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Calgary, Canada

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Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Calgary, Canada

Sarah nodded as well. "Yeah, I won't hold you off then. Hopefully that's just Chris..."


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Calgary, Canada

Sanctuary Mess

Miranda smiled for a moment, then turned serious.

(I may end up taking you up on that if something doesn't happen soon. I'm not sure if you know this or not, but with my 25th coming up, every year I must mate. I don't actually have to produce any children, but something in the act if you will changes chemicals in our kind. If we don't mate when the time comes, or soon after it arrives ... We die. As for Sally, if you can help her boost enough to contact them, that would be good. The poor girl is worried sick but won't admit it to anyone.)

Sanctuary Halls

Henry nodded.

"Yeah me too, and with good news like ... the Cabal jackasses are dealt with, take a vacation. Catch you later."

With that, he was off to check.

Sanctuary Exterior

Chris nodded.

"Sure, come on in these doors, they were meant for extremely tall people."

Sure enough, there were a pair of doors that seemed like you could drive an entire semi-truck through with relative ease. Once he opened the door, Raigor got a good look at the interior, which seemed to be almost Victorian in style.


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Calgary, Canada

With Henry moving finally, Sarah gave a sigh as she moved onwards, relaxing finally herself. Moving swiftly, she headed towards the nearest security office, ready to monitor cameras until Chris got back...


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Calgary, Canada

(Well, that‘s some pickup line. With my friend‘s very life at stake, how can I say no? It will be odd, arousal is usually the last thing on people‘s minds when they see me like that.) Winona answered back, already on her way out of the mess hall. (I‘m on my way to Sally‘s tank now. Will I see you there?)


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Calgary, Canada

Miranda nodded.

(You will, Sally will want me to be there since she trusted me to ask you and have us be the only two to know so far. I think she's afraid with all this Cabal stuff going on that she'll just be a bother with this. I've tried to tell her she won't be, but she can be tough to get things like that across to at times. As for the arousal bit, trust me when I say the mating instinct will take care of that. My former mate knew someone who attempted to mate with an Egyptian Duskworm once. Some of us go insane without a mate before we die. I'm afraid that might happen with me so I'm trying to ... you know, keep from going bat shit. Be worse here with all the potentially dangerous types.)

((Can move them to her tank when you are ready))

Sanctuary Security Room

Finally arriving at the room she wanted, Sarah got there just in time to see Chris enter the Sanctuary with two 'people' she didn't recognize. One seemed to be a hulking earthen abnormal, the other was a stunningly beautiful red head who outwardly appeared human. Chris did not see comfortable with the way she kept looking at him either, which might make Sarah wonder what she had missed.


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Calgary, Canada

(Oh, so now you'll sleep with anything, and I'm just convenient?) The arachnid shot back jokingly. (I'm on my way there now, won't be long.)

Sally's Tank

Having been in the sanctuary for long enough, Winona knew her way around quite well, making her way to the access for Sally's tank. She was aware the mermaid's thoughts towards clothing and guests, so she left every stitch she had with her book bag outside the water and dived in, paddling around a bit. She knew Sally would find her soon enough, she was probably on her way.


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Calgary, Canada

Sanctuary Security Room

Sarah flopped down into one of the uncomfortable chairs near the security console, giving a sigh as she found Chris returning already. "Well that was bloody fast..." she muttered, though decided she may as well stick around here just in case something else showed up on the cameras. Idly, she'd spend the moments watching various screens, peering into the Sanctuary's daily life...


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Calgary, Canada

Miranda shook her head, smiling slightly.

(That would have been Tesla, not me. I don't think you'd want him flirting with you. I'll be along shortly behind you.)

Sally's Tank

Winona didn't have long to wait, Sally was in fact already close by it seemed, or she just swam that damn fast when she wanted to. Less than a minute after getting into the warm water, the mermaid was near, a small smile on her face, which quickly faded as she projected to her.

(Hello Winona. I was hoping you'd agree. I'm guessing Miranda told you exactly what's happened, or at least all she knew. I've tried several times since she left to make contact, but it's like something is blocking me. I contacted the small number off the California coast just to see if I could, and that went without issue. However ... they can't establish contact with the main pod in Bermuda either. I think something bad has happened there, just like when Helen first found me.)

Sanctuary Security Room

Flipping through cameras, Sarah could see people and abnormals moving about, going on with typical day to day stuff. Nothing really super interesting, at least until she got a bit of a surprise when she looked at the one for Sally's area and saw Winona head into the water, completely nude. Beyond that, there wasn't much out of the ordinary happening.


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Calgary, Canada

(Happy to help, of course. I just hope it isn't as serious as it sounds.) She answered, hovering smoothly in the water. (I can't help search directly, but you should be able to use me to help anyways, sort of like a second antenna. I'm ready when you are, if we don't need to wait for Miranda.)


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Calgary, Canada

A light blush would cross Sarah's cheeks as she noticed the nude person near Sally, but quickly skipped to another camera, doing her best to avoid that viewpoint for now. "Oh bloody hell, at least bring a swimsuit..." she muttered to herself, more in jest than anything.


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Calgary, Canada

Raigor inhales the air as he pads into the sanctuary, his hooves and fists generating rather loud thumps as he moves. "Hm. Not as many stalactites as I would prefer, but it will suffice." he says, looking about cautiously, as if caution were a normal thing for the plus-sized Abnormal.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Calgary, Canada

Chris nodded to Raigor.

"There is a network of underground catacombs connected to the Sanctuary that might fit your tastes better if you'd like to see those. From what I understand, this place was built on top of a pre-existing network of uncharted caves, that are to this day uncharted because the entry points are well hidden. Well, at least to the general public they are uncharted."

Sanctuary Security Room

Try as she might, Sarah couldn't find anything really worth mentioning on her screens. However, one of the computers started beeping that there was incoming information, even as a display screen popped on to her right...

Sally's Tank

Miranda replied, having crept into the tank at some point.

(I'm already here. Let's see what we can do shall we?)

Closing her eyes, Sally reached her mind out, and at first nothing seemed to happen. Then, slowly, the three of them got the feeling they were making progress, able to make out a mermaid, although blurry. As they got 'closer' in the telepathic link, they could see that the mermaid was floating, hovering in one spot near what appeared to be an underwater cavern. Yet, something seemed wrong, but they couldn't place what. For the moment, even Sally hesitated, not sure of what to do.


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Calgary, Canada

Winona hovered in the water, keeping herself in place with slow strokes of her arms through the water. Her eyes stayed open, much more used to processing images from multiple sources, her gaze flicking back and forth between the other two women as they started to make communal progress.

The mental image resolved to a lone mermaid, hovering near a cavern in the ocean floor. Sally hesitated, so Winona calmly urged her on, willing the vision to continue herself. Something seemed wrong, but if that was true, then they needed to see it even more than before.


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Calgary, Canada

"Those sound sufficient. So long as there are no random Humans walking in, I will make do with what is available. Now, as for this Magnus, where is she? I would have words with her." the abnormal speaks, slowly padding forward as he inspects the interior of the Sanctuary with curious glances, obviously never having seen this type of architecture before.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Calgary, Canada

Chris nodded.

"The only humans who can access them would be Will Zimmerman, and Kate Freelander, both of whom work here. Those catacombs can't be reached by random people from the outside, we made sure of that. As for Helen, she should be returning in the next few hours, she was in Budapest for some business that I know nothing about."

Sally's Tank

After a moment, Sally pressed forward, moving closer to the lone mermaid. As she did, Winona got the sense that something was very wrong here, the other mermaid wasn't moving at all, simply floating as if it were stuck. As Sally gently turned her to face them, she suddenly recoiled in horror, darting back with eyes wide in alarm, even as the other mermaid floated around to face them.

Parts of her chest had been gashed out, as if by claws, with parts of her innards visible to them. Her eyes were completely lifeless, and it was clear she'd been dead for a little while now. Even as Sally recoiled, Winona could somehow feel her telepathic reach branching out, and now there was a return signal. Only it wasn't anything like what they were expecting.

A vision of blood filling the water, severed limbs floating in the water, and screams filled their minds, and nothing else. Terrified screams, wails of agony assaulted their connection, and then suddenly, a dark shape came lunging towards them, something moving too fast to see what it was. It came on with frightening speed, slamming into Sally, causing a mental scream of terror to branch out to both Winona and Miranda, but it didn't stop there.

The event was so traumatic, Sally's mental projections lost their cohesive composure to them, spilling out to anything in range of her. This unfortunately meant that her scream, the screams they had heard, and the entire vision assaulted the minds of everyone currently in the Sanctuary...

Main Lobby

Juliara looked about ready to say something, when suddenly the vision slammed into them. Staggering back, her eyes darted all around the area, before she whipped towards Chris, who was just as shaken by it and blurted out, "what the hell was that?"


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Calgary, Canada

Raigor falls to his elbows, clutching at his head with both of his massive hands. "I don't think I've ever felt such....Terror, before." he says, hunched over and still clutching at his head. "Is this a common occurrence around here?" he asks, obviously rather upset from whatever it was that caused that vision, his ears held close against his head.


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Calgary, Canada

Sarah's bemused and quiet scanning was interrupted with the major appearance of many blinking lights. Halting her examination of a soon-full lobby, she looked to the lights, a frown coming to her face...


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Calgary, Canada

As soon as the vision started to turn gruesome, Winona stepped up mentally, archiving the scene, how the wounds looked, the expression on the dead mer's face.

Then the vision changed, became more of an attack than a witnessing. The arachnid took note of all she could, before the dark shape came at their leader, knocking into Sally and causing the commotion, ending the sight.

Suddenly back in her own head, the pain she had felt from the vision came to the forefront, making her curl in as she floated in the water, clutching at her head until it subsided. Having sunk in the water during that moment, she swam back up for air, taking a few shuddering breaths. (Is everyone alright?)


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Calgary, Canada

Chris regained his composure quickly, though it was obvious he was still rattled.

"THAT was Sally, and no Raigor, that has never happened before. Something big just happened, we need to get down there fast. Sally's our resident mermaid. I'll ... be right back, I hope. I'm teleporting there, wait here please."

In a flash, he was gone, the snap to his teleportation seeming a bit louder this time.

Sanctuary Security Room

Looking at the display, Sarah could see it was an incoming message from one of their operatives in the field. Reading it quickly, she might get a little worried.

Cabal facility located 12 miles NNW of Sanctuary in Calgary. Light presence currently. Impossible to gauge the interior of the facility from my current position, however have noticed several abnormals being transported over the last half an hour. Position could be compromised soon, am moving out of contact range. Advise Magnus upon receipt of message. Allison.

Sally's Tank

Sally had lashed out, apparently hitting Miranda enough to bruise the cheekbone of the Medusa, before vanishing deeper into her tank. Winona got no reply from her, but after a long moment a shaky reply came from Miranda.

(Yeah ... what the hell was that? Never in my life have I seen anything, or felt anything like that. I'm ... I'm not sure Sally is alright. She ... attacked me.)

By now they had reached the surface, and a moment later a snapping sound made them look up, just in time to see Chris. He looked down at them, saw Miranda's face and his eyes widened slightly.

"The hell happened?"


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Calgary, Canada

Raigor thumps his fists lightly on the ground when Chris teleports out, standing back up to his normal height. "Mer.........Maid?" the abnormal asks, somewhat perplexed, turning to face Juliara. "You seem to be familiar with this place. Care to explain what this 'Mer-Maid' he speaks of is?"
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