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C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style 3

Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style 3


Lets try door number 3 after giving ourselves a Falcon Punch abortion.
Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style 3

A2, and b.
Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style 3

Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style 3

Votes Chosen
Primary: Head back into the deadly room and check whats under the trapdoor. (A2)
Secondary: Panick and get rid of whatever is inside of her out. (C)


Narrator: Last time on the erotic smut of Mara, the golden hued elf thinking quickly tried to escape back to the previous room and fight some slug like creatures with even more of a height advantage. But our her way out, one of them managed to snag her golden juicy globe and start sucking on it, weakening her resolve even as she made it into the room only to suffer a small defeat by the creatures, leaving her on the ground like an overly pleasured sex doll, when she awoke, she found herself somewhat different and seeing a small bump on her belly....


Mara looked down at her belly, seeing the small bump.. She could feel the heaviness, but of what she did not want to contemplate. She could feel her heart beating more and more within her chest, her eyes narrowing even as she placed a hand on the bump, and closed it into a fist before moving her hand away. "I.. I won't be a mother... not for these filfthy creatures!" As Mara slammed her fist onto the bump.

--Warning: Watersports (Milk and Piss)--
The golden hued elf felt pain rocket through her body. As if she had just punched herself in the gut. Which she had just done. Mara let a groaning pain as she felt air leave her lungs even as she felt something leaking from her pussy.. but not her flowers juices but the indiginty of her piss even as she felt sudden wetness on her panties and splashing onto the floor even as rivulets ran down her golden skin.. Looking to anyone around her like she had just orgasmed till they saw the urine hit the floor, taking a distinct mild yellow colour. But the bump was still there even if it was by far smaller...

Mara not going to stain her panties again, having forgotten she had left them on when she had panicked and punched herself reached downwards and struggled for a moment, her new heavier tits getting in the way of her seeing even as she finally managed to pull off the wettened black panties, soaked both in her girl juices and her piss. Mara's nose scrunched in disgust at what she did and tossed the black panties onto the stone table, willing to go without them for now. Mara raised her fist again and punched herself again, this time she felt small objects leaving her bladder even as she gritted her teeth in pain, a bruise forming on her stomach even as she punched again, forcing out tiny grey like creatures onto the ground into her puddles.. The bump now fully gone through Mara felt pain aching from her sorely abused bump. Now all she had to was wrend her.. tits of all the accumulated milk and any other.. babies..

The golden hued elf raised her hands, the same steely determination in her before when she had punched herself. 'Not panick, not panic..' Mara thought to herself trying to ignore the early panic even as she grabbed the base of her breasts with both hands, her hands having trouble wrapping all around her tit meat even as she let out a strangled moan as she squeezed down on them and slowly push her hands down them... Milk squirting and spraying from her still stiff and sorely abused nipples and areola, creating a whole new milk splashes across the floor. She slowly kept up her repeated squeezings even as she felt herself becoming.. aroused... She could feel the same movement she had felt in her bladder even as she felt pain in her nipples, their stretching even as she pushed, more like squeezed, out more of the creatures, causing them to fall onto the ground with the others....

Her tits sagged and felt empty of milk through they hadn't shrunken down yet.. "Swyinnged slugs.." Mara cursed to herself before she rose her foot and squashed the young slug babies on the floor turning them into smears.

Her once perky C-cups now slightly saggy and empty E-cups, Mara left the room, leaving her black panties on the stone table to dry out even as she entered the previous room where she had encountered the grey slugs. Stepping gingerly over the tripwire, she moved towards the trapdoor, kneeling closely to it and from behind, she grabbed the handle and pulled upwards and away from the ground, the trapdoor swinging open with the screeching of rusty hinges.

Leaving the trapdoor open the golden hued elf women looked at it.. There was no ladder down, just a short drop into another dimly lit room.. Through looking closely Mara could see that the bottom of the floor looked to be.. 'furry.' Maybe a carpet of some sort? But who would put carpetting in a dungeon when hay was much more abudant or straw? 'Probably some sort of giant beast..' Mara thought to herself even as she glanced around the room, not seeing the slug creatures anywhere within.. A belated look around but there were no sudden leaps or attacks on her as she entered.. and if they were still around why would they have gotten off of her..


Primary Vote
A: Drop down the trapdoor hole.
B: Use the string to form a rope. (-Not going to work but Mara is naively thinking that it is doable.)
C: Head back to the stone table room and check one of the other doors
--1. Door ?east?
--2. Door ?west?

Secondary Vote
1. Activate the tripwire on the way out or before dropping down the trapdoor.
2. Do not activate the tripwire.

Tertiary Vote
a. Wear the black panties even through they are wet
b. Do not wear the black panties

A/N: Quite an small post with nothing much happening in it. Ah well, going to consider this post to be a movealong post.

Name: Mara Naaaskein
Gender: Female
Race: Elvish
Class: Warrior
Sub-Class: Graceful Duelist

Description: A goldish colored elf. Mara is by her standards of her race pretty while by other races standards she is seen as beautiful. Her body is muscled nicely to inspire those looking to think of her swift and strong. While she lacks scars to symbolize her experience, her eyes tell enough that she knows how to fight. She has a quite nice breasts of C cup, very perk and firm through they always seem to bounce no matter what she does. Nice shimmering bronze hair with darkish brown eyes.

History: Mara is considered young by her older racial members. Still Mara yearned to be out and doing something instead of settling into diplomacy or graceful magic as others of her race were wont to do. So instead Mara hired a passing human sword mercenary to teach her and in return she would pay him. (More History Given Upon being selected.)

Additional History: Mara while traveling with the sword mercenary continually made him angry with her disdain towards his species until he got to the point where he was no longer willing to accept her money and quite willingly going to leave her where she was. Mara of course challenged him to a duel to force him to continue to server as her instructor and help her throughout the world! The mercenary answered her challenge that if he succeeded then she had to sleep with him continually throughout her training till she managed to defeat. Mara scoffed and fought him, believeing she would win... Mara did not of course, through older then him, she had not nearly as much expierence nor willingness to fight even after a few superficial cuts. Mara ended up waking with her ass on fire more then a few times as the mercenary took her ass for his own, not wanting to get her pregnant and deal with a half-elf child. This continued for a few weeks before Mara finally succeeded in defeating him and as a spiteful women, killing him. With this Mara began her adventures, taking all the money on the mercenaray as her own.

Age: 132
Height: 5’11
Breast Status: C cups and very perky. (And unknowningly cursed by one of her admirers to always bounce and jiggle at her movements, no matter how restraining her clothing.)
Nipple/Areola Status: Small nipples that needs to be drawn out to play. Small Cirlces on breasts that are more dark golden.
Pussy/Ass Status: Virgin, she does not even masturbate, seeing it as somewhat uncouth. Very tight but not virginal her ass is.

Disdainful towards any that fight at range.
Does not like being the diplomatic one of any group she is a part of.
Somewhat Naïve of the world.
Prefers using very stabby weapons, rapiers daggers things to quickly stab in and out.. In and out.

Vitality: 15
Spirit: 13
Strength: 16
Dexterity: 18
Intelligence: 12

Duelist: Graceful [+4 In using finesse weapons. (Dirks, Daggers, Rapiers etc.) Affects Hit %]
Dueslist: Ferocity [+2 in dealing pain using finesse weapons. (Dirks, Daggers, Rapiers etc.) Affects Damage]
Novice: Fighter [-3 to all combat rolls when confidence is broken. +2 to escape]

Racial Superiority [-2 in dealing with other species]

Mara Inventory
Two 4 Ft of String (Use to be 8 feet as a tripwire.)
Unknown Magical Too small Black Panties (Left on stone table)
Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style 3



Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style 3


Me has a good point. :p
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Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style 3

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Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style 3

C1 2 b

Really? You guys want her to walk around in piss soaked underwear?
Do you like to walk past the post office queue on pension day or something?
Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style 3


Meh better clothed then not she could wring them out a bit.

(OOC:see slime panties wouldn't get wet)

Target: Mara, perception and resistance rolls affected (-1). After forcing out the slugs Mara isn't paying as much attention to her surroundings as she could *and should* be not to mention her body is still trying to struggle back to 100%.

(OOC: Mhahaha I shall be nega spirit until we get some more rope. And the prize that comes with said rope or a slime... ill still help out in fights but expect her to mess every thing up till then, shiny buttons ahoy!)
Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style 3

Votes Chosen
Primary: Head back and take the door ?east? (C2)
Secondary: Do not activate the tripwire on the way out (2)
Tertiary: Do not wear the black panties


Narrator: From the past comes a stunning vision! Showing what happened last time on Mara's pregnancy adventures! Mara got rid of the filfth in her body in a brutal fashion, and in a panic. She stained her panties with things best left unmentioned! She even fulfilled her curiousity of opening that mysterious trapdoor only to find a 1 way down. Now she....

--Narration of Mara--

The golden elf looked down into the depths of the trapdoor. The darkness and the unsettling feeling of seeing fur made her back away from it slowly. Through she had of mind to step over the tripwire before backing out of the room completely into the now nexus of rooms. Looking around in the room, Mara felt her breath hitch as she noticed the puddles of juices and milk having diminished.. The milk she had squeezed out and sprayed out all over the floor had all.. vanished. Through the air felt noticeably more humid.

Still with her perky E-cups slowly shrinking without her notice to more perky D-cups. The now smaller breasts jiggled enticingly and with much more hype then when she had milked herself harshly. As Mara looked between the doorways, she kept her eyes away from the black splotch on the stone table.

Moving into the room she percieved as the east since the northern one she just left.. Mara felt slight dizziness overcome her for a moment but she ignored, thinking it just an after-effect of what she had just went through. Entering the room, Mara stepped over another tripwire, through this tripwire was strange in the way that even if she had hit it, it would be too strong for her ot break without pulling it. It almost looked more like a rope then the general string trip-wires she had seen. Maybe she could use this for the trap door? But whatever trap that would happen from pulling it would be immense.. Mara looked up at the ceiling, the dark atmosphere not helping her detect if there were mechanism on the walls or ceiling..

Still looking around the room, Mara did not see any more of those slug like creatures.. But she did see a stone statue that.. well.. Mara's mind just felt disgust as she looked at the misshapen statue she saw. It looked like a ball of flesh that had been changed to stone.. It had so many lines and tentacle like things on it.. But what really made her feel disgust was an obvious phallus like tentacle sticking straight out from the statue.. She just wanted to leave this room.

Mara left the room, stepping over the rope tripwire just wanting to get out of the room, to get away from the disgusting object. Moving back into the stone table room. Mara stopped in surprise.. She saw all the puddles of her juices and milk gone from the room.. But the room felt more humid now and she could see almost a small mist around the light sources, causing the room to be even dimmer.. 'Wha-what the swinngyed?' Mara thought to herself even as she began to move quickly through the room, her d-cups inapproiately bouncing and seducing any watchers.

Quickly leaving the slowly disturbing stone room, she entered the final room she had yet to go too. Entering this room, there was surpisingly no tripwires to trigger in this room.. 'At least this whole place isn't booby-trapped..' Mara thought to herself.. but other then that this room was empty.. there was nothing inside of it.. But Mara felt that there was something in this room she was missing even as she looked around.. She just couldn't tell..


Primary Vote:
A: Head to the trapdoor room and drop down.
B: Search the empty room more thoroughly.
C: Head to the.. disturbing room and pull the large tripwire...
D: (Uses Hidden Stat) Enter a trance-like state and ride the large phallus. (Anally or Vaginally.)

Secondary Vote:
1. Check and wear the panties.
2. Check and if still wet ignore the panties.

A/N: An empty post through how it happens it will trigger the final parts of this area that will either force Mara into an early GO or down the trapdoor.

Name: Mara Naaaskein
Gender: Female
Race: Elvish
Class: Warrior
Sub-Class: Graceful Duelist

Description: A goldish colored elf. Mara is by her standards of her race pretty while by other races standards she is seen as beautiful. Her body is muscled nicely to inspire those looking to think of her swift and strong. While she lacks scars to symbolize her experience, her eyes tell enough that she knows how to fight. She has a quite nice breasts of C cup, very perk and firm through they always seem to bounce no matter what she does. Nice shimmering bronze hair with darkish brown eyes.

History: Mara is considered young by her older racial members. Still Mara yearned to be out and doing something instead of settling into diplomacy or graceful magic as others of her race were wont to do. So instead Mara hired a passing human sword mercenary to teach her and in return she would pay him. (More History Given Upon being selected.)

Additional History: Mara while traveling with the sword mercenary continually made him angry with her disdain towards his species until he got to the point where he was no longer willing to accept her money and quite willingly going to leave her where she was. Mara of course challenged him to a duel to force him to continue to server as her instructor and help her throughout the world! The mercenary answered her challenge that if he succeeded then she had to sleep with him continually throughout her training till she managed to defeat. Mara scoffed and fought him, believeing she would win... Mara did not of course, through older then him, she had not nearly as much expierence nor willingness to fight even after a few superficial cuts. Mara ended up waking with her ass on fire more then a few times as the mercenary took her ass for his own, not wanting to get her pregnant and deal with a half-elf child. This continued for a few weeks before Mara finally succeeded in defeating him and as a spiteful women, killing him. With this Mara began her adventures, taking all the money on the mercenaray as her own.

Age: 132
Height: 5’11
Breast Status: C cups and very perky. (And unknowningly cursed by one of her admirers to always bounce and jiggle at her movements, no matter how restraining her clothing.)
Nipple/Areola Status: Small nipples that needs to be drawn out to play. Small Cirlces on breasts that are more dark golden.
Pussy/Ass Status: Virgin, she does not even masturbate, seeing it as somewhat uncouth. Very tight but not virginal her ass is.

Disdainful towards any that fight at range.
Does not like being the diplomatic one of any group she is a part of.
Somewhat Naïve of the world.
Prefers using very stabby weapons, rapiers daggers things to quickly stab in and out.. In and out.

Vitality: 15
Spirit: 13
Strength: 16
Dexterity: 18
Intelligence: 12

Duelist: Graceful [+4 In using finesse weapons. (Dirks, Daggers, Rapiers etc.) Affects Hit %]
Dueslist: Ferocity [+2 in dealing pain using finesse weapons. (Dirks, Daggers, Rapiers etc.) Affects Damage]
Novice: Fighter [-3 to all combat rolls when confidence is broken. +2 to escape]

Racial Superiority [-2 in dealing with other species]

Mara Inventory
Two 4 Ft of String (Use to be 8 feet as a tripwire.)
Unknown Magical Too small Black Panties (Left on stone table)

Enemy Check 1
Spot Check: Mara: Tripwire 19
Spot Check: Mara: Enemy 1
Intuition ChecK: Mara: Phallus: Enchantment 1
Enemy Spot Check: Mara 2
Examination Check: Mara 3
Intuition Check: Mara 13
Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style 3


Hey Bloodshifter, want to work together as two Negaspirits causing trouble? Send a PM my way if you want.
Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style 3

B2. Target Mara: +1 perception and resistance rolls.
Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style 3


if they are dry wear them on your head obviously