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Brothers on a Grim Holiday (Smokefish and CourageWolf)

Re: Brothers on a Grim Holiday (Smokefish and CourageWolf)

Emeron would follow his brothers lead, trying to keep up best he could, which wasn't an easy task. Much like his lupine brother, Emeron would travel in silence, not even conversing with Alenya during it. As Syran eventually caught the tracks of what would appear to be a large fighting force, Emeron would grimace upon hearing his brothers words. "I doubt we could fight a warband of that size, not if there is only the two of us.", the large bear looked solemn for a moment, having unwittingly reminded himself about the current state of their tribe.

The news of a nearby village, or rather town by the size of it, was of some comfort, at least. The appearance of mixed races wasn't bad, until he took notice of the Orcs. It wasn't something that made him happy, but right now, the prospect of a meal and a bed was enough for him to ignore such a thing. Emeron wasn't used to visiting settlements other than their own tribe, he had done it a few times, just enough to know that it was in his best interest to behave reasonably.

As Syran stepped into view, Emeron would linger slightly, a little nervous, but soon followed suit. His steps slow and ponderous, and he would put away his mace and shield, to appear as non-threatening as a two meters tall bearman could. He wouldn't speak though, Syran was handling that for the time being, thankfully.
Re: Brothers on a Grim Holiday (Smokefish and CourageWold)

Emeron: HP = 61, PP = 53, EP = 44/58, Status = Fine, Radiance on Syran
Syran: HP = 54, PP = 39, EP = 39, Status = Fine, +20 Perception (Radiance)

NPC Stats
Alenya: PP = 29, EP = 67, Status = Fine, Hidden within Emeron

Syran and Emeron, at least when they weren't trying to hide, were fairly difficult to miss out on the flat moor surrounding the walled village. The guards on the walls raised their rifles but didn't point them directly at the approaching duo, a symbol of readiness more than a direct threat. When Syran called out, it was an elf that replied, and a woman too to boot; "So long as you bring no violence and keep civil while within our walls, Skolifell is open to all travelers!" As they drew closer, neither could help but notice that the elf was possessed of exceptional beauty that was marred only by a single scar running over her right eye, with lustrous golden hair and a body that was lithe but showing hints of healthy curvature beneath her leather armor, which was slightly different than that of the rest of the guards standing on the wall. Contrary to her soft features, however, the elven woman glared down at the duo as they drew near; "I am Captain Arielin Lathander of the Skolifell guard, and if you misbehave in my city you will answer to me! Understand?"

Assuming they made some agreeable gesture, the woman would gesture behind her, and a door would open beside the gate, permitting them into the small walled village. There were an abundance of guards around in the immediate area, these mostly orcs clad in chainmail or scalemail and wielding weapons more suited to fighting in close quarters, but they permitted the brothers to pass without molestation of any kind. Once through the guards, they would find themselves looking upon a large market square that still bustled with activity despite the lateness of the hour. Men and women of many races busied about, seeing to day to day matters without the discomfort that the two likely felt at seeing so many orcs about. What they wanted to do at this point was up to them to decide on, but there certainly seemed to be an abundance of options. Weapons, armor, food, supplies, and even slaves were all on sale in the market before them, but if they preferred to find a bed for the night instead it would be easy to find one among the taverns that lined the streets. Of course, this was only the entrance, and if they wished to see more of the city they were likely free to go exploring.
Re: Brothers on a Grim Holiday (Smokefish and CourageWolf)

Syran, nodding at the elven woman, though raising an admittedly unimpressed eyebrow at her glare, raised one finger to halt her for a moment, in the politest way he could think of. Us. You will answer to Us. You command others? Then if you're worried about malcontents, remind your visitors that they answer to you, and everyone who follows you. Other then that Captain, I will treat others as I am treated, you can ask nothing more of me. We're hunting an Orc warband that we think passed through this area on heavy horse, would you tell us if you had seen them pass by? The tracks indicated Cavalry, several dozen. If you don't know anything then I'm in much the mood to find a bed and hunt for information elsewhere.

Shrugging slightly and pulling back his hood, Syran scratched his head curiously and looked around, trying very very hard to keep himself in check, the orcs around were not hostile to him, he had to remind himself of that constantly, still, he gave them as wide a berth as he could, thinking the best way to stay out of trouble he would almost certainly be the cause off, was to avoid the situation where he could cause it. Tell me brother, what do you think about all of this? I think the tavern would have more travelers, maybe better information there, but I'd rather ask the guards that were on watch over the night... See what they knew as well... And I want a drink.. admittedly.
Re: Brothers on a Grim Holiday (Smokefish and CourageWolf)

Emeron would nod slowly as the Elven Captains clearly stated she expected them to be civil, and he would have little reason not to oblige her. The bearman was about to introduce himself in return, but got cut ahead by his brother, whom had all intention to speak his mind freely and openly. Emeron groaned lowly, and rose a hand to lightly grab one of Syrans shoulders, to try keeping him from going too far. He didn't expect it to work very well, though.

If Emeron got a chance to speak before he and his brother were either dismissed, or the Captain had an outburst over Syrans lack of tact, he would try and pick his words carefully. "We will remain civil, Captain, we only seek shelter and information, as my brother have already told.", Emeron wasn't much for talking, and could only hope his earnest words were enough to keep him and his brother in the Captains good graces.

If they were allowed inside, and unless something else came up, he would much like his brother take the time to take in the sights of the village they had come upon. He tried his best to keep an indifferent look to him as he saw the orcish guards, his gaze averted and set elsewhere; the sprawling market ahead of them was a sight to behold for the tribal man, he couldn't remember the last time he had seen such a sight.

Emeron would slowly trail after his brother, nodding slowly as Syran spoke, and would answer, if sounding a little distracted. "Hrm. A warm meal sounds good, brother. As does a drink to go along with it. We need to see if there are any rooms available too, do we not?", Emeron averted his gaze from the market, looking to his brother with a sheepish smile to him. "Perhaps we could look for supplies tomorrow, if the market is still here?", Emeron was a little too keen on the market for his own good perhaps, but it had been so long since he had last been to one. The fact they were tracking an orc warband in pursuit of revenge seemed to have slipped his mind somewhat.
Re: Brothers on a Grim Holiday (Smokefish and CourageWold)

Emeron: HP = 61, PP = 53, EP = 44/58, Status = Fine, Radiance on Syran
Syran: HP = 54, PP = 39, EP = 39, Status = Fine, +20 Perception (Radiance)

NPC Stats
Alenya: PP = 29, EP = 67, Status = Fine, Hidden within Emeron

Contrary to what might have been expected from such back talk, the guardswoman grinned down at Syran and Emeron following his interruption, to which she promptly responded; "Ahhhh, but you make the assumption that the two of you would even be a challenge for me alone, mutant! The other guards are just for show! In all honesty I care not for your business, merely that you keep to it without causing any trouble, and preferably without making the presumption of telling me how to do my job. Rest assured that everyone else will be held to the same standards as you!"

The duo were still allowed into the city despite Syran's poor tact with the guard captain, and once inside the two opted to go to the first destination of many travelers; a tavern, there to get a drink, a meal, beds for the night, and perhaps some information about their quarry. The first place they found was only a short way into the small walled city, a slightly worn but fairly rambunctious place called 'Slider's Haven.' The place was lit by magical lights hanging from the walls, and the common room was large enough that it could easily have fit a hundred but organized such that it felt like it was bustling with the sixty or so people already inside. As with the city guard, the races of the occupants were fairly mixed, with a number of humans and orcs in about equal measure with a number of elves equal to about half the number of humans or orcs rounding out the occupants.

There seemed to be about a dozen staff working, including two men behind the bar and ten serving girls moving about, of which all but two were human, one being an orc and the other being an elf. There were plenty of tables, some empty, some full, and some at comfortable space in between, but the loudest by far was a group of mostly orcs in the center of the room, who were cheering as one of their number arm wrestled with a burly human. The orc, a woman with fiery red hair that stood out among the rest of the room's occupants, was grinning as widely as the man across from her as they locked hands and strained, all to the approving hoots and howls of the orcs gathered around her, and it looked as if she was going to win. Meanwhile, in a raised area sectioned off from the rest of the common room, a trio of men in cloaks sat around a small table, each puffing on a pipe and allowing the smoke to drift out of a nearby window while they spoke in hushed tones. A pair of elves in the garb of commoners were dining together at a table in the corner, a man and a woman with dark brown hair and wearing matching rings on their fingers. At the bar were a wide assortment of characters in various garbs and of various races, the men mostly looking like travelers while the women varied from travelers themselves, to bar floozies, to what seemed like outright whores given the state of their dress and their overall appearance. After taking in the sights, sounds, and smells of the place, Syran and Emeron were left to choose where they'd like to start looking for that which they sought.
Re: Brothers on a Grim Holiday (Smokefish and CourageWolf)

Syran didn't respond to the guard captain's retort, chuckling and waving offhandedly, but good naturedly as they continued into the city. Emeron my Brother, I like her. Remind me to get her name at some point when she isn't likely to answer with a blade Syran said, smiling widely as they made their way into a tavern called Slider's Haven.

Stopping at the door, Syran grabbed Emeron's shoulder as he reeled, his sense, heightened by his siblings blessing, and already quite sensitive to start, overwhelmed by everything pouring from the place. Release the spell brother, please. he said, holding up a section of his cloak to cover his nose at the very least, until the blessing faded and the scream of information assaulting his nerves slipped down to a dull roar that he could actually sort through.

Heading inside, it was impossible to hide his scowl, but he had said he'd behave, they didn't need the trouble, and in honor of that, Syran let his gaze slip from the orcs, his ears twitching in obvious distaste, but the changed man making no move or insult, and instead, he slid over to a table against the back wall, as close to the elven pair, their rings not escaping his notice, and the trio of smoking men as he could, without arousing suspicion, as he took a deep breath, and perked up his ears, starting to sort out the conversations around him and Emeron, and pick what information out that he could. Though... his eyes continued to be drawn to the orc woman, with the fiery hair, the contest of strength making his blood rise a little.

What do you think Emeron? I don't trust my temper around so many... Syran let the racial slur go unsaid, before shaking his head and going back to speaking. I can't pick out the scents in this place, too many different kinds, but I'm not sure where to start on anything else either. Those tracks... the best place would be the night watch along the walls of the city, but how easy would they be to approach?
Re: Brothers on a Grim Holiday (Smokefish and CourageWolf)

Emeron grimaced slightly as the Captain called him and his brother 'mutants', but he didn't make a fuss about it, and would turn to leave as his brother did. Syran's words made him raise a brow slightly, but nodded slowly as he spoke. "I will, Syran, I will.", he smiled slightly, to himself more than anything else; it was pleasant to see his brother like this merry again. Emeron had little clues as to where to go, and lacked his brothers initiative, and thus as were so common he would simply follow after his older brother.

As they came to a tavern called Slider's Haven, Emeron stopped dead in his tracks as Syran grabbed onto his shoulder, and the reason for his lupine brothers action soon became clear. With but a small handwave, the ursine man released the boon he had laid upon his brother, as an apologetic look overcame him. "Ah, sorry, I should've...", his words trailed off, but at least the spell had been undone.

Emeron would follow after Syran, and take a seat opposite of his brother, and hopefully his great size wouldn't prove too problematic in such endeavors. The rugged man wasn't as perceptive as his brother, neither by eye, ear or nose, nor as subtle. As his brother looked and listened for anything worthwhile, Emeron himself would simply look over his surroundings, taking in the sights and sounds. His gaze never lasted long in the direction of Orcs, but he didn't make much fuss over it either, and simply moved on to whatever his brown eyes might catch sight of next.

Even as his brother broke the silence between them, Emeron continued to look out over the tavern and its patrons, although one of his round ears twitched a little to appear alert and listening to the lupine man. It was first when Syran finished speaking that the bearman turned his gaze upon his brother, and smiled slightly. "Where to start, my brother? Hurmm... I'd say we start with a warm meal and a hearty drink.", Emeron offered Syran a sheepish smile. "Only one way to tell, regarding the night watch, no? By approaching, and asking, them. We have traveled for two weeks, Syran, let us indulge in food and drink for a little while, before we continue our task.", Emeron would speak calmly, ponderously. He thought it was a good idea to allow themselves a moment of respite, despite their location; empty bellies, weary bodies and minds, were not good for their endeavors in his mind.
Re: Brothers on a Grim Holiday (Smokefish and CourageWold)

Emeron: HP = 61, PP = 53, EP = 58, Status = Fine
Syran: HP = 54, PP = 39, EP = 39, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Alenya: PP = 29, EP = 67, Status = Fine, Hidden within Emeron

The two brothers, after going to a back table, were shortly approached by one of the tavern maids, who smiled at them and said; "Good afternoon! Would you care for something to eat? Or perhaps something to drink? We have minstrels coming in at dusk, and pleasurable company is on offer as well if you're interested. We still have free rooms, separate or together depending on your preference, if you're looking for a place to stay for the night." The woman, a pale human girl with dark brown hair that was tied into a ponytail, was beaming brightly at them while delivering her sales pitch, her tone easily matching her expression and her posture such that a tiny bit of appealing cleavage was on display, the cut of her relatively simple outfit clearly designed to be appealing without making her look like a whore.
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Re: Brothers on a Grim Holiday (Smokefish and CourageWolf)

Syran smiled at the serving girl, thinking for several moments before deciding. He personally was still too wound up for any pleasurable company, but something to drink would do wonders for that and Emeron would help him curb his temper. Wine please, if you have anything, nothing expensive, but that would be lovely. Emeron? Syran asked, looking curiously at his brother and wondering what he would order... Hopefully he'd get something in his stomach before immediately moving to someone to share a bed with...

Stomach growling at the idea of food, Syran added a little to his order. A loaf of bread and salted pork if you have any as well please, I seem to have forgotten how hungry I was for a moment.
Re: Brothers on a Grim Holiday (Smokefish and CourageWolf)

Emeron hadn't noticed the woman before she was upon him and his brother, asking what they'd like to be served. He turned his head to pay full attention to her as she spoke, a small smile, one of appreciation, formed on his lips as he allowed his eyes to wander while his round ears listened attentively. A small rumble rose in his chest; there was much to savor that she was offering, warm food, a clean bed... And the last offer made him smile sheepishly. Still, one thing at a time. "I'd like mead, if available. Any ale if not. Hrrm... And some fish, and anything you have that go together with it.", he paused briefly, to let the woman have time to take in his order, before finishing. "And we'd like to rent rooms for the night, separate ones."
Re: Brothers on a Grim Holiday (Smokefish and CourageWold)

Emeron: HP = 61, PP = 53, EP = 58, Status = Fine
Syran: HP = 54, PP = 39, EP = 39, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Alenya: PP = 29, EP = 67, Status = Fine, Hidden within Emeron

"Of course sir, would you prefer white wine or red?" the waitress asked, and once she had an answer to that she would smile at his addition and nod. Emeron's order would go just as smoothly, and she would smile happily and say; "Of course sir... Your drinks are a coin apiece, and your meals two coins apiece. Private board in the stalls is two coins, but don't worry too much about those names, they're only called that because they're so small. They are quite clean, I assure you! Nicer rooms with an overlook of the town are four coins if you'd prefer them, and if you'd like I can have someone show you the stalls to see if they are suitable." Once they had picked 5 denarii or 7 for their food and board, and the first of their drinks, the girl was off to deliver their orders. The pretty brunette had their drinks for them in short order, bending over to show them a hint of cleavage as she set them down on the table before sauntering off.
Re: Brothers on a Grim Holiday (Smokefish and CourageWolf)

Emeron nodded softly as he slowly reached for his coinpurse during the Waitress explanation of the prices. Bringing the modest purse up on the table he would untie the small lace that kept it shut tight. As he began to count up five coins he smiled softly to the woman serving him and his brother. "The stalls, and your word for their cleanliness, sounds good enough for me." He would hold his hand out, palm up, with the five denarii the waitress had asked for.

Once the coin had been taken he would close his coinpurse tightly and tuck it away once more. And as the waitress walked off to carry out their order his eyes would follow her as she did. Whether Syran demanded his attention or a few moments passed the bearman would eventually turn his gaze back to his sibling. "Food, drink, a place to sleep... And beautiful women. I believe I can grow to like this place, Brother."

Speaking of food and beautiful women... Emeron closed his eyes as his attention turned inwards. Alenya, would you like a meal later on? I could see if I could order a small meal to bring with me when I retire for the night.

As the waitress returned with the two brothers drinks in tow Emeron smiled appreciatively. He would push his stein a bit further inwards on the table but wouldn't yet drink from it. The only times he chose to drink before the food was on the table was when only drinking was his agenda. It was much harder to keep his eyes from the fair skinned woman as she sauntered away from their table once again.
Re: Brothers on a Grim Holiday (Smokefish and CourageWolf)

Syran, nodding at the options and holding up his 5 coins without a word, simply waited for his drink, and watched Emeron. It was always interesting to watch the large man try and figure out what he really wanted. And as his little brother watched the waitress saunter away, Syran chuckled.

I bet you could, and maybe one day we will. Syran answered quietly, sipping on his drink slowly and sighing with an appreciation for the comfort.

Still, his own thoughts were always drawn to the guard captain and her complete faith in herself, her men, and her ability to keep this place safe, and his grin became something to match his brother's appraising gaze. She was a rare find... If she'd been a member of their tribe, he had no doubt she'd have received a blessing from the greater cats, or the wolf like himself...

Chuckling to himself at the thought, Syran shook his head as a genuine smile lit up his face and he leaned back in his chair, drinking his wine and finally relaxing.

Emeron, what do you think about going out tonight to hunt for some information, and in exchange for that, if we fail to find anything promising, we can hunt someone to share our beds. Syran said, watching Emeron's eyes. Syran would not forget his mission here, even for a moment, and on a whim he stood up. He suddenly wanted a piece of that arm wrestling.

Approaching the Orcish woman with the fiery hair, Syran bit back every insult that immediately jumped to his mind, and he could feel his tongue bleed with the salty, coppery taste of his hatred. As the seat across from the victor cleared, Syran took a seat, and set his arm on the table, simply smiling.
Re: Brothers on a Grim Holiday (Smokefish and CourageWold)

Emeron: HP = 61, PP = 53, EP = 58, Status = Fine
Syran: HP = 54, PP = 39, EP = 39, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Alenya: PP = 29, EP = 67, Status = Fine, Hidden within Emeron

Arm Wrestling! Resolved basically as grapple checks, first to five victories wins. The first number is Syran, the second is the orc's.
Round 1: Syran wins, 46 to 41.
Round 2: Syran wins, 59 to 42, counting as two wins due to the high margin.
Round 3: Syran wins, 51 to 49, and almost has her arm on the table.
Round 4: Savarra wins, 57 to 64.
Round 5: Savarra wins, 52 to 70, counting as two wins due to the high margin.

Syran is currently up one.

Whether it was a guess, or if she felt his eyes on her back, the waitress glanced back over her shoulder with a grin and met Emeron's gaze for a moment. A noticeable sway crept into her walk, and if her motions had been alluring before they would practically be a siren invitation to stare at her rump now. All too soon the alluring sight was gone, however, and it was no doubt a testament to the multicultural aspects of this village that she didn't seem to care particularly much about his distinguishing inhuman features.

His query to Alenya would be responded to with a soft giggle into his mind's ear, and the image of the ancestral spirit's smiling face would flash before his vision for a split second before she would coo into his mind; {Save your coin, you needn't worry about feeding me~ I will take my meal this night as I always have, mine host, and you need not worry yourself about it.}

Syran would, in the meantime, find his actions working out to his expectations quite nicely. Rising up and swallowing his bile, he found the chair he wanted vacated a moment earlier, the fiery haired orc having just bested a burly man with blond hair and pointed ears. "Oooh, and what do we have here? Skinny pale boy with a bit of fuzz?" the woman said with a grin, downing a swallow out of a tankard of ale as Syran took her last opponent's place and took up a readied position. She lowered the tankard and fixed him with a fierce stare, and at this range were it not for the block imposed by his hatred of her entire race Syran would have undoubtedly noticed the wild beauty of the woman seated across from him, her form fit and healthy and her face, while perhaps nothing more than passably pretty by conventional standards, showed of pride and was framed nicely by her vibrant crimson hair. Her features were symmetrical and without any obviously glaring flaws, besides her pale green skin at least, and the the proud chin, slightly pointed nose, emerald eyes, and slightly pointed ears all spoke of a bit of elvish heritage in her bloodline.

Placing her arm on the table in turn and clapping her hand into his, Syran would find that his prospective opponent had a strong grip, but the contest wasn't to start immediately. "Mmmm, not as weak as yah look... You sure you wouldn't rather wrestle instead? The pit's opening up in a little bit, and I've always been a bit of a sucker for the pale ones, so it might make me go easy on yah!" She offered him a wink and a quick lick of her lower lip, but assuming that Syran denied the orc's flirtatious advance she would go on to say; "So, what'll ye be betting? Last guy beat yah to paying for my next drink, but plain coin'll do.... If you want to be boring about it~ I'm Savarra by the way!"

Once the negotiations over the prize were over, one of the orc's kinsmen gave them a countdown to start, and then it would be a contest of strength to decide the winner. The orc woman and Syran pushed against one another, muscles straining and the table creaking, but after a moment Savarra's hand began to creep slowly towards the table. A look of surprise briefly crossed the woman's features, and that momentary lapse in concentration allowed Syran to push forward and take even more ground. After only the first bout of their struggle Syran had very nearly claimed victory already, his opponent's hand shuddering as it hovered an inch above the table's surface, but then a look of focus came across the woman and the force pushing back against him redoubled. Gradually, the woman's hand crept back up, until they had very nearly righted themselves back into the opening position, and it was clear that if he allowed it to continue like that he might very well end up losing the battle.
Re: Brothers on a Grim Holiday (Smokefish and CourageWolf)

Syran smiled his fake smile, his eyes nearly closed in the mask he was wearing as his flesh was met with that of the greenskin woman. The little details still bled through, and he sincerely doubted she was part of the party that had slaughtered his tribe, but that didn't change much. It simply meant that he wasn't immediately reaching for his blade.

At the talk of betting, Syran just reached into his tunic, and dropped the sack of coin on the table, letting the sound and weight of the gold speak for itself. Though if anyone reached to touch the bag, his hands would fly to his sword and this bar was about to get bloody.

Assuming that no one made a run for his gold, Syran would begin the match at the end of the countdown, and he made it no secret that he enjoyed the surprised expression on the Orc's face greatly... This... Savarra.

Almost to the table, inch by slow inch Syran forced her down, until she regained her lost ground even more slowly, Syran's actual muscle starting to show as he fought her on the return. As they righted themselves and were even once again, Syran's rage started to build. He had simply wanted to win before, now... Now he wanted to do far more then win, his blood was seething for far more then this little wrestling match for coin. Throwing every ounce of his strength into his arm, Syran made every effort not to force her to the table, but to push so hard that he smashed her arm through the wood... He would not lose here, not to this... This abomination. He would make a name for himself, however slight, with his victory here, and the filthy, foul, vile, monsters the Orcs were would know that his strength was not to be underestimated.
Re: Brothers on a Grim Holiday (Smokefish and CourageWold)

Emeron: HP = 61, PP = 53, EP = 58, Status = Fine
Syran: HP = 54, PP = 39, EP = 39, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Alenya: PP = 29, EP = 67, Status = Fine, Hidden within Emeron

Arm Wrestling! Resolved basically as grapple checks, first to five victories wins. The first number is Syran, the second is the orc's.
Round 1: Syran wins, 63 to 62. Syran is up 2.
Round 2: Savarra wins, 56 to 67, counting as two due to high margins. They become even here.
Round 3: Savarra wins, 54 to 61, Savarra is up one.
Round 4: Syran wins, 71 to 61, counts as two, Syran is up a round.
Round 5: Savarra wins, 61 to 68, even here.
Round 5: Savarra wins, 54 to 68, counts as two and Savarra is up 2 here. It is at this point that I'm dropping the wins needed from five down to three because both parties are becoming tired.
Round 6: Syran wins, 63 to 54, Savarra is up one.
Round 7: Syran wins, 65 to 62, even.
Round 7: Syran wins, 67 to 59, Syran up one.
Round 8: Savarra wins, 58 to 65, even again.
Round 10: Savarra wins, 53 to 70, counts as two, Savarra is up by 2.
Round 11: Syran wins, 70 to 61, Savarra is up one.
Round 12: Syran wins, 60 to 51, even.
Round 13: Savarra wins, 55 to 68, counts as 2, Savarra is up 2.
Round 14: Syran wins, 63 to 57, Savarra is up one.
Round 15: Savarra wins, 55 to 65, counts as 2, Savarra wins!

The orc woman quirked an eyebrow at the sack of coin that Syran dropped on the table. "Ahhh boring old coin then? I don't know how much that is, but it looks pretty full! How does thirty quid strike yah?" she said, and if Syran agreed in some capacity that would be that. No one would make a move at his gold, these orcs proving honorable enough, or at least interested enough in the outcome of the wrestling match to make no effort to just snatch his coinpurse out from under him.

The contest would prove harder than the hate-filled man would initially believe, however, and as the moments ticked by they would trade back and forth. Syran's rising rage evened the tables again, and on the two struggled. He nearly got her down again, but with a heave Savarra pushed them up to even, and then started pushing him down.... Back and forth, back and forth. Fatigue set in after a few moments, the muscles of both combatants striving against one another in a furious struggle to find victory. The table began to creak beneath them, but that and the cheers of the orcs surrounding them, and whatever sounds that Emeron might make should he choose to come to his brother's moral aid, were of little concern to the struggling pair.

As the moment's ticked by, however, Syran began to go to the losing edge more and more. He would push Savarra back, and sometimes gain an edge, but the orc's stamina was flagging more slowly than his own. Though he struggled with all his might, and put as much heart as could be had into the contest, it would eventually come to pass that Savarra finally nudged his arm down until the back of his palm touched against the table. The orcs around them gave an uproarious cheer, mugs were clinked together, and after a moment Savarra would release his hand and then shake it in the air as if it were in pain, which Syran's most assuredly was. "Ooooh, man! What a grip on this one!" she called with a broad grin, "that's the hardest match I've had all night! I'm gonna have to call it after that one, no way anyone's gonna give me a better round!"

She seemed elated at the turnout of their contest of strength, and even though Syran most likely wasn't, even if he opted to walk away she would call out; "Get that man a drink! Best whiskey in the house, on me! Least I can offer after a fight like that!"
Re: Brothers on a Grim Holiday (Smokefish and CourageWolf)

Syran fought, and he fought hard, so eager to taste victory, not to lose to any greenskin, to do his dead people proud... But it was not to be. As the time ticked on and the contest of strength continued, Syran felt his stamina start to flag...

He was the equal of this Orc woman, and she was indeed strong, but where their strength was near matched, their endurance was not, and eventually Syran's hand touched the table, and he was beaten.

For just a moment, for one tiny moment, Syran was reminded of similar contests within his own tribe, and it brought a kind memory to him, reminding him of his people properly, as strong, proud... Honorable... And that little sliver brought him out of his rage, and his hatred for a moment. He finally took notice of Savarra's features properly, and although he could not find her beautiful, he could appreciate a creature of strength, another warrior.

Growling softly in his throat as he flexed his hand, Syran nodded, and... stayed seated. I'm impressed Savarra... So many things better left unsaid... But you won, and by that token, 30 Denarii is yours. He said quietly, counting out the coins from his purse, before tucking it away again. He could always get more coin.

Syran was painfully torn, they needed allies... but she was an Orc! A filthy fucking greenskin! Her parentage wasn't pure, but she was still an enemy! Again Syran bit back his hatred, and accepted the drink. Tell me Savarra, Please. How much contact do you have with your people in God's Reach... I'll not lie, I'm hunting a warband. He said quietly over his glass, locking his fiery red gaze with her own shining emerald. Perhaps some good would come of this yet.
Re: Brothers on a Grim Holiday (Smokefish and CourageWolf)

Emeron hadn't looked to his brother as he spoke of hunting for information. A thoughtful 'hrm' his initial response. His answer was a little unfocused, as there was something distracting him. "I suppose we could do as much, brother." And as the waitress took notice of his staring the bearmans lips formed a sheepish smile. They didn't take long before forming a wide grin once the womans rear begun to sway oh so beckoningly from side to side. Now that was a sight he could fondly regard while waiting for his food. Alenya's answer had him nodding ever so faintly as he closed his eyes to focus on responding to the spirit. I had figured that might be the case, and as always I will provide what you need of me. In his and his brothers tribe it had been an honor, a blessing, to bear the spirit that watched over them all. It had been first after he took on that duty that he fully understood the burden of it. Not that he was one to complain about Alenya's 'needs'. It did have the potential to make nightly companionship somewhat awkward though. And when next Emeron opened his eyes his brother was already out of sight.

It only took a cursory glance before Emeron next caught sight of his older kin. And what he saw made the large bear of a man more than a little nervous. His brother was going to armwrestle with an Orc? Emeron could only hope that the evening would remain peaceful for him. It was a fairly heated round of armwrestling no less, as Emeron could expect from his brother. The wolfman had rarely been one to back down from a challenge as far as the younger brother could remember. Emeron's heart sank the moment the Orc was declared winner though. The druid mouthed a quiet prayer to several of the great animal spirits his tribe had worshipped over the years in the hopes of Syran not causing a scene... And either his prayers worked or they had been unecessary, as Syran displayed an unusual amount of restraint when dealing with an Orc. It was with great relief that Emeron sank down in his seat with a quiet sigh. And then he reached for his brew for a hearty chug of it. The first time in many, many years he broke his tradition of letting his beverage go untouched before his meal was served.

If Syran were to cause a scene, and ruin the evening, after this Emeron would be first in line to have his brother's hide.
Re: Brothers on a Grim Holiday (Smokefish and CourageWold)

Emeron: HP = 61, PP = 53, EP = 58, Status = Fine
Syran: HP = 54, PP = 39, EP = 39, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Alenya: PP = 29, EP = 67, Status = Fine, Hidden within Emeron

Emeron's words brought only a giggle from the spirit who spoke into his mind, and then the bear man was left with little to do besides turn his attention to the antics of his brother. {Ooooh.... He looks pissed that he lost... I think it might be easier to pray Avedel preemptively~} the ghost whispered as she watched Syran's reactions to his defeat, which was thankfully proven unnecessary as his wolfish sibling kept his cool despite being bested by an orc.

At the orc filled table, Savarra quirked an eyebrow at Syran's odd choice of words when congratulating her, taking only a minor interest in watching his coins counted out. After his drink was ordered, she handed the waitress sixteen coins of the thirty that he paid over, and soon enough a glass of bright amber liquid sat in front of each of them. "Oh yeah?" she replied when he quickly made his real concerns known over the pair of glasses, she held out a cheers and downed the liquid before offering anything further. When Syran drank down his own, he found the whiskey strong and harsh, but its bite smoothed out rapidly to a pleasant oak-fire aftertaste, and the warmth settled pleasantly into his otherwise empty stomach.

Clacking her now empty glass on the table, the orc sighed and sat contentedly for a moment before offering him a more substantial reply; "Not a whole lot. Most here don't like to go that far South, not much plunder left and too many lunatics coming up from Badaria. If you're looking for a warband out of or heading to Gods-Reach though, you're wasting your time. The lot of 'em there are bottled up tight, waiting for Therion to break the peace accord when they try and retake it, so we can break what's left of the golden city's armies. Most free-roaming bands aren't interested in that kind of work, and have taken to patrolling our current Western border while we wait for the signal to start raiding in full again. What might this warband you're trailing be doing, if I may ask? I can't tell yah much unless yah tell me a bit more about it." Some of her kin looked slightly dubious at Savarra's willingness to divulge such information, but none of them said anything at that point.
Re: Brothers on a Grim Holiday (Smokefish and CourageWolf)

Syran drank the whiskey, and found the bite, as well as the refreshing taste enough to settle him for now, and listen carefully despite who he was sharing the drink with. Raising his eyebrow at Savarra's words, as well as her actions, he was momentarily at a loss.

Thinking very hard on what to say, Syran decided that the truth was for the best, one way or another. If he brought down an attack, then that would be a clue of some kind that they were getting closer. If he got information, there was also that benefit.

So it's a free band. Good, as for what they've been doing, I am one of the last surviving members of my Tribe, and the orcs I am tracking are responsible for this, make no mistake Savarra, I mean to kill them, every last one. he said quietly, locking her gaze with his blood red eyes. Two weeks ago, my people were obliterated, my home razed, and my future stolen and rewritten. Tracking them, I found another village to the west, hit not two days ago. The sole survivor of that attack spoke of an orc the size of a troll, and wielding a sword as large as any grown man. I'm not after money, or fame, fortune, power, or glory. Only a simple and complete revenge. he finished, sparing a glance to the orcs around him, on high alert for any reactions they could give, or for any incoming blows, his sword arm admittedly itching for blood... Well... if it came to that, he'd be meeting the Captain again sooner rather then later, and it would be for giving as good as he got... and then some.
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