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Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Claire looks over at the kid and cocks and eyebrow. She wasn't in the mood for being fucked around with anymore, but she wasn't sure if this really was just a kine little punk, or something more sinister.

"Just fuck off and leave me alone," she shot towards him, venom dripping from each word.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Fletch actually undergoes an interesting change as the rain starts to pour down. His hair and beard are normally all over the place in a mane of fluff. As it gets wet, though, it all starts to cling to his skull and hang straight down, making him look a lot more sinister.

He shakes his head to get rid of most of the rain in his hair and grumbles for a moment before speaking up. "Bring around your bug, and we stuff him into the trunk. We'll head... You remember the park we first hunted at? It's near the river."
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

She nods and then grins up at him. "You know, you look a lot scarier now. Before you looked like a puppy. And I'm so glad you have a plan!" Then she turned her face up to the rain to get as much blood off as possible and scampered off to get her car.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

(Thank god he's dead, I wouldn't want to be stuffed into the trunk of a bug. Good lord is Ronny going to get himself killed mouthing off to an elder or what.)

As the rain continues washing what is left of the blood away from the pavement Eve makes her way to her vehicle. Thanks to the rain the streets are now almost completely empty of people, allowing Eve to pull her car into the alley unobserved.

As the rain starts falling harder, Raven looks at Izzy as if wondering if she wants to go somewhere else or continue with the dance lesson.

The kid pulls his jacket a little closer as the rain starts falling harder, before responding.

"Relax lady, I ain't vice. I got whatever you need, best prices in town guaranteed."

"Alright thanks for helping me, though if you're expecting something in return you can fuck off."

Ronny said as he started to walk away from the other kindred.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Claire raises an eyebrow and lets out a small snort of laughter. A small little smile crossed her features as she started to approach the kid.

"On second thought you do have something I want... but didn't your parent ever teach you not to talk to strangers?" she said in almost a growl.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Fletch shakes his head some more and murmurs "puppy" before he turns towards Jameson. "You're not fitting in there this way," he grumbles, almost inaudible in the heavy rain. He tries not to have too much fun as he starts pulling all of Jameson's joints out of their sockets so they have an easier time storing him.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

((Shush you. I work retail and I get tired. If it's something like that, just skip over me and I'll pick up on the last update, unless you *need* to move us along.))

"So you've said. I kind of wish I did get the chance to meet her, too." She frowns, trying to think about the set-up, the books, everything. "Maybe we can talk to Leo about it. Lovely as that sounds." Her words drip with sarcasm. "All right, distract me."

She lets herself get pulled up, letting out a little squee of a sound as the rain starts to pelt around them. "Come on, there's got to be a gazeebo or something around here. We can stay there until this lets up, maybe." She takes his hand and tugs him along with her on the path, looking for something like that or a shelter or somewhere to duck under to either wait out the rain or possibly continue the lesson if there's enough room.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Eve eases the front of the bug into the alley. It had taken her forever to remember that the trunk was in the front of the little car, not the back. She pulled the lever and popped it, trying to ignore the squelching noises.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Fletch grumbles as he picks up Jameson, now with limbs dangling like a marionette's. With a bit of effort, he folds the man in half and stuffs him into the bug's trunk before slamming it shut and walking over to the passenger door. Now he stuffs himself into the bug. "Let's roll," he quietly says.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

((Sorry, I just don't like to skip over people, I wasn't try to push you or anything. Sorry for the shortness today as well, my brain hurts after working the last few days.))

Fletch and Eve make it to the park and find a nice spot not to far form the river to get rid of the body. The wooded area is entirely devoid of people, even the joggers aren't out in the heavy rain that's coming down.

Raven and Izzy run through the rain finding a shelter just in time as the rain really starts to come down. Once there Raven shakes some of the rain off before taking Izzy over to an open spot between the benches.

Claire is lead by the dealer to the side of the building away from the other groups of people around the parking lot.

"All right lady, what kind of appetizers are you looking for tonight. You name the candy and I'll name the price."

Rain chases after Ronny after he starts walking away through the rapidly forming puddles in the alley. As she caught up she started walking beside him before smiling and speaking up.

"I guess that will have to do, I take it you're a Brujah like me the way you act?
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Claire shoves the dealer against the wall after looking around to make sure no one's eyes were coming her way. She runs a hand down the boy's cheek and smiles.

"Why my dear boy, I'll be naming the price," she snarled, before sinking her fangs into his neck, feeling the rush of blood flowing over her tongue.

She kept the dealer pushed against the wall with her hands and a single knee shoved against his crotch pushing harder whenever a struggle came out of him as she savored the feeding.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

((S'okay. Just letting you know is all.))

Shaking off the rain, more bothered by the dampness than the cold, Izzy slips closer to Raven, grinning at him. "About those dance lessons..." She chuckles a little. "What's that saying? Life's not about weathering the storm, it's learning to dance in the rain?" She chuckles and holds out her hands, either for him to take or as invitation for him to show her the steps.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Fletch nods and turns to Eve. "Okay. I'm gonna carry our pal. You go and find some heavy stones, alright?" Without waiting for a response, Fletch opens the car door and steps back out into the rain. For the moment, his resolve is holding up, but he doesn't know how long-

Alan lies in the trunk, half his face blown off. Slowly the soldier turns his head and grins at Fletch - quite a feat with only a few teeth. "You're gonna fail her," Alan hisses in a terrible, gurgling voice. "You're gonna fail her, like you failed us."
And then he lunges at Fletch.

An instinctively thrown fist busts the apparition as well as Jameson's temple. Fletch stares at the dead mobster. He feels like fainting, but he's not even sure kindred can still do that. Slowly he shakes his fist - the impact has hurt like hell. Must've even rocked the bug.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Eve stares down at her hands for a moment before letting out a small sigh and going to open the car door when wham! "Christ! What the hell was that!?" She practically tripped on herself to get out of the car and stared at Fletch for a second before slipping off into the dark to look for big and heavy rocks.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

((Bear with me, I might know how to dance myself but describing it is an entirely different story. Not to mention I'm not a gypsy so this is pretty much based off of youtube videos))

It doesn't take Eve long to find some heavy flagstones right near the front end of the car. She finds that though the stone is heavy enough for their needs, she can still move it easily enough on her own. With Fletch carrying the body and her the stone they warily make it to the riverbank. Still no one to be seen in either direction along the trail, the park seems strangely silent except for the sound of the falling rain.

Raven takes her hand and pulls her over beside him and going slowly shows her the basics of what he knows. From what he shows her gypsy dance seems very similar to a Flamenco dance, though much faster and with a lot more footwork. Thankfully Raven is a good teacher and before long Izzy finds herself doing a fairly good attempt at the dance. Raven smiles happily at her as he forgets the troubles of their night.

The dealer doesn't even have time to let out a cry as Claire sinks her fangs into his neck, instead letting out a contented sigh. The delicious blood flowing down her throat creates an intense feeling of ecstasy in her, though there is something different this time. After finishing her meal, Claire steps back leaving the dealer smiling contently as he rests against the wall. For some reason she doesn't quite understand she feels differently as she moves away to find Renee. Her steps feel somewhat lethargic and the world looks as if it were only a dream.

As Rain catches up and keeps pace Ronny accepts that he's not going to get rid of her that easily, though the grouchy frown on his face doesn't disappear. Looking over at the girl beside him he watches her for a few seconds before answering.

"Yes, or at least that seems to be the general consensus as to which clan I belong to. You know you really aren't very good at lying, but if it makes you feel better carry on. So what is it you actually want from me, anyways?"
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Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Claire stumbles out of the alley, a frown creasing her features as she tries to think about what's happening to her, but once again she's having trouble focus.

"Fuuuuccckkk," she mutters, drawing the word out until it simple turns to silence.

Nothing felt right, everything seemed so weird, and she just wanted to sit down. She wasn't even able to fully enjoy the ecstasy of a fresh feed. Where was Renee? She needed to find her, needed to... sleep or something.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

((No worries. I reference youtube a lot, too.))

It is most definitely nice to have something to concentrate on that isn't life-threatening or annoying or mired in cliquish politics. Not to mention seeing Raven relax and smile makes the same feelings creep up in Izzy as well. She's also very pleased with herself for getting the steps rather quickly. It's clear that if they do this again, he's still going to have to lead and she does sneak looks at their feet now and again, but she seems to grasp the concept rather quickly.

"Standing date," she says with a chuckle as they pause for a breather, not that they actually need one, but just to reset on steps and pacing. "Things get too crazy, we come do this to unwind. What do you think?"
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Fletch looks down at Jameson's floppy body and snarls. "So long, you... uh... ah fuck." Not only did he mess up his one-liner, he also forgot about the neck wound. He looks around, but finds nothing usable. Seems like he has to use the latest ace up his sleeve.
The big man brings his hands to his face and starts to concentrate. Already he can see them beginning to change.

(Fletch uses Feral Claws.)
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Eve watches Fletch curiously to see what he does. She hadn't really seen much of his different abilities, and she really wanted to see what he could do.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

The park is still strangely silent as Fletch's fingernails grow much longer and sharper before the pairs very eyes.

As Claire stumbles from the alleyway in her current state, Renee comes walking up from the shadows wiping her own mouth.

"Good job. I guess I don't really need to show you much other than how to stay out of trouble or how to not get caught while in trouble that is. Say are you okay, you don't look so hot?"

"Sounds like a plan to me."

Raven says as he suddenly gets more complicated in his steps while Izzy takes a quick breather, in a rare moment of showing off. Finally he stops for a break as well, looking somewhat serious for a moment.

"You know despite what I said about the rest of our little group not being trustworthy. They're probably our best chance for solving any little problems that may come up. If we can get everyone to work together without killing each other that is."

Rain looks she wants to rip Ronny's throat out at the remark about not being very good at lying, but seems to think better of it.

"Well I'm actually kind of new around here, and I was hoping you could tell em where the Anarch's hang around town. You know before I run into one of those cam asses, that like to spoil all the fun."