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C.Y.O.A.S: SH Settlement Edition


Needs to go commit sudoku
RP Moderator
Nov 15, 2008
Reputation score
This is yet another CYOAS from the ever dreadful RK. This time, to test a new addition to the Slave Hunt Ruleset: Settlement Creation. The Rules are complete, so I will have to work along the road, so to speak.

Some things that might help in terms of some votes:

Like ordinary Slave Hunt, Slavery can be performed here aswell. But it might be hard to find Collars/Shackles, however, there will be atleast one city which will be voted up later on, but it won't be closer than at least 3 areas away from the Settlement.

Small Buildings require Hay and Lumber, Medium requires Stone and Lumber, Large requires Stone and Metal. Small Buildings are built first, then upgraded.

-Resources and where they are typically found-
Hay: Savannah/Plains
Lumber: Forest/Jungle
Stone: Mountains
Metal: Mountains
Crystal: Mountains

-First Vote: Size of Settlement...-
A: 1 Being
B: 2 Beings
C: 3 Beings
D: 4 Beings
E: 5 Beings

-Second Vote: Area of Settlement...-
A: Forest
B: Jungle
C: Savannah
D: Plains
E: Mountains
F: Arctic Mountains
G: Shores
H: Other

-Third Vote: Danger Level of Area...-
A: No Danger (0% of Encountering Creature)
B: Low Danger (20% of Encountering Creature)
C: Mid Danger (40% of Encountering Creature)
D: High Danger (60% of Encountering Creature)
E: Extreme Danger (80% of Encountering Creature)

-Fourth Vote: Race Categories of Area...-
A: Common Races Only
B: Common & Uncommon Races Only
C: Common & Rare Races Only
D: Common, Uncommon & Rare Races

-Fifth Vote: Starting Resources, Buildings and Equipment-
A: Very Little
B: Little
C: Medium

-Sixth Vote: Race of Settlement...-
Pick Here
Note: Common & Uncommon Races Prefered, Especially Common. But if we want some really easy time, pick a Rare Race. Only 1 Race Pickable.
Re: C.Y.O.A.S: SH Settlement Edition

C: 3 Beings
F: Arctic Mountains
D: High Danger (60% of Encountering Creature)
D: Common, Uncommon & Rare Races
C: Medium

...Gnolls. Definetily Gnolls.
Re: C.Y.O.A.S: SH Settlement Edition

D 4 seems nice

A forest is good

C Mid is a nice middle road

D The rare ones will be rare anyway

C Med seems like a nice mix

Leaving the race to RK
Re: C.Y.O.A.S: SH Settlement Edition

First Vote: C, middle number seems good.
Second Vote: A, forest seems nice and easy.
Third Vote: C, we don't want TOO many creatures around. Once again, middle path ftw.
Fourth Vote: D, the more variety there is, the more fun it is. Need I say more?
Fifth Vote: C, medium. Starting with too little is asking for annoying early start/boredom collecting materials.
Sixth Vote: Wood Elves. Why? We're in a forest, gnolls scream marshes rather than ice mountains... probably a better idea to use creatures who are familiar with the environment then dragging creatures from elsewhere.
Re: C.Y.O.A.S: SH Settlement Edition

For race... Naga.
Re: C.Y.O.A.S: SH Settlement Edition

Size of Settlement: E 5 Beings (More the merrier!)
Area of Settlement: A Forest (Torn between that and 'shores', but forests probably have more critters running around AND lumber. X3 That, and piscine 'furries' weird me out.)
Danger Level of Area: C Mid Danger (Keep us occupied but not overwhelmed! Might just nab some more slaves this way!)
Race Categories of Area: B Common and Uncommon Races Only (Again, torn between allowing Rare and not... but I think that if the main focus is us building a settlement, we're going to want a place that's not overwhelmed with difficult creatures!)
Starting Resources: C Medium (I'm not in for a tough game the first time around. X3 I just want to see how building things works without pulling my hair out over finding resources!)
Race of Settlement: Humans (Generic) (Yeah yeah yeah, I like them upright monkeys. I'm mostly picking this because nobody gives 'em any love. XD They are adaptable, however, and if we're going to expand... well...)
Re: C.Y.O.A.S: SH Settlement Edition

4 Gnolls in a Mid-Danger Forest with Common, Uncommon and Rare Races where Victorious.

Also, Do -not- Quote the entire post of one member, if anything, quote one of his Votes(1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc), Or quote multiple members Votes(As long as you don't get multiples for 1st, 2nd, etc). This is to unallow "Stacking", for once, and possibly this time only.

Gnoll 1 Will be the LEADER of the Tribe. Don't fuck him/her/hir up. <_<

-First Vote: The Genders...-

|Gnoll 1|
A: Male
B: Female
C: Herm

|Gnoll 2|
A: Male
B: Female
C: Herm

|Gnoll 3|
A: Male
B: Female
C: Herm

|Gnoll 4|
A: Male
B: Female
C: Herm

-Second Vote: The Classes...-
The Classes Topic
Allowed Classes: Warrior, Rogue, Mage, Cleric, Witch, Warlock, Merchant
Assign a Class to each Gnoll, then move on.

Gnoll 1
Gnoll 2
Gnoll 3
Gnoll 4

-Third Vote: Other...-
Do as you please with this one. Can be anything from describing Love Interests, Etc and whatnot.
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Re: C.Y.O.A.S: SH Settlement Edition

1: A + Warrior
2: A + Warrior
3: B + Cleric
4: B + Merchant

Two warriors to help protect the settlement, a cleric to heal any wounded and provide holy support, and a merchant to help the settlement gain wealth over time.
Re: C.Y.O.A.S: SH Settlement Edition

Let's see... I'm not a big fan of herms, soooo...

Gnoll 1:

Gnoll 2:

Gnoll 3:

Gnoll 4:

Gnoll 1:

Gnoll 2:

Gnoll 3:

Gnoll 4:

Gnoll 1 has a bit of a hold on her fellow gnolls -- her charisma and sex appeal are to blame for the three of her followers to join her out in the middle of the forest to set up a new establishment!
Re: C.Y.O.A.S: SH Settlement Edition

Gnolls all Male
1 and 2 be warriors
3 and 4 be rogues
Re: C.Y.O.A.S: SH Settlement Edition

1: B Witch
2: C Rogue (Rogues do it in the *shot*)
3: A Warrior
4: B Cleric
Re: C.Y.O.A.S: SH Settlement Edition

meanie RK.
1, b, witch
2, a, warrior
3, a, rogue
4, b, merchant
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Re: C.Y.O.A.S: SH Settlement Edition

Let's see... I'm not a big fan of herms, soooo...

Gnoll 1:


Gnoll 1:

Since I'm not allowed to quote wallpaper for the entire thing... (I really was satisfied with the votes but meh.)

|Gnoll 2|
B: Female

|Gnoll 3|
A: Male

|Gnoll 4|
B: Female

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Re: C.Y.O.A.S: SH Settlement Edition

My vote for this one goes to RK, so he can use it to vote on what he wants.
Re: C.Y.O.A.S: SH Settlement Edition

I've been thinking. I don't think I can pull this off properly. If anything, however, I can instead off doing a Slave Hunt game which some people can join and play in. Say, a Tribe, a few members, nothing big, and then I try my best to GM for these people?

A: Continue this anyways, RK, we don't care that you think you can't do it.
B: Mweh, I guess that's good enough.
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Re: C.Y.O.A.S: SH Settlement Edition

...D: Whatever you can think you can pull off while still being satisfied.
Re: C.Y.O.A.S: SH Settlement Edition


Nah, just kidding.

I'm interested in trying a GM-led game of settlement-slave hunt RP; I'd like to try it with the available species, traits, classes, etc. instead of building new ones (at least for now -- I have some ideas, but I don't want to keep you waiting on them, as I know that it will take me a while to finish going from the 'that's a neat idea!' stage to the 'I actually have some backup for my neat idea!' stage. XD)

Maybe if we transport these Gnolls to an RP game?

I'd rather play each of 'em as equals as opposed to one's-the-leader, just because it makes more sense with PC's -- if one of the players has their character step forward to take leadership, that seems like it should be more of an IC thing, you know?
Re: C.Y.O.A.S: SH Settlement Edition

Well. If it is to get things rolling as fast as possible...

Player Amount: 3-5, Maaybeee 6. :/ There's also a possibility of future additions, if the first members starts humping.
Race: Gnolls
Classes: Warrior, Rogue, Mage, Cleric, Witch, Warlock, Merchant
Genders: Male, Female, Herm
Backgrounds: Up to 3, Only 1 Race Altering Trait per Character, Only 1 Guild History per Character
Traits: Up to 3, For every Positive, a Negative must be taken.

A Warrior
A Cleric
Rest can be anything.

Note: Earlybirds get the Worms, AKA First To Come, First to Join
PM your character setup to me and I'll slap it up at an appropriate location.

Info, obviously enough, can be found HERE.
Re: C.Y.O.A.S: SH Settlement Edition

*snags a Cleric space* Sent you a PM! :D
Re: C.Y.O.A.S: SH Settlement Edition

Placeholder. Don't let that deter you from trying to join, anyone else. There is a reasonable chance I'll sit this one out. (Will elaborate later)

Edit: decided to play, despite my dislike of Gnolls. However there is one condition, My character will not do anything ero to Rea, willingly or otherwise. She is my sister, after all. I take it this is still taking place in a forest? Then again, the max number of villagers has increased, so maybe not... I can't get a good idea for my character without knowing what his past is, so lets come up with a reason for our settlement. If it is a forest, I say we're the remnants of a community recently destroyed by some enemy group. We fled into the forest and can't go back because they occupied the town/city/whatever, so we're rebuilding here. (An army from some other civilisation is my vote for the enemy group.)

(charrie sheet to come, doing other stuff for the moment)
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