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Boys Dorm and Communal Room

Re: Boys Dorm and Communal Room

Kyle walked down into the common room, oddly enough dressed in an approximation of the school uniform, complete with a jacket. After grabbing a Gatorade-type sports drink from the fridge, he sat down at an empty table and began drinking it.
Re: Boys Dorm and Communal Room

Ian returns Barry's nod, not quite trusting the fact that he's smiling but he knows enough about the other guy to not ask: either he won't tell or he won't like the answer. Kyle gets a "G'day," as he enters, followed by a grin of Ian's own, since he's obviously used to seeing some rather interesting prints on Kyle's shirt, not uniform black.
Re: Boys Dorm and Communal Room

After chewing for a while in the relative silence of the communal room Barry pushes himself off the counter and, brushing a strand of hair out of his eyes, heads for the door to walk over to the gym hall.
Re: Boys Dorm and Communal Room

Once he'd finished his drink, Kyle checked the board, then left.
Re: Boys Dorm and Communal Room

Once finished with his breakfast, Ian takes a moment to rinse out his dishes, then follows suit in heading for the ceremony.
Re: Boys Dorm and Communal Room

Walking into the communal room Art makes his way to the refridgerator and grabs a microwavable meal. Banging it in the microwave and turning it on he waits until it's cooked. Once it has finished cooking he takes it out, eats it and makes his excuses before leaving.
Re: Boys Dorm and Communal Room

As the boys get up they'd notice a kind of tingling sensation across their entire body, which slowly over the next hour develops into a full blown almost unbearable itch. They'd find that washing doesn't stop the itch as well as various remedies not working.
Re: Boys Dorm and Communal Room

After taking what seems to have been a rather ineffective shower, Ian's currently in the communal area, trying rather hard not to give in to the urge to scrape his nails over his skin.

"All right, who put the itchy powdah in the vents?" Seems the question is directed to any and all in the area, which, of course, meets with a chorus of denials from those present.

(Unless an NPC/Charrie wants to man up, that is.)
Re: Boys Dorm and Communal Room

Leo stands near a corner, the wall being used as a makeshift backscratcher, a frustrated look on his face "Ciò è così fastidiosa!" he says aloud in Italian, obviously very angry and irritated
Re: Boys Dorm and Communal Room

"Dunno what you just said, mate, but Ah think Ah'm inclined to agree. Ugh. Time ta do a little research, if Ah can stand ta sit still long enough." There's no way he, or any of the others, are going to be able to head to class like this if they don't find some way to stop the itching. "If Ah come up with a solution, Ah'll pass it around." With that, he heads for the stairs and back down to his room.
Re: Boys Dorm and Communal Room

"And thats when I found it," Art says to Corax as they make their way down to the communal room. Art recapped Corax on what had taken place on the night of the dance, though he made sure to say it quietly enough so that no one walking by would be able to overhear.

"So, has anyone worked out how to stop this itching?" Art says to the room at large as he and Corax walk into the communal room, now frantically scratching both his arms though his mood still seems relatively happy considering how bad his itching was.
Re: Boys Dorm and Communal Room

"No." Comes from a rather unhappy looking Ian, who rolls his shoulders, seeming to shift his body inside his clothes, the itching obviously even worse given the fact that he's now confined in more clothes. "Tried lookin' up a buncha solutions and nothin' seems ta be workin'. Too bad there isn't time ta try a corn powder bath. Worked for the chicken pox when Ah was a kid. Hopefully it'll wear off even'chally."
Re: Boys Dorm and Communal Room

Leo, on the other hand, is still in his corner, spouting expletives in Italian, still rubbing his back up and down the wall to get at the itch on his back. His expression changes from one of anger to one of thought as he listens to Ian's remedies "Zat would never work." he manages to spit out in a heavy Italian accent, before resuming his string of expletives in Italian
Re: Boys Dorm and Communal Room

"Got nothin' bettah ta try and sittin' in the water, ya wouldn't feel much of the itch. Hope the teachers are sympathetic t'day, given we've all got a case of prickly skin." The thought briefly occurs to him to try and tweak the source off of his skin, but if schluffing it off with a cloth wasn't doing the trick, he doubted his method would work either. That, and he really couldn't see what he was going to be pulling at, which made it difficult.
Re: Boys Dorm and Communal Room

Jackson walked in to the common room with his stomach still growling from hunger. He dropped his guitar in to on the couches as he look over the simple kitchen for something to shut his stomach up... at least for now. He saw a fruit basket which seemed like it was left untouched from the day of the tour.

He quickly swiped an apple and went to sit with his guitar as he hungrily ate the apple.
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Re: Boys Dorm and Communal Room

Art stumbles through the communal room as he heads towards his room, the sight of him covered in blood would probably draw most peoples attention though he leaves the room before anyone gets the chance to talk to him.
Re: Boys Dorm and Communal Room

As Art stumbled through the room Jackson just turned his head, acting like he didn't see him at all. He didn't want to get in to anything that might come back to bit him in the ass so long as he didn't have too. As art exited the room, Jack finished the apple, leaving only the core, stood toss the thing out and when back to sit back where he had been sitting.

His mouth started to wordless move as if he was speaking to himself. Anyone able to read lips well might be able to pick up numbers and mouths. However the meaning would be lost as no here knew anything of Jackson's past. Each date and it's following mouth having been a day he shot up. While most wished to forget a past like that, Jackson carried it almost like a badge of honor.
Re: Boys Dorm and Communal Room

Art walks into the communal room, looking a little worse for wear, heavy bags under his eyes as well as a pale complexion. Slinging his bag onto an empty chair Art walks to the refridgerator and takes out a carton of orange juice. Pouring some into a glass he then goes back to the chair his bag is at and slumps down.
Re: Boys Dorm and Communal Room

Ian's actually on his way in to the building, looking as though he might have been jogging back to the building. From the way he's dressed, he was likely over in the gym and from the way he's moving, someone has far too much energy for his own good this morning. In fact, it isn't until he's come in, poured himself some orange juice and put some toast in the toaster that he realizes there are other people around, namely Art.

"Don't you look like death warmed ovah," he chuckles. "Rough night?" He can be seen grinning over the lip of his glass.
Re: Boys Dorm and Communal Room

Leo also walks into the common room, except he had come from his own room, some kind of brown bag clutched in his hands. He reached in, grabbed a few of what looked like dark brown beans, and tossed them into his mouth, chewing them slowly then swallowing "Morning."