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Celestial Wings (Tentanari X)

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Character sheet:
Claudine had always been well taken care of in her family's home, and being a natural born hermaphrodite, even she knew that eventually, she'd Have to go out and find herself some mates. Because as Claudine knew from all she'd learned growing up, she was expected to have a harem of many beautiful women to help ensure plenty of children were had to grow and repopulate their world after the cataclysm that happened many years before. Her father, or papa as most called their sires, was an angel much like herself, a hermaphrodite, one of a noble family in the White and Black Wing Tribe's lands, who owned a nice large piece of land just outside Melior, their capital city. Her mother however was in fact Not an angel, and was in actually the furthest thing From an angel they could probably get... she was a succubus. It was quite rare actually for a succubus to give birth to an angel baby, and vice versa when it was one of the rare succubi that were hermaphrodites themselves. This made Claudine a Very sought after angel, and she'd already had a couple of dozen offers of marriage to begin her harem, but she'd declined them all thus far.

Now, Claudine had run away from home, taking one of the family blades with her, and also her armor which her papa had one of the best blacksmiths around make her, and funnily enough the best blacksmith in Melior or the surrounding area happened to be a succubus, who had trained for years and years, nearly two human lifetimes. It was an elegant yet very functional set armor. Other than that, Claudine's pack contained enough food to last her nearly a month if she rationed and stretched it, along with a bedroll to sleep in, a length of rope, and a bag of money she'd managed to sneak into her family's vaults to snatch for traveling funds. Now, she was on her own, for the first time ever really, and her handmaids, of which she'd had nearly a dozen that saw to her every single need, were no longer there to see to her every need.

She was a good way outside of Melior now, and checking her map, she saw that she had two ways she could go now unless she wanted to risk being found by her family's guards that were undoubtedly searching for her, well, aside from going back home or to Melior itself. She could go southward towards the edges of her tribe's realm there where there were where the elven lands began, or she could go east towards the kitsune plains that bordered Celestia there, her homeland. If she opted to go north towards Melior, then she could eventually come to the mountainous areas up that way, where the albino okami tribes were scattered about. While if she circled back around and went westward, she'd eventually come to the orc tribes to the northwest, and to the southwest she'd find the neko tribes.


Dec 6, 2009
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Re: Celestial Wings (Tentanari X)

After scouring over her map and mulling over the decision for a short time, Claudine finally decided to revisit her homeland, Celestia. She would pack her map back into her back pack and begin to head out eastwardly towards the plains that were the dwelling and homes of the kitsunes. She prayed the Gods and Goddesses would be kind to her on her trek and the kitsune would be hospitable to her as she would make her way towards the eastern birders of her homeland. She missed her handmaidens and the people of her home, and knew she would be in for a hard time, but she wanted to see and experience more of the world and to choose her mates of her own accord and not have her life planned out and determined for her by her parents. Kitsune were known for being tricksters but she was hoping her status as an angelic matriarch would give her some leeway. She knew that most "barbaric" or savage species would not care- or at least from what she remembered from her schooling. But she figured she would be at least welcomed or left in peace by the kitsune. So once she would steel her self, she would resolve to begin her long trek and search for her own harem, heading eastward...
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Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Celestial Wings (Tentanari X)

After making up her mind and deciding on what to do, Claudine began her trek eastward along the road she was on. Traveling without a carriage, or at least a horse to ride was a bit disappointing, and she knew that her feet and legs would be sore. But then again, she Did have wings and could fly if she so desired to cover the distance a bit quicker, however she also knew that doing so may tire her out a bit more than simply walking might. Not flying though carried the risk of her family's guards catching up to her if she wasn't careful, so it was really a risk that she may have to take if she wanted to stay ahead of them.

Either way, her first day was mostly uneventful, and she'd find herself bedding down for the night in a small patch of trees near an ancient grove that had ruins of the ancient world, an old fort with a moss covered wall that was mostly broken down, with an old tower keep that was half crumbled. If she so desired, Claudine could fly up to the top of the tower, which she knew from having traveled around with her parents on occasion that this thing was stable. But she'd be a bit exposed she knew, but it'd get her off the ground at least.


Dec 6, 2009
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Re: Celestial Wings (Tentanari X)

Phew. There's no way I would be able to stay ahead of my parents and the guards by traversing on foot, I doubt they're very far behind me... From now on I should commit to fly at least half of the way or as far as my wings will be able to carry me and walk the rest of the way. My feet and legs wouldn't be screaming in agony that way either... she thought to herself before having her rations for the evening and deciding to fly up to the tower for some slightly more secure sleeping arrangements. "At least I'll be off the ground and relatively safe from any ground based predators." She said to her self as she landed in the crumpled tower and set up her sleeping bag with her sword and shield at the ready by her sleeping bag. She would take off her breast plate and pauldrons, setting them by her bedding and begin to settle in for the night, aiming to wake up somewhat earlier and get a head start on the guards...
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Celestial Wings (Tentanari X)

Bedding down for the night, Claudine did notice that this place had been used recently for getting off the ground to sleep, as there were some old burned down remnants of a campfire. Still though, it seemed clear enough, and nothing had happened so far, so she would Probably be left in peace. Once through the night while she slept, Claudine was awakened by a grasshopper that was roaming about, but after quickly brushing it off of her face where it had landed, she would see it flying off, where she could get some more sleep.

The following morning, Claudine would manage to eat some breakfast, get herself ready to go, and would manage to leave before anything happened thankfully. About halfway through her second day out, she'd run into a small caravan of sorts along the road, one which had a good two dozen people manning several carriages, with a half a dozen on horseback riding alongside the carriages acting as guards it seemed. They all seemed to be going the way she was too, and they definitely spotted her, as one of the guards, a human by the looks of it, pulled a bow out from where it hang on her back, and got an arrow ready just in case, but didn't draw back.

"Hello up there. Where be you a going?" the human girl called up to Claudine, who would see that most of the two dozen seemed to be human as well, while one of the carriages was covered with a darker cloth, as if trying to keep whatever was inside from view. Among the other races she saw, she noticed a couple of elves, four succubi, and a single large, tall, and quite muscular woman riding one of the other horses, and she looked mostly human, but was definitely of mixed blood with something else.


Dec 6, 2009
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Re: Celestial Wings (Tentanari X)

After shooing the cricket away from her face and getting a good nights sleep, she would wake early, have breakfast and begin flying off towards her destination. The first half of the day was blessedly uneventful but around the midday period, early afternoon, she would spot a caravan of travelers including a handful of succubi, a pair of elves, and two humans- one of which was tall, muscular and somewhat imposing. She also saw a carriage covered in dark cloth, meaning who or whatever it eas must be rather important. Upon being called out with the bow pointed towards her, Claudine would slowly and non thrratenly descend towards the group before sheathing her weapon and placing her hands in front of her in a peaceful gesture.

"Please, you needn't draw your weapons. I dont wish any harm. I am merely a traveler wishing to explore the world and find my self a mate. I was just on my way to the kitsune territory." She explained, telling a half truth. She felt it would be best to not let them know she was being sought after...
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Celestial Wings (Tentanari X)

"My apologies matriarch. One can't be too careful around these parts," the human archer girl said, lowering her bow upon seeing Claudine's sheathing of her sword. "Come, we're heading for the kitsune lands ourselves if you would like to join us," she added, waving Claudine down to her from the air as she swung her bow back over her shoulder.

If Claudine came down, she'd catch a glimpse through the windows of the dark covered carriage, where she'd see what could only be another angel. "Would you like to ride in one of the wagons or carriages? Or on horseback? We have the extra room either way," the human archer woman asked Claudine, not really asking questions about who she was, and not seeming to care much.


Dec 6, 2009
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Re: Celestial Wings (Tentanari X)

Upon hearing the archer's invitation and seeing her wave down, Claudine would slowly descend to the ground to join the travelling troupe. "Thank you. That is most kind of you." She said as she would take a moment to try to get a better look at her travelling companions "My name is Claudia, might I ask yours, and your purposes for visiting the kitsune yourselves? I have been on my own for some time and would enjoy some company and conversation." She said finding her eyes drawn mostly to either the succubi, the angel in the carriage or the muscular woman on the horse. Mmmm, I love strong women. Such a splendid chiseled physique. She would likely produce healthy, strong offspring. I have also been captivated by succubi as well- both my "papa" and the blacksmith from home were magnificent specimen. But I think I will ride with the woman on the horse. My feet and legs are both exhausted and it would be lovely to have some one nice, big, sturdy and strong to hold onto...
She thought to herself before coming to a decision, "Thank you, I think I will take you up on your offer to ride horse back." She said before walking over to the horse the muscular woman was riding on before climbing up on it behind her and wrapping her arms around the womans powerful frame Mmmm... So niiiice. I always have loved the feel of a strong, solid, well trained body... she thought as they ride along, nuzzling into the womans back, crook of the back of her neck and hair inhaling her musk and scent and appreciating all the woman was...
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Celestial Wings (Tentanari X)

"Well met miss Claudia. We're mostly just heading there for trade really. The kitsune have loads of fox furs that they sell to us, and they sheer them similar to how we sheer sheep, and simply use their magics to make beautiful fox fur coats and the like to trade with us. But... we also have another mission, that I'm not truly at liberty to really say at the moment. I hope you'll understand," the archer woman replied as Claudine landed, glancing over at the darkened carriage.

Seeing Claudine moving over to her, the large fairly muscled woman smirked and offered Claudine a hand and pulled her up onto the huge magnificent horse she was riding, which Claudine could easily tell it was a true warhorse if ever she'd seen one. "Come on up then little angel. I shall protect you, at least for the rest of today. If we come to battle though, I'd request you dismount and ride on one of the carriages unless you can fight, in which case take take to the air. If I'm trying to protect you as well as fight, I'll be at a great disadvantage," the large woman said, and Claudine could smell a slightly stronger womanly scent from the girl, even though she didn't look too very old. "You can call me Sonja. And before you ask, I'm a half orc. It's why I'm so much bigger than the other humans," she added after Claudine was up on the horse behind her.

Getting a closer look now, Claudine saw Sonja's long black hair flowing down her back in a long ponytail that stretched nearly to the top of her ass. She had quite large breasts, easily as large as Claudine's were. She was easily six feet tall, probably a few inches taller, though it was tough to tell while she was on horseback at the moment. Her body was well toned and told Claudine that she took exceptional care of herself. The angel could see a few scars from battle here and there, though nothing that would look too ugly thankfully. She had dark green eyes, and if Claudine looked down in front of Sonja, she'd see a noticeable bulge between her legs that gave her away as a matriarch herself, which Claudine would know made Sonja a prime target just like herself, as most of the time matriarchs were targeted first if they could be identified as one during a fight, as Everyone sought after matriarchs, even other matriarchs usually did for their tribes and villages. Sonja also wielded a huge sword, easily dwarfing her own by nearly three times in size, and the sheer size of it kept Claudine from really pressing up too close behind Sonja's back, but she could still manage it a little bit at least to get her scent.


Dec 6, 2009
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Re: Celestial Wings (Tentanari X)

"Oh, I see. I have some coin on myself, though it's primarily for travelling necessities. But I would love a beautiful kitsune fur. I won't pry into your other affairs, we all have things we don't wish to disclose. " she said as she would accept Sonja' s hand and climb upon her magnificent steed. "I have some training in sword and shield style fighting, it was part of my upbringing. So I can fight if need be; and don't worry, I would not wish to be a burden or hindrance in the event of a crisis." She said running her fingers through Sonja's long majestic ebony hair and inhaling long deep breaths of its scent. "I think you are truly magnificent, Sonja. I love big, strong, well built, muscular women. They're powerful, solid bodies are so nice to hold..." She finished nuzzling as much into her as she could. "I hope to get know you a lot better and on a more personal level as we travel, all of you lovely women, in fact..." She said thinking of the four succubi, the elves and the angel in the carriage... "Oh... by the way, if it's not sensitive material, could you tell me anything about the angel in the carriage? I was not expecting to see another of my kind away from Celestia..."
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Celestial Wings (Tentanari X)

"Heh, same here. It Is one reason we're heading out that way after all," the archer lady said.

"Oh? Some training eh. Well that's good to know that we'll have an extra blade on our side then if things go south in a hurry," Sonja said with an amused look as she glanced over her shoulder at Claudine. "And my my, all the flattery. If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were a noble lady trying to court me," she added with a smirk.

When Claudine asked about the angel in the darkened carriage, Sonja sighed softly and shook her head. "Sadly no, I cannot speak of her. She is my charge, and I shall carry out my job of guarding this caravan to the best of my abilities. However... I can say that she is not from Melior proper, but from the high temple to the north, near the mountains. I'd advise not trying to sneak into her carriage either. She has two pretty strong guardians within. Twins actually, who have devoted their lives to protecting her," Sonja said in a soft whisper after a few moments, looking a bit... unsure if she should be telling Claudine this, but doing so anyway.


Dec 6, 2009
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Re: Celestial Wings (Tentanari X)

"Heh. Well I am in search of mates myself after all, and you clearly stood out amongst the others. I guess I was drawn to your powerful frame. It was like a moth to a flame, I felt compelled." She said lightly brushing Sonja's mighty thigh. At hearing of the angel and her guards she have a small disappointed and almost sad sounding sigh, "I see... That is a pity. I was hoping to have a chance to commune with another of my kind outside of ny home on my journey. But I wouldn't want to get myself in a bad situation or over stay my welcome. And you say she is from the mountains? I had considered heading to the mountains and visit the okami when I initially embarked on my journey, but had decided on going to kitsune territory instead..."
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Celestial Wings (Tentanari X)

"Oh my, well I'm quite flattered to know then. And there's no reason you Can't talk to her. Just... mind your manners around her is all I'll suggest. Those twins of hers are real guard dogs, metaphorically speaking... well, no... they are okami, so that might be accurate actually, so you Can meet some okami, hmhm," Sonja giggled softly, looking amused at her own words.

Sonja allowed Claudine to ride behind her for the remainder of the day, and it was relatively slow going thanks to having all of the different wagons and carriages. But they weren't accosted by any of her family's guards along the way thankfully, and as they came to a halt for the evening, Claudine saw two young albino okami women hopping out of the back of the darkened carriage, and both reached up to help down the young angel in said carriage. From the looks of her, Claudine could tell that she'd only recently come of age, but she was indeed of age. The younger angel shot a glance towards Claudine before her two okami, both quite beautiful themselves, with the only differences Claudine could see right off to tell the two apart was one had a small beauty mark on her right cheek, and the other had one on her left cheek, and the weapons they wielded, which the one on the left had a large spear, and the one on the right had a large battleaxe.

( , minus the futanari part. And also pic for the )


Dec 6, 2009
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Re: Celestial Wings (Tentanari X)

"You are most welcome, Sonja. And I will keep that in mind." she replied, as the caravan came to a stop for the evening, Claudine would hop down from Sonja's horse and catch the angels glance before meeting it with a sideways glance of her own before pulling down her pack and removing her sleeping bag to set up for the evening. She would decide to use the time around the campfire before they all settled for bed to make small talk with the members of the caravan to get to know her travelling companions a little bit better. She would ask where they hailed from, how they got to know each other and formed the caravan, where all they planned to go outside of the kitsune territories but would try to avoid anything sensitive or unprivy to outsiders. She would tell them about her child hood, her parents, and upbringing, but choose to deliberately omit the parts about her betrothement and running from home. Once dinner was done, she would remove her armor and weapons, once again setting them beside her sleeping bag, and get ready to settle in for the night.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Celestial Wings (Tentanari X)

As she asked around, most of the members of the caravan she found seemed to be from the north of Melior or from some of the outlying towns and villages from the city itself. The succubi were all from Melior proper, and all were mages from what she gathered, and all were gorgeous and it was clear from the way they all looked at her that they desired her. But they were also quite capable of holding themselves in check she could tell, especially once finding out that they were all quite a bit older than all of the others in the caravan. The two elven guards however both hailed from Eldana, the elven lands to the south, and they were traveling mercenaries it seemed, both being hired along with Sonja in the northern regions of Celestia to help guard the caravan.

"Oh my... so you Are a noble huh. I kind of guessed that you were, but it was hard to be certain," Sonja commented when finding out Claudine's true identity.

"Hmhm, such a... lovely angel you are. Claudia... would you like any of the four of us, or all of us to... warm your bed tonight?" the oldest of the succubi asked Claudine, smirking as the four of them sat very close to Claudine, while Snoja snickered as the four succubi closed in on Claudine and were all starting to press their bodies against hers, their breasts pressing against either arm, and against both sides of her head a little bit.

The oldest of the succubi was named Maria, she found, and she had the largest breasts of the four at G-cups, and she was the epitome of beauty, having a perfect hourglass figure, smouldering infernal red eyes like most if not all succubi had, and she stood two inches taller than Claudine, and had fiery red hair that stretched to her ass in perfect waves that swished with every move she made. The next oldest was Theresa, and she was much the same as Maria, blonde hair that also stretched to her ass in a long ponytail, F-cup breasts that were the softest pair of breasts Claudine had ever felt as they pressed against the left side of her head, even softer than Maria's, and she too stood a couple of inches taller than Claudine. Lily was the next succubus, and she pressed against Claudine's left arm from just in front and to the side, and she had short straight silver colored hair that only hung unbound to her shoulders, F-cup breasts that jiggled and had a faint audible sloshing sound coming from within them, and she stood a couple of inches shorter than Claudine. The last succubus was named Claire, and she was very tall, easily six inches taller than Claudine, sporting large perky E-cup that had not a single ounce of sag to them like the other three had, though theirs was still quite perky considering. Claire had emerald green hair, dark chocolate colored skin similar to a dark elf, unlike the other three succubi who all had fair white skin without a single blemish, and Claire had probably the largest ass of them all, which she was wiggling enticingly in front of Claudine as she curved her body around to press against the angel's right arm from the front.

All of their tails swished about happily behind them, with Lily's reaching around and gently caressing and tickling Claudine's inner thigh, trailing its way up and down. Theresa's tail was curled around and gently tickling the left side of Claudine's neck, while Maria's was tickling the right side of it, and Claire's tail was a mere inch or two from Claudine's face, wiggling in front of it, while all of their wings fluttered slightly. "Hmhm, if I were a matriarch, I'd have already flung my clothes off and fucked them all right here and now," Sonja chuckled with amusement.


Dec 6, 2009
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Re: Celestial Wings (Tentanari X)

"Fuwaa~" Claudine moaned out as the the succubus quartet began to rub the incredibly generous breasts and assets up against her, her olfactory senses being assaulted by an onslaught of pheromones and estrogen from the genitalia being thrust towards her. "Ah... Oh... Oh my... Hahn~ Mmm~ W-well... well, I was not expecting such a gracious offer so suddenly... Hnnng... A-all f-f-four of you are so very marvelous... it... It is hard to pick just one of you glorious creatures... AH!" She cried out as she felt their tails begin to tease her. She was already worked from the breasts pushing against her arms and face and Claire's incredibly tasty looking ass up in her face; so when Lily's tail began stroking her thighs it caused her impressive member to grow instantly hard, straining against the fabric of its confines threatening to burst out at any moment. She would giggle in coo in delight as Marias and Theresas tails tickled her neck. With Claires ass and tail both wiggling mere inches from her face, she would gently grab hold of tug on the appendage and give her ass a playful gentle spank to enclurage her to move it and her holes closer to her face so she could eat them out. If the succubus complied, she would begin gently kissing, licking, biting and rubbing succubus's beautiful ass cheeks before spreading them open to drag her tongue up and from her anus and cunt, taking time in between to rim her anus and suck on and swirl her clit clot in her tongue; all the while stroking her tail like a phallus and occasionally taking it into her mouth to suck on it...
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Celestial Wings (Tentanari X)

"Why, you needn't bother picking just One of us, you know. We're All more than capable of keeping you... quite warm through the night, after all," Maria cooed softly to Claudine, her lips suddenly pressing against Claudine's cheek as she shifted around to kiss her, before pushing her tits back into the angel's face.

Claire cooed at the playful swat on her ass, which jiggled from the spank, while her tail wriggled in Claudine's grasp as they maneuvered around and Claudine felt herself being gently laid down onto her back. Claire eagerly pulled herself closer, her skirt rising to reveal she wore no panties beneath it, which gave Claudine ample room to eat the succubus out, as her large ass began smothering the angel with its size. The only thing Claudine would be able to smell was the wet musky scent of Claire's pussy, which aroused her further, and whether she liked it or not, her cock would be fully hard within moments of Claire sitting down on her face, her large cheeks grinding over Claire and giving her small windows to grab a breath or two as she ground herself down onto the angel in the 69 position.

"Mmm, such a wonderful tongue you got there cutie. I wonder how You taste though. Hey girls, let's all have a taste. You want one too Sonja? She seemed to really like you after all, I think. Considering she jumped up behind you earlier so she could grind her hips against your ass and all on your horse and all, hmhm," Claire cooed and moaned softly.

"Mhm, I'm Definitely getting a taste of that juicy thing," Maria commented, with the other two succubi giggling softly and agreeing as well.

"Hmm, I think I just might," Sonja chuckled softly at seeing Claudine being assaulted by the horny succubi, while Claire's tail finally escaped Claudine's grasp after a few moments and was gently caressing her cheek affectionately, and gently dipped into Claudine's mouth anytime she wanted to suckle on the tip of the apparently quite sensitive appendage, as each time she did this, Claire shuddered almost as if she'd had an orgasm.


Dec 6, 2009
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Re: Celestial Wings (Tentanari X)

"Mmmf meph meal phmee fo meat phormefs fo emfoy my bof mmn mock ah fou fike~" (Mmm, yes feel free to treat yourselves to enjoy my balls and cock all you like~) Claudine moaned our in muffled tones as she continued to gorge her self on Claire's big juicy ass, spreading her rosebud open as far she could before sticking her long tongue as far she possibly could into the succubus's asshole, kneading and massaging the succulent add all the while. Every once in a while she would alternate back to Claire's cubt thoroughly exploring the succubus's drooling, blazing, sweet smelling lust canal with long pointed tongue, her tongue going as far as she could push it, likely going to where the woman's hymen would have been as she figured she had already had it broken. Whenever the succubus's tail would offer itself to her mouth again, she would envelop the sensitive appendage as far as she possibly could into her mouth before wrestling it with her long tongue as is she were French kissing it. After a few minutes of this treatment she would speak out in husky, needy, lust filled tones "Ah... Please... Feel free to use whatever you like on my cock... hands, mouth, tongue, tits, ass or feet... Just wrap something soft and hot around it and milk it for all its worth it..." She would plead to ger companions before resuming to eating out Claire's holes...
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Celestial Wings (Tentanari X)

Claire cooed and wriggled back and forth on Claudine's face, barely giving her any chances to catch her breath as she sat there. The angel's tongue found no trace of Claire's hymen, but her pussy was still extremely tight just like every succubus' was. "Mmm, that feels Really good hon. Don't stop," Claire moaned softly as Claudine's tongue delved into her pussy.

The quartet of succubi began coaxing her clothing off, her breasts bouncing free soon enough, and her cock as well not long after that. "Hmhm, are you a virgin, dear Claudia?" Maria asked curiously, as she and Lily maneuvered down between Claudine's legs and the young angel felt two luscious tongues lashing at her length and quickly coaxing her pre to begin leaking down her shaft. "Mmm delicious. Angels are Always the most delicious," Lily moaned softly as she took the tip of Claudine's shaft in her mouth and gave it a tiny suckle as her tongue circled the sensitive cap of the angel's length.


Dec 6, 2009
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Re: Celestial Wings (Tentanari X)

If Claire would give her enough room or time to reply, Claudine would would answer in the affirmative to Maria, "Haahn~ Ah... Y-y-yes... I... was saving myself for my first mate... to truly enjoy the experience... My h-h-hymen is... s-still... still u-unbroken... Ahhh~" she would reply in between moans, mews, coos and gasps. "Mmmm that feels soooo goooood. Whoever's licking my cock please don't stop.... And don't forget about my b-b-balls either, p-please? Also could two of you not occupied, please tend to my teats as well? Mmmmn~ Please... AH! P-please, knead, milk, kiss, lick, bite and suck on my utters... And lick my navel... Ooooh~ This feels heavenly!" She cried out in passion before resuming to eat Claire's ass and pussy.