begins to turn in a circle with her wrapped up leg at the center, intending to unwind the thing from her leg. Once her leg was free, Zakiri threw the creature to the ground and ran towards the area she had seen. With her scream and the time it took to remove that thing, she knew the monstrous Jahangir would come soon, and she had no desire to be here when he did.
Re: Chapter 1

Nadia took the girl by the chin, "You're extremely lucky that I'm in charge here, the other captains would have probably tossed you to their men like meat to wolves...." She undid her hair letting her lavender locks flow over her shoulders, "The better you cooperate....the better this situation will turn out for you." Nadia grinned as she pulled her jacket open and tossed it aside. "You know I've always had a taste for the exotic." One of her hands went to the cat's breast to knead and the other one to the top of her head to scratch her ears."

(Nadia attempts to seduce her Directly with Love/Lust with her bonus after taking a few moments to study the cat girl and best respond to her attitude)
Re: Chapter 1

Arwia swallowed a lump as she watched Taya's reaction. But it was the statement that she understood that made her completely relax, even letting out a small sigh of relief. It was perfect. The girl understood her meaning, and perhaps, would give her thanks. She would not have to have sex with the girl. It was a perfect work-around to her own agreement that she would relent. The girl likely didn't wish to perform such an act, just as much as she did with a stranger.

Arwia blushed at being called beautiful, it was something she was not used to, as she often took to hiding her radiant appearance from the wretched eyes of the blighted whenever she left the church. However, she chuckled nervously at Taya's statement of Arwia's own wanting the girl to lay with her. She did not wish to interrupt, and she figured the girl was simply grateful to be given a moment of freedom, to know what it's like to have choice, and not be forced into lewd acts, at least for one day... And right at the thought of lewd acts, Arwia flushed with surprise as her cheek was brushed. She looked up with surprise at Taya, before her eyes went wide at the girl's kiss. She trembled at how soft the girl's lips were, and how fresh her breath was. How could a slave, beaten, raped time after time, and treated with such foul ways, have lips that were smooth, and skin so fresh?

It was likely under great work, she imagined. But the words that followed, prevented Arwia from speaking on her own embarrassed behalf. Her story was terrible, and made Ariwa's heart ache with sympathy for her. Her mouth agape, she held a hand to her mouth, her brow furrowed, "Changed and tampered..." Arwia whispered, "What unspeakable things...?" she began to ask, but shook her head, taking a deep breath. The girl was right, Arwia had no intention of staying in a tower such as this. However, she'd only leave once it was left in shambles.

Her hand squeezed, Arwia rose her gaze, looking at her own hand, held in Taya's, before looking up with wide eyes, pupils shrinking as the girl told her indeed, that it was within her desire to have sex with Arwia, in spite of how much Arwia thought that she did not. To be told this, Arwia felt trapped in a space she could not breathe in. How could she tell the girl no, after so much had been said, and for how long Arwia allowed it to grow? The roots of emotion were deep, and Arwia could only remove them with rough hands. Hands she did not possess. But at the same time, Arwia couldn't find a way to find a place into the area which the woman had placed her. She was saying, fair enough, 'yes,' to her, when she nary asked a thing of the girl.

'She has lain with many more than I ever plan to in my life time! How... What should I even do, in a situation like this!?' Arwia exclaimed. Without her knowing, her hand trembled in Taya's own, and her breathing quickened to a pace that left her woozy. Placing her hand on the edge of the tub awkwardly, water slid off of her flawless form, dripping to the warm water below as she rose from the tub, using Taya's hand to assist herself, before going for a towel, and promptly drying herself off in a heated rush. Her backside to Taya as she went to dry. After drying her hair off, she rested the towel in a crumble over her chest, both her hands gripping it. She turned about to face Taya, her face as red as could be.

"Taya..." she nearly wheezed, "I... I don't know what to do..." she admitted. Blinking several times over, her eyes darted to and fro, looking at every aspect of the room, as if seeking aid. "I... I don't even know how... A woman, and another woman could... It does not even seem possible... A-and... I never even thought about such a thing, until now..."

Taya followed closely behind Arwia as she toweled herself dry, and when the young priestess turned around with her blushing face starting to match the long damp strands of her hair, she found Taya standing close to her.

"You don't need to be afraid, Arwia," she said in a soothing tone that was calmer now, for the slave had made her choice, and knew that she desired the priestess. "It is not unnatural for two women to enjoy each other's caress. I can show you."

She put her other arm on Arwia's shoulder and let her fingers run lightly down her arm. Then she stepped in closer, and moved her hand to where the priestess clutched the towel to her chest. She took hold of it, and slowly drew it aside and let it drop, leaving them both facing each other with nothing separating them but the thinnest layer of cloth dropping down from a chain across Taya's waist.

Their breasts touched, then pushed against each other, and the slave drew her lips close around Awria's own.

"Please let me..." she whispered, and the hand that had caressed Arwia's arm traveled lower still, moving down to rub softly against the folds of her pussy.
Re: Chapter 1


"Yeah, I've been told that before," he replied with a nod at her referring to him as "curious". This was followed by a contemplative "hmmm" when she referred to having a cause. He remained silent as she finished speaking, brow furrowed in thought.

"The payment is acceptable; then, my heart, gratitude, and body are yours. As to Nadia..." the raider paused thoughtfully. "Perhaps she would release me, Lady Kiriha. Perhaps she would join you. Perhaps you should meet with her. Perhaps you should come with me when I leave to report to her," he asked, inclining his head towards the naga. "Once this mating business is finished, of course."

There was a long silence following her reply, before Kiriha spoke again. As she spoke of Halrikk's men being alive, his body went rigid, alarm clearly visible on his face. "My men yet live?" He was incredulous; he'd been sure they were all slaughtered. The bowman sprang from where he reclined against the edge of the pool, only to collapse to his knees as his legs gave out on him. His face went under the water, but he managed to avoid inhaling any.

"I have to go rescue them. You have to help me, Kiriha," he implored, regaining his feet, water dripping down his body. His legs burned from disuse, but the archer was certain that he'd be able to walk soon enough. Anything more than that, though....

"And you should never tell me that there is nothing I can do, for I will act with all my mind and machinations bent to pursuing my goal." As he spoke, he stared directly at the naga, as though daring her to contradict him. "Now, please, show me where the demons that have captured my people dwell, so I may bring them retribution," he asked as he moved to collect his bow.

As he went to grasp the haft of his bow, Kiriha put her hand firmly across the weapon, preventing him from snatching it up.

"Those demons you are suggesting of killing are the very ones who must witness and even conduct the binding ceremony between us. I cannot allow you to simply go and kill them - even supposing you could in your condition."

Her tongue flickered, and her eyes told him in no subtle method that she did not intend to let him walk out of her sight.

"You must understand, those who have been brought here to the hell pit have already been warped by sorcery," she said. "They are under spells that leave them completely under the demon's control. Your men would not recognize you, and would fight you if so ordered - and you could not possibly fight them. There is little you can do for them by yourself..."

She cast her eyes down, and thought a moment to herself.

"Perhaps... perhaps I could do something, if given some time alone with them when their masters are distracted... but I could not possibly do it until after the ceremony is complete and our union... well, you know..."

Kiriha's green cheekbones turned a lavender color, which Halrikk realized was her blushing. It was strange that a naga who had minutes before been so seductive could become embarrassed over the prospect of mating with him.

"Please," she said to him, looking up again, "I beg you to not do anything rash."
Re: Chapter 1


As fearful as Zakiri was, every corridor she entered felt like it stretched on for an eternity. Every second was a lifetime, and every strange sound she heard was every creature, demon, and spirit she had ever heard of, coming to grab her and bring her to the monstrous man. Just when she thought that her attempt to find her friends was a lost cause, that she would be lost in this place for all time, Zakiri spotted the area of fresher air. With a gasp of relief, she started to step towards it, only to look down in confusion at the tug on her leg.

Zakiri's first thought was that some form of strange rope had attached to her leg as she brushed against a wall. When the rope moved however, she yelped, a quick scream as she wondered just what horror had Jahangir unleashed on her. Her eyes shot back and forth, searching for the fearsome man. But he was nowhere to be seen, and the thing on her leg was still slithering it's way up, farther and farther.

Remembering how she had seen one of the hunters in her tribe deal with a snake that had fallen onto a man and coiled itself around him, Zakiri did the only thing she could think of. Though she was hesitant to touch it, she wrapped her hands around the end of the living rope, gripping tightly to stop it from climbing up any further. Then she begins to turn in a circle with her wrapped up leg at the center, intending to unwind the thing from her leg. Once her leg was free, Zakiri threw the creature to the ground and ran towards the area she had seen. With her scream and the time it took to remove that thing, she knew the monstrous Jahangir would come soon, and she had no desire to be here when he did.

Whatever the creature was, it seemed to be blind and possessing only a very low intelligence - for though it had some strength in its grip, it did not adjust to stop Zakiri's method of freeing herself, as if from a snake.

However, it had hardly hit the floor at Zakiri's feet when she heard the approaching footsteps of the mage, heavy under the bulk of muscle that moved with them.

"I hear you..." she heard his voice rumble from somewhere beyond the unnatural, sulfurous fog. "Your scream is unique, and your whimpering, and sharp inhales of breath. Where are you running to? Not to the door out, surely. Are you admiring my decorations?"

His obnoxious rumbling laughter seemed to fill her mind, and quickly she fled toward the lighter tunnel.

Soon she saw that the walls became less like rock and more like the texture of flesh. She saw lights coming from within the walls, shining through the 'skin' to give off a the tint of flesh, like a dull sun glistening off of oiled skin at dusk.

In the lights she coulds see shapes within the walls. Human shapes. Male and female forms that seemed trapped within, their arms outstretched, with tendrils of flesh rooting them to their places. Some of them moved, and she shuddered as one 'man' seemed to reach out, and press the shadow of his hand against the wall as she passed, and the wall stretched and moved towards her where he pressed.

"The work of a lifetime," came a rumble behind her. "They come here to be one with the tower, to become one with each other."

Not daring to turn around, she ran faster ahead, to the sound of his laughter. Darting to her left and then to her right, she came suddenly to a room filled with giants like the ones that had given her food. Men and women were lying with each other, moaning and grinding against each other in a mass orgy, their eyes focused and ignoring her presence. The scenes were so surreal, her mind had little time to digest them. She just kept running.

And then she came at last to what appeared to be a dead end, and a cold laughter sounded out behind her. She turned and put her back to the wall, facing the tall, intimidating man standing before her.

"Having fun, little mouse?" he mocked. "I know I am. But I have a better game in mind for you..."

He raised his hand, and suddenly the wall behind her came alive with tendrils of flesh wrapping themselves around her, tightening about her waist, neck, and every limb, pulling her back against the wall, which seemed to be sweating and smelling of the now familiar smell of sex.
Re: Chapter 1

Nadia took the girl by the chin, "You're extremely lucky that I'm in charge here, the other captains would have probably tossed you to their men like meat to wolves...." She undid her hair letting her lavender locks flow over her shoulders, "The better you cooperate....the better this situation will turn out for you." Nadia grinned as she pulled her jacket open and tossed it aside. "You know I've always had a taste for the exotic." One of her hands went to the cat's breast to knead and the other one to the top of her head to scratch her ears."

(Nadia attempts to seduce her Directly with Love/Lust with her bonus after taking a few moments to study the cat girl and best respond to her attitude)

"Nyah?" The cat girl made a start when Nadia threw off her jacket. "What are you- huh?"

Her eyes widened in surprise as Nadia dropped down and reached over the girl's leopard skin top to grope and squeeze her ample bosom, while scratching around her ears.

"H-how dare you!" her eyes flashed with anger and her tanned cheeks were touched with red. "You are little better than a dog, an alpha bitch among a pack of mangy mongrels!" She began fidgeting furiously.

"Cut it out! eh hey!" she cocked her head to the side and her legs suddenly go rigid as Nadia adjusts her touch to below the girl's ears and pinches her nipple through the animal skin.

"Ah -- ah! Myaao!" The girl's leg and tail start twitching as she begins to make funny noises in between her protests. "N-no! Stop it! Ahhh.... you bitch! anghh...oohhh."
Re: Chapter 1

Whatever the creature was, it seemed to be blind and possessing only a very low intelligence - for though it had some strength in its grip, it did not adjust to stop Zakiri's method of freeing herself, as if from a snake.

However, it had hardly hit the floor at Zakiri's feet when she heard the approaching footsteps of the mage, heavy under the bulk of muscle that moved with them.

"I hear you..." she heard his voice rumble from somewhere beyond the unnatural, sulfurous fog. "Your scream is unique, and your whimpering, and sharp inhales of breath. Where are you running to? Not to the door out, surely. Are you admiring my decorations?"

His obnoxious rumbling laughter seemed to fill her mind, and quickly she fled toward the lighter tunnel.

Soon she saw that the walls became less like rock and more like the texture of flesh. She saw lights coming from within the walls, shining through the 'skin' to give off a the tint of flesh, like a dull sun glistening off of oiled skin at dusk.

In the lights she coulds see shapes within the walls. Human shapes. Male and female forms that seemed trapped within, their arms outstretched, with tendrils of flesh rooting them to their places. Some of them moved, and she shuddered as one 'man' seemed to reach out, and press the shadow of his hand against the wall as she passed, and the wall stretched and moved towards her where he pressed.

"The work of a lifetime," came a rumble behind her. "They come here to be one with the tower, to become one with each other."

Not daring to turn around, she ran faster ahead, to the sound of his laughter. Darting to her left and then to her right, she came suddenly to a room filled with giants like the ones that had given her food. Men and women were lying with each other, moaning and grinding against each other in a mass orgy, their eyes focused and ignoring her presence. The scenes were so surreal, her mind had little time to digest them. She just kept running.

And then she came at last to what appeared to be a dead end, and a cold laughter sounded out behind her. She turned and put her back to the wall, facing the tall, intimidating man standing before her.

"Having fun, little mouse?" he mocked. "I know I am. But I have a better game in mind for you..."

He raised his hand, and suddenly the wall behind her came alive with tendrils of flesh wrapping themselves around her, tightening about her waist, neck, and every limb, pulling her back against the wall, which seemed to be sweating and smelling of the now familiar smell of sex.
With the monstrous Jahangir so close behind her, Zakiri could think of nothing else but to run. The direction didn't matter, only speed and putting as much distance between herself and the nightmare following her. On and on she ran, past the walls of human flesh, past the horrifying visions of people trapped within, past his single minded minions. Until there was nowhere left to run.

Incredulously, she stared at the wall in front of her, her hands slapping against the soft flesh as though she could will a door into existence. The shadows reached out for her hands, and through the wall she could feel the bumps of their joints and the roughness of their skin. She recoiled from the touch, but suddenly found herself pressing her back against the wall when she heard Jahangir standing right behind her. Fingertips brushed her back, but the horror of the wall was nothing compared to the horror of the man.

Shivering in fear, Zakiri gasped in surprise then screamed as the tendrils shot out and wrapped around her, pinning her against the wall. Her arms wear pulled above her head, and her legs spread wide apart. She immediately knew why as she looked at Jahangir's lascivious grin. Without a word, he stuck two of his fingers in his mouth, licking them until they dripped with saliva and took a step towards the helpless slave girl.

"Wait, wait!" she begged, squirming futilely against the wall of flesh. From behind, Zakiri could feel the shadows in the wall reaching out toward her again, but not for her hands. She could feel fingertips brushing against her, tickling the backs of her knees, and the sides of her waist, while just the barest tip of a tongue slid across the small of her back. Her rump, held firmly against the wall, felt as though it was being kneaded by a pair of large hands, while her long hair was petted and inspected. Unable to resist, Zakiri could only sit and try to bear the touches. "Please, stop!" she cried, looking at Jahangir, but also asking the shadows in the wall. Jahangir stepped forward, ignoring her pleas to stop, and placed his fingers within her, the monstrous man not much of a fan of taking things slow. Completely at his mercy, Zakiri knew there was nothing she could do by herself to stop this, but her mind raced as she tried to find some way to save herself from this man.

"I-I'm claimed by... K-Khanna!" Zakiri forces out, her voice shaking from the constant stimulation. "She will be mad if... ah... if you do anything to me!" She continued, trying to reason with the monster as his fingers continued their toying with her sex. "You... you want her... Let me go and I can help you!"
Re: Chapter 1

With the monstrous Jahangir so close behind her, Zakiri could think of nothing else but to run. The direction didn't matter, only speed and putting as much distance between herself and the nightmare following her. On and on she ran, past the walls of human flesh, past the horrifying visions of people trapped within, past his single minded minions. Until there was nowhere left to run.

Incredulously, she stared at the wall in front of her, her hands slapping against the soft flesh as though she could will a door into existence. The shadows reached out for her hands, and through the wall she could feel the bumps of their joints and the roughness of their skin. She recoiled from the touch, but suddenly found herself pressing her back against the wall when she heard Jahangir standing right behind her. Fingertips brushed her back, but the horror of the wall was nothing compared to the horror of the man.

Shivering in fear, Zakiri gasped in surprise then screamed as the tendrils shot out and wrapped around her, pinning her against the wall. Her arms wear pulled above her head, and her legs spread wide apart. She immediately knew why as she looked at Jahangir's lascivious grin. Without a word, he stuck two of his fingers in his mouth, licking them until they dripped with saliva and took a step towards the helpless slave girl.

"Wait, wait!" she begged, squirming futilely against the wall of flesh. From behind, Zakiri could feel the shadows in the wall reaching out toward her again, but not for her hands. She could feel fingertips brushing against her, tickling the backs of her knees, and the sides of her waist, while just the barest tip of a tongue slid across the small of her back. Her rump, held firmly against the wall, felt as though it was being kneaded by a pair of large hands, while her long hair was petted and inspected. Unable to resist, Zakiri could only sit and try to bear the touches. "Please, stop!" she cried, looking at Jahangir, but also asking the shadows in the wall. Jahangir stepped forward, ignoring her pleas to stop, and placed his fingers within her, the monstrous man not much of a fan of taking things slow. Completely at his mercy, Zakiri knew there was nothing she could do by herself to stop this, but her mind raced as she tried to find some way to save herself from this man.

"I-I'm claimed by... K-Khanna!" Zakiri forces out, her voice shaking from the constant stimulation. "She will be mad if... ah... if you do anything to me!" She continued, trying to reason with the monster as his fingers continued their toying with her sex. "You... you want her... Let me go and I can help you!"

Jahangir's large wet fingers slid easily into Zakiri's flower and pushed deep inside her, his rough skin stimulating her clit along the way. Wherever his skin touched hers, she was treated to a tactile sensitivity that she had never yet experienced. It's as if his mere touch was awakening her body from a great slumber of which she had never known it to be partaking. A spasm of fiendish and indulgent pleasure shot through her as his fingers moved with practiced authority.

"Yes," he grinned. "You are claimed by Khanna, and that will make this all the sweeter. She tries so hard to get natural beauties like you. Maybe if she really wants you that badly, she'll come down here and submit to me - though I doubt she cares for you that much. Leaving you here all alone."

He began to rub his fingers faster in her pussy, burying them in her folds so that her love juices began to run down onto his palm. His other hand went forcefully to her breast and kneaded it. Again his touch was a jolting experience, and her nipple immediately became hard and sensitive, despite her mind's desperate attempts to calm her body. It was painful but pleasurable a the same time, and she felt her blood beginning to quicken.

"Hahaha! You want to help me? Mmm. Perhaps," he seemed genuinely amused by her frantic attempt to turn on Khanna just to avoid her fate. "But before we discuss that, I'd like to ask you some questions. For instance, you weren't just trying to escape me, I think. Tell me, why were you running into the heart of my domain? Were you looking for something, or someone? You'd better be honest with me and answer my questions, or I'll take off your legs and arms and put what remains of you on display for Khanna to admire when next she visits."

He stuck a third finger inside her, and by now her entire sex was beginning to feel engorged with raw sensitivity. He was doing something to her, more than just getting her off, which he was doing as easily as a master thief might pick a simple lock. She was already drenched and nearing a thundering orgasm.

A wet tendril with a sucking tip ridged with tiny claws and covered in slimy drool slipped out from the wall behind her and wrapped around the breast that had so far been left untouched, squeezing it and rubbing her nipple until it too quickly became enflamed with passion. Then the sucker attached itself around her tit and uvala, digging the claws painfully into her breast to lock the tendril in place. Then with strong tugs and suction, Zakiri could feel an alien pulling sensation begin to play through her - swirling and mixing in with the lusty thrusts down below. Her body was warming and her toes were beginning to curl.

Dimly she could see past Jahangir's shoulder, and make out the form of six or seven tall male figures - giants from the orgy she had just ran past a minute ago - striding curiously towards them.
Re: Chapter 1

Zakiri shivered as Jahangir pumped his fingers into her, trying desperately to resist the cruel man's touch. It wasn't working. The more he worked her body, the more her body reacted, sending waves of pleasure throughout her that set her mind on fire. She had never felt anything like this before, not when the raiders had found her hiding in the slave pit, not when she had willingly lain with a man. Despite her best efforts, she began moaning, her squirms to avoid the touches turning into grinding motions against them.

Biting her lip to try to keep from screaming out, Zakiri did not respond to Jahangir's taunts. But when he threatened to leave her limbless, helpless, in this horrifying place, her tongue loosens. "N-no!" she cried, followed by a yelp of pleasure as his fingers struck a particularly sensitive spot inside her. "I-I-I was looking... ahh!... My friends... B-Baherah.... nngh... Virah... You t-t-took them-mmm..." It was hard for her to talk while her whole body was being stimulated, but more than that, she could feel her peak coming closer with every word. "I... I thought... hah, ahh... I could free them..."

Every moment that passed brought a new level of pleasure to Zakiri, the girl no longer holding back her moans of lust. Even though the man was vile, the place was horrifying, and she feared for her life, Zakiri had never felt so enraptured before. She pulled against the bonds holding her against the fleshy wall, not to escape, but to allow her more freedom to enjoy herself. Finally, her body could hold back no longer, and her juices practically gushed out of her as her inner walls clamped down on Jahangir's fingers. She screamed loudly, her head titling back, toes curling, muscles spasming as she had the strongest orgasm she had ever had.

When the moment finally passed, Zakiri's head fell forward and her body relaxed, the odd spasm of remembered joy rocking her arms and legs. Jahangir, the tendril, and the shadows behind her were continuing their attentions, and to her surprise, she could feel her body begin to respond again almost immediately. As she saw behind Jahangir the forms of his minions, their giant frames visible even with the strange haze, and felt the shadows behind her, Zakiri's fear once more began to resurface. "Please," she whimpered, breath coming in ragged gasps, "I'll do anything you want. Just don't make me like them. Don't put me in the wall."
Re: Chapter 1

As he went to grasp the haft of his bow, Kiriha put her hand firmly across the weapon, preventing him from snatching it up.

"Those demons you are suggesting of killing are the very ones who must witness and even conduct the binding ceremony between us. I cannot allow you to simply go and kill them - even supposing you could in your condition."

Her tongue flickered, and her eyes told him in no subtle method that she did not intend to let him walk out of her sight.

"You must understand, those who have been brought here to the hell pit have already been warped by sorcery," she said. "They are under spells that leave them completely under the demon's control. Your men would not recognize you, and would fight you if so ordered - and you could not possibly fight them. There is little you can do for them by yourself..."

She cast her eyes down, and thought a moment to herself.

"Perhaps... perhaps I could do something, if given some time alone with them when their masters are distracted... but I could not possibly do it until after the ceremony is complete and our union... well, you know..."

Kiriha's green cheekbones turned a lavender color, which Halrikk realized was her blushing. It was strange that a naga who had minutes before been so seductive could become embarrassed over the prospect of mating with him.

"Please," she said to him, looking up again, "I beg you to not do anything rash."

Halrikk's blue eyes met Kiriha's golden ones in a gaze no less fierce for the raider's current condition. He remained silent as she pleaded her case to him, face softening from a stony glare to a look of befuddled concern as the demoness blushed at the mention of their union. Finally, he relinquished his grasp on his bow, and sat heavily on the edge of the pool, feet still in the water.

"Lady Kiriha..." he started, then stopped, trying to find the words. "Was I simply the first one you came across, or did you specifically save me for some reason?" Shaking his head, he added, "no, nevermind. It doesn't matter."

He sighed a little before continuing. "This mating ritual...what exactly does it entail? And why do you need to wait until after it to help me free my men? And what about the tribal women, are they being held by the same creatures that are holding my crew?"
Re: Chapter 1

Nadia continued to scratch the cat's ears after finding the right spot, "Yes I am the Alpha here but I am also the alpha keeping several dozen ships in check. If I were not in control rather than one large collection of raiders there would be many roaming bands of them, tearing apart and burning the jungle down simply for fun." Nadia wrapped her legs around her waist grinning before pushing up the jungle cat's top and kneading her bare breasts. "Cooperate and behave and I'll let you scurry back to your tribe on the condition that your attacks cease for the time being, in return I shall reign back the raids on the tribal villages along the river. I'm sure some of the more rebellious captains will disobey but I assure you that you will see the frequency of trouble plummet." Nadia pressed her back to lay on the ground, laying herself on top of her, lips kissing her neck up to her ear before whispering, her tone soft and inviting. "Tell me about what you were throwing and I'll make this an evening you will not soon forget...." Her hands slid down to the jungle woman's waist, rubbing and massaging it, despite having been fighting a short time ago Nadia's body language was completely calm, nothing about how she moved seemed to indicate the jungle girl was in any danger as the cheiftan continued to gently explore her body with her hands and lips.
Re: Chapter 1

Arwia felt her heart skip at Taya's bold advance when she saw that the girl was standing right behind her. She had thought the girl obedient, trained not even to move unless her masters so desired it, and to see that the girl, understanding that Arwia would not impose such force upon her, had taken to acting on her own, and advancing sexually towards her, was truly a surprise she did not expect.

Despite being told to become as calm and resolute as Taya herself, Arwia felt shaken, and even more so as Taya reached out to touch her sensually. She leaned back a little as their naked breasts came together, her breathing quickening as Taya's hand started to slide down her side. Her shaking stopped for a moment as the brown haired girl pleaded with her in a seductive whisper. Arwia's eyes softened as her gaze was sucked into Taya's own, staring back at the servant's stare, before her pupils went wide as her hands brushed along her nether lips.

Gasping, Arwia instinctively reached down with her own hand, and gripped at Taya's wrist gently. She gave a worried expression to her, her shifting causing their lips to brush along each other as she struggled to make sense of the various signals sent through her head. "Taya..." she whispered her name, taking some steps back, unknowingly leading both of them towards the bed.

Swallowing a lump in her throat, Arwia blinked several times over as she proceeded to avert her eyes from Taya, lifting her other hand, opposite the one holding Taya's wrist, to brush a braid back behind her shoulder. "I-I'm so bewildered t-that I don't know what to do..." she stuttered, speaking quickly her confession to Taya.