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Bondage Corner

Re: Bondage Corner

So how was your weekend? ;)
Re: Bondage Corner

...And stop trying to convince gator to post pictures. As a matter of fact, she should probably "be busy" right now so it's too late. Keeping separate just means keeping things categorized in your own life and at least keeping people separate. It's not as if we'll end up IN that media unless we allow it.

i find it ironic that people would consider her posting photos of self-bondage. given the logistics are impossible and all that.
Re: Bondage Corner

Timed cameras?

As long as the self bondage doesn't take too long to get into, that is.
Re: Bondage Corner

Hey everyone! I know I haven't posted about last weekend's session yet, would you believe that the session lasted about 4 day longer than I had planned and I just got myself untangled??

Didn't think so!! ^_^

Anyway, I thought I would try a chair tie. I had never done one before and thought it would be fun. I got home from work on Saturday and made sure that my roomie had in fact left for the Thanksgiving week. I didn't need her running into me he he. So I put on some RP clothes (I was going to secretary saturday), some lacy bra and panties, a blouse and a pairof black pantyhose and skirt. I decided to use 100 percent rope (mistake, will explain later), so I grabbed an ice lock and looped my knife through it and through the back of the chair i was going to use.

The chair is one of those old wooden ones that look like they are straight from europe; big, boxy, but very sturdy. I tied a couple ropes onto a cross piece under the chair and brought a cinch knot near the back for a wrist loop. The idea was to cinch my wrists behind the back of the chair and have the knife fall into my hands so I could cut myself loose (don't worry it's a pocked folding knife). I also had two loops tied around the back itself to tie my stomach and lower chest to the back and two loops that looked almost like a seatbelt.

I tied both ankles to the base of the front two legs with a couple simple overhand knots and then tied my shins near my knees to the tops of the same legs right under the seat. at this point I made sure that my seat and back loops were in position and that I could reach the wrist loop and cinch knot when the time came. Anyway, after I tied my legs, I tied my back and seat ropes, leaving my arms untied for the time being.

At this point, many people wonder what you do when you are tied up. I admit it can get boring, especially during endurance ties. So I put in some sultry music into my computer and played it. the ice lock I used was suppoed to release after about 2 hours, so I had enough music to last that long. I also got one of my "toys," a butterfly, and tucked it away on low to keep me "occupied." Once the vibrator and music were working, I put my wrists behind my back and slipped them through a wrist loop after putting the loop through the cinch.

I was tied. It wasn't my best work, but I was tied tight and began to struggle (what else should you do :D). The butterfly kept me frustrated but I could never quite get there. After about an hour or so I stopped struggling because i knew I had tied it too well and all I was doing was rubbing myself raw. The next hour or so saw me climax a couple times, and then the problems started...

The ice lock to about 2 nd a half hours to release, rather than the 1.5 hours that it was supposed to. when it did, the knife fell on the floor right past my hands. I had to tip the chair to reach it. When I finally worked up the courage and finally tipped it, I landed on the butterfly's remote kicking it up a notch which did not help matters. I climaxed probably one or two more times in the hour or so that it took me to finally reach the knife and cut myself free.

Over all, it took about 2 or so more hours than I had planned to get out, but it still was fucking awesome ^_^

My roomie doesn't get back until Saturday night, so I might go another round tomorrow since I have off work.Requests on styles (within reason) are welcome ;)

For those of you who wanted pics: Here you go:

I think it goes without saying, but that is NOT me. Sorry fellas ;)

Ack! The pics died!! I will have to fix them later!
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Re: Bondage Corner

You know...After reading that, I now think that one of my eccentricities might come in handy for someone into this whole self-bondage thing.

...Yeah, I've got a habit of keeping multiple sharp objects handy. After a quick mental count, I've got at least 7 blades of various styles within close proximity to my personal computer. Granted most of them are a bit longer than "knives".

Combine that with a well-practiced ability to tune out certain types of noise, I would have to say that I'd probably be useful for helping people out of situations like the one Gatorbait found herself in. Of course, I'm not suggesting that anyone ask for any form of assistance in that manner from me. Near as I can tell, self-bondage seems to be something of a personal act, and I've done my best over the years to keep out of others personal lives, unless they specifically request my help.

I'm going to stop rambling now, and let you folks get things back on topic.
Re: Bondage Corner

I tend to have lot's of sharp objects on or near me, too. Mainly because I'm a psycho so you probably wouldn't want my help. Then again depends what you're into I guess.

Anyways sounds like you had fun Gatorbait, to tell you the truth it sounded kind of comical. Unless you would've hit your head when tipping the chair or something like I mean. Then it wouldn't be comical. Well, have fun if you decide to do it again, and don't do anything to hard to get out of.
Re: Bondage Corner

I tend to have lot's of sharp objects on or near me, too. Mainly because I'm a psycho so you probably wouldn't want my help. Then again depends what you're into I guess.

Anyways sounds like you had fun Gatorbait, to tell you the truth it sounded kind of comical. Unless you would've hit your head when tipping the chair or something like I mean. Then it wouldn't be comical. Well, have fun if you decide to do it again, and don't do anything to hard to get out of.

All it needed was a laugh track. Hell all my life needs is a laugh track, I''m such a ditz and I'm not even blonde.

And there is no "if" only "when" I do it again. :cool:
Re: Bondage Corner

Lol, nice story.

Glad to hear it didn't go completely wrong.
Re: Bondage Corner

Naw it was fun! I was going to go for round two today but I got side tracked with house cleaning. It was like "Hrmmm I really want to try to--- oh crap I need to do laundry!!" and "Ok now I'm done, time to--- shit dishes!" :eek:
Re: Bondage Corner

About Nunu's Claustophobia...

Huh, you learn something new everyday...

I can fit myself in a washer or dryer,

I found out I Fit During playing Hide and go seek as a kid... and I found it relaxing all cramped up in there so I Still hide out in there from time to time

Fell asleep in there once... won't do that again...

PS: Don't try to work the Machine while your in it... It breaks! Your too heavy

I hid in all kinds of weird things Like duffel bags (Still fit) School lockers ( Completely voluntary and they were only 4' X 6" lockers... Hows that for elbow room?)
Re: Bondage Corner

About Nunu's Claustophobia...

Huh, you learn something new everyday...

I can fit myself in a washer or dryer,

I found out I Fit During playing Hide and go seek as a kid... and I found it relaxing all cramped up in there so I Still hide out in there from time to time

Fell asleep in there once... won't do that again...

PS: Don't try to work the Machine while your in it... It breaks! Your too heavy

I hid in all kinds of weird things Like duffel bags (Still fit) School lockers ( Completely voluntary and they were only 4' X 6" lockers... Hows that for elbow room?)

Haha, all this is pretty much was I was going for.

Yeah, there's quite an advantage to things when you're agile/incredibly underweight
Re: Bondage Corner

sorry i've been gone,. work sucks i apologize profusely if im late in saying this.

well done for actually sharing, most people i know into self-bondage rarely share any kind of details with anybody, so kudos. hmm quick question whts an ice lock? im intrigued by the mental picture i form when i think about it but i know it cant be right because iv've got 5 different versions that could all be the same thing runnin around in my skull.
Re: Bondage Corner

In the simplest terms an ice lock is a container that holds ice and some means to get you out of your bondage. Some examples include a hanging stocking with some ice in a toe and a large keyring around it so the ice has to melt for the key to fall. The one I use if a modified medicine bottle with a loop of string through it. You freeze the loop of string with something on the loop. If I remember I'll take a pic and post it here later today.
Re: Bondage Corner

Sorry for the double post, but here is the latest ice-lock that I am playing with. It's a medicine bottle from Target. This is not an operational design yet and I would not rely on it without some modifications, namely a weight on the keyring. What you see is a loop of rope that is frozen into the ice in the bottle, as the ice melts, the rope will eventually be released. I guess you could also use this as a link to secure a wrist and ankle cinch together to make a hogtie. Either way, here are the pics:



Re: Bondage Corner

I have a feeling there is an ironically funny story in there somewhere...

Ummm... Not Really I just wondered what would happen... (Idiot I am) They're made to hold wet Clothing not Bodies! A Maximum load of wet Clothes weighs what 75 pounds? If that? I weigh 119 ... <.<' *Sigh* (Still can't gain weight)

It gets to be over 150 degrees on the inside, and its trying to throw you around in circles dashing your head on the metal frame every quarter second,

Then a big whirring sound a clank as something lets loose and you stop moving the smell of smoke... Thats bad... and the worst part is explaining to your parents how you "Accidently" broke the dryer by riding inside of it...

Yep, Grounded and already in a heap of pain I wasn't very happy that week.
Re: Bondage Corner

That would make sense. I mean, if I were 119, I'd probably be dead. Well.. maybe. I can get down to about 125, but that's it. I'm 135 at 6'1

I'm gonna guess about 5'6, if not a bit taller.
Re: Bondage Corner

I remember when I weighed that much.......