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Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Eve's eyes narrowed dangerously, "What makes this better than lying in a gutter somewhere? What doesn't make this better than lying in a gutter somewhere should be your question. Yeah sure, immortality is a bitch, I'm going to miss the sun. I'm going to miss painting dawn, dusk, and the ways light scatters on the landscape." she let out a hiss, "You may not have said you're worse off but all your actions seem to say is that you wish they had let you burn to ashes in the dawn." then she sniffed, "I don't care that I'm prettier than everyone else," she sneered, "I just care that I won't have to lose a job that I love doing. I'm glad that I can continue to do my job, and do it well, for a hell of a lot longer than if I were still human. I take pride in my body because other than my art talent I don't have anything else to make my way in the world!" she took a deep breath and then said, "Qu'avez-vous fait, en plus de boire à mort vous vous bum valeur?"

She never wanted to learn French, but since moving here, it had come in handy, and she slipped into it when she got angry enough.

(thank jebas for online translators. If it's too screwy, help me out, It says: what have you done, besides drink yourself to death, you worthless bum?)
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Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

"That's exactly my point, I haven't done anything worth living for. I wish they had let me burn myself in the sunlight. I am that shadow no one pays attention to because I'm not worthy of living in your world of sunshine and life. Everything is death and this just proves my point, beauty, talent, these things mean nothing to me because mine just brings heartache. Maybe your's is worth living for, but mine isn't." At this he seems to be done and he settles his head into his hands again.

(Actually French isn't very useful in that part of Canada, but my character is from a part where it is. I'm no help in actual spelling or grammar since Cajun French is pretty much illiterate French anyways. Still got what you said though.)
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

((Remember where she's from, lol))

She snorted, "Then leave. Get out of here and go waste what's rest of your time on earth until the sun comes up. Don't sit in here and contaminate the room."
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Mumbling more to himself than anyone else, "I wish I could."
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Leaning over a little closer to Byron, Izzy shook her head. "They haven't, but maybe it's easier to try to indoctrinate us into things than to explain why a good dozen people suddenly went missing."

Her attention drifted back to Ronny and Eve and when they started sniping at one another, she sat up a little straighter. "Hey, mom? Dad? You're setting a bad example for the kids." She inclined her head toward the newcomers in the room. "And I don't think any of us are up for wacky escapades to make sure you're not going to get a divorce, even if it is all just a huge misunderstanding."

Bad humor out of the way, she fixed her attention more on Ronny. "Well, you might not have it now, but once they let us out of here," assuming they would, but she wasn't about to follow the pessimist trail "you'll have your choice. If you really think you're this worthless piece of nothing that shouldn't exist, then yeah. Wait for the sun. Or maybe we can get Vincent to fwoosh you so you won't have to wait. But think about it. You've said the guy that Embraced you talked to you first, offered you a job. Okay, maybe it was a line to get you alone with him, I don't know, but he didn't just...grab you randomly off the street. He chose you. For a reason. What, God only knows, but you weren't just some poor schmuck who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Maybe he thought you had something worth keeping around, same as Eve with her looks."

She pauses, pondering for a second. "You said your a shadow, right? Good. We need shadows, especially now. They and the darkness are what keep us safe. I'm not, y'know, setting you up to be a leader or a protector or something, but maybe, at least, as a reminder. We're all going to have to take in that darkness, whether we like it or not. You haven't done anything worth living for? Well, now maybe you can. You've got a lot of time to find ways to make up for past mistakes or to find something that gives you meaning. So what if it's not...living in the spotlight. Eve's going to have to give that up eventually, at least for a while. People get suspicious when they don't see change. If you're already in the shadows, then you've got nothing to worry about."

All right, so it was a romantic, semi-rose colored view of things. If he really was feeling suicidal, something flowery wouldn't help, but maybe something'd get through to him. She was under the impression that there were only a few types of people out there that were worthless human beings and Ronny didn't come across as one of them.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Eve grinned over at her, "Thanks for that. I've already got a plan for that eventuality. Celebrities can get all sorts of things to make them look younger, but once I get past the point of no return, I get some help faking my death. Then I disappear for a little while, get a new name, and start all over again." Then she shrugged, "She's right, though. Being unnoticeable is just as useful as being a social shark."
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

"Alright, fine no more sniping like an old married couple, but I swear if many more come walking in I'm just going to go defenestrate myself through a skylight or something." He says into his hands.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

"...And now that we are done bickering for the moment... would anyone have any clue of where his "noble majesty" is? if not I believe I'll be retiring to my residence's closet or such for the night..."

Luna, having been here since the very beginning appeared to be exceedingly bored, despite her voice being as toneless as ever. Casual conversation, listening to "normal people" bicker about how they were going to miss "this and that" of their old lives, the occasional "weak-willed" desire for revenge... It was amusing at first, but after a while, it becane nothing more than an annoyance.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Claire leaned back against the wall, and chuckled quietly to herself. She had been to enough domestic disputes through her own career, and she was happy not to have to get involved this time. Then the talk of continuing on real lives made Claire realize that she wouldn't be able to do her shifts anymore.

"Is there... any way we can go out in the day? Sunscreen, cloaks, big hats?" she asked, as she took a seat in one of the chairs.

As she sat, she noticed immediately that the pain in her knee that had plagued her for years was gone.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Clara just sat down and watched the fight between the two. Not having anything to say she just watched as the two bickered back and forth. When they seemed to be done she just took a look at everyone around. Yawning she waited for whatever was gonna happen to happen while seeming to listen in on anything that seemed interesting, although at this point it didn't seem like anything would be.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Rosary peered amongst the people in the new room she was in. Great.... people... quite a few people. All of them, likely, vampires. Great, just great.

She quietly stood off to the side, still clinging to that book, trying to be inconspicuous and not draw attention to herself.

(No idea what's going on! So... I'll just be here!)
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

((Hey, just dropping into things works sometimes, too.))

"Well, since we're not the moody, broody, sparkly kind of vampire, I'm thinking 'no' on the sunlight thing. Doubtful the car with taped up windows is going to work, either. We discussed it a little bit, before you came in, about the whole 'what do we do now?' thing. Really didn't get too far, but I'm thinking if the...elders have been around for a while, they might be able to offer us some pointers. At least, I'm hoping."
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

"Indeed... well, getting back to work will be interesting... also, how can we die?" Claire asked.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

"Sunlight and fire kill us and a stake through the heart will put you into torpor. We're pretty sure decapitation will kill us as well, since we're not cockroaches."

He says while absentmindedly looking over the two newest ones. "Since you're all new I'm Ronny the self-loathing vampire, that's Eve she's our hostess for the evening. Then we have Luna the nut, Izzy and Raven, Fletch the reverse grave digger, Rashar the handsome...er sorry Rashar I couldn't help myself, Jaylene, Claire, and Byron." He says pointing out everyone to the two who have yet to say anything.

(Sorry couldn't think of comical names for all of you.)
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

The door opens once again, this time admitting only Jack, no other new Kindred. "I think everything's just about ready, let's get the big introduction over with, shall we?" He says jovially, leading them all back out of the room.

He takes you back around, nearly to the door you entered, before turning and heading up some stairs, and through a set of doors into what everyone quickly realizes is the main courtroom itself. There must be about another 50 people scattered about, in what seemsto be almost a mockery of the court system. The Judge's seat was taken by a man nobody recognized, with Adam standing where the Bailiff would be. The Jury Box was full as well, with people none of you recognize. The Plaintiff's desk was occupied by Vincent, and the Defendant's by Alexander, and the rest of the assembled, maybe three dozen, are scattered around the benches for those watching. Almost every Kindred the group had seen so far was seated somewhere in the room, with the exception of the woman Izzy and Raven had seen at the Vat. Jack gestures for everyone to seat themselves in the first row, which was left completely empty, most likely for this exact reason, before taking his place in the Witness's stand, where a laptop was open and running.

After everyone was filed in and seated, the man on the Judges stand spoke, his voice loud and commanding. "Greetings, Neonates. I am Prince Ken, and the Kindred you see around you are effectively the Camarilla of Red Deer. Now, I'm sure you all have questions, and they will have answers, but time is short, the night is nearly finished."

He turns partway and raises a hand to indicate the dozen or so Kindred in the jury box. "It has long been tradition that whoever sires a new Kindred is responsible for their upbringing and introduction to our unique brand of life, but for obvious reasons, this is impossible for all but one of you. The Primogen and myself have decided that it would be much simpler in this unique circumstance for you all to be taught as a group, and entrusted to a single Kindred, so that the rest of us may focus on understanding why this happened. You are all to be entrusted to River's care for the next few--"

"What!" River exclaimed. Up until that point, shehad looked entirely disinterested with the conversation, leaning against a side wall and looking around the room in a bored fashion. When her name was mentioned, she stood straight up and glared at the Prince, who smiled easily back at her as he replied, matching her gaze evenly.

"As I was saying, this serves a dual purpose. Firstly, it frees up precious time to deal better with those responsible, and secondly, it works as a way to see how far you've truly come from your time in the Sabbat. If you can teach these Neonates to become productive members of our society, you prove yourself that you are ready to become one yourself. Consider it, a final exam, if you will." Prince Ken says graciously. River doesn't say anything, just leans back to her previous position, an unhappy look on her face.

"Now, what this means to all of you Neonates, is that for all intents and purposes, River is considered your Sire until such time that you are considered fit to manage your own affairs. This is temporary of course, I think that most of you will require very little instruction before you can handle yourselves. I believe we have a short time left, are there any pressing questions that must be answered before we head our separate ways for the rest of the evening?" He asks, looking around the entire assembly...
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Rosary sat and listened... and listened some more. She was still quite lost, though she did pick up a few things. She figured that she was the only one that was... sired... by an actual Camarilla Kindred. So all the others were turned by the Sabbat... like those crazy two who had kidnapped her.

She was a bit confused, since she realized that she was the special case. Did she have to still go with this... River... person, or could she just stay with Vincent, who was the only one she knew she could trust. The Tremere neonate kept glancing at the man as she paid attention, all the while clinging tightly to the book.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Ronny followed the others and after taking his seat near the front. After listening to the spiel he thinks to himself, "Prince Ken, huh. Talk about anticlimatic."

After listening to the rest, "So this River's apparently a former Sabbat, and my sire. They must really hate her to give us all to her. Ah well, hopefully this won't be too much longer. So we can get on with bugging her with questions." Not having anything pressing to say he just pays attention after that and tries to pick up things from all the gathered kindred.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Never having been in the courthouse before, Izzy looks around, taking in as many of the folks as she can manage, particularly noting the various positions people were at. Like Ronny, she wasn't exactly expecting a Prince named Ken and bit hard on her lower lip, subtly, to keep from grinning. Hey, she was a girl and she had dolls growing up. Old stigmas died hard!

Her attention went to River as the Prince singled her out. Saddled with all of them, poor girl. Hopefully it wouldn't be too difficult. Heck, it wasn't all that different from classes, really. One professor, lots of students. And thinking about class reminded her...

She felt a little silly raising her hand, but again, old habits died hard and it seemed more polite than just blurting out her question. "I have one, Si--uh, Prince Ken, Sir. And I think it's one that a few of us have, really." She glanced at the others sitting with her. "If this comes with River's instruction, that's fine, and I'm sorry, but a number of us were wondering what...about our jobs or our schooling or our families? We've all gathered the need to keep this hidden and understand that, but we're not sure how to handle those aspects of it."
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Fletch tagged along with the others, of course, though he feels a bit misplaced - he's pretty sure he's the most dingy looking amongst them in his blood stained work overall. Maybe aside from Rash. . . Fletch grins into his beard for a moment, distracted by how fitting that seems to be before Izzy raised her hand and asks her question. Well, that's one of the more important ones. He's probably gonna ask his own later on.
Re: Chapter 1 - Introductions Are a Plus

Eve slips her shoes onto her wrist before following the others. Content to watch and learn for now, she would ask her questions about the clans later.