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ACT [ Blue Mad Diode ] [ 青色ハッキョウダイオード] DepriviA / D e p r a v i A RE140678 RJ140678

Re: Depravia/D Pravia

I think he normally uses G+ as the password for the links he posts.

that's not working, but thank you
I doubt he extracted and archived it just to put his own password on it, so it's probably the original password from Mook's links
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Re: Depravia/D Pravia

that's not working, but thank you
I doubt he extracted and archived it just to put his own password on it, so it's probably the original password from Mook's links

The original Mega Link doesn't have password in it though.
Re: Depravia/D Pravia

Can someone provide a separate full save? Please and thank you
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Re: Depravia/D Pravia

Oops, sorry guys forgot about the password, my bad. Password is
Re: Depravia/D Pravia

I understand the main fetish is supposed to be guro, but there is so much wasted potential for yuri that makes me sad. :(
Re: Depravia/D Pravia

I understand the main fetish is supposed to be guro, but there is so much wasted potential for yuri that makes me sad. :(

This, if anything, this is what makes me sad. That snake girls, etc :(
Re: Depravia/D Pravia

to anyone paranoid about viruses, it's not a warning about a virus, it's a warning that Google cannot scan it for viruses

This is tangential, but I just wanna preach something on this topic.

Virus developers want to reach the largest possible audience to acquire the largest possible quantity of valuable demographic info (eg. email addresses, social security numbers, etc.) Why would they target something like a niche hentai game to serve as a carrier for a virus? The audience is small and likely to be filled with computer knowledgeable young adults (who are likely to detect or remove a virus). Like all criminals, virus devs will target stupid/young/old people first if given the opportunity. And since viruses are on the internet, and the internet is used by 100% of people that matter, internet criminals pretty much exclusively target Timmy and Grandma and Cletus.

You'll find viruses in stuff intended to fool stupid/young/old people: "COD HACKS ELITE NO-BAN EDITION!!" or "Credit Card Advice", not games about anime girls killing demonic rapists.
Re: Depravia/D Pravia

You'll find viruses in stuff intended to fool stupid/young/old people: "COD HACKS ELITE NO-BAN EDITION!!" or "Credit Card Advice", not games about anime girls killing demonic rapists.

You're forgetting some things. >_>
1. Malware can infect files. What do you think would happen if the one sharing the file has malware on his comp and the malware secretly hides itself in the game?
2. The chance of it happening is lower but it's not zero. There may still be people who DO attempt to spread their malware in niche hentai games.

I won't go into details, but there's been at least two cases of ULMF posters unintentionally posting malware.
Re: Depravia/D Pravia

I have a Problem on Gate Nr 2 I finished the first 4 Levels and now a door has open to Level with a large lavasea is there a trick to pass or only perfect timing?
Re: Depravia/D Pravia

I have a Problem on Gate Nr 2 I finished the first 4 Levels and now a door has open to Level with a large lavasea is there a trick to pass or only perfect timing?

Upgrade to Flight Lv. 3, then jump to the right as far as possible (right as you begin to fall instead of rise) before flying.

Alternatively, Flight Lv. 2, activate Fallen Angel mode (hit SHIFT) for increased speed, wait until transformation finishes, then jump as far as possible before flying.

No penalty using Fallen Angel mode for this stage, it's not graded.
Re: Depravia/D Pravia

I have a Problem on Gate Nr 2 I finished the first 4 Levels and now a door has open to Level with a large lavasea is there a trick to pass or only perfect timing?

This is the lava lake with the gradually descending soul orbs, if I remember right. The trick is in pulsing your flight mode on and off. When you turn off flight mode, you fall slowly at first and then speed up. Switching flight on and off avoids that later accelerated falling. That gets you a fair bit of extra distance. The slowly descending orbs are your clue.
Re: Depravia/D Pravia

I try to download the file and keep getting this

"Sorry, you can't view or download this file at this time.

Too many users have viewed or downloaded this file recently. Please try accessing the file again later. If the file you are trying to access is particularly large or is shared with many people, it may take up to 24 hours to be able to view or download the file. If you still can't access a file after 24 hours, contact your domain administrator."

I tried waiting 24 hours, but it still happened? Any ideas?
Re: Depravia/D Pravia

I went threw the entire game to final boss saved and... my save wont work. Any ideas? I really do not want to start over. Perhaps a full save?
Re: Depravia/D Pravia

I think this bears mentioning in 10-feet high letters because it has been asked and answered over and over again.

FULL SAVE-FILE with everything unlocked can be found in the omake (おまけ) folder

Hopefully nobody will miss it this time. Thank you.
Re: Depravia/D Pravia

I think this bears mentioning in 10-feet high letters because it has been asked and answered over and over again.

FULL SAVE-FILE with everything unlocked can be found in the omake (おまけ) folder

Hopefully nobody will miss it this time. Thank you.

Wait until the page changed and it'll repeat all over again.
Re: Depravia/D Pravia

Okay so I finally got the download to work.

Tried to unzip the rar file with 7-zip. Put in the password QBA001@EYNY

and it still didn't work saying Data Error in Encrypted file (Name of file all of them) wrong password?

Is QBA001@EYNY the wrong password or what?