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RPG RPG Maker [ capture1 ] CRYSTAL FANTASY ~Chapters of the Chosen Braves~ / CRYSTAL FANTASY ~導かれし勇者たち~ RE193834 RJ193834

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Re: CRYSTAL FANTASY ~導かれし勇者たち~ [RJ193834]

Love Final Fantasy but disappointed about how easy Crystal Fantasy was??

Crystal Fantasy ---- HARD MODE ---- Some of these files come with original backups, some dont. Overwrite existing files and enjoy.

- All enemies give 20% less EXP / 50% less gold

- Standby heros dont receive EXP for battles (except boss battles)

- Some Early skills are delayed from unlocking

- 20% more MP cost for skills usage

- 20% lower TP accumulation

- Some status effects stay after battle (poison, darkness, silence and zombie) Just like the real FF's

- Running from battles is no longer 100% successful

- Gain MP back from attacking in battles? WTF??? Removed

Side note, the game is not crazy hard with these changes, I've tested it half way through and as far as I'm concerned it is still too easy. But its a nice challenge now as apposed to the babies RPG it was before. There are also a couple hand fulls of new minor translations in this pack... along with all the other ones (thanks mayaktheunholy and zipetya).

I am working on the full english translation now. Clearly it will take some time but it shouldnt be longer then a month or two. I will be posting my updates on it here:

(I dont have enough posts on this forum to post url's. Search for the partial translation on this topic. The HARD MODE patch mentioned here is posted on page 3 over there)

Be sure to take a look if your Final Fantasy fan!
Re: CRYSTAL FANTASY ~導かれし勇者たち~ [RJ193834]

(I dont have enough posts on this forum to post url's. Search for the partial translation on this topic. The HARD MODE patch mentioned here is posted on page 3 over there)!

You can just leave off the first part, and people can copy it into their address bar, like:
Is there a way to regain MP?

Is there a way to do it in the hard mode before the first boss fight?
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Game is ok, missing some heroines I would have liked: Lulu, Edea, Quistis, Rinoa, Beatrix to name a few
I can't seem to extract the www folder from .exe

It said
invalid mask "*.*" entered
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I can't seem to extract the www folder from .exe

It said
invalid mask "*.*" entered

Set both the extractor and the game exe to compatible with windows xp service pack 3. That solved it for me.
This thread has been moved to the H-Section for locking due to a lack of gameplay information. If you wish to preserve this thread, please PM a moderator with an updated OP.
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