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Bondage Corner

Re: Bondage Corner

i saw this and thought of this thread

Rei twisted the book left, then right; tilting his head a little as if it would help him figure out exactly which step he was on, and what step was next. "I think we're good to go here Rei... Rei?" Jia asked with some difficulty, what with a glowstick bound about her muzzle. Boh was without words; deep in thought about how he was going to get back at Rei . . . Soon.
Re: Bondage Corner

BAH ha ha haha. XDDDDD

I've met those folks. Wow, small world.
Re: Bondage Corner

uhh, wallpaper, those are fictional characters :p
Re: Bondage Corner

No, I know the folks who the writing refers to. XD They're furries; those are some of their avatars -- unless I'm thinking of a different Jia and Rei, the latter of which is a pretty proficient porn artist....
Re: Bondage Corner

you can check for yourself if you want
Re: Bondage Corner

X3 Yeah, totally the same. Only really spent time with Jia though... I think that she and one of my other friends were going to do some kind of steam punk Disney Princesses photo shoot but we live far apart now so it never went through. :(

Oh furries, so very intertwined with the kink scene. *amused*
Re: Bondage Corner

If I had to be a furry, my animal half would be that of a human..
Re: Bondage Corner

So change subject I gave myself an enema. Sure it feels all cool at first but the fact that it kinda ends the way it does, doesn't make me feel like there's anything too sexy about it.
Re: Bondage Corner

There are some pretty messed up fetishes out there lol.
Re: Bondage Corner

Well I figure it like this.
(And heres my attempt to explain my crazy scientific way of approaching this stuff, furthering why I'm very blunt with my experiences)

Do you figure there's something out there you haven't heard of that you might enjoy? I mean, at one point I didn't know what bondage was. Hell, at one point, I didn't know I could shoot white liquid out my penis, but even if I didn't like the idea of it then, doesn't mean I wouldn't enjoy it later. I wouldn't want to sell anything short and cancel out the chance that my body might actually respond very well to something. We all have to try our kinks and fetishes before they become such.

I'm a growing boy, my ideas and feelings will continue to change. So I figure the whole body experimentation thing is necessary. As a matter of fact, most sex acts take more than one try at something and the way we look at things will always differ and turn on themselves so not only do I think what I do is almost necessary, I think it should be practiced occasionally. This way you could be "Ok, do I have a taste for this one yet? .. hmm, I guess not, I'll have to try it again later."

Why deny yourself sexual satisfaction just because the idea seems off-putting at first? So yeah, it didn't work out too well for me, and the ginger thing wasn't 100% appealing either, but I'll be damned if I won't do it again, as well as anything else that comes across my way. Cuz who knows, down the road, I may practically be a sexual deviant and having ginger enemas might just be my thing. But for now, I'm just browsing.
Re: Bondage Corner


Good for you, but I can't see myself doing the same thing. I consider "You'll never know until you try" to be a fallacy, because I know for certain there are acts I have not tried that I do not enjoy. If I am unsure I may as well give it a shot, but trying it for the sake of trying it? You're a braver man than I.
Re: Bondage Corner

Yay for terrible metaphors.

I hate the smell of mustard, I absolutely hate it, and I can't imagine anyone who does. The senses of smell and taste are INCREDIBLY linked, they're practically the same sense. However, what's the first condiment I always reach for? You guessed it. ranch dressing. .. jk

See what I'm saying? I hope you do, cuz I kinda lost it.
Re: Bondage Corner

Makes sense, in a sort of roundabout way. But you're implying that every human being must have sex with someone of the same gender in order to know if they're heterosexual or not. Do you believe that? No sarcasm there btw, even though I wouldn't agree with it I could see why you might.
Re: Bondage Corner

I believe that it's all broken down into temporary lapses. I don't think anyone is overall hetero or homosexual. I use this same speech when talking to friends who believing 'pegging' to be gay when I say "How can anything you do with the other gender be gay?" Sex is stimulatory for me. I'm not saying it has to be a penis is your ass, I'm just saying try anal stimulation. It shouldn't say anything about your preferences in people, just in actions. A man can orgasm from anal stimulation alone, and because of the prostate, hips, structure, anatomy, and so on, it's (approximately) 10 times more stimulating for a man than a woman. But just because you may enjoy a roaming finger in there doesn't mean you like the taste of man-milk.

*edit* also quick little update.
Turns out I was really really sick last night. I don't want to gross any of you out, but there's a strong possibility that the unappealing result I got from the enema was at the fault of my.. stomach problems. So round 2 is scheduled soon, and strangely, I almost look forward to it in a way. Not sure if that means I like it, but hell, I'm always excited to try something new.
It's hard for me to not have a bias, having to approach it purely experimentally, but obviously if I'm not 'in the mood' for it, so to speak, I won't find anything erotic.
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Re: Bondage Corner

I'm not sure if I'm understanding what you're saying. I wasn't talking about a specific case of 'you have to try it to know it,' I was just trying to give an extreme example where I would think most people would know whether or not they liked it (or in my case 'were' it) without physically trying it/tasting it/whatever. Maybe that was a bad example, but I gave it because everybody I've ever talked to just knows whether or not they're attracted to the same sex, they weren't ambivalent about it until after they tried it with one or the other sex, they just knew they weren't attracted to one or the other. Are you saying you think it's an invalid example because nobody is 100% hetero or homosexual?
Re: Bondage Corner

There is way too much of a difference between what you do and who you do it with. Stimulation is stimulation, flesh is flesh.
It's whether or not their body responds to it. Most sexual activities that people dislike comes back as dislike only in the psychological.

One hypothetical I gave to a friend when we were talking about sexuality was "Imagine you were kidnapped by you don't know who. You wake up blindfolded, gagged, blah blah all that lovely sensory deprivation stuff. Your kidnapper is obviously intent on playing with you as you feel a tongue start to caress your genitals. Obviously this is against your will so you may be against it mentally but your nerves can only tell what they feel. So tell me, when you get turned on by that sensation, does that make you gay? Does it matter what sex the person is? Do your testicles automatically shrivel back at the feeling, automatically able to tell whether they're being tongued by a guy/girl? Not in the least."

I think anyone can have thoughts of anything. One of the most popular sexual fantasies across both genders is being raped or raping someone else. And it all goes every way, it's common to have a male fantasy of being raped or female fantasy of raping another. However, it doesn't mean they'd actually want to be. It works in the reverse with their psychology. A lot of the time, the thing that keeps popping up in your mind as something you regard with disgust, sure seems unnatural now, but there's a reason it keeps popping up in your mind. It usually goes the way with anything you see on the internet, it's like desensitization. It keeps coming up and every time, it seems a little less and less weird, and obviously there's some personal interest in it, or else it would be forgotten altogether.

If you could be more specific and cite an actual act, I could be more specific with my response but I can only go off general psychology and sexuality at the moment.
Re: Bondage Corner

Oh. I see where the misunderstanding is. I wasn't talking about specific sexual acts that were homo/heterosexual, I was talking about the state of mind. The part of your brain that makes you attracted to the opposite/same sex, and enables you to fall in love with either sex. I don't think a heterosexual man would have to have sex with another man to know that he is not homosexual. This is the exception to your mustard rule - while you might have to try it (the condiment) to know if you like it or not, the same does not apply to sexuality. In my opinion. Which is my way of refuting your belief that you have to try anything and everything in order to know if you like it or not by providing a counterexample. Yeah it's a bad analogy but... does that make more sense? ~_^
Re: Bondage Corner

Let me see if I get this straight.

I was talking about an act.
I use a general metaphor to explain my experimentation of acts.
You disagree with my metaphor in terms other than how I was using it.

Is that what's going on?