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Chaos (Glenn;Ryu)

Re: Reviving Waymeet (Glenn;Ryu)

This was a bad idea. Even if Sona had shown some competence before she still had the same trappings like the rest of the people of this island. That was for sure. Certainly after she began becoming so coyful and grinning from ear to ear. It took a lot to keep his cool as she started laying it on, getting so close he could feel her breath brush past his face as she talked. Her finger sending a delightful little brush to his senses as she slowly edged it down his nose, and more coming from the small touches her chin and forehead ended up making as she went on. And her eyes keeping his own captured as they slowly changed from their blue to spiraling pink, mesmerizing the man somewhat.

He couldn't help but laugh a little warily at the display. "I get it Sona. If you lay it on more thick I think you might become a pastry yourself." He laughed at her antics but he was certainly aware of the position he was now in with her. Of how it was making him slowly turn out a blush and loosen, and cloud his mind a little with how close she and her lips were. Seriously, did everyone have this ability or was he just slowly losing it? "We can ah... work out the details about these... treats... later. For now though you can retrieve the few things I need? We wouldn't want to keep our new friend here waiting. For us or a good meal."

Whether it was with or without Sona still attached to him in some fashion he would return to Duvain. "Sona will just be a few minutes while she goes and retrieves a few of our supplies. In the mean time let's see about those items for our meal! Maybe something else will pop out at that market that I overlooked earlier too. If I hadn't known about this town's predicament I might be a bit worried at the lack of goods here honestly." He commented, even if the lack would really have just annoyed him more than anything else.
Re: Reviving Waymeet (Glenn;Ryu)

With Glenn looking reluctant but agreeable, Sona leaned in and planted a kiss on his lips. "I'll be right back, with the stuff, and the marriage papers~" she said with a playful coo, leaving Glenn to decide whether she was serious or not before backing up into the wall of the house they were near, before she seemed to vanish as if suddenly cloaked in camouflage. All he heard was movement, and giggles growing distant. Even when she was right in front of him, she could make herself nigh undetectable, minus the giggling.

Returning to Duvain, the elf would chuckle about Sona being gone a moment. "It's fine. As long as she's not running off to go rob from someone or something!" she said jokingly, before turning to the market, or what little of one they had given so much devotion is being given to the revival of waymeet. Though little was available in the way of practical supplies, there was enough food to go around for Duvain to pick out a few things Glenn would want for the meal he offered to prepare. Given the list he gave, all would be found. Despite there being very little of it, at least it was fresh given how soon they were being sold. Though, Duvain would get a bit angry at the prices of eggs as she approached the Tanuki making the sales. "You're actually charging us more than the usual price? Why are you doing this!?" she inquired. The Tanuki only shook her head and attested that her prices were fair, before glancing at Glenn and giving him a look that seemed to assess him as a commodity no greater than money, before looking back to Duvain.

"You're a damn crook!" she claimed.

The Tanuki grinned. "You don't have to buy it if you don't want it." she said in a mocking tone.

"Condescending bitch!" Duvain muttered under her breath. Though when it came time to purchase their goods, Duvain looked to Glenn. "So, where's she at?" she wondered.

As if on queue, Sona would be seen approaching with a cloth back in her hands about the size of a volley ball. "I got our supplies, Glenn~" Sona cooed with a grin of pride. Though soon after her declaration of success, there was an outcry in the town. "A thief! My jewels are missing!" a woman shouted. "I left my money pouch on my desk and it's gone!" a man cried. Other townsfolk joined in on the conversation in regards to the sudden missing valuables. Sona froze in place as she heard all the voices behind her. Glenn likely never saw a more guilty face in his life, especially one that was half-smiling while terrified.

Duvain and the Tanuki as well were both standing, staring at Sona with neutral faces. They both seemed to make the immediate connection as to who the thief was. And as such, Duvain put her hand on Glenn's shoulder. "Glenn..." she began slowly, before turning him to face her. He saw a face that completely feigned ignorance. "What are you waiting for, pay the woman!" she encouraged him, while the shouted continued behind them. An armed centaur riding into view, glaring about. "Capital punishment to the thief, find them! It was probably one of those damned goblins!" she shouted.

"Thank you for your patronage." The tanuki would accept her payment without question, happier to be paid rather than point out criminals. Then, Sona chuckled nervously.

"G-goblins sure are a pain, huh? I hope they catch those dirty thieving gobilns!" Sona chuckled.

"Would be nice!" Duvain declared, though it seemed the elf was desperately wanting the mimic to shut up. "Come with me to my home. Don't make eye contact." Duvain instructed the pair, before making quick steps to her house through the chaos and uproar. Once she approached an average looking house that might have two bedrooms, one dining room, a kitchen, and a living room, Duvain opened the door for the pair, "Come on in~ Make yourselves at home~" she said with a polite and welcoming tone of voice, gesturing with one arm to direct them inside. Though once they walked inside the elf's home, which smelled of nature and had a scholarly look to it complete with a fireplace and a large bookshelf next to a comfy looking chair and desk with quill and ink, she shut the door behind them and put her back to it.

"Are you insane!?" Duvain directed at the pair with eyes wide in disbelief. "I can't believe you stole from them! You're mad!"
Re: Reviving Waymeet (Glenn;Ryu)

Glenn's grin at Sona's return rapidly faded as the outcry of townsfolk aired. Each attesting in their own words the lost of their precious valuables so suddenly. How they all could suddenly know their goods were gone so quickly led the man to quickly believe that Sona hadn't been the most... discreet in what she had taken. Undiscovered yes, but if she had been taking things straight off shelves or the like that would be quite bad. 'I was hoping they wouldn't notice a missing coin or two. Perhaps this village is really THAT bad off. Either that or I'll have to be a little more specific to Sona if I ever need her to fetch something again.' He considered, while secretly cursing Sona's lack of a good poker face.

He cursed too, that both Duvain and the merchant Tanuki looked to have put the pieces together as to who had just taken the villagers goods. It could have been rather bad, and he was already considering ways to turn it around when the elf turned his attention her way and began to play along in an ignorant act. The mental sigh of relief was palpable, and he took to the act immediately. His hands gasping and taking the cloth bag from the cutely terrified looking mimic, and exchanging it for the various items of food. "Hopefully not as much a pain as Gremlins, if this place has those too." He directed toward Sona off handed, before turning to the merchant. "Full pay for these spices and fresh goods. And a little for... investment." He emphasized, giving his nose quick side taps while meeting the Tanuki woman's eyes with a look that said 'keep it a secret'.

The man had to guide the still terrified Sona by the arm as they followed Duvain back to her home, a rather ordinary place from the look of things. They managed to make it there despite all the commotion caused by Sona's vandalism, and Glenn calmly made his way in after giving his elf host a polite nod at the door. The earthly smell invaded the man's nose soon after, along with the distinct smell of books and fireplace ash. It left the man briefly thinking of that Library of Cynthia's, a vision of the crow invading his mind a moment before he realized the elf was backing against her own door, barricading it as her disbelief was aired to the both of them.

"What ever are you talking about? I've never stolen a thing in my life." Glenn announced rather easily for a lie, before taking his hand out from behind Sona's back. Taking a step or two towards the elf woman. "Relax. I wasn't lying when I said I had supplies. But it'll be a day out before I can get them here to town. There was just a little... borrowing in advance is all. I don't plan on up and leaving this place completely you know. At least not without good reason. You'll see once we get the frame into town. That is if my bishop friend can actually get some support to retrieve it. So relax alright... you're scaring Sona..." He commented with a scanning look, trying to sense just how she would react before she did.

He broke eye contact with the elf long enough to glance down at the goods he was still holding with one arm, giving them quick looks as he made his way towards where Duvain's kitchen was located. Setting them down once he had found some empty space to do so, and pulling the items out. "You know come to think of it, there might be a couple of extra... books... in my supplies if they aren't ruined. I know the technical manuals should be alright, along with that thing..." He voiced generically while thinking of a more magical sort of tool. "If you're willing perhaps you can help me sort that mess out eh? At least after I've... dealt with a few unpleasantries..."
Re: Reviving Waymeet (Glenn;Ryu)

"Yeah, there are gremlins here." Sona replied. "They actually normally appear very fluffy and cute when kept as pets, but if fed after midnight, they turn into sadist monsters." she said with a chuckle. "So, wild gremlins are always dangerous."

Once inside the house, Duvain's eye twitched at Glenn's first answer about never stealing a thing in his life. "That is a blatant lie." She declared right out, before folding her arms and puffing her chest out. She looked cross as she stared at Glenn with her sharp elven eyes. The bit about scaring Sona made her eye twitch again. "You... Seriously..." She growled at Glenn in frustration before whipping her arm to the right, towards what amounted to her kitchen. "Just make the damn food." She instructed, giving up on trying to do anything about the situation as she walked past Glenn and went towards the chair and bookshelf. She pulled out a book and took a seat in her chair, folding her right leg over her left. The label on the back of the book read: 'Monster Girl Encyclopedia' written by Cynthia.

"Oh hey, I've seen that book before." Sona declared.

"It's out of date. There have been more discoveries since this was written." Duvain replied.

"I'm in there!" Sona giggled.

Duvain flipped a page, which had a sketch of a girl popping out of a chest. "I noticed."
Re: Reviving Waymeet (Glenn;Ryu)

Left to his own devices after Duvain was done with her piece of being frustrated, Glenn set to work with the ingredients he had purchased. Fresh fish, potatoes, cornmeal and flour, eggs and some oil was retrieved, along with a few extra spices for good measure. He sat aside his gloves and removed his jacket to have an easier time with cooking, reached into the elf's supplies retrieving things to help him set aside portions. Potatoes were cut into strips and set on a lightly oiled pan, and the fish was filleted. Very carefully removing all the bones from the meat. Last thing he wanted was to cook this prepared meal and have people urking out bones after all!

Sometime later after a few splashes of eggwash and dustings of flour and breadcrumbs the fish was thrown onto heat to cook. Whether that heat be just a simple stone spit or an actual stove of some sort. Alongside the cut slices of potatoes right next to it. A small batch of oil was heated carefully and a number of flowered cornmeal balls were setup to cook inside it when the time was right. All of which were carefully spice of course. By the end of preparing everything the man felt proud of himself. An actual prepared meal like this, which wasn't something either taken out from a store or done out of necessity was well a rarity. Another thing he hadn't had time to do for someone in a long while.

He still needed to attend to it to finish it up, especially concerning the cornmeal balls but the rest would take some time to cook. Leaving it to do it's slow thing, he rejoined the Sona and Duvain in the living room after a while. "What's this book I heard you both talking about?" He asked, before it was answered with flash and a glance at it. Some kind of Encyclopedia for monsters. Older but still relevant. And which was written by the crow. 'Huh, I wonder why she didn't offer something like this when I was at her tower. Perhaps I should have asked.' He gave a small smile at the depiction of a mimic similiar to Sona being shown on one of the pages. Though inwardly he was very interested in the book's contents.

"If you don't mind I'd like to take a look at that book while we're here. Take a few notes of it, if that empty book offer is still on the table. Even if it's out of date anything is better that nothing. Also I never asked, and I'm a bit afraid to, but where would you like us all to settle in tonight." He hadn't yet seen the other areas of the house, and though it appeared to have room for two bedrooms he wasn't sure if there was one actually. They might all be crashing in her living room for all he knew. Which would be fine he supposed. Sona could make a comfortable sleeping bag when he wasn't trying to flail about and just be still so she cou...

He blinked then, wondering where that strange thought tried to come from. Glenn wasn't very good at hiding him steadying himself after it in that moment so he decided it best to sit down for a moment and collect himself. Giving the food time to cook so that he could return to the kitchen and finish off the final delicate part and then serve it to Duvain and the others. Two of which, he recalled then, would need to be summoned to the house. 'Pfff... maybe I should just stick my head out the door and say "IORA, AYA. WHO WANTS FOOD." and pray for the best.'

When time came for the cornmeal balls to be cooked he maned the oil, cooking them in the pans of oil until they were nice golden and crisp. With everything finished for the glorious meal of FISH AND CHIPS he had prepared, and plenty of time since passed, he did exactly as he thought he would before. Marching straight up to the front door of Duvain's house, opening it and shouting "HEY IORA! AYA! WHO WANTS FOOD!" As loud as he could muster. Hoping that as eye raising a thing it was to do that it would be successful in summoning them, without him needing to go look for them himself.

Glenn cooks food and then prepares/waits for yon dinner meal scenes with everyone that totally won't go horrifically wrong.
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Re: Reviving Waymeet (Glenn;Ryu)

Right after Glenn inquired about the book, Sona was taking a few more looks, before pointing out various parts of the book. "Hey, that's actually wrong." she declared. "The part where we go into a different dimension with the one we captured? That's not true. I have a dimension inside my belly. I can't go into it myself." Sona pointed out.

Duvain nodded. "Hence the issue with it being out of date. There are many more, far more updated books out there, with more accurate information. I suggest you not take anything written in here seriously, Glenn. No information is better than misinformation." Duvain declared. Then at Glenn's question to follow, Duvain smiled. "Your friends can use the guest room, and wherever they feel comfortable." Duvain announced. Indeed, there was a guest room and a bed for two. There was a couch, and blankets could be rolled out to sleep on.

Looking out of the door and shouting, Glenn had everyone outside staring at him. Aya's head lifted up from on top of the building where he left her, before she lazily got up and stretched like a cat on top of the roof and proceeded to jump down, landing easily on the ground without much fuss before running on all fours towards the house, coming inside and brushing her butt and tail along Glenn's thigh on her way in. Meanwhile, Iora was simply walking towards the house from the crowd, her previous activities unknown.
Re: Reviving Waymeet (Glenn;Ryu)

Glenn gave Aya a glancing look before ushering the cat girl along, following suit with Iora too when she reached the doorway to the house herself. "Hurry along now, it won't stay warm forever you know?" Once they were both inside he shut the door and proceeded back into the kitchen to serve everyone up. He made sure to give everyone their share. Even Iora absent-mindedly, forgetting that she required a didn't type of food. Wherever they would sit he would bring everyone their plate before finding a seat and planting himself. "It's been awhile since I've had ingredients this fresh. Hopefully this will sate your hunger for some mainland cuisine." The man commented, before digging into the delicious smelling morsels in front of him.

The fish mixed well with the spices he had sprinkled on them, tasting much more flavorful than the bare fish he had speared up out of that lake only a day or so ago. The fries needed salt of course, more heavy than he was used too but still alright. And the cornmeal balls... he couldn't have made them any better really. Each one giving a nice crunch as he bit into his, filling his mouth with warm cooked fluff right after. He had made sure to whip up a few extra spice dips to dunk them in, and they were available to the others should they want to use them. "Where I come from this is almost a heritage meal. People have been eating this type of food pretty much forever. And everyone has their own variation of it. Different fish, different sides. Hell, some people eat this for breakfast with an egg on top of it, and jam to the side." Glenn chuckled a little, never quite getting the appeal of it himself. Especially with cooked whole fish too; a once seen sight of a un-skinned fish face staring back with an egg on top of it just seeming ridiculous.

The man made short work of his portion of the food he had prepared, and once he was done he collected his plate and anyone else who happened to finish at the same time and set them aside in the kitchen. With a stomach full of food, and a desire to see for himself what was written in that book, out of date as it may have been, Glenn strolled over to a spare chair in the Duvain's den with the guide. He peeked at some of the foreword before giving the book a good flip through. Just from a glance he could see images of a number of others he hadn't seen yet. With glances of a few he definitely had seen before, both in his party and roaming about town. All manner of names came up, and intrigued he navigated to the pages of those he had already met.

While flipping one of the first pages he came across featured a mermaid that looked a lot like Aurine with a hat. In fact, if he hadn't known better he'd be pretty sure it WAS Aurine with a hat. He took in what he could from that page and flipped more, coming across a page for Elves as it were, then did the same for that page. He wanted to get as much out of this book as he could while he had the chance. 'I shouldn't take this too set in stone. If this book is inconsistant and erronious and outline of ideas might be better an order to draw from.' He thought as he scribbled down notes about the mamono, mentally if he had too or physically if he had been given access to a blank book to write upon already.

'I wonder if she wrote a newer version of this same book... she had to...' Duvain did say there were updated versions of this book after all. And Cynthia did seem to be the bookish sort, what with that whole library she had in her tower. Curiosity peeked in Glenn's mind, and he realized that despite flipping through the book several times he hadn't managed to stumble across a page for birdwomen. There was one for harpies but they were a lot less... clothed... he noticed. Everyone was a lot less clothed but that was beside the point. It had to be in the book somewhere so he slowed his pace and worked his way through the book until he was staring straight back at someone who looked a lot like the crow.

'Ah there it is. Now then, what does it say about... Crow Tengu?' He inquired internally, scanning the page and digesting what it mentioned with more interest than he was aware he was directing towards that page in particular.
Re: Reviving Waymeet (Glenn;Ryu)

Once everyone was inside, Glenn would notice immediate difficulties. Aya, being a cat, came upon the confusion of actually using a table. She was actually more inclined to start eating directly out of the pan itself before she was stopped. Aya would pout and look at the one who stopped her with offense, be it Glenn or Duvain. Though it was up to Glenn to teach the cat to eat at the table, or to eat somewhere else. Eating at the table proposed even more problems if he chose that route. Her hands were cat paws, made for slashing, not for holding forks and knives. She could hold onto a person just fine with her paws, considering the claws would dig into the flesh nicely. Climbing trees is also no problem, but not holding onto tiny things. Definitely not. Glenn would have to do something about the cat in his vicinity.

"It looks basic, but I like the aroma of the spices." Duvain commented, taking her first bite and seeming to approve. Iora looked at the food, nibbled at it, before seeming to not want anything to do with it. Sona was happy to respond by taking her plate and adding it to her own.

It was after a fine meal that everyone looked content, mind Iora who did not find a taste for the food. Glenn meanwhile chose to sat down with the unfinished book. Indeed, the explanations were a bit vague and much to be desired, nowhere near a final work. However, it did offer some useful information after he skipped various incomprehensible notes about the species and their 'specifications' that Glenn found no Legend for to begin to understand, and written in units of measurement from what he could tell. However they were in units he was not familiar with. Even Duvain wouldn't know what they were. Regardless of that information, Glenn would have things he most certainly could understand.

Sea bishops are the emissaries of the God of the Sea. They hail from a city deep underwater, called Atlantis. Their mission is to uphold the divine will of their god and ruler of their great city, though it is a hypocritical mission in a certain sense. This is due to their goddess, Neptune, desiring for a peaceful and truly neutral existence apart from the rest of the world on land, while also persecuting mamono of the sea who seek to break the expectations of this desired conduct. Neptune hopes that if they are kind and distant from human beings, they will not be hunted down as other mamono are; however, she also condones the punishment, even execution, of mamono who dare threaten the peace she seeks to establish.

Most Sea Bishops are extremely religious and devoted to their god, and even if you are human, one must take care around them. There's no telling what they will do for the sake of their mission of neutrality, filled with hypocrisy.

The elves are one of the most ancient races alive, possibly second only to the demons and angels. Given their physical appearance and overwhelming beauty, one can easily say that they are simply angels without wings and halos. In light of this, they share many of an angel's less than desirable traits. They are a race that secludes themselves from the rest of the world with vigorous dedication. The succubus curse has made them hide within their glades permanently, never to be seen outside again unless it's an exile. This is due to them deeming the curse filthy and unclean, no different than the angel's viewpoint on it. Despite their beauty, they are trained to be ruthless killers. An elf hesitates not for the life of any other race. They kill all who step into their lands without trial or question. They choose to remain secluded from this world, and might as well be invisible to all but those who plan to completely wipe them out. Perhaps before they eliminate themselves through a zealous society.

Exiles are such usually due to reasons that people in the outside world would agree with. Sometimes it's due to the taint found on a villager, before they're quickly thrown out. Others, it's due to a member of elven society deeming themselves uncomfortable with the way of life they have, and leaving on their own accord with no intention or possibility of coming back. All those who leave succumb to the curse without exception, becoming a mamono.

All elves, exile or not, are typically very edgy. Care must be taken not to anger an elf needlessly, as well as always remembering that they are exceptional killers. Such zeal may also translate to the curse and their reactions to human men, so care must be taken.

At the very back of the book, Glenn flipped through the pages to see the final page was dedicated to the Crow Tengu.

Crow Tengu
A picture of a blank, calculating face was written in the like of a profile before Glenn. Eyes colored red, and feathers black with a tokin hat atop her head. It looked unmistakably like Cynthia, though the date this was written was no doubt before she was born. It was before Glenn was born to be sure. Regardless, it was her appearance, no matter who it was intended to be. All information about her physical features were left out, and all that was written was a few lines of text.


We are the Librarians, the Emissaries of Fate.

To this world's destruction or salvation, we will see it to the end.

Nothing forgotten.

Re: Reviving Waymeet (Glenn;Ryu)

The man took what little notes he could from the pages of the book, but made sure to mark a number of them with unsure marks to keep track of details that were very likely to be wrong where he could. General things like locations and brief bits of history were probably a given, but a few of the ways they operated seemed more tricky. Aurine hadn't seemed very... peaceful or neutral, and Duvain hadn't seemed like she wanted to brutalize him. Well except for that whole thing about borrowing a few valuables and what not. It was a bit harder to push aside the idea of elves not being in line with what the book said of them, if only for the memories he had of some of the more undesirable elements from his own people and continent.

It was no matter; he would figure out the truth one way or another. He could always ask Duvain about Elves to clear some things up about it, and was curious to do just that. "This book certainly paints Elves in a very dangerous light. An echo to the way some things are back home, though different. Elves are more visible there. Some more tolerable, others... not so much. Even to their own kind." He commented adding '...or to a mix kind.' silently in his own head right after. The man couldn't sense if she knew anything about his own nature, and if she did she certainly wasn't showing it. Nor the desire to bring any harm to him as a result, which he counted as blessing.

Glenn continued his work on taking notes of various mamono, which for most of them just amounted to simple things that he'd pull up later from the notes when he needed them, but when he finally gave the entry on Crow Tengu his full attention he merely stared at the page with deep perception. Taking in the picture of the crow woman sketched upon it with interest and curiosity. 'It certainly looks just like Cynthia. It's captured quite stunningly too, but there's no way this can be her. She'd have to be quite old for that to be the case. N-not that there's anything wrong with that in her case...' Whether it was her or a distant ancestor he was held captive by the visage for just awhile before he snapped out of it and wrote down a small tiny note about Crow Tengu. Mostly about how they were birds, kept libraries (physically and perhaps metaphorically?) of knowledge and that they were... captivating.

A distant thunderclap reminded the man of the earlier mentioning of a coming storm, and drew his attention to a nearby window. The wind was indeed beginning to pickup now, and he could see the gentle swishes of green covered tree limbs soon to turn violent from increasing gusts. "Sona, give me a hand will you? Before we get completely settled I need to move the carriage over he t=next to Duvain's home, cover and secure it in a safe spot. I'd rather not have to pick the thing up tomorow if the storm gets bad." He was already making his way to the door as he addressed her, taking a moment to check if whether it was beginning to rain or not before stepping out. Which he would do with or without Sona's companionship if she whatever reason decided not to tag along.

Hopefully it'd be an easy thing to get the carriage over and be back in the elf's house in no time. Where he'd look forward to the oh so daunting question of just who was gonna sleep where, made more terrifying by the fact that a bed made for two as on a list of places. And he knew he liked beds as much as the next people in his party did.
Re: Reviving Waymeet (Glenn;Ryu)

"That's still not too far from the truth in this land." Duvain replied. "Elves are visable, to be sure, but they're referred to as outcasts from the original and true elven societies. I'd be called such an outcast. It's due to that symbolism that helps humble outcast elves. Unlike the societal titles an elf would get in the sacred lands, you're simply referred to as an exile. You aren't told you're special, or treated like you're some kind of chosen person that gets to dictate their whims onto others. Out here, in the real world, elves who act like that are quickly punished and taught their true lot in the world." Duvain said with a slight cruel tone, as if such was her definition of justice.

Moving outside and calling for Sona's aid, the mimic chimed happily. "Of course I'll give you a 'hand'! Or maybe ten!" Sona joked with a giggle. At Duvain's confusion, she winked. "It's an 'inside' joke." she said, hinting further at what she meant before she trotted outside and wrapped her arms around his shoulders once outside. "Let's fuck in the wagon~" she said enthusiastically. "There's problems with space in the house right? So you and me stay in the wagon, easy fix, right?" she argued logic to the man.
Re: Reviving Waymeet (Glenn;Ryu)

He had little time to recall just where the wagon was currently sitting unattended, thankfully not too bad a reality seeing how it didn't house anything valuable, before Glenn felt the arms of Sona wrap around him and felt her press up against him from behind. Saying her words with enthusiasm into his ear making hairs raise over his body with how close she breathed them into his ear so suddenly. "There's no problem with space in the house. We just need to move this before... well before I'm too out of it to forget." The man said warily at whatever prospects awaited later on. "Besides, Aurine won't be at all happy if she comes back and finds any surprises left behind on that thing. It is technically 'hers' after all." He replied, unsure of whether the fish woman would strangle him of simply smash the whole of the wagon on top of him if anyone other than herself were to get up to any shenanigans inside of it with the man. At least for first dibs.

If she didn't separate from him, Glenn would travel to where the wagon was with Sona in tow as she was, still wrapped around from behind occasionally breathing into whichever ear she had her head nearest. His face growing more red from the close contact. Without thinking to much of it he'd even bring his hands back to support her some instead of letting them hang, returning her hug from behind by gasping at her legs as they walked. The wagon was in much the same state as it had been left. Still upon reaching it the man separated from Sona to give it a closer inspection just in case. He checked to see if anyone had tampered with it while none of them were watching it, as well as look inside to check if any of Iora's bottles of syrup had been misplaced. Though in truth he didn't know whether Iora did anything with those bottles after they all wandered off before.

"Here, you take that side and I'll take this one." He gave as order, and once they had both taken position they slowly moved the wagon up towards the Duvain's place. Judging by the direction the wind was blowing in, he picked a spot that seemed best to be shielded from any powerful gusts to move the vehicle into before simply locking the wheels in place with some rock and wood wedges to make sure it didn't roll anywhere. "I hope that will be enough. You don't know how bad things can get around here do you? Intrinsic memory in that head of yours or something? Or are you gonna tell me you have a barometer stuck in there somewhere...?"
Re: Reviving Waymeet (Glenn;Ryu)

Sona whined when he started talking about Aurine. "Yeah, she won't be happy, so what? Haven't you told her to get a clue yet? Look at all the girls around you, Glenn. Especially me~" she cooed, hugging him close as he tried to get things done. Then, she let him go to help him push the wagon. Looking inside, Glenn saw that the bottles were still there. Iora just left them behind. "I'm still hungry you know." she reminded him. "I didn't get a good chance to absorb a lot of you when we were together that one time... So I'm kind of famished. Do you know how bad it is to feel hungry as a being like this? Rather than hunger pains, you start getting attacked by negative emotions. Uncontrollably sad, angry, or even suicidal. It's an awful way to die." she claimed while telling the grim tale of a supernatural being that starves to death. "But you're a good person, Glenn~ You won't let me starve~ So Aurine will just have to shut up and accept it!" Sona boasted loudly.

They pushed the wagon up to where Glenn wanted it, before Sona walked around, and lightly tackled him, hugging her arms under his arms and up his back to hold him close while she pushed on him enough to make him take a step back while her lips met his in a quick smooch. Just from that, he felt a fuzzy sensation as she sucked just a little of his soul away. She looked up at him with a grin. "Take your pants off." she commanded him. "I'll tell you what you want if you obey~"
Re: Reviving Waymeet (Glenn;Ryu)

Glenn had turned to ask Sona her opinion about the current weather when he found himself being cut off by her tackle. Her lips silencing him as she embraced. She had surprising momentum behind her light hug, causing the man to move back ever so slightly. And a surprising power behind her kiss as well, leaving him feel an odd blinking feeling of fuzz come in and out before she pulled away. "Jeez Sona... " He managed to whisper, looking right back down at the mimic. Though when she commanded him his dazed moment faded enough to raise an eyebrow at her. "I've plenty a good idea what I'm being leant toward already..." Sona's persistence wasn't without it's payoff, as he could already feel a thicker blush coming on, along with another rush of blood elsewhere that he certainly wouldn't be able to hide for long if he tried.

The longer he kept his gaze settled on Sona's too, his resolve to say no to her began to chip away from of his mind and off his face. It didn't help that she was having the warm response on his body either. 'Oh sod it... I did say I could handle all this before didn't I? And it does need to be done, for more than one...' Glenn grew tense as he glanced about, trying to find someplace other than inside of the wagon to occupy. "Don't suppose you could summon someplace for us to do this all in? I'd rather not get rained on while we're out here or... spied on really." He commented, letting his own arms wrap around Sona's back and pulling her closer. "I don't really mind going back inside for this honestly. I'll need to ask Duvain for some spare towels and bedsheets though..."
Re: Reviving Waymeet (Glenn;Ryu)

Sona giggled. "You really want to make sure there's no evidence, huh? Is it because you're ashamed of me? Or do you prefer 'her'?" Sona inquired, asking Glenn who he favored. "Why not make a mess? What does it matter? Quit worrying about others-" she said, before shoving herself forward, pushing Glenn into the wagon. "-and just focus on me~!" she cooed, her clothes seemingly dissolved around her breasts and crotch, revealing the rounds of her breasts and the curves of her thighs leading into her bare crotch and awaiting pink pussy that looked like a blooming pink flower. She was already quite wet as she stood like that over him, giggling. "I'm already making a mess~" she cooed as her juices leaked down her thighs and staining his pants. "That's too bad, isn't it? I wonder who will clean it up~" she giggled, moving her hips up towards his mouth. "If you can lap it all up, you might be able to prevent that nasty mess, yes? C'mon, Glenn~" she encouraged him. "I'm leaking like crazy~" she moaned as she leaned over him.
Re: Reviving Waymeet (Glenn;Ryu)

"That's not..." The man began a little frustratingly before he was cut off and forced backwards by the assertive mimic. And it became hard not to do as she said. Her full body came on display as her clothing simply melted away, revealing her healthy figure. He swallowed a lump forming in his throat as he glanced over those delightful curves, noticing how wet she already was and realizing his body's betrayal through his own pulse and feelings lower on. Seeing that waiting pink flower certainly didn't help anything and the longer it hovered over his view the more he felt his mind whisper little tremors of just what he should be filling it with.

When she shuffled herself up to his head and dropped her hips right up to his face, Glenn looked up at Sona with a dazed look. "We both know this won't stop our mess..." The man briefly said, before turning his attention towards her pink folds. He only hesitated a moment, pondering just what to start with first, before reaching his arms up to grab her thighs for support from where he lay. Giving her ass a brief playful squeeze, caressing them with some roughness before they moved down and settled on those supporting points and he pulled himself up to reach her hips better. He wasted little time, kissing her genitals deeply and letting his tongue cross her sensitive jewel with dragged strikes. And when he would edge her on, he'd slow back to dip his tongue in deep and explore her for a moment or two.

He'd diligently lap at her relentlessly, making an effort at first to contain her wetness at first before simply throwing that idea out the window of this wagon. The moment she came it probably would matter, and he found it hard to care about with her acting so eager. The delightful feel of her genitals and the pleasant scent emanating off of them surely were to blame as well. He breathed the feelings in deep and attacked her a little more eagerly then, determined to drive her to an orgasm quickly despite any sentiments about not making a mess. Going so far as to reach under and dip a finger into her as he assaulted her jewel, sieging both aggressively as he fell further and further into lust for the mimic girl.
Re: Reviving Waymeet (Glenn;Ryu)

Sona giggled at his note that such wouldn't stop the mess they'd make. "The fun part is 'trying' Glenn. Do your best~" she cooed, before moaning as he took her hips and ass into his hands, and pulled her in towards his mouth. Glenn's ears would be teased with a delightful moan as he began licking her jewel, an act that'd draw out more love juices that'd run down his cheek after dripping against his mouth, tickling his ear as the liquid love made it's path along his cheek. When he slid his finger into her folds, she began to make a very audible and bizzare sound as he assaulted her in a strange way. "Wau-wau-wau-uuuu!" she exclaimed, sounding like a dog howling and trying to say 'wow' over and over again while her face was curled into a perverse grin. Her lower lip curled back and was bit down by her teeth as her eyes closed, a sudden torrent of fluid rushed down from her folds and wet his fingers and his shirt, creating the mess Glenn knew would result.

Sona fell forward, apparently having suffered a substantial orgasm, before she lowered her front half and braced her ass up on her knees, waving her round heart-shaped ass back and forth hypnotically at Glenn as he lay right below her. "Come on~" she beckoned Glenn. "I can't wait any longer, fuck me~! Pour everything into me~" she pleaded, wagging her ass back and forth, causing a small light show as the moonlight glistened off of her soaked crotch and thighs, the reflection rolling perfectly along her flesh. She reached her hands back, her fingers touching along the sides of her pussy and pulling her folds apart to open herself up in invitation. "Just don't rock the wagon too much~!" she giggled, smiling lewdly and playfully back at him.
Re: Reviving Waymeet (Glenn;Ryu)

His finger work seemed to hit a cord with his partner, and seeing how well it was working together with his tongue Glenn didn't let up. He explored her depths curiously with it as he continued, eager to sense just what that strange cute sound she was making would entail. She was acting very amazed at feeling such sensations coming from their play. 'Has she really not felt such things before?' He thought off hand, taking a moment or two before it dawned on him that she probably hadn't. She had only come into 'existence' only a day or two ago hadn't she? This was probably the first time she had ever done anything overly sexual really. Well, aside from that whole thing that had occurred in that weird pocket dimension place she had trapped him in, but even that had been rather dry compared to this.

This was certainly very wet, and after just a few more high exclaims from the mimic he felt even more wetness come pouring from her as she orgasmed. He grinned, making a brief sound of approval as he did as best he could to try containing her mess. Futile as it was. She was already staining his clothes something fierce and he worried that if she leaked anymore on them he might just have to leave them out to dry. Still, it didn't stop him from his continual tongue work on her, until she fell forward that is. The rounds of her sway ass indeed putting him into a trance as the mimic sought to steady herself and seek his enduring devotion to her for the time being. The man drew in a breath at the beautiful sight before his face melted into a dumb grin.

"No promises." Sliding himself out from under her and pulling himself up, the man would undo the bindings to his pants before sliding them down, letting his member pop out from the fabric holding it prisoner. The sight of Sona's folds in the dreary moonlight frenzied him onward, and he brought himself up behind her. Reaching down and wrapping and arm around her support her. As well as let his hand grip and knead at one of her breasts. The tip of his manhood found it's way to her entrance and he dropped it in, taking a few deep strokes at first to ease into it before bringing it to a rhythm. Fucking the mimic girl with constant consistent thrusts, taking care not to exert himself too hard. Knowing that the sweat he felt beading up wasn't the only thing likely to bead up and drain out. Physically and metaphysically speaking.
Re: Reviving Waymeet (Glenn;Ryu)

Sona just chuckled at his lack of conern, finding it inconsistent with his previous worries, but not seeming to give a single care about it as she wiggled her but in a taunting manner. Once Glenn was upon her, she moaned as he reached around her and groped her breast, more so when he finally slid inside of her. He could feel as if 'something' supernatural latched onto him from the point of where they connected. Her pussy tightened around him, making it harder to move. She grew even tighter as he pulled his length back, until a terrible pressure gripped his tip, causing immense pleasure bordering on pain. In essence, it was Sona's way of declaring that Glenn was now going to stay inside until she saw fit to let him go. Her hips moved in tune with his, even encouraging him to go a little faster as time went on. Her ass slapping against his crotch as he made his thrusts, while her head turned back to look at him, a sly grin on her face. Each thrust inside felt like a mini-orgasm as he felt Sona 'drinking' from him, licking her lips as a deep blush covered her face. Her right hand reached down, and gripped his balls, caressing them in her palm. "Nnn, wonderful~ Most of it's right in here~ Building up~" she cooed.

"Hold it in, Glenn~ Let it build up~" she moaned to him, as he could feel her magic weaving around his sack and cock until he could feel an odd vibration around his genitals. Suddenly, he'd realize Sona was 'infusing' him with something. His balls began to thicken, soon filling her hand entirely, and he could feel himself growing inside of her, getting longer. Sona let out a giggle of happiness once her trick was done, while Glenn would feel as if all his lustful zeal was being directed to his manhood like a sponge. "You're gonna shoot all of this into me~" she cooed. "I won't let you go until you do~"

Putting her hands forth, and bracing herself on her legs, Sona began moving her whole body, pushing herself back onto Glenn to fuck back onto him. Her pace and motions sometimes gyrating his length around while her folds squeezed him in pulses, starting from the base and working up to the tip. Such supernatural love making, in addition to soul sucking, quickly began wearing down his mortal resilience. However, before he could just cum on his own, he felt an odd spell cast on the base of his cock. His pathway to climax completely sealed off. "No~" Sona said simply, a lecherous smile on her face as she kept moving her hips, whether he was or not. "Build up, just a little more~ I want a feast to last me a while~" she chuckled, lust and gluttony fueling her desire as she looked down underneath them. He could feel her eyes on his sack, which was filling up till now, and feeling like it was getting full to burst with seed. She watched him, she watched 'it', as if naught more than fruit getting ripe, a bit of impatience in her grace as if Sona could hardly wait for Glenn to be ready to be 'plucked'.

Glenn could feel himself getting slightly dizzy. His mind lost in a haze as much of his lack of concentration came from a strange lethargic feeling while still somehow not losing an ounce of his desire. Sona was still draining him, while also gathering his energy into a single point to be released inside of her in a grand gesture. Even when his hips felt shaky, and about to give out, Sona looked back, and met his tired lips with her own. From that kiss came a strange surge, his mind warped with the drive for sex as if she delivered an electric shock to his brain. While her tongue wriggled into his mouth, Glenn's hips moved on their own, thrusting like a wild beast while Sona moaned loudly into his mouth, almost crying with gleeful pleasure. From the slurps of their messy kissing, Sona eventually cried, "Okay~! Cum!!!" she cried to Glenn, as he felt the seal release itself, and thus the floodgates were opened.

Spurt, after spurt, after powerful spurt. Glenn delivered a massive load into Sona's pussy, while Sona fell forward, her forehead to the floor of the wagon as she cried the loudest, everyone in the town probably heard her sexual moan. "So much...!" she cried out, while Glenn was only on his fifth thick rope of cum. Once he doubled up on that, Sona began to panic, as her eyes literally began glowing. "W-wait, Glenn! Too much!" she cried out, his soul rushing into her like a violent broken dam holding a great river. "Nooo! I over-fucking-did it!" she cried out, before starting to laugh and moan in hysteria, as if the amount of energy he was shooting into her was enough to drive her absolutely insane.

Once his final spurt came out, Glenn's entire body gave out, collapsing to the floor powerlessly as if he was suddenly paralyzed. The last thing he saw was his enlarged cock popping out of Sona's pussy, returning to it's normal size, while copious amount of seed oozed from her completely overfilled hole.


After falling unconscious, Glenn found himself waking up inside of a bed within Duvain's house. The moment he opened his eyes, he saw a certain Aurine sitting in a chair directly over his bed, and a very, very, very wide smile on her face.

"Good morning, Bastard~" she said with a sweet, loving tone. "Your worthless object is on the beach, you piece of shit. Here, I made breakfast for you~" Aurine cooed, taking a plate of burnt eggs and burnt bacon and placing it on his chest. "I made it with my special ingredient, Love~" she said, before her eyes went as wide as they could go. No, somehow even wider than that. "If you love me, you'll eat it all. You'll clean the fucking plate~!" she declared, clasping her hands together and resting her cheek against them in a cute display. Then, she took a piece of the black bacon, and put it to his mouth. "Here comes the 'air plane'!" she said rather specifically. "Open wide~!"
Re: Reviving Waymeet (Glenn;Ryu)

Glenn moaned as the depths of the mimic became a suctioning force, drawing him in and holding his length for ransom. With every thrust he gave he felt her form tugging on him where they were joined, drawing both a reaction out of him as her energy sought to claim his own. The drain hinted before from her kiss was felt in full force now as it wrapped and made it's way around his whole body drawing it out. Gathering it all down in a most pleasant way, feeling as if he were if building to a constant of being on the edge without actually spilling over. It only compelled him to hammer on as she continued to milk him this way, his balls become an object of covet as she squeezed them and spoke with lust.

Any desire to simply spill quickly was washed away when Sona cast her spell, imbuing him with and essence of strength and endurance. A very specifically aimed type of course. The tightening of his balls and manhood was not lost on the man, nor the fact that he found himself drawing more out than what he had originally put in. He felt like he was being used as a stud and he wasn't wrong. With the power she gave came an overwhelming sense of lust and desire, all directed at that organ plowing into the fair mimic maiden before him. And a gathering of his own strength being drawn into it as well, leaving his body proper as it all slowly edged to gather there, halfway to joining with the mimic's own power already the way things were going.

The man lost all desire to stop from giving her both his seed and energy as his resilience was swept away by her draining. Not that he was against it in the first place. He wanted to give her it all, and he gasped wearily as she stopped him from bursting into her when he felt himself peer over the edge, a magic halting an orgasm in it's tracks. He sighed a small whine at the denial, continuing to pump into her eager for release. And though tired, he didn't let up on his own groping of her flesh. Kneading her breasts from behind, digging into her rump and smoothing his fingers along her thighs. And when she turned her face to meet his own, he met her lips there. Kissing her with tiring passion as his legs grew shaky and he grew weak.

His vision was starting to grow grainy and fuzzy before her kiss gave him a spout of vigor and he met her hips anew, reaching a fever pace as she finally released her hold on his genitals. "AHH...hhhhhhhh!" Glenn released with a moan as his enchanted manhood shot off it's load into Sona's waiting maidenhood, acting parallel to the mimic's own cry of passion. He drew back and forth in shorter draws, pumping at her hips while still very much in her as rope upon rope burst against her walls, and his own energy followed all the same. He lost count how many times he felt his dick jerk while he orgasmed right around the time a great deal of lethargy set in and he heard the mimic laughing in hysterics. His whole body felt like it was floating then as the same haze from before clouded him, and the last thing he saw before he fell back and collapsed was Sona's hysterically satisfied face and the rather large thing attached to him that popped out of her.

And the last thing he consciously could think of upon seeing his handiwork was... that was a lot of his seed.


All around him Glenn saw nothing but snow. Falling blankets of cold white powder blanketing everything. And he felt cold. Far colder than anything snow could ever do he felt. He turned everywhere, trudging through the drifts looking for someplace to warm up and yet the result was the same no matter where he turned. There was no fire, no warmth. Just cold space everywhere. He was half tempted to simply give up but he couldn't. There had to be warmth somewhere. It couldn't all just be white everwhere. Ages seemed to pass and he kept on, shiving and growing blue as the weather only seemed to get worse and not better. He slowed and soon he was moving nearly at a standstill, halucinations wracking him as he tried to stay sane in this strange hell he found himself in.

Then something different. The start of a tree line, and distant mountains stretching high. As if they were the end of the earth itself. And a very familiar feeling of being watched. The moment he sensed it the strangest thing began to happen. He no longer felt so cold. The snow no longer mattered. He felt... warm. Warm, calm, and very happy. A feeling he hadn't felt all together nearly as intensely in a long time. A paralysing sensation came over him and he had the distinctive feeling of someone direclty behind him boring into the back of his skull. The world began to shift around him, and just as he saw two black shapes wrap around from the sides of his vision it was gone.

And felt his body twitch as a flood of sensation returned to it, and his heavy eyes let themselves be opened.

Glenn was very regretful of opening his eyes. He didn't ponder being in Duvain's house. He didn't ponder that it was now morning and that they had missed last night's storm, or whether it was still stormy out. He simply dropped his heart somewhere in his chest as Aurine's face hovered over his own. 'Oh crapbaskets.' He had seen that look before, and he knew it didn't mean anything good. He was hoping Aurine hadn't been one to be absolutely out of her mind, he had rather liked the Sea Bishop despite her... quirks. But this was crazy. Really crazy. And he wasn't willing to put up with something like this out of someone he trusted as an ally.

When she brought the burnt bacon up to his lips he scoffed at the thing, turning his head and spitting it away. Despite how weak the session with Sona had left him last night, he conjured up the strength to roll himself out of bed and onto the floor, letting the plate of food crash against the floor with a loud bang if not causing the plate itself to crash and break. "Are you out of your damn mind? Do I look like a fucking child?" He said angrily as he forced himself to stand on weakened legs. Narrowing his eyes at the bishop and baring his teeth. "I'm starting to really not care for your pretentious bullshit. If you were more like the mermaid I knew when we first met I'd be willing to put up with it. She'd at least be a friend bullshitting. Maybe even something more..." The man hinted simply, before recovering and straightening himself and his composure.

"I'm going to go check up on the others. And get things going with all the stuff I need to get started today to help the people of this town. Don't follow me." He told the sea bishop, before grabbing his clothing and hobbling out of the room as his vision filled with blue dots and he grew fuzzy and sick to his stomach.
Re: Reviving Waymeet (Glenn;Ryu)

As Glenn rose, Aurine's rage seemed to multiply. Gone was the fake smile, now was a face of pure rage to trump his own. A force hit him, unseen. It didn't hurt, it was like a shove, pushing him back to the bed before the sea bishop jumped upon him, her hands gripping his wrists as red veins of unnatural nature appeared along her arms. An inhuman strength seemed to fuel her, while at the same time she seemed to be in pain. "Yes, I AM out of my MIND! I lost the last remnants of it when I did things I normally would never fucking do, in order to get YOUR stupid metal can out of the ocean, and came back to find THE GLORIFIED BOX WHORE having enjoyed you thoroughly!" Her grip tightened, her body shaking as tears flew out from her eyes.

"You ignorant asshole! Maybe I wanted to come back and hold you, and be held!? Maybe some praise for HOW MUCH I DO FOR YOU!?" she yelled. Her arms were shaking, squeezing so hard on his wrists to keep him from moving that it hurt. "I'm still the mermaid you met! The one who fell in love with you at first sight!" She declared, before leaning in, and licking along his cheek, trailing her tongue along his ear. "I love you..." she whined as her large breasts pressed up against his chest. "I knew you'd get like this, if they got their hands on you. You'd start to prefer them over me. I'd just become some concubine." Then, she grinned a grin that would possibly be etched into Glenn's memories forever. "I won't allow it~" she cooed. "I decided you were mine the moment I saw you, Glenn. I don't think you understand that the only pretentious one is you... But that's okay~ As long as I still have you, I can teach you. After all... By your own words, you too want to love me~" she giggled.

Leaning her head down, and doing something to her chest piece with her teeth, it came loose, letting her breasts spill out of her top and squish against his skin. "I don't really know... What I'll do... If you don't love me. I might just completely lose my mind." she said calmly, while at the same time seeming highly unstable. With her breasts bare, and holding him helplessly against the bed, Aurine began kissing him, and rubbing against him, moaning as he felt her grinding against him. "Where's my praise? I did things under the sea that I'm ashamed to speak of to help you get that plane on land. I saved your life that one fateful day. I gave you a destiny... I gave you a life here, and I'll gladly give you anything else~" she cooed, before her grip finally completely relaxed, letting him go as she looked at him with sad and needy eyes and wrapped har arms around his body. "I even let that mimic bitch live without harm because I knew it'd make you upset. Isn't that proof that I care? Can't you see?"

She then giggled, and buried her face in his shoulder. "I'm the only one for you~" she said happily.