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Calgary, Alberta - Canada

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Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Mikki didn't have anything to add, so she just moved to scoop Ashley up again so they could get going. When she protested, she'd get a stern "You're 'urt, Ashlee. I gonna 'elp.", but if she still refused, Mikki would stay in the back and keep an eye on her instead.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

John merely nodded, moving behind her silently, moreso than one might expect from someone his size. It wasn't long until Abby picked up the scents of Mikki and the others, though as they got closer to the facility the scents branched off in two different directions. One went into the facility, but was fading. The other, a quick second sniff would determine, led away from the facility, and was a fair bit stronger. It seemed perhaps they had already started back?

Melissa listened carefully to Alec, nodding slightly as he finished. When he had, she spoke softly, and almost timidly.

"I never did get the chance to tell you I was going to call you later that day anyway did I? There was something I wanted to ask you but ... I'm not sure how you'd take it."

Ashley continued to walk on her own, some of her stubborn nature returning. As they walked, she even quipped "and don't forget the big tall abnormal either. The one with the gas and all that you sent to us."

((THINK she knew about that.))
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

As Abby sniffed around, she picked up Ashley's scent among the stronger ones.

If Ashley's with them, they must be on their way back.

She gave a quite bark or two at John before running off after the scents, back towards the Sanctuary.

Several thoughts rushed through Alec's mind as Melissa spoke.

Oh man... where's this going?

"Well... whatever it was, now seems like as good a time as any."
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

John quickly followed, having surprisingly little trouble keeping up with Abby.

Due to how slow the group was moving with Ashley not at 100% yet, it wasn't long before Abby would spot the three of them. John was still a few meters back, out of sight of them, but Abby was close enough she probably could change back and call to them and be heard easily.

Melissa was silent for several long moments before she looked at Alec.

"Well ... I wanted to ask you if you'd ..."

She trailed off, clearly unsure of how to ask whatever it was, and she was silent for a very long moment. Finally, she looked up at him, and her demeanor had changed quite suddenly.

"Oh screw bumbling words, I suck at them. This ought to get the point across."

It was then she just wrapped her arms around him, leaned into him and flat out kissed him full on the lips. From the way she flat out put everything she had into it, he might get the impression she'd be wanting to do that or tell him for quite some time, but just hadn't been able to work up the nerve until her near death experience.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

"Meh. That one was downright pleasant compared to the rest." Przemek shrugged, slowly calming down. Very slowly, but still. "I mean, sure, not the most talkative person around here I assume, and I guess you can't expect a rich vocabulary of him either, but Hell, he wasn't simply civilized - for a tunnel dweller." The ghoul continued his rant, adding a few gestures made with his hands to emphasize his words. "He was, that bit with public disturbance aside, reasonable. Do you know how hard it is to meet reasonable people in this line of work? Well, I suspect you do, all things considered, but still... An unexpected but pleasant suprise, as it made my life easier." The abnormal sighed. "I wish more people would make my life easier like that. Cleaning blood off is frustrating as all Hell. Speaking of blood, I do hope I won't run into the good doctor back at home, not before cleaning up at least. She ain't gonna like this sight." Przemek grumbled, talking about the numerous, and not very small, traces of blood and gore that liberally covered his pants, the jacket Ashley was wearing, his shirt and even his face. His hands were completely red and covered with stuff best left without a description.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

About then John came around the corner, seeing Przemek along with Mikki and Ashley. Before Abby could change back, John beat her to the punch, calling out.

"Well, looks like we finally caught up. I do hope all that blood is on you for a good cause. Regardless, fill me in."

The ghoul probably wouldn't even have to turn around to recognize John's voice, and it might be a welcome sound to hear at this stage.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

"Gah." The ghoul winced, cursing himself for being so careless. He shouldn't have covered himself in all that blood, it hampered his sense of smell. Composing himself, Przemek turned to face John, trying to make a friendly smile. Try being the key word. "Ah. Wondered whether someone would show up. Is Miranda ok?" The grimace on his face was a smile alright... It just happened to betray the lingering fury and irritation the abnormal held in, making it less than friendly. "And don't worry about the war paint, just a Cabal goon who deserved it..." He grit his teeth as he recalled his latest victim. "Yeees... Deserved every bit of it..."
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

John half shrugged at the first question.

"She should make it, but she's not going to be going anywhere anytime soon. She should be in surgery now to remove the bullet. As for your war paint, a little extra coloring never hurt, though you may want a quick bath and to not let Helen see it."

He'd taken an amused smirk with that.

"Well then, shall we continue? The EM shield is likely up so unless we want to be vaporized, teleporting is out of the question."
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Abby shifts back into her human form as she catches up with the others, walking with them without a word said.

"Wha- MMPH"

Alec is caught completely off guard by the kiss.

Oh god what the hell are you supposed to do in this situation

The area around Alec and Melissa suddenly became very hot.
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Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Mikki offered Abby a smile as the pair walked up, which widened as she heard news that Miranda would be okay. She took up a spot behind the now-larger group, tail slowly swinging back and forth as she walked, keeping an eye on the group as they walked.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

"Please don't remind me... I still remember the last time I've returned with a bloody smear on my face." The ghoul grumbled, recalling that particular incident. It was not something he wanted to repeat, especially after a trying day. "The only amusing thing about it was the look on her face when she first saw me... Altough today I'd probably give her a heart attack or something." Shrugging, Przemek kept on walking. "Let's move. The sooner we're home, the better." He paused for a moment with a thoughtful look on his face, before slapping himself. "Ah, John? You wouldn't happen to have a phone with you, would you? Because I've just realized that teleportation could be hella useful right now..."
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

This time John wordlessly removed a phone and handed it to the ghoul, saying nothing, not even smirking. That probably tipped his hand that he knew exactly why the ghoul wasn't using his own.

After what seemed like forever, Melissa finally broke off, coming up for air. The heat that was being generated had caused a slight trickle of sweat to form on her forehead, but it didn't seem to bother her too much. Blushing slightly, she took a small step back before speaking.

"I ... I hope I didn't screw things up there. And I do hope that got the ... message across? So ..."

She trailed off, words seeming to fail her, but the implications pretty clear. She obviously had a thing for him, but she wasn't sure if he'd feel the same way, or if she'd ended up doing something that would cause her to lose him even as a friend.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

The ghoul took the phone, nodding as a way of saying thanks. He quickly dialed the Sanctuary's number, hoping that someone would answer quickly. If they could get Ashley back home and in the medical lab instantly, it'd only increase their chances of dealing with whatever that Cabal bitch decided to use on her. The memory alone of this event instantly ruined his slowly improving mood again, and silently Przemek promised himself again that he would take any chance of killing Stallers that presented itself, regardless of personal cost.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Abby smiled back at Mikki, and kept walking with the others.

Alec was silent for a moment while his mind was racing to try and figure out what to do next.

Goddammit... say something clever, quickly.

"I... Actually, I don't think I got the message. Maybe you should try again?" Alec replied with a smile.

Close enough.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Melissa stared at Alec for a long moment before an impish smile crossed her lips.

"You ..."

She stopped, then moved close to him, and put her mouth by his ear and whispered, "you want the message again? Maybe we'd better find a room that doesn't have a camera recording us hmm?"

She then stepped away, watching him with an interested, and amused look.

((You asked for that lol.))

The phone was picked up not even half way through the second ring, and Will's voice came out of the speaker.

"Yeah, Zimmerman, what's up John?"
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

"It's me." The ghoul said in his usual cranky tone, not bothering to add anything else as introduction. "Listen, Will. I was wondering if we could teleport back home real quick? We've found Ashley and it's probably for the best if we get her in the Sanctuary sooner rather than later." Przemek lowered his voice, before speaking again, this time in a more serious tone. "It's urgent."
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Fortunately, Will wasn't the type to ask questions when action was required more. Instead, there was a brief silence, and then a reply back.

"Go, shield is down for the moment until you are back inside, all of you. Should require two trips, so tell John bring Ashley in first, I'll try to get Magnus down there as fast as possible. When you get back, fill me in, and I'll pass it on to Magnus after, I doubt she'll be free to debrief you for a while with this mess."
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

"Right. I might need a shower first, I'm kinda messy right now. See ya." Hanging up, the ghoul returned John cellphone to him. "Alright, we're clear to teleport home." He spoke, trying to scratch some of the now dry blood and guts off his hands, resisting the urge to lick it off for the n-th time. "Ashley, you go first. Remember to head to the med section as soon as possible. I'll explain shit to Will, so leave the debriefing to me."
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

John nodded even as Ashley opened her mouth to say something that never exited her lips. In a flash, she, John and Abby vanished, leaving the ghoul alone with Mikki.

John, Ashley and Abby appeared suddenly in one of the medical areas, and wordlessly, John stepped back.

"Abby if you would, try to see to it Ashley stays put for now? Thank you."

Then he was gone again.

John reappeared in the tunnels, and with another move and teleport, the three found themselves back in the Sanctuary. John seemed to have the presence of mind to teleport them directly outside of the ghoul's living arrangements, saving him the trouble of having to walk there covered in blood.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

"Welp. Gonna go clean myself up. Oh, and if someone could get my jacket back from Ashley without letting Magnus see it, I'd appreciate it." With that, Przemek disappeared in his quarters to drp his dirty clothes into the washing machine (he'd deal with them later), then went straight to the shower to get all the red stuff off him. Only after scrubbing himself clean (which took him a while, as he wanted to get the lingering smell off too) did he finally dress himself and leave to look for Will. He had an explanation to give, after all.
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