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Bondage Corner

Re: Bondage Corner

Forum public Gator? It took me a few days to find this forum, I wouldn't necessarily call it public unless you knew where to look. Btw I got it! It's fitting, fitting as in bondage, yay!

P.S. Here's something private it from I, Diagas, bondage in any form excites me but scares me to death, I fainted after reading and looking at your website where you found many of your bondage techniques, woke up 8 mins later as far as I can tell.
Re: Bondage Corner

"fitting" hah, that's not what I was going for, but that will work ^_^

I didn't think about that
Re: Bondage Corner

Wow, thats exactly what I thought of.
Anywho, whadya mean pointers?

I haven't tried anything out, but I feel I'd know what to do if I tried, I just am unable to proceed
Re: Bondage Corner

Stuff like, "Don't use any rope less than 1/4 an inch in diameter"
"Start with looser loops, knots, etc. at first. You don't want it to get too tight too quickly."

Stuff like that ^_^
Re: Bondage Corner

sad thing is the rope diameter is the what? second most common mistake? and probably the one mistake you could make that could leave u with serious injury. for first timers i don't recommend rope at all, it takes an understanding of how to UNTIE knots, not how to tie them. the first time i experimented with rope (it was too thin) i about slit both of my wrists with the cord thanks to a stupid mistake i wont get into ( it involved my good friend gravity who is a D-bag who i swear is trying to kill me) no it wasn't intentional. If you do start with ropes stay simple and never use something that would restrict the use of your fingers (you'll never get out T_T) as far as finding private time look for a partner who is willing, a lot more people are into this than most people realize and if your careful you can sneak the information outta them without them ever realizing they've admitted anything so no one is awkward or put off about it. its tricky but there are little signs you can look for if your good at simply observing people. I'M A NINJA!!! o_O SEXUAL DEVIANTS UNITE!!!!!!
Re: Bondage Corner

But your name is blind how can you *see* the signs? Do you just listen? Smell? Taste? Touch? Btw I found that I had acidentally used bondaged on myself during 4th grade. Let's just say it was in public.
Re: Bondage Corner

All I'm going to say is I would post a lot more in this thread if I didn't have friends that go on this forum.

As much as I don't mind them sharing my sexual fetishes I do not wish to share with them my sex life.
Re: Bondage Corner

But your name is blind how can you *see* the signs? Do you just listen? Smell? Taste? Touch? Btw I found that I had acidentally used bondaged on myself during 4th grade. Let's just say it was in public.

How do you "accidentally" use bondage? "Whoops I fell into a hogtie, dammit!" ^_^

And it's ok aika ;)
Re: Bondage Corner

Edi: Removed story. Far too much information given.
Re: Bondage Corner

Hell i've done things along the lines. Like I said, it's not necessarily sexual for me, I'm just generally excited from being vulnerable. Like the evil crazy military guy in a stereotypical action film who says that the protagonist actually scares them and they like that. So if there was some type of tag that forced capture or things along those lines, I was in, and boy did I suck at those games ;)
Re: Bondage Corner

lmao blind may not actually mean my eyes it could be figurative i got this name becuz i continued to post on the wrong forum until toxic pointed out that the new board was up, HENCE Blind Heres your cookie for being special and heres the mallet im gonna hit u with
Re: Bondage Corner

Hey, this is the internet, this is a very uh... 'open' Forum so don't worry about much and post everything you like to share I am pretty sure this thread itself can rope a few person into joining this place.
Re: Bondage Corner

Hey, this is the internet, this is a very uh... 'open' Forum so don't worry about much and post everything you like to share I am pretty sure this thread itself can rope a few person into joining this place.

pun intended?
Re: Bondage Corner

Bondage and S&M go hand-in-hand quite often, actually.

Though, I do prefer to find just bondage.

I dunno what it is about women being tied up and helpless, but it seems to get me excited :p
Re: Bondage Corner

Bondage and S&M go hand-in-hand quite often, actually.

Though, I do prefer to find just bondage.

I dunno what it is about women being tied up and helpless, but it seems to get me excited :p

Interestingly enough, a lot of men supposedly like women in bondage because deep down inside, they want to be the one tied up. Some sort of social, male-dominance, primal thing or something. Interesting to think about it.
Re: Bondage Corner

Maybe Gatorbait. Just maybe. If it's true, I know I wouldn't like it that much. Personally I find bondage a turn-off. I instead love the feeling of something that surrounds a person during bondage. Not sexually exciting more of a mental thing. hmmmm what's the correct word to describe it?
Re: Bondage Corner

Well everyone is different ;) And I'm planning a session in about an hour, I'll let you people know how it goes!
Re: Bondage Corner

Interestingly enough, a lot of men supposedly like women in bondage because deep down inside, they want to be the one tied up. Interesting to think about it.

Very interesting indeed.

Also thanks to modern toys and the way female orgasms work its a lot easier to stimulate women for elongated periods of time in bondage than men.