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Can she really be the strongest? (Flayer; GMed by Mads)



Demon Girl Pro
Jun 12, 2013
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Re: Can she really be the strongest? (Flayer; GMed by Mads)

The local militia squad, more a mercenary troop, in all honesty, gets the attention of their quartermaster, sending her out to take inventory. She seems to recognize you, waving happily as you both wait for the portcullis to be raised. "Hey, Bree! What're you doing here? I thought the smith's good-for-nothing apprentice would be doing the delivery. Did he pawn it off on you or something? And nah, the new recruits have got the job of unloading their own equipment, the lazy bastards." Noticing that the aforementioned had yet to materialize, she turns, shouting over his shoulder, "HEY, GET UP ALREADY! YER SHIT'S HERE!" Returning her attention to you, quickly looking over the armor, fifteen sets of equipment, all told, she chortles, ducking under the still rising portcullis, "But you've got free time? Once I've signed off on this load, I'm actually, well I guess the best term is graduating, kinda. Done my time and all that. Let some other fucker get the job of counting every little thing." She sighs wistfully, hands on hips, "Didn't even see combat. Oh! Weren't you goin' on an adventure?"

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Can she really be the strongest? (Flayer; GMed by Mads)

When the quartermaster came out of the barracks to greet her, Bree noticed that she was someone that she knew... Kelly was her name if she remembered right, but it'd been a while since she'd seen her and all. Bree waved back to her old friend as she came out to meet her, smiling a bit as she recognized her in return. "Yeah I brought it for the blacksmith so he'd fix my armor for me, since his apprentice was hurt, said he'd done something to break a leg or something like that," Bree replied to Kelly before she shouted over her shoulder at the recruits to come and get their own stuff unloaded when Bree offered to so do herself.

When Kelly turned back to her and started talking again as she went on inside, Bree followed her in as she spoke more after checking the equipment to see if it was all there, which it was of course. "Aye I have a little free time while the blacksmith fixes my armor up for me. And yeah I'm heading out to adventure around and get stronger... so that I can beat mom at her own game and all that. It's good to hear that you're getting out, but a little bad I suppose that you never saw action any at all... I saw quite a bit back in the invasion and all, helping to take down dozens of those fuckers. Why do you ask if I'm going out on my adventure though? You wanna come with me or something?" Bree said to Kelly as she followed her.
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Demon Girl Pro
Jun 12, 2013
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Re: Can she really be the strongest? (Flayer; GMed by Mads)

"Be a shame to waste my training, staying at home." She chuckles, albeit not in the most... confident manner, "Buut, like I said, I only have training, no combat experience. So, if you don't want me dragging you down, I'd understand." Her barely-past-her-ears hair shifts under her hand as she rubs the back of her head, shrugging.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Can she really be the strongest? (Flayer; GMed by Mads)

"True, it is a waste of training to not use it, but I would probably be going into dangers out there, so I would in turn understand if you might not want to go with me, since some of the dangers I'd face would probably be the aliens again. But I doubt you'd drag me down any more than I would myself Kelly, so don't worry about that, in battle friends watch each others backs," Bree told her old friend, giving a pat to her shoulder. "So if you'd like to come with me, then go and get your things and come on, but remember, I'm out to gain strength so that I can show my mother up when I return, and my secondary objective is to find strong and capable women to join my harem which I am going to make to bear me many strong daughters... perhaps even some like myself," Bree added to Kelly as she urged her old friend on to get her things if she was going to come with her now, even now that she knew Bree's reasons for leaving Therion and all.

Bree would wait for Kelly to go and collect her things, or walk with her to her home so she could do so, where she would wait for her there instead. If Kelly didn't decide to go ahead and come with her though then Bree would just go back to the blacksmith and await for her armor to get finished with repairs. However if Kelly did come with her, then she'd still go there and wait for her armor, but would first go to her home and collect her things there and tell her father and sisters bye again as she grabbed her things, so that her and Kelly could leave the city together as soon as her armor was repaired and she put it back on.


Demon Girl Pro
Jun 12, 2013
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Re: Can she really be the strongest? (Flayer; GMed by Mads)

She blushes for an instant, before recovering and landing a punch on your shoulder, grinning "Hey now! We're good friends, but I don't think I'm ready to move that far yet!" She laughs, watching as the recruits finish up moving all the armor. "I'll go grab my pack. I was all set to leave anyway. And don't worry, I think I'm good enough at fighting to hold my own. Haven't tried yet, is all" so saying, she turns, walking towards her tent, beckoning for you to follow as she continues, "I already told the guy in charge I'd be taking off once this shipment came in, so I'll just take off with ya. My last pay is here, so I figured we could shop while you wait for that armor."

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Can she really be the strongest? (Flayer; GMed by Mads)

Giggling a bit at Kelly's blushing at her words, Bree took the little punch on her shoulder in stride and merely continued giggling. "I know Kelly, I wasn't meaning you specifically. Not that you aren't strong or anything like that, but you know. I mean unless you'd like to become one of my harem that is," Bree said as Kelly watched the last of the armor being unloaded, poking Kelly in the side with her finger and giving her a wink where she waited for a few seconds before bursting out giggling again as Kelly no doubt blushed further.

"I'm sure you're a good fighter and all Kelly, not disputing that really. And it'd be good to have a friend to talk to along the way, so come on," Bree then said to Kelly as she started following her off to her tent. "That's fine with me Kelly, we might find something nice to buy and take with us. All I've gotta do once I get my armor really is run back to my place and grab my stuff, hell we could just run on back there so I can grab it first instead of waiting for my armor and then going to grab it," Bree went on to say to Kelly, waiting for her to grab her things and helping her to pack up her tent if she was to take it with her, so they could hurry along.

Bree decided that as soon as Kelly was ready, they could go shopping for a bit, with Kelly buying whatever she wished to take with them and if Kelly offered to buy Bree something then Bree would pick out a couple of healing potions, though if Kelly didn't have the extra money for that then Bree would just let her shop before heading back to her home and grabbing her things, then she'd head over to the blacksmith and await the repair of her armor.

If Kelly has the necessary denarii, buy 2 health potions, if not then buy nothing and let her keep her money, so they can have some to get a room at an inn somewhere when they find a town to stop at.


Demon Girl Pro
Jun 12, 2013
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Re: Can she really be the strongest? (Flayer; GMed by Mads)

Kelly quickly gathers her things; a sack of coins, containing her pay, a nigh empty pack into which a sleeping mat is hastily shoved, an old hairbrush and some other odds and ends. "Nice armor I've got on, huh? They kinda pestered me into buying it for when I leave, given that it isn't gonna fit any of the recent recruits too well. Well, let's go, then."

Upon arriving at the town shops, Kelly immediately goes to purchase a sword and shield, four health potions–giving two to Bree– and rations for the journey. "Well, looks like I got it all. Anything else we might need, or do you wanna just go grab your armor real quick and head out?"

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Can she really be the strongest? (Flayer; GMed by Mads)

"Yeah it is kind of nice armor, and considering the fact that it won't fit anyone else easily it's kind of good they let you have it, though I personally don't think they should have had you buy it outright instead of just kind of giving it to you as part of your pay and stuff," Bree replied as she watched Kelly collect her things before they headed out towards the shops.

Bree helped Kelly pick out a good sword and shield for herself to use while they were out on their adventure, and she took a couple of the healing potions that Kelly had gotten too, which she told her to hold onto until she got her backpack from home on their way to get her armor. "Well I hope you packed a bit of food to go with what all I've got, because I only prepared enough for me to have some while out and about, but I've gotta grab my stuff from home anyway before we can go, so I can meet you at the blacksmith if you'd like while you grab a few travel rations to take with us extra," Bree said to Kelly when she was done with her shopping, heading on towards home to grab her pack and stuff before heading to grab her armor at the blacksmith.

As soon as she'd grabbed her things from home, Bree would head on over to the blacksmith and meet Kelly over there to pick up her potions and her armor, putting the armor on and the potions in her backpack for safekeeping, where unless Kelly had decided to go with her to her home instead of grabbing the food for herself, they would head over to one of the general stores to grab something for her to take with them so they'd have plenty of food for their adventure, and then head out, leaving by the western road a ways unless Kelly had any specific direction she wanted to go, as she had no true direction she wanted to go save to the far east where the slaver orcs that to her had no honor were. She would probably turn southwards at the first opportunity and maybe skirt the edges of Crolia and Badaria around until she got around the borders between those two countries and the Anudor desert, at which point she'd turn south again and head down towards Acheron, where she would along the way fight to become stronger and find strong and capable women to join her harem.


Demon Girl Pro
Jun 12, 2013
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Re: Can she really be the strongest? (Flayer; GMed by Mads)

"No, no, I think I got plenty! Enough for both of us for ten days or so, at least. A little more, if we really stretch it. Almost out of money now, though... Gotta save what's left." The pair gather what must be gathered, heading out on their journey, with no more leave taken. As Bree and Kelly reach a portion of the road with a particularly thick growth of trees to the side, they both hear, quite easily, the sounds of a struggle from the area.
"Do you hear that! Someone must be in trouble! We have to help them!" Kelly runs towards it, only hesitating for a moment if Bree decides not to help her save whatever person is endangered.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Can she really be the strongest? (Flayer; GMed by Mads)

"Alrighty then, that should be plenty, I mean we can hunt some if necessary, because I'm pretty good with my throwing axes, and I've got a couple of weeks worth of food too so we should be golden, but of course we should always hunt and gather when we can too to make sure we've got plenty, and don't worry about your money, as much adventuring as we'll be doing I'm sure that we'll find and make much more than that. So let's go cutie," Bree said when Kelly gathered her food for their adventure, helping her pack it all up and such.

After heading home and collecting all of her things once again and kissing her father on the cheek and telling him bye again, asking him to tell her mother bye for her since she probably didn't want to kiss Bree goodbye anyway. When she went to do the same for her sisters, she found that they were gone and her father told her that they'd gone out to eat for the moment, so she told him to tell them that she loved them too so that she could go on and get started, else she would never go. Bree then headed on to grab her armor from the blacksmith for them to go. Putting her armor back on, Bree and Kelly headed on out of town to the west, following the road a ways out, walking alongside her friend.

"Finally on my way out, feels like... freedom in a way. Doesn't it?" Bree said after a while of walking. When Kelly asked if she'd heard the sounds of someone struggling with something in the brush, Bree looked over at Kelly and nodded. "Right let's go, could be aliens, and we can't let them this near the city," Bree whispered as she bounded off after Kelly, thinking to herself that if it was aliens then they would have to rescue whoever it was if possible, or sprint back to Therion and warn everyone there of a possible impending attack on the city... though she doubted it was that really.

Drawing Tyrfing from his sheath, Bree followed Kelly through the brush as she pulled her shield around to prepare for a fight, a feeling in her gut that told her she and Kelly were about to run into somebody being raped by someone or something most likely. Bree would move in front of Kelly as they neared whoever was over here off the roadside, being the one with the heavier armor and whatnot and able to take more hits, as well as having seen true battle before, she figured that Kelly would be better off letting her go first knowing all of that.
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Demon Girl Pro
Jun 12, 2013
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Re: Can she really be the strongest? (Flayer; GMed by Mads)

As Bree rushes through the undergrowth, she begins realize the protests of those being assaulted seem... familiar. A growing horror wells in her mind, and she's the first to witness her suspicion's truth. Her younger sisters, Gwen and Tana, are being assaulted by bandits, likely looking to hold a noble's daughters hostage for the ransom. And, perhaps, if they were as cruel as Bree has heard many bandits to be, put them to unsavory use. The two are currently using what look like training staves from Brynna's gym to defend themselves, and haven't taken serious damage yet, but the trio of brigands have them clearly outmatched.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Can she really be the strongest? (Flayer; GMed by Mads)

As Bree and Kelly rushed through the trees and brush on the roadside, she found that the sounds coming from the direction they were heading seemed to be... familiar somehow. She couldn't place it exactly, but she was sure that she'd heard it before... it sounded... almost like Tana when she'd spar with her sometimes. As her and Kelly broke through the trees, Bree saw both of her sisters standing there with a trio of men closing in on them. Even though they weren't hurt any at all, Bree felt anger welling up inside of her... no, she felt pure fury welling up from within, all of it directed at anyone that would try and hurt her sisters. Taking only one glance at Kelly and pointing her towards Tana before setting her sights on the man attacking Gwen, Bree charged straight at him, thinking to herself that she'd talk to her sisters after the fighting and scold them for coming out this far and all alone... likely to look for her, Bree thought to herself.

"Stay away from my sisters you fucking perverted bastards!" Bree cried as she charged the one attacking her youngest sister first, slashing her sword across his back and bashing him in the face with her shield as he turned around, intent on knocking him and his companions out so that she could drag them back to Therion... unless they tried to resist... gods she hoped they did so she could get rid of these scum. Nobody messed with her sisters and got away with it, not while she was around, and they damn well better not while her parents were around either or she'd have some very choice words with them after punching them both in the face for letting it happen in the first place. She went for Gwen first, feeling that she couldn't hold her own, being the youngest of the three of them and all, and she'd sent Kelly forth at the ones on Tana to give her some cover while she dealt with this one trying to hurt or take her youngest sister.

Using the skill Charge with Triple Strike, taking aim at the guy next to Gwen, though trying for nonlethal damage here to knock him out, but Bree wouldn't be too sad over his loss for trying to hurt her sister.

Bree takes -6 to all attack rolls and dodge for the round, but gets 2 shield bash attacks, both of which get +4 dmg extra on a hit.

Sword attack is 1d20 + 76 for this round, and sword damage upon a hit is 4d6 + 43.

Shield bash attacks are 1d20 + 54 for this round, and shield bash damage is 3d6 + 36 for this round.


Demon Girl Pro
Jun 12, 2013
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Re: Can she really be the strongest? (Flayer; GMed by Mads)

Your bonuses to Hit and to Damage exceed their armor/hp and dodge. I didn't even have to roll, because no critfails in DG. Hit, KO. Kelly's attack on bandit A (the one attacking Tana, originally): 16(base)+18 Vs dodge 20, hit. damage: 16-0. Bandit A's attack on Bree: 12+30 Vs Dodge 55, miss. Bandit C's attack on Bree: 3+30 vs Dodge 55, miss.
Fueled by her well justified anger, Bree lands a series of devastating strikes upon her chosen foe, her sisters' eyes lighting up with hope and awe as the bandit crumples beneath Bree's blade and shield, his leg twisting oddly, and with a notable snapping sound as he falls. The other two bandits turn and attack, both trying to bring their cudgels down at bree, the one behind her suffering a hit from Kelly in the process, his attack wavering enough to miss. The final bandit also misses, his eyes filling with fear at the fearsome wrath of his half orc foe. Gwen and Tana take the opportunity to move behind Kelly for protection, leaving Bree free to continue her assault.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Can she really be the strongest? (Flayer; GMed by Mads)

Laughing as she knocked out the guy attacking Gwen as she charged in behind him, Bree immediately turned on the other two as soon as her target fell unconscious, with Bree not caring really as his leg seemed to break as he fell. When she turned to the others, glancing over at both of her sisters in the process and noticing the looks on their faces, Bree smiled as the two approached and attacked her, raising their clubs to attack her. Raising her shield to block one of them as Kelly hit the other guy from behind and distracted him, Bree caught the club with her shield and pushed it aside.

"You mess with my sisters, you get to mess with me you bastards. I don't know what you wanted with my sisters, but I don't care... and if you were thinking of doing something more to Tana then I'm going to cut those things off and feed them to you," Bree growled to the two still standing bandits, steeling herself for any coming blows directed at her as she turned around and moved up at the guy that Kelly didn't attack and was behind her.

Moving in at her next foe, Bree raised her sword and struck at him, using the flat of her blade to smack him in the side of the head to knock him out hopefully, while smashing her shield into his stomach once. As soon as she smashed her shield into him the first time, she spun around and directed another shield smash into the guy between her and Kelly, aiming at his head to knock him out as well.

Use Triple Strike against both foes. The sword attack and one shield bash against the bandit that Kelly didn't attack, and the second shield bash against the one Kelly did attack.


Demon Girl Pro
Jun 12, 2013
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Re: Can she really be the strongest? (Flayer; GMed by Mads)

As before, bonuses outstrip enemy dodge, and HP. Both go down, no one else has to act.
In a flash of steel, both of the remaining bandits go down, quite likely concussed, with at least a broken limb apiece; those arms should not twist like that. Bree's sisters rush out from behind Kelly, stepping on the fallen foes carelessly as they hurry to hug her. "Bree! Oh thank goodness you showed up! They attacked us on the road, and when we tried to run through the woods to get away, we ended up stuck in.this clearing!" Gwen babbles, clinging tightly to Bree. "Mhm! They said something about their luck that they didn't have to get us from the city... it was weird, at first they looked like normal travelers, but as soon as they recognized us, they tried to capture us. I think one of them mentioning their boss? Idunno, kinda hazy. Who's your girlfriend?" Tana says, jerking her head at Kelly, who proceeds to blush, eyes widening as she tries to think of a way to explain, taking a good long time to do it, though.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Can she really be the strongest? (Flayer; GMed by Mads)

Dropping both men with Kelly's help, Bree turned around as her sisters both rushed over their fallen foes to embrace her. "Gods, you two know better than to come out here all alone like that. What if I'd decided to go east instead of west? Now come here both of you," Bree said to her sisters as she hugged them both, sounding a little harsh in her words, though in a way that they could easily tell was because she cared about them as much as she did and not because she was angry at them. Bree listened to Gwen babble a bit as Tana spoke, her words causing Kelly to blush in the process, which made Bree giggle a bit. "It's okay Gwen, everything's alright now. They can't hurt you now. Now why did you come out here? Out with it. And this is Kelly, a friend of mine that I know from the times I've helped the city guards with things," Bree then said to the two, hugging Gwen tight against her as she demanded they tell her why they'd come out here like this.

"Kelly, can you do me a favor and go back to Therion and get some guards to come and get these fools here? While I... ask them nicely why they wanted my sisters," Bree asked Kelly, where as soon as Kelly went off if she agreed to do as she asked, Bree would motion to Tana to help her take their now captives gear from them, armor and weapons both, as she could sell them for some spending money in town most likely after this.

"Come on, help me tie them up real quick, but first, I suppose I should set their broken bones before we do though," Bree said as she went about setting the broken bones of the guys she and Kelly had knocked out. Once that was done she waited for any of the three of them to awaken where she would be standing right over the one in question as he did so. "Tell me, why did you want my sisters? Tell me now or I'll squeeze your balls until you do," Bree asked whichever one of them woke up first, giving a look that would tell him that she meant what she'd said.


Demon Girl Pro
Jun 12, 2013
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Re: Can she really be the strongest? (Flayer; GMed by Mads)

Kelly looks from Bree, to the young sisters, to the unconscious men, and back, then shakes her head, a serious look on her face. "No. Once you find out why they were after them, they die" her voice is cold, steely hard, something that she's never shown around Bree before, "People that attack kids... they're the worst, most disgusting, absolutely horrible people!" She stomps her foot, the steel greave landing squarely on the palm of one of them, the man jerking awake in surprise groaning in pain as he tries to roll over, protecting himself. "Look, we were only in it for the money! We weren't gonna do anything to them, okay? It was just..." he shudders, clenching his eyes tightly shut. Tana and Gwen step back, still looking on the now conscious man, nodding at Kelly's words before answering Bree's question "W-we came to help, that's all... we just wanted to... y'know.. Tana explains sheepishly, looking at the ground.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Can she really be the strongest? (Flayer; GMed by Mads)

Watching Kelly's actions as Tana looked down at the ground in what she took as a rather ashamed manner, Bree felt that she couldn't in good conscience just kill the three men here out of turn, especially not right in front of Gwen. Sure she was to grow up and be a warrior and all of some sort, but she was still too young Bree thought to witness a killing, especially one in cold blood like this. At the very least, she wouldn't let Kelly do this in front of Gwen, she couldn't. Grabbing Kelly by the shoulder and pulling her aside for a moment and off of the guy's hand to speak quietly, Bree leaned in close and whispered so that the men wouldn't hear her. "I'll deal with you two in a minute, stay back from them you two while we talk about some things okay," Bree said to her sisters, making sure they were out of arm's reach of the men before she started talking to Kelly.

"Kelly, I'm not about to kill unarmed men after I've beaten them in battle like this when they can't even lift an arm hardly to defend themselves, it's dishonorable. I hate them for trying to hurt and or take my sisters from me, but my honor won't let me kill them Kelly no matter what they've done. I totally agree with you that anyone who attacks kids are some of the worst people out there and that they need to be punished, but killing them right here like this is something I can't, something we shouldn't do, as it makes us no better than them," Bree whispered to Kelly, trying to be a voice of reason despite her usual hotheadedness she displayed most of the time, knowing that her friend was almost as stubborn as an orc herself and would start to speak against this. Thankfully Bree was only stopping to take a breath before Kelly could speak up however. "Look I agree with you for the most part, but... I'm not going to to it right in front of Gwen alright, Tana would be okay, but not Gwen. If you want to do it then do it in your own time, but leave me out of it, because I'm trying to not be so much like most of my kin are and all, because I don't wanna grow older and be all hateful like mom. Besides, think of the possible reward money for bringing in some bandits, we'd have some travel money in our pockets when we finally get to leave after I take those back home where mom is probably going to give Gwen a spanking, and probably Tana too." Bree went on to say to Kelly in the same low whisper, trying to make her at least not kill these men until she was taking Gwen and Tana home and they were out of sight and earshot, and not until she'd found out who the one they were working for was.

If Kelly at least agreed to let her find out who hired them and get Gwen and Tana out of sight and earshot of them, then Bree would nod to her friend and head back over to the men. "Alright man, now tell me who hired you so that I can see about paying them a little visit to find out why my sisters were targeted? Then we'll see about getting you taken to Therion to have those bones tended to a little better before the guards throw your asses in jail," Bree asked the man the woke up, kneeling in front of him with her sword and shield still at the ready just in case. She would stop Kelly from trying to kick the guy or anything if he didn't talk at first, telling her that they wouldn't find out anything if he couldn't talk to them.


Demon Girl Pro
Jun 12, 2013
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Re: Can she really be the strongest? (Flayer; GMed by Mads)

Kelly grits her teeth, accepting the very valid point that is children, and sheathes her sword, crossing her arms with an angry clank. "Fine. I'll take these two back to-" aaand Tana, of course, interrupts, stomping her foot, which lands with a crunch and a groan on the same man's other hand, "HELL NO! I'm staying, and there isn't a damn thing you can do about it! I'm old enough, damn it![COLOR]" Kelly, taken aback, recovers quickly, "Then I'll take the little one back to town, and get the guards to come pick these scum up. Okay?" Gwen, for her part, nods vehemently, having had far more than enough of adventure for a while. Tana simply grunts, arms crossed petulantly as Kelly and Gwen depart, barring any interference on your part.

The remaning two bandits awaken, unable or too afraid to move - likely both - and look at you in fear as Tana speaks once Kelly is gone, "I wouldn't say you should kill them" - a relieved sigh from the three - " Buut, you should probably make damn sure they can't try anything like that again. Cut off a few fingers, maybe, or just bust their bones till it won't ever heal right. Up to you, though, sis. she shrugs, stretching a bit.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Can she really be the strongest? (Flayer; GMed by Mads)

Bree was glad that Kelly seemed to see things her way, even though she didn't seem to like it much and all, but she couldn't blame her that much really to be honest. But Bree was better than that... or at least she tried to be in front of her sisters at least, though she knew that she couldn't always afford to be. When Tana butted in though and stomped her foot on the ground then spoke her mind, Bree merely sighed and nodded as Kelly went on to say that she'd take Gwen home and get the guards. "Alright, thank you Kelly for understanding. And Gwen, you'll get your chance one day, I promise, but you've got to grow, train, and get better at fighting before that chance comes alright. I love you cutie, now get home and be safe. Kelly, make sure to tell my father some of what happened okay, then get the guards, we'll wait for you," Bree said before Kelly took Gwen off, leaning down to kiss Gwen on the forehead and ushering her on with Kelly back to Therion.

Bree turned to Tana at that and sighed again. "Well Tana, you are of age now technically speaking, but that doesn't mean you're ready for battle. I've been fighting for quite a few years now and I've got age and experience, you don't. But as mom would undoubtedly say, you've gotta learn sometime, so if you're dead set on this then I can't and won't stop you from coming with us, but you've gotta at least come prepared if you are, so when we get these guys back, make sure you've got everything packed properly, and then maybe, just maybe I'll get to get started," Bree said to Tana, putting a hand on her shoulder and moving her a bit away from the men so that she didn't maim them any more, as that would be her job if it came to it. When Tana spoke again after the others were gone and all, Bree sighed yet again and shook her head some. "I would Tana, but it's dishonorable to do that kind of thing in their state. Because like I told Kelly, we aren't like our kin to the east, we're better than that, or at least we try to be," Bree went on to say to Tana, making sure to let the guys know that if pushed she would maim them if necessary.

With that she turned back to the men and went down to one knee a few feet from them. "Now, who hired you three to try and kidnap my sisters? I want to know so that I can go and have a nice long talk with them, and Tyrfing here wants to talk to whoever it is as well," Bree said to the three guys, unsheathing Tyrfing and patting his blade as she stated that he would like to speak with whomever hired them.