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Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Tasha pants, purring as she's thrust into. It would take a bit of time for her to go off as well, unless she willed it, but she was more intent on getting Krill close first. With her on top, she begins to ride Krill in return, keeping him fully within her as she rhythmically rocks back and forth. Her claws playfully drag themselves across his chest as she lets her own orgasm build and build, her now very slick inner walls clenching. "The new boss, you mean? We've only just met, but she seems to be doing well enough. I poked her a bit earlier to test her nerve, and she stood her ground. I respect that at least," shrugs Tasha cooly with a look over her shoulder at Denna, "And if the priests say you're in charge now, I'm not one to argue."
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Aurora gave her a kind look as she relaxed back. "As long as you keep your mind about you, you shouldn't change too much." She thought about it a moment and shrugged. "I like to fight and being a mercenary is one way to both make a name for myself and earn myself money and riches as well. Though currently, food is a welcome payment as well." She gave a soft chuckle and shook her head. "Nope, though are true dragons. Think of them as old ancestors, like great great great great great grandparents. Though everyone can collect great hordes of treasure if they have the mind to."

"So what caused you to wind up here? I heard some of it back at the table, but you were a little vague about how you wound up here." Her eyes watched the warrioress a moment before leaning in and using a thumb to wipe a bit of her seed from the corner of the warrioress' lips that had escaped Denna's notice. "Sorry about not warning you by the way." Washing her thumb clean in the water.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

"Yeah, great in theory but I've heard plenty about how corruption can alter people's personalities, possibly dramatically...," sighs Denna, before listening interestedly to Aurora's explanation.

She blushed intensely as the dragoness cleaned her off, waving a hand before explaining quietly. "Ah, er, it's fine. Anyways, I was part of a mercenary group escorting a scholar to study the corrupt beasts in the area. Course, we came across a literal army of em chasing after the now high priestess or so she says. Needless to say we got stomped, with only me and her managing to stay uncaptured due to her magical powers. We went after the captives and stumbled onto this town. Weird place, but we didn't expect them to be the source of the animals. So we got gang raped and then tossed in with the other captives. One thing lead to another and well, here we are."

She shrugs with a wry smile, "Got pregnant from that, kids coming in the course of a few days at this rate. Dunno what's gonna pop out of me though. Way everyone goes about, you'd think there'd be a large amount of kids, which raises the question of why haven't I see any of em. Running theory is I've got an animal growing in me, myself. Yeesh. Guess I'll find out, I'm just trying to keep a grip on my sanity here."
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

"Now, this is where Denna and I disagree..." Krill began, moaning as Tasha grinded on him, trying to focus a moment as she shifted his cock around inside of herself. "She calls it rape, but we made sure her food and drink contained enough excitement so that they'd be more than willing. It was our kitsune god who came to us and removed the inhibitions that kept our instincts at bay. She gave Denna the same treatment, as well as our new high priestess. Now look at her. Does she look like she sits among rapists? Or does she look like a leader?" he inquired. "And as your first 'rapist', we're on awfully good terms, aren't we, my second wife?" he asked Denna directly.

Meanwhile, he'd give Tasha's rump a few pats, encouraging her to fuck him harder. "Are you teasing me, Tasha? I know you're more ferocious than this~"
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

"I was waiting for you to decide if you wanted to talk, or screw," Tasha chuckles, a feral grin taking its place on her features to show off her fangs, "Because once I start, you'll only have breath for one." She starts riding his length faster, grinding and bucking her hips more forcefully to help him with his choice. As much as she liked him, the direction his conversation with Denna was going was killing her mood. It wasn't that she was jealous. More that when he was on the subject of rape and his devotion to Kyubi, she was grimly reminded of things she'd long since buried. She'd had her ways of quieting him. Option A was her lips. Leaning in with her very flexible and lithe form, she locks her lips with Krill's. Her claws dig into the ground as she gives a throaty purr into the kiss, putting all her weight into moving herself back and forth atop Krill. A feral and lusty glow shines in her eyes as she breaks the kiss and cries out in pleasure, her movements faster, more frenetic. She turns the ire her twin spirit had been invoking within her mind into a fierce and lusty passion, which she was now releasing through riding Krill. She clenches down hard, her inner walls being more than slick enough to keep her pace fast and constant.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Aurora frowned a moment in thought as she gave the lack of children a moment of ponder. "Yes, it does seem odd that there is a rather startling lack of children here. With how horny the whole place is you would think there would be some at least running around nipping at your ankles." She hummed a moment in thought and what it meant. "I wonder where they might be?"

After a moment she reached out to rub the warrioress' growing belly. "Well even if it is part beast, it will still be part you regardless." She then gave Denna a small smile, though it revealed her sharp teeth unintentionally. "So try not to worry, sort out of your control now." She then sat back to rest and relax whist Tasha used Krill for her pleasure.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Denna rolled her eyes where Krill couldn't see it. No point in mentioning she hadn't had said treatment, it'd only end badly. She looked over and simply responded, "Pay attention to your partner, she'll think you're demeaning her and she has sharp teeth."

She turned her attention back to Aurora, blushing a bit as her stomach is rubbed. She decided not to mention how it being part of her was sort of disturbing more than comforting. "Yes, out of my control it definitely is."

She tried to pay little mind to the rough fucking occurring behind her. "So yeah. Guess we'll have to find a place for you to stay before we get under way. You serve in a merc company before or were you always just independent, Aurora?"
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

There were in fact children in the town. Though they were mostly resigned to the insides of houses and kept in relative safety so a random boar or something doesn't mount little Sarah. Before she's ready to be mounted of course.

Krill didn't have a moment to explain this, as Tasha was soon all over him. Pounding his crotch and placing her lips on his own to silence his words. He went along with it, kissing her back and gripping her ass, massaging it with his hands and helping her to move even faster as he bucked his hips upwards, fucking himself up into her. As expected from a man who has sex apparently every day, he was just as skilled as she'd remember, hitting her in her favorite spot relentlessly while she tightened around him. Their moaning and copulation grew heavier and louder, until Tasha felt herself, and Krill, about to cum. He eventually hilted inside of her, releasing thick spurts into her pussy and womb while she gushed out her own girl cum all over his cock. As the two rode out their orgasms, semen leaked from her pussy, mixed with her love juices, and coated the ground beneath them.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Tasha purrs and lies still for a moment, basking in the afterglow before slowly sliding herself off of Krill with a very satisfied smile. Now that was more like it. Damn that felt good. Nothing like a good screw to take the edge off for a while. Of course, now she needed another bath. Tail swishing happily, she saunters back to the bath and hops back in. "Heh, this water's gonna need replacing before long if this keeps up," Tasha chuckles to Denna and Aurora, washing off the sweat and results of her messy fun with Krill. As wolflike as she might have seemed, she had the cleaning habits of a cat, minus the licking for the most part.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Krill would follow Tasha if she didn't refuse him, and would first embrace her shoulders with one arm in a display of intimacy, before helping her get cleaned, splashing water up on her back and rubbing soap on those hard to reach places.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Tasha raises an eyebrow in surprise at the display, but doesn't resist as long as he's cleaning her. While she was content to usually slip away in a very catlike manner, she understood that most humans liked to linger a bit. If he wanted seconds, he'd have to wait for later, but she would never say no to getting her back cleaned. She was flexible enough to do it herself, but the area between her wings was always a pain to reach. She curls her wings about herself like a cloak, letting Krill take care of that spot first.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Aurora shrugged as she considered her question. "Been Independent for as long as I have been alive. Much to my mother's chagrin. Have had very few partners over the years able to keep up with me." She the smiled at the blushing warrior before she stood up and made to leave the tub. Not bother to hide herself from Denna after her service. She then turned back around to Denna and offered her a pair of hands out of the tub, though she would pick her up by the hips if she let her.

"Well now is as good of a time as any to show me around before we get on the move. Sleeping arrangements can be made later." She then slipped into the laid out garments provided for her, hoping someone would wash her leathers.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Krill raised a finger at Aurora, "Ah, but how many partners have you had?" he inquired, before giving the back of Tasha's neck a kiss and letting her clean herself. "One mustn't complain about a lack of good partners, when one doesn't seek them. And there are plenty of skilled partners here, both man and beast alike."
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Denna chuckles slightly, glancing aside to avoid a face full of less feminine dragon bits on the wrong body. She moved to climb out of the bath before blinking and giving Aurora a wry look as she's picked up by her hips. "I am capable of moving myself you know. But thanks. Geez you're strong, I'm not very light..."

She glanced over at Krill, smiling amusedly as she moved to dry herself off. "She means combat partners, not... Bedding partners, Krill." She looked to Aurora, musing, "Pity that, guess I'll have to go over everything myself..." She turned back to Krill, "Who's the most organized person in town right now? Keeps lists, tracks inventory, that sort of thing. May as well make a stop before I show Aurora around a town I'm barely familiar with. The sooner we can make sure this trip goes smoothly the better and I want to know if I need to send anyone to the city to get supplies we're missing. I'd rather not have to make too many side trips once we're under way."
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Tasha cleans herself up rather quickly, only really needing to wash off the result of her tryst with Krill. She'd handled the deep cleaning and such beforehand. This was more of a rinse. Stepping out of the tub herself, she shakes her tail and wings clean before grabbing a towel. Hopefully, David would be done with her armor soon. She missed having the extra protection, but having him work on it would be worth the wait at least. "I know the cook keeps inventory on food at least. I got him an elk and some extra recently, and the other hunters should be returning with more meat today. I just made it back early because I'm the fastest one," she shrugs to Denna, though there's a hint of pride in her voice. Looking to Aurora, she smirks a bit. "You know, if you want to spar sometime, I wouldn't say no. It's good to find other people who can trade blows with you, after all. Keeps you sharp."
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

"An organized person would be David." Krill stated. "He's the busybody that helps make sure everything is in working order for the fox messiah."
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Aurora gave a small nod in agreement as Deena answered the question before she could. "Yes, I meant partners in combat, not bed mates." She then glanced down at Tasha curiously and nodded a moment. "A spar would be welcome, though likely have to wait till we are under way and we get our gear cleaned. You will need it for sparing with me." Her arms stretching about her head and let her them, her back and her wings stretch a moment, with make a small popping sound.

With a soft sigh she turned to look at Denna. "Well David sounds like a good start, and while you go looking for him, you can show me about." She thought a moment a shrugged. "Well chances are, there will be plenty of opportunities to hunt and gather berries and the like along the way, though to feed so many might be a challenge unless you already have stockpiles." She then waited for the small human to lead the way into the town, her hand adjusting her top after it had nearly given up and popped off after her stretch.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

"I shall accompany you, if that's alright. David is working onn my armor as we speak, and I should like to retrieve it as soon as I can. I feel naked without my armor. Err, vulnerable, I mean," she corrects herself, remembering that she was already stark naked at that moment. In reality she could hardly give two damns about nudity. It was vulnerability she despised.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

"Well, David's fine craft doesn't happen in just a few minutes. Why not just wear the cloth you were given for now?" Krill suggested that they just wear the practically see-through attire. Much like many others in the town. "I doubt we'll come under attack until we start to get going a ways on the road, and by then David will make sure you have your armor." he nodded.

Getting out of the top after a brief cleanup, Krill stretched and approached Aurora. "Well, if you ever do need a competent bed mate, you know where to look~" he cooed, one hand reaching out as if to grope her, before Aurora found him adjusting her top instead as her nipples were practically in his face. She felt an error in dress corrected, and the top was far more comfortable and compact around her breasts now.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Denna nods to them, before rolling her eyes at Krill's comments. "Well I need to talk to him anyways. David will be good to act as the caravan quartermaster if I can instill on him the notion of saying no when needed. I need someone organized who can allot resources efficiently. We aren't going to reach our destination if we just hand resources out willy nilly."

She sighs and stretches a bit, before starting to get moving, "Sure, tour of the town so to speak. Those are someones houses, that's the Inn I lost my virginity in, over there is the caves, and that's a forest. Bout the fullness of my knowledge heh."