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Calgary, Alberta - Canada

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Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Mikki shook her head, but didn't try responding just yet. A minute passed in relative silence before they reached Mikki's room. There on the corner table was a notebook, and an oversized gag pencil. She went over to them, wrote a quick note, and showed it to her.

[Easier than trying to speak, sorry. Did you need something?]
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Miranda looked like she was about to smack her forehead out of feeling dumb.

"Oh my, I really dropped the ball on translating didn't I. No no, I was just coming to check in on you, see how you were. Plus ... well, I'm kind of trying to become a little more social around here and your someone I thought who might appreciate that."
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Mikki chuckled deeply. "Ts-ookay." She said, then scribbled some more down.

[I can understand that well enough. I can't even visit the upper floors generally, unless they need my help with something. You can at least cover well enough to go outside.]
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

"Fine you can play medic....regardless I need to get my clothes from where I hid them...these arnt my clothes."

*she offered a small smile and waited for him to lead her somewhere*

(Short post sorry)
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Nodding once, he turned.

"Alright, this way then. I also want to be sure they didn't try to slip the Lazarus Virus into you, we've heard rumors the Cabal might be responsible for it, and it's quite ... deadly. Anyway, name is Chris, yours?"

Assuming she actually followed, they would soon cross through an area with a large water tank. Before they exited the area though, Zaleia would spot something truly wonderous. Inside the tank, coming right up to the glass she was about to pass, was a living Mermaid woman.

Miranda nodded slowly.

"Well ... truth be told I like it better here than out there. Less noise, and frankly, all the additional noise kind of hurts my head."
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

*rolling her eyes a bit as he went on sounding all protective she just nodded and continued on "whatever..cale me Zale" before she came to a stop and tilted her head noticing the mermaid stunned briefly she blinked back to see him havig gotten ahead and darted to catch up*
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

"Mmm..." More scribbling...

[City's loud and obnoxious, I miss the rest of outside, where there's less people. More trees. Getting a bit hungry, you?]
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Miranda nodded.

"Yeah, food would be good, got any ideas?"

Chris had actually stopped when he spotted her looking at the mermaid.

"If you want after we're done, I could give you a tour of the place. And I see you've 'met' Sally, our resident mermaid. Word of fair warning, she's telepathic so don't be shocked if you get a mental greeting from her."

Almost as if on cue, Zaleia would hear a voice in her head.

"Hello. Have you come to join us or swim with me?"
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

"umm how exactly do i talk back to her if its all mental? thats kinda weird ya know just voice in head and all...earlier warning could have been nice"
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Chris chuckled slightly.

"Sorry about that, actually slipped my mind, plus she's been acting a bit skittish all day. Something has her worried, but she won't say what. As for replying, just think back what you want to say, she'll pick it up. I know what you mean though, first time that happened to me, I thought I was going nuts. Then I found out about her. I didn't even get the advantage of seeing her when it happened, she can apparently sense for some distance, don't know how far exactly. You can also put your hand on the glass and somehow, she makes a more ... well, I don't know really how to describe it. It's sort of like an instant bonding so to speak, where an entire conversation can happen in a short period of time. Sure as hell beats mere words when you think about it though."
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

*putting her mind to the task so to speak she thinks back a reply for the mental inquiry she had received*

"ummmm hello. dont know how long i'll be here yet so cant give any word on a swim or staying sorry"

*after that she turned back to chris and thren looked around a little bit being a little pushy* "we there yet?" *she would give a grin afterwards listening to how he described it all*
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

"Oh. I see. Well, I hope you'll stay, it's nice here. It's the only home some of us have ..."

With a wave, she then swam out of sight quickly.

Chris chuckled slightly.

"That's a new one, I've never seen her wave to anyone before. I think she likes you."

Another chuckle at her question then he replied.

"Yeah, through this door."

A moment later they had stepped into a decent sized room that looked more equipped than a hospital would.

"Alright ... what I'd like to do is run a quick E.M scan, that will tell me if there's any internal problems from being shot by them. I'd also like, if your willing, a small sample of blood to check if you've contracted the Lazarus Virus. Hopefully you haven't because if you have, we'll have a major problem on our hands. I don't suppose you know anything about the device they shot you with do you? It obviously wasn't with bullets, otherwise I doubt you'd be standing here in front of me, unless of course you were a werewolf."
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

*giving a wave in return as the mermaid swam away she blinked and gave a small chuckle. before following him into the big room*

"wow...big medical bay is big...and whatever they shot me with well i kinda felt numb for a minute or two some kind of energy pulse..it went away after a little bit and the Tesla guy said he had stolen the blueprints for it at some point and i would be fine...but do whatever ya need to. he didnt seem to worried about me being infected with anything."
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Chris continued with what he needed to do even as he spoke.

"Hmm, so probably some kind of pulse stunner, would make the most sense. So ... he came right out and told you his name was Nikola Tesla?"

Chris for some reason seemed shocked by this, which might not be a good thing.

Meanwhile, he drew a small sample of blood, and let the scanner finish.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

*gave a nod of the affirmative to the question. as she watched him do his work keeping eyes on him with everything he was doing*

"yup..shredded the cabal guys pretty good..with his big creepy routine...definately not someone to get on their bad side i would admit"
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Again Chris nodded.

"Yeah, he's not one you want for an enemy. Although ... actually, he's supposed to be dead. It's a rather long story in a way, but if you want to know about it I can tell you. It's just ..."

He paused as he placed the vial of blood into a scanner, then turned back to her.

"What exactly did he want? I mean, the man ALWAYS has a hidden agenda of some kind, I just can't help but think he's up to no good again."
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

*waves the envelope at chris again thinking he forgot*
"this delivered to the good doctor lady..he gave me a message and i'm supposed to deliver it thats what he wanted. Why he decided to have me be the little delivery girl over some other randomw person i'm not positive. maybe he was just curious about me or something."
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Chris frowned slightly.

"That's ALL he asked? Well, that's sort of refreshing, but it makes me worry. He always has some other hidden agenda, and if he didn't ask you for anything else, something has him bothered. Knowing him though, he probably had been watching you for some time and decided you were someone he could convince easily. Still ... he shouldn't even be alive after last year."

Chris trailed off again, seeming to be quite bothered by the fact Nikola was actually alive.

"It makes no sense. And I'm guessing you won't tell me the contents of said message either, hmm?"
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

"welll he did say it didnt matter who i gave it too that you could all be trusted but if i'm gonna put my safety in the hands of someone i wanna mee tthem first..so thats why i'm holding onto it"
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Mikki started collecting her books and pencil, and started back into the hallways, Miranda in tow once again. "Kaph... Umm, Kanteen? Yess, Kanteen." She once again silently thanks the Sanctuary for having to care for so many different kinds of abnormals under one roof. You could find almost anything under the sun in a shelf or fridge somewhere around.
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