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RPG [CastleDev] Castle Rock


Jungle Girl
Sep 13, 2016
Reputation score

The game is a turn based rpg with some cut ins for sex animation. The main mechanics are to lower a persons stamina to knock them down and pin them, then rape them. Enemies can rape each other as well, as long as they are not the same type of enemy. orgasms from rape are a 1 hit kill. Be aware that if an enemy kills another one, you wont receive any exp for it.

Character creation has plenty customization with 5 main stats:
Brawn - Increases damage and your likelihood to pin targets and break out of pins
Allure - more quickly build up critical hits(get one at when the counter hits 100
Smarts - Passively gain more exp
Endurance - increases defense and energy regen
Dexterity - better dodge chance and energy cost on attacks

You start the game with all these stats at 4 and 9 extra points to distribute. Also for now you start the game with the super critical perk, which makes crits do more damage and heal you, if you put points into allure, this can be a very useful skill.

You can recruit new enemies either from finding drones on the map or being bred by bloatflies. these extra characters are esential for later stages of the game when more enemies are around and stronger.

map of the area, searching an area multiple times will unlock the areas next to it. The center hexagon is your base, which is a free inn and where you start from if you lose a fight.

Some screens of the enemies all in game as of now(screens thanks to captainstarfish):

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Re: Castle Rock [2d adult rpg]

This has piqued my interest. So far seems to be entirely anal-centric though. Battle mechanics need some work too imo
Re: Castle Rock [2d adult rpg]

Seems pretty good so far. Worth keeping an eye on.

Clicky link:

Some screens of the enemies (current and planned):

Re: Castle Rock [2d adult rpg]

I've tried it a few weeks ago and honestly, there's a lot of potential coming from it, even from the little that there is of gameplay (of anything really) I can most definitely recommend giving it a try.

Also you can get an ally by letting yourself get raped by the "Bloatfly", it's actually pretty strong and that's a part of the game that is quite interesting.

Updates seems to be monthly too meaning that not only is the project still going but, it's also not planning on stopping any time soon.

The combat is pretty bare-bone as it was, you can attack the enemy or knock-em down to rape them. Alternatively you can also purposely strip down and let the enemy do what it wants with you.

There's a few characters to select from (which are cosplay of popular icons), the animation aren't altered from any of the costume for the moment but they still work for whats available to them to do, which is breaking.

Another thing before I forget, the art style is really good looking.

In short, I can say that it's a game worth looking into, no idea why the thread is so empty... spooky.
Re: Castle Rock [2d adult rpg]

Gave this a try since there actually seems to be something to play now and it looks like it may be interesting.

Saying that it is bare-bones might be a slight understatement. You do have combat, not much to it though. The passibility is completely random, some stuff you can pass as you would think you can, some stuff you can pass one way, and some stuff you can't pass that you would think you should. There is a menu, it does absolutely nothing though so once you loose your clothes you have zero defense since you cannot replace them. And coming into contact with the edge of the map causes the game to shut down. Not really sure what the thought process behind that last one is but ehh.
Re: Castle Rock [2d adult rpg]

Hello, I haven't really posted about the game outside of 4chan and tumblr, but it's very pleasant to find another community talking about it.

Um well a quick explanation, is that development is planned in a modular fashion so I can have neat "walled gardens" of content. Which will be split into "Adventures". The final product will have several adventures-targeting different game mechanics(and fetishes), which will all eventually tie into an all inclusive rpg.
(I can't post links just yet.)

This first was focused on introducing the basic game mechanics(combat, and movement). Fetish wise, it focused on the Brood Mother class, which allows the player to gain party members through birthing. The next Adventure introduces the Changeling class, which focuses on TF, to a couple different monster girls. Some of the mechanics of that system has already been started as the last couple updates focused on character creation.

(5 outfits for

@Darthan, while the current map system is placeholder, the next update will help a bit with a fast travel home option/ and do a bit more to keep the player from going off screen. The pause menu/ combat summary screen/ and event system are some of the few "final" things to wrap up in this version.

You also repair your clothing and heal when ever you go back in the house.
Re: Castle Rock [2d adult rpg]

You also repair your clothing and heal when ever you go back in the house.

Then something must not be working right as I wound up back in the house and went back out and was but naked when I wound up in battle.
Re: Castle Rock [2d adult rpg]

Am I missing something? I run the executable and it's not working, nothing happens.
All I can see is a process named dllhost.exe that appears twice on the task manager and these disappear after a couple of seconds -.-
Yes, I'm running the file as administrator.
Re: Castle Rock [2d adult rpg]

Then something must not be working right as I wound up back in the house and went back out and was but naked when I wound up in battle.

I initially assumed I messed this up and no one reported it, but I can't seem to reproduce this bug, regardless of who takes the clothing off the player or the monster. I'll mess around with a bit more.

Am I missing something? I run the executable and it's not working, nothing happens.
All I can see is a process named dllhost.exe that appears twice on the task manager and these disappear after a couple of seconds -.-
Yes, I'm running the file as administrator.

Nope, possibly you may not have java installed.
The .exe, should check to see if you have java installed, and if you don't, open the java.com/download website. I'd recommend going there first and ensuring it's up to date.
Re: Castle Rock [2d adult rpg]

Fantastic animations.

Bare bones for sure but as a concept it shows a lot of potential. If this never gets finished or goes anywhere, I'd sure hope that someone at least takes notice of the animation quality.
Re: Castle Rock [2d adult rpg]

I initially assumed I messed this up and no one reported it, but I can't seem to reproduce this bug, regardless of who takes the clothing off the player or the monster. I'll mess around with a bit more.

Nope, possibly you may not have java installed.
The .exe, should check to see if you have java installed, and if you don't, open the java.com/download website. I'd recommend going there first and ensuring it's up to date.

I do have the latest java installed
I think I have some kind of a problem with java when running windows under japanese settings. To confirm this theory I'm going to set the setting back to factory values and see it works, but will do it either later or tomorrow.
Re: Castle Rock [2d adult rpg]

Haahah yes !! I'm so excited that my bump on the thread made the one making the game not only notice it but also join up on the forums.

I'll give in some reviews every few months to keep it alive, I'd hate to see it go unnoticed again.
Re: Castle Rock [2d adult rpg]

Haa... sometimes I hate being right -.-
I've just confirmed that I'm not able to run java under japanese settings.
However, this doesn't mean it's a problem of java itself. I'm almost 100% sure it's because my Windows account name has special characters and this wasn't my choice...
The computer tech that build my rig at his shop, probably didn't care or didn't occurred to him that negative impact on having account names with such characters...
Anyway, I can easilly fix this by just chaning the locale settings back to default, or I could just move my hentai life into a virtual machine, but too lazy for that lel :p
Re: Castle Rock [2d adult rpg]

Looks interesting. Like the graphics. Hope you'll finish this project :)
Re: Castle Rock [2d adult rpg]

Haa... sometimes I hate being right -.-
I've just confirmed that I'm not able to run java under japanese settings.
However, this doesn't mean it's a problem of java itself. :p

Are you certain you tried installing the correct Java thingy, I've got Jap local active too and it didn't do anything to me, might need to try with the Runtime Enviroment
(Not allowed with clicky links yet).

If then it really doesn't work, I've got nothing. I know this thing worked for me so it might just be alright for you too.
Re: Castle Rock [2d adult rpg]

It's not about java. I just said I could run java on default Windows settings.
It's most probably because of having an account with special characters.
When on japanese settings, these characters aren't recognized, because they're not part of the japanese ISO encoding.

I know this, because I have the exact same problem with Minecraft lol...
Re: Castle Rock [2d adult rpg]

Oh shit I guess I didn't fully pay attention, that sucks that it doesn't work well, hopefully you find a way around it, this here game is worth the try.
Re: Castle Rock [2d adult rpg]

I know it's an alpha, but the menu screen is... what even is that menu screen?

All the same this has some really nice spriting. Keep it up.

Also, the defend option is bugged.
Re: Castle Rock [2d adult rpg]

Haven't played the latest version but what do you mean by bugged, exactly ?

If you select the defend option but the attack naturally deals lower than 10 damage, the game just makes you take the damage. Either the defend option flat out doesn't work, or it's only a bug that only pops up when the damage amount is less than 10.
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