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Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Aurora followed them into the house, glancing about warily once the three of them were inside. "Yes. I am going to lend the villagers some protection on the way north." She gave the woman a small nod at her words, though she didn't let show that she did not really trust her words yet. She gave another nod at the mention of a bath and followed the directions out to the bath. A small smile touching her lips as she sees the water of the bath.

Stepping up to it, she shed her top and pants in a haphazard pile, the dragoness having an odd lack of under garments. Revealing her dusky scale speckled body to the other two women. She was taller then the other two women and her body was quite lean and toned in the stomach and arms. Soft padding just clinging to her hips, rump and legs. Her breasts were quite large and if they were to guess, would be a large E or a small F cup. The sight of the wolf girl stripping out of her plate did little to help with her half rigid shaft. Her hefty bosom jiggled as she neared the tub and glancing into the water. Before the others could comment upon her body she slipped into the tub. Her wings unfurling and sweeping in the water a moment before relaxing behind her.
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Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

David got into the bath first, while watching Aurora shed her clothes. His eyes went wide at the sight of her cock, which was not half-rigid, but fully erect as it had been for a good while. "Goodness, Aurora, it looks swollen more than such a thing should be. Are you going to be alright?" he inquired. Meanwhile, the mere breeze of warm mist against her phallus was enough to stimulate her, causing Aurora's cock to lewdly begin dripping maddeningly eager pre-cum onto the ground and bath if she got into it. The warmth of said water surrounding her cock causing a good deal of pleasure, as if she was sitting inside a nice, warm pussy while her own slit was feeling the same warmth of pleasure.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Tasha enters the bath next, taking some of the last room available in the tub, likely. That was fine with her. She wasn't exactly the cuddling type. She gives Aurora's swollen shaft a brief glance as the dragoness strips down, but doesn't seem to pay it any mind. While she wouldn't mind going for a tumble or two, it wasn't what was on her mind at the time. Being much more nonchalant than anyone probably had the right to be in that situation, Tasha begins to scrub herself clean, washing out her short midnight hair first before moving on to the rest of her ivory body. On occasion, however, her eyes drift to Denna, wondering where the warrior woman was going to sit. Or more accurately, who she'd be sitting on. "If you get the spot between my wings, I'll get your back," Tasha says calmly to the warrior girl.
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Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Denna walked with her new companions back. Sam opened the door, and she seemed, well, rather surprised to see a dragon. Though who wouldn't be? Still she definitely seemed alarmed about it. As they passed by Sam who let them in, Denna paused to whisper to Sam. "It's alright, I've talked with em, they should be alright with helpin' me fix stuff round here. And I think Tasha can help me calm her down if folks tug her tail a bit too much."

They soon got outside, Denna waiting for the others to get in first, wanting them to have the most room overall. She didn't pay much mind to the disrobing women, though idly she did note their somewhat unnatural curves. Maybe it was a species thing, maybe it was corruption. The dragoness was especially insane. She was built like Denna was, but had almost twice her bust-line.

Course, any following thoughts were sorta dismantled when the dragoness freed her erect reptile cock. Denna paused, simply staring flatly once more as her brain tried to figure this out. Why the hell did that happen again? Was she cursed? She didn't see her try to use any magic. Why would she though? Was it something she got drugged with? She didn't seem very upset, so that seemed unlikely. Though the way it was drooling everywhere...

Once the offending appendage was hidden again in the water though, Denna coughed, shaking her head, unable to hide her blush. "Erm... Right! Uh... This is definitely gonna be... Hmm..." She looked over the filled pool, trying to figure out a way to make them fit together. And trying not to think about what was under the surface. Jeez, the way it was dripping before, the water was going to be inundated with dragon pre quickly. Denna wasn't sure she wanted to find out what that might cause to her.

She walked over to the edge of the bath and leaned over it but didn't get in. "I'll find a way to fit after, I get the sense that Aurora er... Might need the bath more. And that we may need to change the water. Trying to get less messy, not more. And don't you dare get out on my account, either of you or I'll shove you right back in there damn it. I ain't forgoing it, it's called bein' patient, geez."

Denna shrugged a bit as her tail gave a light swish before glancing to Tasha. "Hey... You've had a tail awhile, right? Think later you could er, show me how to take care of the damn thing?"
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Tasha smiles and nods, her own wet tail poking itself out of the water. Turning her body a bit so that she can reach her tail, she looks up at Denna with a strangely zen gaze. She takes her tail with one hand, holding it just under the water. "First thing you need to do is clean it," Tasha explains as she strokes the tail and scrubs between the fur, "I can do it for you the first time. Then you'll get the hang of it." It's a bit like washing hair but scrubbing in mostly one direction. While obviously not intentional, the action bears an uncanny phallic resemblance. If Tasha notices the parallel, she doesn't seem to be showing it.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Out of the somewhat round bath in the ground, David rose and Denna found herself lifted up gently by her hips. "Nope." he said, before setting Denna into the bath as he sat down next to her, with enough room to stay even though her feet were touching others and the most she could do was stretch out her elbows. "I won't allow someone who is now the most important person in this camp to be excluded and last to bathe." Though that would also mean Aurora would have a bit less room, which David noticed as well, seemingly ready to get out. "Do you want more room, Aurora? Is everyone good with this?" he inquired, sounding far more strict than usual, though it seemed Denna's desire to stoically exclude herself was now meeting with David's own stoicism to please others at his own expense. It was a battle of selflessness.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Denna was ready to push David back into the bath, but was surprised by the sheer strength he had as he lifted her easily, her growling somewhat irritably. Geez, three for three, how the heck was she so much weaker?

"I was not excluded, I was standing right there. I just wasn't in the damn water yet. And I don't give a damn about status and shit. If anything my being supposedly most important should mean I go last. Taking care of YOU is my job hng.," growls Denna huffily.

At David looking like he might get out, she reaches a hand up and rests it on his shoulder firmly. "David you are stayin' bloody put or I'm tying you up and making you stay put. You're stronger than you look but I'm betting I can do it."

Internally Denna sighed a bit, just hoping she didn't start growing dragon scales next. Or somehow get knocked up with dragon eggs in the water despite already being pregnant. Or god knows what else.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Aurora gave a small nod to David as she settled into her spot. "Yeah.... I am alright with this." Glancing to see Denna scooped up and set into the tub. Seeing Denna's expression and likely what she was thinking. "Do not worry, other then my powers and appearance I am much like a human in most other regards. So no need to worry about me corrupting you. Not unless you and I become intimate." She began to clean her arms and chest, quite noticeably avoiding any of her more intimate and sensitive areas. Her hands then moving on to wash what she could of one of her wings. For now Aurora would simply try to ignore her arousal till she was alone to sate it.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Tasha calmly cleans herself as well, skipping over her intimate areas as well for the moment. It's not out of any sense of modesty or shame, so much as not wanting to rile up the poor dragon girl any more than she already was with any possibly lewd displays. As soon as Denna's scooped up and deposited into the pool, Tasha scoots over a bit to make room, though her leg is very much brushing up against the warrior woman's. Tasha's relatively quiet as she cleans herself, though upon finishing with her wings, she turns to her three bathmates and sighs softly, "If one of you would be able to get my back, I would appreciate it and return the favor. My wings make the task a bit difficult for me without contorting a little."
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

David looked like he was ready to accept, then changed his mind as he looked over to Aurora instead. "Would you be so kind as to help Tasha out, Aurora?" he said with a smile, as if trying to break the ice between everyone by letting the newcomer do things. Then David looked at Denna. "Nooo, taking care of you is quite literally 'my' job. I'm known throughout town as the caretaker. I love helping people, so I earn my keep, quite literally, by helping everyone and tossing in my aid when needed. If I were to bathe while you were forced out, it'd be a disgrace to my honor." he claimed.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Denna looks embarrassed at Aurora, coughing a bit. "Er, sorry. I know it's something you can't control. And uh, no, no thanks heh. I am trying to get washed off, not more messy. Gonna have to clean the bath either way it seems though... And don't you dare leave now that I said it.," says Denna embarrassedly, given Aurora was leaking all over the bath. She made a point not to look down at it.

Fortunately David gave her ample distractions. "And taking care of you is mine. That's what a leader does, they take care of their people. So now we have two people helping other people. So you're gonna have to adapt as much as I have to.," says Denna with a smirk, "And I wasn't forced out. I just want to get clean. Any case, if you wanna help, how bout you clean this waterlogged tail of mine. Don't know junk about tail care."
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Tasha's attention goes from David to Denna, and then back to Aurora for a moment during the conversation. At the mention of a tail, Tasha quickly intervenes. David could probably clean a tail just fine, she could guess, but those without tails tended to be a bit clumsy when handling them. "Here, let me," Tasha says as she takes Denna's tail in her hands and begins cleaning it in a similar manner to how she'd cleaned hers earlier, "You'll get used to it. Just try to remember what I'm doing now." Shifting a little, she turns her back for Aurora, opening up her wings a bit so that the dragoness could clean the spot between her wings like David had suggested. If she were to accept, Aurora would be able to notice that Tasha's skin had the texture of porcelain, incredibly smooth and seeming a bit tougher than human skin. It also seemed to shine in a similar manner when wet.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

(Going to assume Rathuris jumped ship. Do not interact with the character further so as not to lock up the thread. Rathuris may have Aurora interact with others normally if she pops back up in the next few posts or so.)

With Aurora off to the side, Tasha would find David shrugging and moving over to help the cat woman with her tail. Despite not having a tail, the title of care taker did not come without hard work and skill as she'd find him well able to clean her tail in the most gentle and skillful manner. Due to the proximity of the tub indulgers and David's mutated length however, Tasha would feel his length touch her rump. Naturally hard due to being surrounded by several women, David however didn't seem to want to force the issue. He was content to please even if he was suffering substantial lust while smiling like a stoic butler who would always do his duty.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Tasha smirks, always surprised by how stoic David could be. Despite his calm and cheerful demeanor, the tip poking against the wolf girl's tush told her exactly what his body wanted. The urge to tease is strong, but Tasha manages to keep herself limited to a few pleased purrs as her tail is washed. She'd been wrong about his skills after all. Then again, as caretaker for Kyubi, he probably had a lot of experience with fluffy tails. Smirking softly, she washes Denna's tail in a more gentle manner, taking a page out of David's book. After a few moments, Tasha lets out a pleased sigh at the cleaning and scoots back ever so slightly, backing up a bit into David's shaft with her rather firm tush. She wouldn't have considered herself flirtatious or really all that sexual. At least, not by comparison. But she'd lain with David and couldn't resist teasing him now and again ever since. Her wings shift a bit, stretching wide before curling themselves over her shoulders like a cloak. "Thanks David. Would you mind getting my back?" Tasha asks cooly, reaching over her shoulder and tracing a small line down her neck and upper spine until she gets to the part between her wings.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

With Tasha rolling her tush backwards, David bucked a bit in reaction as she tested his resolve. However David only flinched, his composure returning to him as he slid forward himself until his hips met hers. His length slid up until Tasha felt his balls against her ass and his length on her lower back. "It'd be my pleasure!" David said, sounding as if he was completely calm despite how hard Tasha felt his cock throbbing against her, trying to battle with David's mind. Every sexual instinct he had trying to take control and make him grab her hips and impale her right there. However, his mental fortitude barely seemed to tremble as he took some soap and began to gently wash her back, cleaning her skin with skillful fingers. In addition to cleaning, it also felt like he was giving her a massage. No doubt welcome after her hunt.

"I'm finding I don't have to adapt much at all, Denna." David said in reply to the fluffy tailed human. "Rather, it's been the same old same old for me. Helping people like yourselves become apart of our happy little population is my business, and business is good." he said with pride.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Very welcome after the hunt. There are quite a few knots and tense spots on Tasha's back. The washing and lovely massage are enough to draw a rare purr from the otherwise wolfish woman. She'd felt his touch many times before and always found that he had a knack for helping her relax. She'd reward him later for his services, she decided. With his length pressing against her back, the thought of taking him right there flitted through her mind, but there'd be a time and place for that. After all, baths were a dreadful hassle to clean up. "Mmm thank you David. It feels like a small eternity since I had those knots worked on. At some point, remind me to return the favor."
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Aurora silently washed her body, letting the others drift a little ways away from her. Her attention focused away from them to avoid either jumping them, or hurting them with a part of her large body. The dragoness was quiet as her hands began to soak and wash her long dark hair. Letting the clean strands to float loosely about her like an aura and hopefully cover up some of her more flushed peaks. After a few moments to listen to the others, she drifted close to the priestess or leader, she was a little unsure which she was.

She made sure that she didn't accidentally bump the pregnant woman with anything, though it was a little hard given the steam and soapy water. So she couldn't really be sure about not bumping her with her something extra. "Denna, could you wash my back and wings I can't reach them?" The dragoness spinning carefully around in place, making sure to curl her wings and tail up to avoid knocking anyone over.

Sorry about that MAF, it wont happen again if you'll have me back. Irl got very busy over that last little while.
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Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Denna settled, blinking as Tasha took to washing her tail, shivering a bit at the feeling. "Uh, thanks..." It was a weird feeling, but then having a tail was a really weird feeling too.

"And it's my job to keep people safe and guide them as well as ensure the same. Within reason of course. Sometimes you gotta do stuff you don't want to do the right thing.," sighs Denna.

Her attention was drawn however by the dragoness getting closer, asking for help with washing herself. "Uh, oh, sure Aurora. You'll have to walk me through the wing bit though. Never washed anyones wings before. Never met anyone with wings before."

Denna started gently scrubbing the dragoness' back, careful to work and not hurt the delicate wing structures. This was a hell of a day alright. But least it was better than earlier anyways. She'd take awkward bath time over awkward sex dominance time any day.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

"I'll probably be doing you another favor before I think to make you repay the many you claim to owe me." David chuckled, his job as caretaker making many in the village owing him these favors. Then, his hands worked along her back in such a way that shivers ran all along her body even so much as to make a light feline purr come from her throat from the skilled hands at work. Though soon after the pleasure began, it stopped. "All clean." David said simply, patting Tasha's butt in gentle celebration of her new found cleanliness before withdrawing himself, and his large cock, from the bath.

"You girls finish up. I'll have some light cloth prepared for you when you get out." he said, moving to leave unless stopped. Regardless, when everyone was done bathing, they'd find their clothes were soaked from having been taken to be washed without their knowing, and the same garbs the villagers wear laid out for them to use. Loin cloths that barely did anything to cover them, made of silk that it was easy to see the skin underneath with a strong enough brush of wind. Though there was one more addition that the females often didn't have, and it was a silk bra that was little more than a veil. A line of thick silk would wrap around their torso, and a covering flap of smooth silk would lay over their breasts. Basically naked, but with their naughty bits mostly hidden from view.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

David's hands sure did know how to pull the inner kitty out of the wolf girl as he massages and cleans her back. She barely holds back a pout as he finishes, finding the gesture beneath her dignity, and simply nods gratefully to David. As she climbs out of the bath and dries herself off, she spies the garments laid out for her. Tasha smirks, putting on the revealing clothing without paying any mind to the silken garments, really. Her black armor goes over the skimpy loincloth and bra, the veils and silks poking out from underneath and giving her armor a girlish touch. She doesn't seem to mind at all. She was sure that her protection defeated the purpose of the garments, but she'd much rather be ready to protect her pack.Not that her armor was modest, by any stretch of the imagination. Her tough skin removed the need for clothing to go under the armor, so she ended up showing much more skin than someone in a traditional armored garb would.