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Calgary Sanctuary, Canada



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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

She sighed.

"It could just be the stress from it but ... I'm afraid so. You don't have to worry, at least not yet. I've still got several days before it would build up to a level enough to begin overwhelming me. But make no mistake, today, tomorrow, next week, it doesn't matter. It will happen. Understand too that ... this is something we don't speak of very often to non-medusae. The initial stages of this can leave us quite ... vulnerable to the desires and will of others. The Cabal have used it in the past to capture weakened Medusae, force an abnormal to mate with one of us, and then ... experiment on us. So you can understand the need to keep it as secret as possible I hope?"


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

Sarah still shows a little concern, but she nods slowly. "I understand. I'll do my best to figure out something, either some suppressor chemical or a transformitive stable enough for sate your desires on the user..." She hums, thinking. With the timeframe, she needed to figure out something fast clearly. "Do you mind if I... take a sample of you? A simple vial of blood, all I really need," she asks quickly. "If I got that, and can make it work with one of my pre-established balances for my serum... Well it'd be an option to calm it, right?" she adds with a shy smile.


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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

Miranda nodded.

"Yeah, go for it. Hopefully it works but ... I admit, I'm grasping at straws here. Truth be told ... I'm afraid it may just be wishful thinking but ... what do we have to lose right?"


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

Sarah smiles a little bit, quickly gathering a new, clean syringe. "Hey, those that dare tend to win out in the end, right?" she says with an attempt at a friendly smile. With the type of experience one would expect from a person who had been handling needles from a young age (and at least luckily not for the more common reason), she took the medusa's arm gently and began to peruse across her form, looking for a good spot to stick her. She wasn't a medical professional, but she did to her best to do it clean and easy.


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

"The Cabal is growing too powerful. Something has to be done. Since the attack on the other sanctuary, they've only just become aware of our existence in some way, but they would have discovered us with enough time." She explained simply. "Best to put up a fight while you still have possible allies around."


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

Helen nodded.

"Makes sense. I must thank you again for ..."

She was cut off as the radio she had with her came to life, Chris' voice coming across.

"Magnus, do you copy? Over."

Sighing, she reached for the radio, pressing the button and responding.

"Go ahead Chris."

The response that came definitely took her by surprise, and didn't seem to sit well with her.

"We have a visitor here, says his name is Michael Umbral. He says he has information regarding the Cabal, and something they're planning, and we may have less than 48 hours. Also ... he claims to have run into your father four years ago, that's how he got directions here."

After a stunned look, she turned to Winona, apologizing before she responded to Chris.

"I'm on my way, where are you?"

"Main Foyer."

"Wait there, I'll be there in a moment."

Whether Winona followed or not was up to her, but Helen was already on her way out, the mention of her father, and the Cabal seeming to have rattled her.

A few minutes later Helen arrived at the main Foyer, glancing over at Michael. After a moment she smiled.

"Welcome to Calgary Mister Umbral. I must say, Declan's file on you doesn't do you justice. You're a bit taller and a bit more handsome in person than his file describes."

"True enough."

It wouldn't take long to get the sample she needed, Miranda not even flinching. She found her spot in roughly the same place blood would be readily drawn in a human.


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

There's a slight sigh of relief as Sarah finds the most basic biology being similar enough, quickly taking the blood sample and moving with it. She'd hum to herself, taking the sample and moving to some of the mixing lab equipment and doing some general-purpose calculations quickly. "Hrm... May need to take a bit to tweak on this, but if I can make some form of this to work..." she muses partly to herself, scribbling madly on some paper.


Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

Michael gave a dismissive shrug. "That was basically a decade ago, and there's a bit of a more critical matter."

He shifted the bag he'd had on his shoulder around to hand over. "This has all of the information I'd been able to gather on a Cabal project your father asked me to look into... something called 'Project Lazarus'."

He grimaced slightly after that comment. "And yes... I'm about 97% certain that they're planning something nasty related to it within the next 48 hours. Thought there was more time or I would have shown up sooner."


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

Winona's smile faltered as she listened to the radio chatter, nodding as Helen stood, standing as well and calmly tipping her own king, retrieving the spider from on top of it. "You had me in eight moves anyways. Shall we?" She asked graciously, following Helen out to the main foyer.

She stayed back during the exchange, offering Chris and then Michael friendly nods and remaining silent for now.
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RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

Magnus carefully took the bag, sighing slightly.

"Yes, well, anything project wise when it comes to the Cabal is never a good thing. Let's see what we have here."

She opened the bag, laying it on one of the large tables in the area, spreading out some papers and images. As she did, Chris peered over, taking a look at some of them. Some of them seemed to be medical related, which was never a good thing when it came to the Cabal, but wait, that one picture ...

He stepped forward, picking up one particular file rather abruptly, possibly enough to catch Michael's attention as the man stared at it for a moment, seeming to focus on some sort of schematic and picture. Finally, Chris let out a very quiet, "fuck ..."

Setting the file down, he sighed as he pointed to it, saying only two words that for some, might ring a bell, and for others, it might not.

"Los Angeles."

Clearly, he was not very happy right now.

Miranda smiled back at Sarah.

"I'll let you get to work then and not be in your hair, I'd only slow you down and distract you. I'll uh ... I'll likely be in my room. For the time being, probably best for me to be as far away from others as I can be. I feel ... I feel much stranger than I expected I would for this. Maybe I'm just catching something but ... I don't want to risk it you know?"


Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

Michael snorted slightly. "Well, that didn't take long to get messy... Hadn't even gotten to the drives yet..."

After Chris' outburst, he cocked his head slightly as if listening for something, but quickly shook his head as if to clear it.
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Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

Sarah nods slowly, already working on calculations and potential steps to try to make- at least for now- some form of transmutation serum. She was thinking in her head at this state. If this was some form of heat cycle she was going through, in theory all she would need would be a surrogate creature to breed, and considering how well the Eldrich was stable as a human, if she perhaps mixed the base mixture like she did with the Eldrich sample and the medusa sample...

Still, she'd want to ensure that the medusa wasn't carrying anything else first- it was possible part of her anxiety may be due to a cold as well, if she's acting more concerned than usual. She gives a nod and a wave when Miranda leaves, looking friendly, even as she takes a sample of the creature's blood and moves to the laboratory's analysis machines. She could just stick it under a microscope, but she learned quickly enough that Magnus had gone to great lengths to ensure the Sanctuary had more than enough advanced tech to identify just about everything. Going to the right area, she'd move the sample to the analyzer, mostly checking to see if Miranda's blood sample was clean. If it was, she could start the experiment.


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

The phrase did indeed ring a bell for the woman, Winona raising an eyebrow and stepping closer, examining the documents herself. "We knew they would use what they learned there eventually." She said, turning to Michael.

"You mentioned their plan was for the next 48 hours, at some point?


Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

Michael nodded slightly. "Best I can figure from what I've read from those files myself."

He sighed. "It was hard enough to get these bits. Even internally, the Cabal seems exceptionally tight-lipped about the specifics on whatever it is. Well, specifics beyond it being their current wunderwaffe... And yes, I'm well aware of the irony of using that term."


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

Chris nodded.

"Doesn't mean I have to like it Winona. Whatever they're planning, if they're being that tight lipped it's big, and probably bigger than what we have intel for."

Helen nodded, blinking for a moment at Michael.

"Oh yes, the irony. You mentioned hard drives? We should have Henry work on them, if you'll follow me?"

Sarah found the sample appeared to be clean and normal, well, normal for a Medusa anyway.
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Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

"A couple of hard drives, plus a slew of USB ones."

Michael grabbed a couple of larger black cases out of the bag, as well as a trio of smaller ones, before following Helen.


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

With the blood sample seemingly clean from pathogens, at least any that she would recognize from her scientific stuff, Sarah gave a little sigh to herself. A part of her was almost hoping that Minerva's problem was just under the weather. Welp, time for operation playing god for the fifth time.

She moved to a special storage area of the lab, one Magnus had specifically set for her various potentially biohazard samples, and quickly got to work, prepping the general serum fragments of the eldrich without the slowly-dwindling supply of beastly blood sample, before slowly and methodically working to combine the offered biological substances from Minerva and incorporating them into the serum. Naturally, she'd be entirely focused by this point, double and triple-checking her written thoughts from earlier about composition as she prepared this potential new serum. Perhaps someone else in Sanctuary more skilled in science then her could help potentially with the suppression part of the serum, but for now, this was probably the best she could figure out as a potential fix.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

Chris opened his mouth to reply when suddenly his radio went off. It was the Big Guy calling him.

"Chris? I hope you aren't busy."

Sighing, he picked up the radio, pressing the button down to call back.

"Sort of Biggie, may have some intel regarding a Cabal project that might launch in the next two days, what's up?"

"Kate just called from New York. Her contact just had someone else call on her behalf. It seems she's badly hurt, shot by Cabal soldiers. Dying."

Chris blinked before responding.

"Alright, I'll teleport you and Magnus ..."

He was cut off as the Big Guy replied back.

"No, just you. Kate said the girl in question is electrically charged. Surgery would be impossible for us, but for you .."

He trailed off, Chris sighing again.

"I may be the only one who can survive touching her bare skin, got it. I'll meet them at the medical bay there."

Turning back to the others he sighed again.

"Looks like you'll have to go on without me for a bit. Sorry guys."

Helen shook her head.

"We'll be fine. Go, and good luck. Be careful though, just because of your shared traits with Nikola before he ..."

She stopped as he nodded.

"I know, doesn't mean I'd be fully immune to her electrical current. Remember, I used to date a shifter elemental before I got this way Helen. I know how to take precautions where needed, thank you though."

She nodded.

"You're welcome. Now, go. And good luck."

He was gone in a sudden flash of red swirling light, an audible snap of energy in the air. Now it was just Winona, Helen and Michael left to go visit Henry.

((Figure you can have him mention to Magnus if you want to Wolf about what we spoke about the other night regarding a certain someone. That's sure to get her attention lol.))

It took a few tries, but eventually Sarah found at least two or three concoctions that wouldn't kill Miranda if injected into her, in fact, they seemed to be not only stable enough to use, but possibly more so than her own. Could Medusa blood be a catalyst to stabilizing some of her own concoctions for herself?

((Ah what the hell, why not throw her a bone too lol :p))


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

The fact that she can get the transformative serum seemingly so stable is quite surprising to her. It would allow her plan to at least reduce the medusa's urges to go a lot more smoother, and perhaps with a bit of assistance she could tweak it further to give Miranda the drug she had been looking for to start with! A part of her smiles a little as she preps one of the serums for injection. As with all things, the best idea would be a self-test first, to ensure they work with her own weird biology, and then from there she'd know how to proceed with the medusa patient.

She'd rapidly prepare two samples of the concoction- one that would last around ten minutes if she guestimated right, and another to last for a few hours should nothing bad happen with the short test. After that, she'd work her way to her bunk.


Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

After Chris left, Michael paused for a moment, thinking. Then, he let out a short, quiet chuckle. However, he didn't say anything beyond that chuckle.