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Calgary, Canada

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Re: Calgary, Canada

Juliara nodded to him.

"Well, I know enough about the Sanctuary network to get by. I've never met this particular Mermaid, but I do know of them. Essentially they have the upper body of a human, but the lower body of a fish or dolphin. Usually a very peaceful species, they communicate telepathically. A lovely race, but an endangered one. Best estimates say there may only be about ten thousand of them left.
Re: Calgary, Canada

Raigor huffs out at the woman's explanation. "Interesting. I should like to meet this Sally at some point. Truth be told, I am more interested in you, and what you spoke of when you said your were a "Pure shifter Elemental." he asks, his head tilting back and forth in a sort of shake, much like a cow might do to get rid of a fly.
Re: Calgary, Canada

Juliara was silent for a moment, then nodded.

"Explanation would be tricky with words. I will show you after I explain as best as I can. As you are probably aware, an elemental being has control over various properties of their element. An Earth Elemental for example would be able to control certain aspects of the Earth, such as creating a small localized shock wave, much like a mini earthquake. Perhaps even a fissure in the ground, or even a sink hole opening at will. A water Elemental could cause rain to fall by drawing on the moisture in the atmosphere, or control raging flood waters to make them calm, or even disperse them. An air elemental is tricky, but usually can control things like lightning, making their own and such. A fire elemental is pretty self explanatory, controlling elements of fire, such as making an entire room catch ablaze by wishing it to happen. Normally, such elementals are permanently confined to one form, usually something close to their corresponding element. A fire elemental for example would appear as a living ball of flame. They can't control any other element either, which makes them what is known as a pure elemental. Me on the other hand ... I can freely shift between elemental properties. I can manipulate them all, although not to the extent a pure single elemental can, but well enough if I need to protect myself or others. However, as you can tell, I appear to be human outwardly, at least until I do this."

She closed her eyes for a moment, and then her skin simply wasn't there anymore. Instead, she had become a living body of flame, vaguely resembling a female shape. When she spoke, her voice had a different tone to it, almost as if more than one person were speaking.

"This is as close to keeping a humanoid form as I can get while still maintaining control over this element, fire if you hadn't guessed. This limits what I can do with it, so normally I would be in a more pure form, but as you can see, I can freely shapeshift and become any element of my choosing."

After a small bow, she changed back to human form just as effortlessly, only this time she wore a different set of clothing. It was more suited to the cooler climate of the Sanctuary, as she was wearing jeans and a short sleeved shirt now.

"I can do water, air and earth as well, but I think you have a good idea what the term means now without my having to do so?"
Re: Calgary, Canada

Raigor steps back a few steps, his right fist planted on the ground slightly behind his left, observing the woman becoming flame, and seeming incredibly fascinated by it. "So I would be........An Earth elemental." he says, looking down at his fists supporting his thick body. "You will excuse me if I seem curious. I have not had much exposure to Human civilization. Your vernacular is........Interesting." he says, hie left arm reaching up and scratching the top of his head.
Re: Calgary, Canada

She smiled slightly.

"Thank you. I took a long time to learn their language myself, though that was mostly because I was afraid of revealing that I wasn't human. Passing off as human is easy by appearance for me, but if you can't speak the language, or seem confused by the way civilization works, they will pick up on it. Humans may be many things, some are arrogant, some are power hungry, some are actually nice people. One thing they aren't though is stupid, even if they do things that might suggest otherwise at times. They are very intelligent beings, especially when they want to be. Thanks to Chris helping me out when we were together, I now know twelve different human languages. This one was the hardest though, so many words sound the same, but have different spellings or meanings depending on how they are used."
Re: Calgary, Canada

Raigor nods slowly. "It is not so much the words themselves that trouble me. I have always known how to speak this language. It is more.........I do not actually understand the meaning of some words." he says, his eyes wandering and looking about at the sanctuary. "Are there other....Elementals....within the Sanctuary?"
Re: Calgary, Canada

Juliara paused for a moment, then shook her head.

"I don't think so, I usually can sense other pure elementals, or others of my kind. It's how I found you to begin with actually, I could sense your power, and sense when you used it. It's hard to describe the sensation really."
Re: Calgary, Canada

Sarah blinked a bit, looking at the message before giving a bit of a hiss to herself. "Ooooh, Chris isn't gonna like this..." she mutters, getting up after very quickly writing the message down.

As she heads for the door, suddenly the gory, bloody image reached her, causing her to stumble and quickly catch herself on the door handle, giving a loud yelp as she eventually smacks into the floor. "SUNOVA- CAN NOTHING TRY TO BE SANE TODAY?!?" she yells.

Still, shaking off the gory imagry- she'd seen worse- she quickly heads for the lobby, where she saw Chris last.
Re: Calgary, Canada

Winona answered the man without missing a beat, despite the somewhat compromising position she was in, which didn't seem to bother the woman at all.

"Sally asked us for help contacting the other mers at Bermuda. Something's happened tot hem, I fear the worst. Sally herself fell under some sort of mental attack as a result, the backlash is what I believe everyone int he sanctuary just experienced." She answered calmly, treading water without a stitch of clothing on. "Miranda was too close, caught a bit of Sally's physical reaction. You should get that looked at, just in case. I'm going to make sure Sally is alright."

Once the others had responded, she dipped back down, swimming through the water easily in the direction she had seen the mermaid flee.
Re: Calgary, Canada

Raigor sniffs at the air twice, his nose twitching afterwards. "Yes. When you approached at the lakeside, I.........I felt you before I saw you." he says, his fingers flexing as he turns back around and begins to slowly thump into the Sanctuary. "You know your way around, yes? I would very much like to learn more about the Sanctuary. It will be nice to meet others who are less than human." he says, his totem swaying slightly with each movement of his arms, which he still uses to support the majority of his body weight.
Re: Calgary, Canada

Juliara nodded slowly.

"This place is similar in layout to London's Sanctuary, I was there for a short time to talk with Dr. Watson there. In fact, that's how I located Chris. Probably shouldn't go too far though, might get us in trouble."

As she said it though, she was half smiling, as if she knew something funny.

Sanctuary Corridors

As Sarah headed out, she heard footsteps behind her, and a female voice called out.

"Sarah, did you see that vision too?"

The voice belonged to Chris' girlfriend, Ashley, and even she looked slightly rattled.

Sally's Tank

"I will when you come back and tell me she's alright."

Chris nodded, diving into the water himself.

"I'm heading with you, if she's still uneasy, might help to have an extra person so she doesn't hurt herself. That and I want to assure her we'll figure this out, as soon as we've talked to her, I'll head to Bermuda myself to investigate."

He would swim along with Winona, shifting to mental communication as best he could from this point on.

Magnus' office

In a snap of swirling red light, John, Helen and Victor all transported into the room. Nodding once, John was gone again, only to return a few moments later with the big guy.

((Will let you post something if you want Wolf.))
Re: Calgary, Canada

Victor took the time between his arrival and Druitt's return with the big guy to, apparently, look himself over. "Well, at least that didn't seem to scramble my molecules any more than they already were."
Re: Calgary, Canada

"Shit, shit, shit- Oh, hey Ashley. Yeah, I saw it too. Hey, do you know if Magnus is back? I got a very urgent message for her..." she said quickly, brushing her bangs from her eyes as she straitens her carpet bag on her shoulder.
Re: Calgary, Canada

Ashley shrugged.

"I think they just got back, her and Biggie with Druitt and some new guy, saw them pop into her office on the camera as I left the secondary camera rooms. I was on my way to check on Sally, she's the only one who could have projected something like that, and whatever caused it must have her terrified, but what's up? You look like someone just shot you in the stomach."

Magnus' Office

Helen chuckled slightly.

"No worries, John hasn't scrambled anyone in a teleport, and I doubt that will ever happen. Now, let me call Chris and see if he is still in the sanctuary or if he needs to teleport back. Chris is somewhat similar to John, but he has a few surprises up his sleeve that he likes keeping to himself, so I won't spoil them. Suffice it to say the Cabal found out the painful way what it means to cross paths violently with him."
Re: Calgary, Canada

"Well sudden gorefests causing mild PTSD notwithstanding, I got a correspondence from Allison. Cabal base north of the Sanctuary, apparently getting a pile of abnormals getting lugged into it. She wanted Magnus to know and noted she'd probably be out of contact range soon," Sarah explained.
Re: Calgary, Canada

Raigor thumps his way deeper into the sanctuary, his eyes casting about left and right, observing the stonework and the area around him as he moves. "The Earth moves as it pleases, and at its own pace. As do I." he says, ignoring Juliara's warning about not going farther in. "Tell, me, is that......Third Reich? I believe it was called that, are they still prancing about claiming a new world order and supremacy and such?" he asks, sniffing at the air twice. "When last I came into contact with humans, they were speaking of them as if they were evil, horrible humans." he says with a snort.
Re: Calgary, Canada

A look of disgust crossed Ashley's face.

"That's insulting, setting up a place in essentially our own back yard? I'll grab Henry and go scout it out, see what we can figure out from the inside on weak, potential entry points before we hit it hard."

Sanctuary Corridors

Juliara nodded.

"Yes, Third. And I like that attitude, I feel the same way most of the time. Outside of the Cabal they would all be dead now, almost everyone who fought in that war is dead now, save for the five."
Re: Calgary, Canada

"I hear Bermuda is wonderful this time of year." The arachnid answered nonchalantly, waiting for Chris to dive in as well before they went searching, and falling silent once they were both under the water.

Heading in the direction she last saw Sally flee, she made her way as quickly as she was able. Her eyes scanned the undersea vista, looking for any sign of where the mermaid had gone.
Re: Calgary, Canada

Sarah nodded. "I'll go see if Magnus is in and inform her right away. Depending on what she says, I'll be all for going along."
Re: Calgary, Canada

Raigor scoffs. "So that is who those strangers were. Before you arrived, Chris and I had encountered a group of men........One of whom carried a case with the symbol of the Third Reich within." he says, stopping and turning his head to face Juliara. "Which would mark them as Cabal, by your reckoning, yes? Who are they?"
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