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Chapter 1: Fort Barthone

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RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Chapter 1: Fort Barthone

Kara had been near by and had over heard the talks of a counter-strike under the cover of night. Listening for a time, she decided that perhaps, maybe, if it came to it, she could provide either a minion distraction, or if the big guy was in there still, paralyze it long enough for them to kill it. Finally she spoke, though it was in a suggestive tone if anything.

"If you intend to strike there, perhaps you could use some undead allies? Or perhaps the beast being ... momentarily paralyzed?"


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Chapter 1: Fort Barthone

The drow turned to face the newcomer, eyebrow raising as he looked the woman up and down, very obviously. "Well, that would make you the one that prevented that scuffle at the doors from becoming more one-sided, wouldn't it? Pleasure to meet you, you really helped me out. You want to help, feel free, I'm sure the cavalry would love some staggering meatshields to take the brunt of the damage."


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Chapter 1: Fort Barthone

Kemi thought a bit as she examined the collar. "To tell the truth, it wouldn't be too hard for an accomplished slaver to fix that, but... Most slavers are usually more skilled in magic then I, so it may take a lot longer then I'd like to admit to do so this way... I'd personally not want to risk it until the siege is over..." she mused, looking nervious and pensive.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Chapter 1: Fort Barthone

Rohn listens to Kemi's words, keeping her face neutral, but internally frowning. After the seige. Deagan'd seemed rather hopeful about getting that collar off and now, gods only knew when that might happen.

Sitting as she is, she leans her good arm and shoulder on the cot, resting her head on her elbow. With her other hand, she reaches down and rests her hand over Deagan's, giving it a squeeze before relaxing it to the bed again, a little silent encouragement.

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Chapter 1: Fort Barthone

Deagan's eyes locked on Kemili with a concerned look, unblinking even after she had finished telling him news he didn't want to hear. His facial expression was frozen as a mix of emotions took place within him. He felt angry, angry that he'd have to carry both the collar, and the memories that came with it for that much longer, as if fate was teasing him, letting him get so close to what he longed for, and just yanking it away a little at a time, constantly only inches away from his fingertips.

He felt depressed as well. He'd found someone who said she could remove the wretched collar, only to scold himself for his optimism when it didn't quite go as he hoped it would. And, as a form of his psychotic side came out, he even felt like laughing a little, just at himself. After all the ordeal of being a slave, escaping from her clutches, he didn't feel like he needed to shed more tears, or yell in anger anymore. He was out of tears, inflicted from pain. And he was out of energy, with a big ice pack on his gut. The only thing left... Was to laugh.

However, Deagan was brought out of his staring at Kemi when Rohn gave him a reassuring squeeze. He quickly turned to look at her out of the corner of his eye. And when he looked at her, he remembered himself, closing his mouth, and flipping his hand around so it was flat against her own, his fingers curling around, holding her hand, returning the gesture with his own squeeze.

His head went back into a normal position, laying on the small pillow. He smiled a little, stopping a moment to lick his dry lips. "Could be worse..." he said aloud, before wincing a little, "Could be better, to..." he chuckled with amusement.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Chapter 1: Fort Barthone

"Could say that about a lot of things right now," the archer agrees, a soft chuckle in her voice. She shifts her hand a little so Deagan's is held comfortably in her own, liking the warmth coming from his palm pressed to hers.

Funny that she should find someone like this, even amid all the chaos. She wasn't blind and she certainly wasn't naive and Deagan was attractive, but she couldn't fathom what had allowed her this level of comfort this quickly. Maybe it was the swarm of orcs waiting outside the walls, though she didn't take herself for one to allow desperation to muddy her senses. Maybe, instead, it was the man himself. His demeanor and his spirit. Well, whatever it was, she was determined to enjoy the feeling, doubly so, since he seemed at least inclined the same way.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Chapter 1: Fort Barthone

Kara nodded lightly.

"I suppose it would, yes. I'll be happy to help in any way I can, just tell me when and where to meet you."


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Chapter 1: Fort Barthone

"Well," the drow said, taking a quick look around before addressing both Kara, Sharyn, and Luca. "How about we collect what we will, and meet back here two hours before sunrise. Gives people a chance to organize, then we can slip out in plenty of time to be in position for the distraction." He says, then dips a slight bow to Lady Sharyn and turns to leave. "And now if the lovely ladies will excuse me, I'm going to go sleep. A good day to the three of you." He says, and stalks off.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Chapter 1: Fort Barthone

Kara nodded lightly.

"Sounds like a plan then. See you then."

Unless otherwise stopped, she would gracefully exit off wherever she was going until then, likely to prepare herself for what was to come.
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