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C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style 3

Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style 3

Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style 3


P.-S. : if not 5, then 3.
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Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style 3

Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style 3

Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style 3

Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style 3

Votes Chosen - Primary: B Go through Door ?north? - Secondary: 2 Bigger Big - Tertiary: Wear the too small black panties (Also @NightShade 123 = 6. Since there is no 6 I put it down to the closest vote so your vote counted to 5.)


Narrator: The story continues with the thrilling Tales of Mara! The jiggle girl of Golden Elves. Last time on the thrilling tales Mara decided to pull the tripwire and check the stone bed. The tripwire has her poisoned with something and she found a pair of too small black panties. Now she....

--Narration of Mara--

Holding up the pair of plain too small panties up to her eye level. Mara looked over the pair of panties. She sniffed at the plainness and poor quality of the panties. They were not nearly delicate or creative enough for her senses. But considering she was quite naked and getting quite cold in this dungeon she would have little choice but to wear them. Still Mara felt a scowl on her face as she glared at the panties again. She would get rid of these for a much more elaborate and decorative pair that would suit her far better.

Still the golden hued elf women bent over her c-cup breasts jiggling entincingly for her to see but she ignored it with practise eased. After all her race was just that better then other races. Still she dipped her legs through the holes in the panties and grimaced as she began to pull up the panties letting out a huff as she felt the panties stretching to fit onto her. She pulled the panties all the way up, feeling them settled and squeezing her ass-cheeks together even as she let out a startled cry as the panties squeezed against her pussy, her lips standing plushly out against the black cotton panties. She shuddered at the feeling of the panties on her.

Looking at Mara now, she looked enticingly with her new pair of black panties molding themselves against her ass-cheeks and pussy. One could easily see her clitoris poking against the panties. Still seeing nothing else of interest the golden hued elf began to walk to the door that she deemed to be the north because of the secret opening on the stone table. But even as Mara moved she felt as if she was getting slightly off-balanced. 'Must be the tightness of the panties' Mara thought to herself even as her c-cups beginning swelling, one half-cupsize and then another finally ending at nice somehow still super perky d-cups that jiggled and bounced with even more enticement then before.

Crossing into the new room, Mara sighted another tripwire and stepping over it easily took a quick look around the room. She saw a few blurry shapes by the wall that looked like rocks as well as only a singular trapdoor in the room near the middle. The trapdoor looked to be quite dark brown and seem to have a metal knob to pull on to open it. But before she could do any of that, those rocks she had dismissed..

One of them jumped at her! The creature leapt at her even as she sidestepped the leaping creature with ease. The greyish slug like creature fell onto the ground, having leapt from it to her chest height. The creature swirled around, squeeing at her, showing its open toothless mouth but having spiked tendrils coming out of it. The disgusting creature was before her but she heard two similar roars from behind her even as Mara's mind mentally supplied the imaging of the disgusting creatures. Those rocks she had dismissed from before? They must have been these enemies...

----Narration Mode Enemy----

Narrator: Mara has Encountered Three Enemies! The enemies look like slug like creatures and seem to have pink insides with many tendrils coming from the inside. From the splat sound they sound nice and squishy. Now since this is the first time you are encountering enemies with Mara I will give you some instructions for what you can do. You can decide how these slugs can attack and just to nice for you I will even give them marks that only you can see. Enemy will have a triangle in its description. Enemy will have a square in its description and Enemy will have a circle in its description. The one that has leaped at Mara is the square enemy. While Enemy triangle and enemy circle are both near each other behind Mara. As for why I am giving you spirits only this information, this is where you come into play just a bit more. Will you doom Mara by influencing the enemies to hit harder? Help Mara by influencing the enemies to be weaker? This will cost you nothing through if you do not do anything. But if you do not do anything then you allow me. And just to give you a hint, I will always push the enemies to hit harder, faster and stronger just because of this dark world. But you can always make them hit insanely strong or make them as light as a feather.


Primary Vote: Action
A. Crush and grab the creatures using her feet and arms!
B. Rush backwards and use the stone table to help her fight these evil creatures.
C. Scoff at them and dismiss the potential damage they could do.
D. (Uses Hidden Stat) Enter a trancelike state and offer herself.

Secondary Vote: The Curse of the Panties
1. Getting tighter (The panties will slowly tighten and spread Mara's ass cheeks and pussy. Also comes with a self repairing enchantment. (Note OOC information only. Mara will not know.))
2. An itch that can't be scratch (Slowly heats Mara up, making her squirmish and getting horny. She will easily pick up on the panties effects. Also comes with a boost to vitality.)
3. Not panties at all but slime! (A color changing slime that will enter Mara when she starts to become aroused.)
4. -Strictly Optional- Tighter means hotter (The panties become tighter and spread her pussy and ass cheeks as well as causing her to become horny. She will easily pick up on this. Comes enchanted with self-repairation and a better vitality bonus.)

A/N: You might want to read the rolls if you are wondering why the panties are cursed. Mara had an intuition fail :p. On another notice, the primary vote will decide Mara's course of action all throughout the fight. Also if I get more then 4 votes generally expect a 24 hour update within notice. (If not PM me please and bug and remind me.)

Secondary A/N: Don't forget, you can influence the enemies in how they attack her. Where they will aim or even if they will coordinate with eachother. Just don't forget, you can only affect 1 enemy/npc. So if two conflicting spirits decide opposite actions it will cause both to dissipate. But if two spirits work together, it will be more powerful.

Name: Mara Naaaskein
Gender: Female
Race: Elvish
Class: Warrior
Sub-Class: Graceful Duelist

Description: A goldish colored elf. Mara is by her standards of her race pretty while by other races standards she is seen as beautiful. Her body is muscled nicely to inspire those looking to think of her swift and strong. While she lacks scars to symbolize her experience, her eyes tell enough that she knows how to fight. She has a quite nice breasts of C cup, very perk and firm through they always seem to bounce no matter what she does. Nice shimmering bronze hair with darkish brown eyes.

History: Mara is considered young by her older racial members. Still Mara yearned to be out and doing something instead of settling into diplomacy or graceful magic as others of her race were wont to do. So instead Mara hired a passing human sword mercenary to teach her and in return she would pay him. (More History Given Upon being selected.)

Additional History: Mara while traveling with the sword mercenary continually made him angry with her disdain towards his species until he got to the point where he was no longer willing to accept her money and quite willingly going to leave her where she was. Mara of course challenged him to a duel to force him to continue to server as her instructor and help her throughout the world! The mercenary answered her challenge that if he succeeded then she had to sleep with him continually throughout her training till she managed to defeat. Mara scoffed and fought him, believeing she would win... Mara did not of course, through older then him, she had not nearly as much expierence nor willingness to fight even after a few superficial cuts. Mara ended up waking with her ass on fire more then a few times as the mercenary took her ass for his own, not wanting to get her pregnant and deal with a half-elf child. This continued for a few weeks before Mara finally succeeded in defeating him and as a spiteful women, killing him. With this Mara began her adventures, taking all the money on the mercenaray as her own.

Age: 132
Height: 5’11
Breast Status: C cups and very perky. (And unknowningly cursed by one of her admirers to always bounce and jiggle at her movements, no matter how restraining her clothing.)
Nipple/Areola Status: Small nipples that needs to be drawn out to play. Small Cirlces on breasts that are more dark golden.
Pussy/Ass Status: Virgin, she does not even masturbate, seeing it as somewhat uncouth. Very tight but not virginal her ass is.

Disdainful towards any that fight at range.
Does not like being the diplomatic one of any group she is a part of.
Somewhat Naïve of the world.
Prefers using very stabby weapons, rapiers daggers things to quickly stab in and out.. In and out.

Vitality: 15
Spirit: 13
Strength: 16
Dexterity: 18
Intelligence: 12

Duelist: Graceful [+4 In using finesse weapons. (Dirks, Daggers, Rapiers etc.) Affects Hit %]
Dueslist: Ferocity [+2 in dealing pain using finesse weapons. (Dirks, Daggers, Rapiers etc.) Affects Damage]
Novice: Fighter [-3 to all combat rolls when confidence is broken. +2 to escape]

Racial Superiority [-2 in dealing with other species]

Mara Inventory
Two 4 Ft of String (Use to be 8 feet as a tripwire.)
Unknown Magical Too small Black Panties.

Grey Slug 1 HP ??/??
Grey Slug 2 HP ??/??
Grey Slug 3 HP ??/??

Enemy Random Roll (d5) 3
Spot Check: Mara: Tripwire 8 + 2 Int bonus
Spot Check: Mara: Enemy 1 5 + 2 Int bonus (Fail)
Spot Check: Mara: Enemy 2 3 + 2 int bonus (Fail)
Spot Check: Mara: Enemy 3 3 + 2 Int bonus (Fail)
Spot Check: Mara: Trapdoor 15 + 2 Int Bonus
Spot Check: Enemy 1: Mara 2 (Fail)
Spot Check: Enemy 2: Mara 19
Spot Check: Enemy 3: Mara 2 (Fail)
Reflex Check: Mara: Dodge: Enemy 2 16 + 3 Dex bonus
Leap Check: Enemy 2: Mara 11
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Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style 3

B2. Better safe than sorry
Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style 3


Lets ignore the slugs and head towards that trap door.

Not like anything bad could happen to such an awesome duelist as ourselves.
Not like we really need a sword.
Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style 3


slug like creature No 2 start to try to rape the others slug creatures
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Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style 3

A stone monster start to try to rape the others stone creatures

Hardy har plmnko :p. But which one? Also they are not stone x.x. Edited my post from before with more information tacked on before the votes. Hopefully this will help with confusion.
Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style 3

B3. Slime is more interesting.

Edit: Slime is more interesting! Hehheh
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Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style 3

B3 Slug Circle is feeling under the weather but those round breasts are too enticing for him to ingore.

OOC: circle is slightly weaker (-1)

Edit forgot can only influence one =P
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Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style 3

Votes Chosen - Primary Vote: B - Rush backwards to previous room and use the table in the fight. On added Note due to failure for the vote D (Minerve voted for) Minerve gains a point for hidden stat useage.
Secondary Vote: Tie between 2, 3 and 4. Since 4 includes 2 and since there was a vote for 1, 4 has been chosen. (For the voting of 3 of MrMe and Tenta, nice try but sadly people do not want some slime. Heres a metaphorical cookie.)

Edited: Nightshade - I did not take your voting into account due to the fact I had started on this post about I would say 2 hours before you voted. :S. Still on any upcoming secondary votes I will allow your vote to count for 2. Just please say that you want it to count for 2 votes. Also, its a one time thing only.


Narrator: Last time on the Story of Mara, she entered a new room, seeing a trapdoor and a tripwire in the room. But she also encountered some slug-like creatures in the room...

--Narration of Mara--

The golden hued elf called Mara stared at the digusting slug creature before her, her beautiful face set into a scowl at the the creatures roar. Even the two behind her were beneath her notice but yet.. She had a gut feeling that these creatures made need to be dealt with. But not in this room. This room did not offer her any advantages. And there was also a tripwire by the door to worry about. Who knew if one of these slug creatures would be smart enough to somehow activate it? It could be another dart or something worse. With that action in mind Mara began to rush towards the exit of the room, in which was only blocked by one of the small little slug creatures.

But even as Mara did so, the elfen's d-cup juggs bouncing and jiggling entincingly proved far too tempting a target for the slug creature to let Mara pass. Even as Mara saw the creature leaping at her, she was already in her rush and could not turn her body in time even as she felt the slug creature hit her right on the chest, its mouth clamping around her left breast, capturing her nipples and areola within its mouth, its tendrils wrapping around her captured breast-flesh and nipples, sucking and squeezing on them. Even as this happened, Mara still managed to get out of the room, easily leaping over ther tripwire even as the slug creature sucked and 'feasted' on her breast.

In the next room, Mara could feel herself panting even as the slug creature worked her breast flesh, the slug creature's tendrils working and squeezing her heavy tits. To those watching it looked like Mara had a wriggling half-a-bra on her left breast with the slugs body shaking and trying to engulf even more of Mara's flesh. Mara felt a moan breaking out of her mouth, the slug creature really knew how to work her breast, even only one of them of Mara staggered, her new black panties, causing the pleasure from the slug to be all that much worse from the way they squeezed her pussy slowly opening it and the black panties themselves beginning to mold against the inside of her pussy.

Her juices trickling against the panties, dampening them even as she felt her fluids beginning to run down her golden inner thighs. Mara quickly staggered atop the stone table. "This.. this unggh... have..have to get it off." The golden elf women panted even as she reached with both hands, thinking it would be easy even as she tried to pull off the slug on her left breast.. Only for the creature to resist her attempts far too strongly. She felt like she was trying to rip off her nipple and areola even as she tugged on the slug (square) creature. Even with her efforts, the slug (circle) creature instead of being pulled off, begin to engulf even more of her tit flesh. She could feel 2/3rds of her breast flesh was encompassed by the creature even as she felt its tendrils wrapping all the way around her left breast, squeezing them and making them easier to fit inside of its mouth.

Even as Mara had struggled with the square slug creature, the other two slugs, the triangle and circle had entered the room with Mara atop the stone table. They both screeed at the golden elf women standing at the stone table, her left breast nearly engulfed by the square slug creature and her right breast jiggling enticingly for the other slug creatures to attack. That wasn't even to mention her lewd panties exposing her pussy as if she was spreading her legs and using her hands to open her own flower for all to see. Even as Mara began to panic seeing the other slug creatures enter the room, she desperately tried to pull the slug off her left breast again but.. the pain as if she was trying to rip off her own tit! Mara felt tears breaking from her eyes even as panic set in fully even as the slug fully encompassed of all her left breast flesh. Impossible for her to get it off now without ripping her left tit off. "Nnnn... Nooo.. noo.. Grecia.. help me.. please.." Mara begged even as she saw the two other slug creatures approached.

--Warning: Intense Breast Sucking. Slug Impregation--
"NO stay away!" Mara screamed even as she flailed her arms, desperately trying to fend off the slugs on the ground, far below her. But alas her wild flailing did not help her as the the triangle slug screed at her, leaping off from the ground and slipping through her flailing arms far too easily even as she felt it fastening on her right jiggling breast, her nipple and areola caught within its mouth even as she let out a cry of painful pleasure at the sudden pinching and sucking on her nearly virginal areola. Mara gasped, the golden elf hued women, her arrogance forgotten in this moment even as she reached and grabbed at the slug now fastened on her right breast, the other slug not to be forgotten leapt towards her black panties revealed pussy.

Her mind panicking, she released the slug on her right breast even she tried to bat and knock away the other leaping slug, her hands missing barely even as she gasped, feeling the slug latch onto her covered pussy only to feel its tongue tendrils easily picking at and tearing her black panties, getting at her covered clit and pulling her clitoris into its mouth, sucking on it. Mara shuddered and moaned as it did this, the pleasure it was evicting from her too sudden and new to ignore. Her pussy had never been touched by her instructor in this way. The vile man had only ever gone after her ass. Mara gasped and moaned as she fell to her knees, nearly falling off the stone table. Her breasts being worked over even as she felt her right breast being encompassed by the new slug onto it. Her tits being worked and squeezed almost like the slugs were trying to pump her breasts for something even as she felt the tongue tendrils circling and encompassing and squeezing her tit-flesh.

"Got..got to get..get them..nnnngh... off.." Mara panted and moaned even as she felt this strange and highly pleasureable attacks on her body even as she weakly tried to pull the slug on her pussy off.. Her hands weakly grabbing at its body and sliding down its length.. She whimpered softly to herself even as wretched moans tore from her body as her tits were squeezed and sucked, her once globy breasts fitting like tubes into the slugs body even as she felt an orgasm tearing its way through her from the pleasure. "Ohnngnh! nngh....!" Her prayer to Grecia was interrupted even as she tried to uselessly tug off the grey slug on her pussy.. Her hands desperately trying to get it a good grip on it, but just kept sliding down and off its length as she would reach for where it was attached to her pussy and trying to pull it off... She could feel the pleasure beginning to overcome her mind even as she whimpered out loud "Please...anyelf...save..unnnngh..." Her words not able to be fully uttered before Mara fall into a soft unconsciousness, her eyes glazed and her tits being worked..


She could feel the sucking..she felt piercings on her breasts.. she could feel something being drained from them...

She gasped, her hips jerking upwards and trying to get something to encompass her more... She felt the hardness of the floor and then black...

She felt something entering her.. not in the proper way...

Mara groaned to wakefulness... her mind drowsy even as she felt the after-effects. "What..where.." She moaned quietly to herself even as she felt a dampness in between her legs and by her chest.. Only as slow images of the slugs drifted into her mind.. Mara let off a quiet moaning groan and a prayer of thankfulness towards Grecia "at least none of the other elves will see me like this.." The golden elf women muttered before she clenched her teeth, struggling to repress the sudden surge of anger as she growled out "I'm going to find those slug creatures and I'm going to kill them.. no not kill them.. torture them by pulling them apart and ripping their damned tongues out!"

With that angry growl, Mara slowly pushed herself upwards, her eyes noticing her suddenly quite larger pair of tits.. They were leaking droplets of milk and she felt as if something heavier was inside of them as well. But Mara slowly cupped her now E cup breasts, their heaviness making her feeling more unbalanced then before even as she staggered upright, getting out of her pool of juices and slight puddle of milk that had leaked from her breasts while unconscious. She didn't know how much time she had passed but looking around, she still seemed to be in the room with the stone table. She couldn't have been unconscious long since she did not feel hungry. She pulled her heavy tits apart to get a better look at her stomach and panties. Thankfully her panties were still intact, through she could've sworn that they had been ripped.. They were still as tight as before, through she could swear that they were tighter. She also noticed a small bump on her stomach, but it felt as if her bladder was full of something.

Her inspection done and Mara fearing that somehow the creatures had defiled her and impregnated, looked aroudn for a moment before pushing a hand down her panties and pushing a finger deep inside of her wet hoeny pot.. She breathed a sigh of relief at feeling her hymen and then looked at the small bump of her stomach even as her face held sudden pallor as she shuddered 'It put something in my bladder?' She thought to herself even as she looked around the room again..


Narrator: Oooh. Even with those helpful weakenings from P-spirit and B-spirit, Mara still suffered from her first encounter. It must be a sad day when the golden elves can't back up their arrogance with skill.


Primary Votes: Action
A. Head to Door ?North?
--1. Pull the tripwire in there.
--2. Pull up the trapdoor.
B. Head to the Door ???
C. Head to the Door ???

Secondary Vote: Dealing with whatever they did to her.
a. Ignore it.
b. Push on the small bump and squeeze her breasts to hopefully get whatever is in her out.
c. Punch the small bump and ruthlessly squeeze herself like a cow. (Warning - She will piss herself)
d. Other (I will comment on which others will be doable.)

A/N: Plmnko the slug creatures are asexual. Even with your comment I just took that as the creature being momentarily distracted during its fight with Mara. Giving it a -1 to succeeding in any rolls. As for Bloodshifted, you flat out gave slug 3 a -1 roll throughout the whole fight and even during the sexual phase.

Edit: She actually lost to bad rolls. I do not auto-fail her. *Erratic thought*

Grecia - Goddess of Protection and relief. A real Goddess and often the most celebrated Goddess of the golden elves. Grecia is the wife to Sakilon. Through lacking in any children, Grecia is seen as the protective Goddess of those in troubling times and those in dire straights. Worshippers of Grecia generally can go into a grinder and come out smelling as fresh as a daisy with nary a scratch.

Sakilon - God of destructive killing. Not a very nice god by any stretch of imagination. Sakilon cares for only one thing. Killing whoever pisses him off in the most destructive way. Overkill is not considered enough by him nor by his worshippers. Married to Grecia due to Grecia trying to protect others from him by making herself his target. So far has succeeded through most times in ends in a very heavy sex.

Name: Mara Naaaskein
Gender: Female
Race: Elvish
Class: Warrior
Sub-Class: Graceful Duelist

Description: A goldish colored elf. Mara is by her standards of her race pretty while by other races standards she is seen as beautiful. Her body is muscled nicely to inspire those looking to think of her swift and strong. While she lacks scars to symbolize her experience, her eyes tell enough that she knows how to fight. She has a quite nice breasts of C cup, very perk and firm through they always seem to bounce no matter what she does. Nice shimmering bronze hair with darkish brown eyes.

History: Mara is considered young by her older racial members. Still Mara yearned to be out and doing something instead of settling into diplomacy or graceful magic as others of her race were wont to do. So instead Mara hired a passing human sword mercenary to teach her and in return she would pay him. (More History Given Upon being selected.)

Additional History: Mara while traveling with the sword mercenary continually made him angry with her disdain towards his species until he got to the point where he was no longer willing to accept her money and quite willingly going to leave her where she was. Mara of course challenged him to a duel to force him to continue to server as her instructor and help her throughout the world! The mercenary answered her challenge that if he succeeded then she had to sleep with him continually throughout her training till she managed to defeat. Mara scoffed and fought him, believeing she would win... Mara did not of course, through older then him, she had not nearly as much expierence nor willingness to fight even after a few superficial cuts. Mara ended up waking with her ass on fire more then a few times as the mercenary took her ass for his own, not wanting to get her pregnant and deal with a half-elf child. This continued for a few weeks before Mara finally succeeded in defeating him and as a spiteful women, killing him. With this Mara began her adventures, taking all the money on the mercenaray as her own.

Age: 132
Height: 5’11
Breast Status: C cups and very perky. (And unknowningly cursed by one of her admirers to always bounce and jiggle at her movements, no matter how restraining her clothing.)
Nipple/Areola Status: Small nipples that needs to be drawn out to play. Small Cirlces on breasts that are more dark golden.
Pussy/Ass Status: Virgin, she does not even masturbate, seeing it as somewhat uncouth. Very tight but not virginal her ass is.

Disdainful towards any that fight at range.
Does not like being the diplomatic one of any group she is a part of.
Somewhat Naïve of the world.
Prefers using very stabby weapons, rapiers daggers things to quickly stab in and out.. In and out.

Vitality: 15
Spirit: 13
Strength: 16
Dexterity: 18
Intelligence: 12

Duelist: Graceful [+4 In using finesse weapons. (Dirks, Daggers, Rapiers etc.) Affects Hit %]
Dueslist: Ferocity [+2 in dealing pain using finesse weapons. (Dirks, Daggers, Rapiers etc.) Affects Damage]
Novice: Fighter [-3 to all combat rolls when confidence is broken. +2 to escape]

Racial Superiority [-2 in dealing with other species]

Mara Inventory
Two 4 Ft of String (Use to be 8 feet as a tripwire.)
Unknown Magical Too small Black Panties.

Combat Rolls
Mara Escaping and dodging 2 + 3 = 5 vs square Slug (2) attacking 14 - 1 = 13.
Mara Resisting pleasure 1 Critical Failure vs Circle Slug (2) Attacking 18
Mara pushing the slug off 4 + 2 = 6 vs square Slug encompassing more 19
Mara pushing the slug off 1 critical failure vs Square Slug encompassing all 9
Mara blocking triangle slug 9 - 3 = 6 vs Triangle Slug 17
Mara blocking Circle Slug 12 - 3 = 9 vs Circle Slug 15

Sex Rolls
Mara Resisting Pleasure Through Out 8 + 2 = 10
Slug Pleasure Rolls
- Triangle 11 (Succeed)
- Square 13 (Succeed)
- Circle 10 (Fail)
Slug Impregnation roll
- Triangle 17
- Square 16
- Circle 19
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Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style 3

A1c the slugs didn't SEEM any different after crossing the wire and hey its free rope.

Feeling the affects of her most recent 'encounter' with the natives Mara isn't all there thus her thought process is a little funny not too mention her body is recovering after its 'dontation' of fluids to one sick slug.

(OOC: surprised that more Spirits didn't join in the cursing guess we want her to lose that bad Dibs on her shapely rear!)
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