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Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

Nysa did her best to heal up the people all around, but almost each and every single one backed away from her healing magic. Nysa lowered her ears sadly looking to some of then as they backed away, but in their eyes she saw the reason clearly - fear and doubt at such selfless acts. The sigh sadly, her ears flopping down until a man approached.

His joyous mood seemed to bolster all those around, spurring them to action and festivities! Nysas ears quickly stood up and while not being too in their faces the girl quickly helped around where she could. Listening to the mans orders along with the townsfolk, though unlike most a huge smile lingered on her expression perhaps even inspiring a few to relax as she ran around her tail swishing and helping setup the area.

Depending how she was received the Kitsune would really get into it, actually standing near the man and mimicking his gestures for the children to laugh. The cute lil' foxy girl, running all around actively with endless enthuasiasm if allowed. Even offering to set the bonfire ablaze!...
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

Emi once more thanked the man before resuming her cleaning. Spring wind was the weapon in the most dire straights having spilled the most blood though Warriors reach had gotten very dirty from Nysa's inexperienced handling. Having finished her cleaning Emi took her mug and downed it in one go. The old man was right of course and even if Emi was in no mood for celebration it would do the towns people good to see her in seemingly good spirits. Thinking of Happy times Emi mingled with the townsfolk a smile on her face. Though she wasn't to engaging with any one person.
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

The people livened up quickly, with Emi actually being mildly sociable, and Nysa going the extra mile to help, the kitsune was soon seen charging around with a plate covered in mugs of ale and distributing alcohol fairly quickly, though her mimicry of the towns spokesman soon had many laughing jovially, while the people seemed to understand Emi's wish and let her remain a wall flower if she chose.

As the night continued on, and the hours ticked by, soon the roaring orange tower of the bonfire, and the cascade of silver moonlight, was all that people needed to dance, though in most cases, sit and talk, trying to forget, before a haggard and drawn looking Gregor, stepped out of the building he had entered long before, and a hushed silence drew over the crowd.

Looking around, he nodded simply, thanking the man who had rushed to bring him a large mug, before he stepped out of the way, and towards the fire, as Requis exited, looking tired but none the worse for wear, with young Guile on his shoulders to the applause of many as he took his place around the fire, near Emi, not speaking as he reached out and thumped her on the back of the shoulder several times. Seems I continue in the world of the living. It's done now, but what will you do? He asked quietly, staring into the flames, the still silent Guile perched in his lap, his vocal chords probably healing slowly, or waiting for Gregor to recover slightly before he fixed that as well. He had just brought a man back from the dead, a child before. Probably needing the rest, and very close to the fire as he drank, Gregor could be seen staring into the flames, his shoulders low, and silent as well, for now.
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

With the bonfire roaring Nysa quickly got to dancing to each and everyone, her small size allowing her to join the childrens merry dancing right alongside them a cute grin on her face, her anticts had earned her not only the childrens curiousity, but great interest. Quite a few all too eager to stroke that bushy soft the lil' Kitsune had.... with no such luck.

"Come on let's dance, Greggy!" Nysa skipped closer to the elder mage and took him by the hand cutely, eager to drag him near the bonfire. Though more than likely her invitation would be declined, but at the very least the presence Nysas bright energetic spirit maybe lifted his own.

Even if decline Nysa quickly skipped her way back to the dancing circles and as the night grew darker in a poof of smoke she changed to her full adult form. The girls previously raggedy clothing now tightly pressed against her luscious forms as she danced. No matter how tired, exhausted or demoralised the men were quite a few glanced over the mages exceptional beauty, only empowered by the light of the bonfire... even if it meant a slap on the head from the wives.

The Kitsune would continued to dance the night away, accepting invitations from any and all patrons with a wonderous grin. No shame in her fairly provocative outfit.
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

"I will continue on." Emi stared off into the fire a fire which seemed to bring back several memories of her self exile. "I have vows to keep and a debt to repay." Emi glanced over at the mage briefly. "Im glad your boy is okay and I'm sorry about your friend. At lest you know about the tunnels now so you should be safe." Emi still felt mildly attracted to Requis but the knowledge of what she had let happen to his boy quickly doused any thoughts she had on the matter besides it was likely that both his children would either hate or resent her not to mention she had her duty and was honor bound to see it threw.
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Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

That is for the best then. We will see Horus has a proper ceremony in the morning, per his request. Don't concern yourself, overly much, we shall see to it ourselves. Requis said, falling silent once again.

Gregor, did indeed shoo the Kitsune away, but her dancing had him shaking his head and smiling, whispering Show off. as she shapeshifted once more and rather shamelessly put on a show for the men, several off which did indeed manage to get slapped upside the head for staring.

Gregor, contemplating the fire as well, an seemingly finished with his thinking, stood up and retired to the large building, most likely to sleep, the people, several sharing his idea, following without much said as they filed off to rest as well.

Emi and Nysa were free to do as they wished for the night, there were still a few places on the map to check, or they could sleep as well, welcome inside, or welcome to sleep out around the fire if they chose to. In the morning, the journey would resume and they could put their backs to this place, if not Gregor for now.
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

Sleep sounded good to Emi but with the kitsune and several of the younger men trying to bed her for the night Emi knew that any rest outside would be scarce at best. Standing up Emi eyed the village looking for an inn or some such where she could at lest rest for the night undisturbed.
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

As Emi looked around, doing something productive Nysa kept her dance and noted the standing samurai!

"Emi~" she quickly ran up and grabbed the girls shoulders playfully, giggling with mischief as she did so "Let's dance!" Nysa grinned happily, her cute fuzzy ears standing at attention. The girls long orange hair, only lightly covering her very plentiful bust.
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

Emi cracked a faint smile sure Nysa had energy she wasn't the one getting thrown around cave walls or getting maces swung at her. Still her mood was infectious but Emi was really tired. "Not now Nysa I feel very tired." However the kitsune probably wouldn't take that as the right answer.
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

"Please~" Nysa leaned closer to her, now taking hold of the samurais hands, ever so slowly skipping towards the bonfire with the people cheering loudly at their two heroines... or well the heroine and her energetic companion!

"Come it's very simple we just do this..." even if the samurai girl tried her best to try and get out, Nysa held her tightly and stepped back giving their hands a light tension that the Kitsune used to slide under Emi's hand with a twirl, her ridiculously soft and bushy tails brushing past the samurais thighs "And one~ And Two~" Nysa kept the carousel going though now switching to make samurai girl twirl as was pulled by the tension.

The bonfire roared strongly, numerous red wispy trails slowly extending into the nights sky. Nysa spun around, before joining their hands in a merry go round. The villagers applauding to their heroine and the deliciously jiggly companion. A inspiration to both heroic deeds and morale in the camp, the girls would dance together soon enough joining into one large circle everyones hands locked together as laughter and cheers echoed out.

The circle needed someone in the middle, some of the villager girls showed off their tricks just like quite a few of the more elderly villagers showed off theirs. Laughter was had and the mood ever so light... but soon enough it would Emi's turn to show off some move in the middle!
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

Emi tired and wore out brought little resistance against Nysa being pulled into the dance. It went well as Emi participated in the circle dance but when she was cast into the middle of it. Looking about Emi did the only dance she really knew. Entering her battle dance Emi spun around the fire dodging imagined blows. It was lively dance causing the swords-woman to use her athletic body to its max. It was full of dodges spinning horizontal jumps, back flips and twirls. After making one full circle of the fire Emi stopped and dismissed herself. She was dead tired now and a bed sounded nice.
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

Of all the villagers Nysa was likely the loudest one with her cheers and applause! Nysa noted her companion leaving the circle and after giving the two random strangers that held her hand on either side light kissses on their cheeks quickly ran after Emy!

The kitsune suddenly latched to the girls hand and leaned her head against the samurai girls shoulder, she was not going to be sleeping alone tonight.
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

Both girls managed to find their way to what looked like the inn, the sign a little damaged, but still legible, and more importantly for the pair, empty. Blessedly silent, Emi and Nysa would find locating a bed a trivial task, and after the applause from the dancing, and the sounds of singing and music, the silence fell across the pair like a welcome blanket.

Only the sounds of creaking wood, and a softly whining door split into their silence, and the room upstairs that they'd found, had 2 fairly large beds and an oil lantern that was still full.

Whether together or apart, both women slept the sleep of the dead and the damned, falling into the black void without a fight as rest overtook them, and tired minds and bodies got what they really needed, a break.

Emi was the first to wake, the soft sound of people milling about downstairs, and the gentle light of dawn peeking through the window, rousing her.
Re: Brushfires and Blades (ranger and Ubberific) GMed by Courage Wolf

Emi made her way to the inn and entered her hand on her blade more out of instinct and habit than anything else. Looking about the building she found it to be in relative good condition. The inn itself was spared most of the damage well at lest the parts she could see. Walking forward she had the light footed kitsune in tow. Only her footsteps making sound.

Looking down at her strange and troublesome companion Emi allowed her self a simple smile before looking away and returning to her usually fierce demeanor. Nysa was free to go her duty resolved and magic restored her freedom granted. Likely the girl would take to the open road and they would part company.

Upon reaching a decent room Emi set her gear aside neatly before getting to her knees. Her she closed her eyes and focused herself praying to her gods. After this was done Emi undid her robe and skirt revealing her pale flesh. If Nysa bothered to notice she would see that Emi's skin had scars of battle crisscrossed on her body but the most startling where the dark crimson writing down the center of her back. Each symbol was large and easily the size of her adult form palm. The character went from the small of her back to under her tight wrappings likely ending just below her neck. Of other note was the fact that Emi wore granny panties as well as the wrap. The wrap however was soon off freeing Emi's small B's. That sight however was soon covered up as Emi undid her long purple hair. The long pony tail collapsing into a mass of thick hair that covered the rest of Emi from prying eyes. Undressed Emi climbed into bed with Spring Wind the blade taking up the other half of her bed and was quickly asleep.

As morning broke Emi awoke refreshed and was quickly dressed and ready. Doing a stretching routine to keep her flexible Emi gathered up the items of interest from the slaver den and tied it in a bundle. She would drop this off and head out on the path that is if Gregor had nothing else for her to do.