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Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

"There's a bath behind Krill's house, I can ask if he'd let you use it. I doubt he'd say no.," offers Denna, "I can use a bath myself to be honest but I'll let you go first. And I'd appreciate you not fighting random people for sex. Well unless you both agree to that stuff before hand. Then whatever, each their own I guess."

She sighs and leans back in the chair. "Least the foods probably going to be good. Hopefully no drugs, I've my child to worry about after all. Wouldn't want them to get messed up by that stuff."
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Tasha looks a bit wistful for a moment as her eyes fall upon Denna's growing stomach. It wasn't that she envied the girl's condition. She was far from ready to have kids. At her current point in life, Tasha was afraid she'd be a less than perfect mother. That being said, at times when she had the luxury to consider her future, she sometimes regretted the scarring she'd inflicted on her womb. When she'd come to a Daemon magic wielder to help, she'd added a few "features" to herself in addition to the bestial soul that was now bonded to her. At the time, she'd been under constant attack by the aliens of the Anudor, and she couldn't bear the thought of bringing an alien spawn into the world. It had been a sensible idea then. But sometimes Tasha found herself wondering if she'd sacrificed her ability to have a family. There was always a few work around solutions via potions and a few spirit powers though. And thus far, her infertility had served her well in the cult. Even if it did lead to a few disappointed mates who'd been looking forward to being fathers.

"I could use a bath as well. We had to skip the river trail in order to get back on time. Turns out we were late anyways, I guess," Tasha shrugs. Despite her interest in a bath, Tasha's pale skin looks perfectly clean. And the smell one might associate with a hard day's travel is nowhere on her. In fact, she smells almost intoxicatingly good, thanks to her pheromones. Those were the scents Tasha was actually trying to wash away. She found that washing tended to give her at least a brief reprieve.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

"Thanks for waiting!" David declared, coming out wearing more than he did before. It was just an apron, but it was more than before. He also walked with three platters of food, two on his hands, and a final one balanced on his arm. He placed one in front of Denna, then used his now free hand to take the platters off of his other arm, delivering Tasha's seasoned and cooked catch to Aurura and Tasha herself, whose looked the most bloody while the others looked fairly well cooked. The platters also had glasses of water on them that looked pure. "I couldn't hear you that well in the kitchen, Denna," David admitted. "All I heard was something about drugs. I don't know whether you wanted some or didn't, but given how our lovely winged guest looks," he gestured to Aurora. "I'd say she's had enough of the fun stuff. You might want to get that taken care of, miss Aurora." he advised.

"Suck his diiiick," the goblin whispered behind Aurora, hiding behind her. "Do iiiiit~"
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

"I was asking to hold them, David. Cus, well, that. And plus I don;t want to risk anything affecting my baby, you know.," says Denna wryly, "So, are there drugs in it? I'm hoping otherwise cus it looks delicious."

She waited to eat before getting an answer, for now paying attention to the poor dragoness and Tasha, who's meat looked, well, like it was still kicking.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

"Of course not! I'm not an idiot, Denna!" David said with offense while wearing his "Kiss the Chef" apron.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

"Never said you were David, but anyone can overlook things.," says Denna, "But I'm sorry for not trusting you. I'm new to this mother thing and I'm worried, alright? About a lot of stuff..."

She sighs and starts to eat, looking troubled, though takes the time to look over. "It's really good. Thanks, David."
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

David smiles when she effectively apologizes, and puts a hand on her shoulder, rubbing her shoulder muscle for a moment. "You're welcome. I hope you enjoy it, for both you and the little one." he says affectionately, before nodding at the others and going back into the kitchen to clean up.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Tasha smiles and starts digging in, eating with ravenous gusto. She seems to be savoring each bite well enough, but as soon as she's done swallowing one bite, the next is already in her mouth. And despite the rare and bloody carving of meat, she seems to be quite neat and tidy. Up until she drinks the blood and juices straight from her plate. An act that's quickly followed by a sheepish cough and a light blush. "Mmm that was tasty as always, David. Thank you," she purrs happily satisfied with her very clean plate. David had a way of making her relax more around him. Especially when he cooked for the wolf woman.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Aurora made a shooing motion at the goblin to get her to stop pestering her. "Go away before I punt you." Snarling at the goblin for a moment before getting distracted by the food coming out. When the food came out she gave a large grin and heaped her plate full of meat, not even bothering with anything green. She reached down with her hands and hesitated. Having stopped herself from picking the meat up with her hands and tearing into it. Instead she settled for using utensils to eat.

Glancing up with blood dripping down into her chin from a too large piece. "Yeah, a bath would be nice. Though I do not mind if I have to share if it means saving water for the journey." Returning back to devouring her meat on her plate.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

"Whenever you're done eating, Denna knows where Krill's place is." David assured them. "Leave the plates there when you're done. I might be along to join you as well!" he replied with the excitement of being able to join them and socialize, having no shame about bathing with the women.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Denna ate, smiling wryly as David sorta decided to jump in with them when they went to the baths. Well might be for the best. She wasn't sure she wanted to be between two obvious carnivores nak- Oh wait.

"Might get a bit cramped with four, Aurora is pretty big compared t' me, and I ain't exactly tiny.," chuckles Denna, "Guess I can go second or somethin'. Anyways I'm ready when you all are I guess."

She sighs, then winces as she shifts in the chair, squashing her fluff tail, having forgotten about it, and turns the chair sideways so it had room. "I'm never going to get used to that."
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

"If you think it'll be cramped, I won't go." David replied. "Don't withhold your need to bathe for something so silly. If it turns out that it really is cramped, we can take turns sitting on each other's laps and cleaning each other!" David offered. "The back's a really hard place to reach after all."
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

"You can go, David, it's not like you're not welcomed. And it'll be tight but you can fit.," says Denna, rolling her eyes a bit, "Relax. And yeah that might be necessary. Never really found that difficult m'self, but some people always needed it. Just takes a little extra maneuvering."

"In any case, bath's will be had regardless of squeezing issues. Or possibly waiting turns, if it comes to it.," says Denna, "Uh... I know nothing about dragons, it won't like, boil if y' are in it, will it Aurora?"
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

"I'm ready whenever you are," Tasha adds quietly, her eyes flickering between her three bath partners. With this crowd, it was likely that someone was going to end up in the horizontal tango. Especially with Aurora having drank the drugged wine. She felt a twinge of nervousness roll through her at the reminder that she'd have to take her armor off around two of the people she'd just met. It wasn't that she was ashamed of her body, and her skin was certainly hard enough to work as armor, but she liked having the extra protection on her.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Aurora gave a small nod as she finished of her dinner. "So can wings." Unfurling a wing to it's full six foot span for a moment before folding it back up. Wiping her face with a hand before looking to the other two women. "I am ready for that bath when ever. And no it wont. I do not run that hot. Unless you want me to use some magic to make it boil?" Giving Denna a curious look for a moment.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Denna chuckles at Aurora's offer. "Nah I like not being human stew. I was just making sure it wasn't something that'd happen. I've never met a dragon before. I sorta thought you were made up t' be honest."

Denna finished eating then nods as she got up. "Well, guess we'll figure out the logistics of fitting us in there then. Cmon, bath time." She walked out, heading for Krill's home and the bath, her tail swishing a bit as she moved.

As she walked she hummed a bit. "Oh I should mention, Krill's home has it's own goblin too, a male one. So uh, expect t' get ogled. He also usually get's erm, rewarded with some pleasure when he helps out so... That's a thing too."
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Tasha follows Denna silently, sticking close enough to nearly be the warrior woman's shadow. It's more just force of habit rather than any real attachment to the newly appointed prophet. By habit too though, the wolf girl's tail starts to swish in time with Denna's. At the mention of the goblin, Tasha smirks. She hadn't lain with said goblin before, much to the small creature's disappointment no doubt. Tasha tended to prefer large and strong males, and occasionally women. She wouldn't have considered herself submissive , really, so much as turned on by strength. Chains were always fun for her whether she was using them, or wearing them. Though, if anyone wanted a chance at convincing her to be tied down, they'd have to prove they were worthy of such an act. Tasha wonders briefly if that had anything to do with her natural inclinations, or due to her Su-Ku-Ta heritage.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Aurora followed along after the other too women as they headed to the bath house. At the mention of the goblin she frowned. "He wont get rewarded from me." Noticing the wolf girl's smirk, and the way her tail swished, it seemed the wolf girl didn't mind giving him any rewards. "I will just be glad to wash the dust of travel off, and clean my wings. They get pretty dirty when flying often and can get quite uncomfortable in spots I can't clean my self." The dragoness quite eager to soak and wash herself, though she didn't mind being nude in front of others, very public displays of affection and sex was embarrassing to her how ever.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

David nodded, walking with the others to Krill's house. After a lengthy conversation that lasted the entire walk, Aurora's words would mark the end of the trip as they reached Krill's door. David knocked, and the door soon opened to the view of Krill's wife, wearing her practically see-through dress shamelessly. "Oh, David. And Denna, Tasha as well! It's so nice to see you all. And..." He eyes fixed on Aurora. "I'm not sure I'm familiar?" she said, not knowing who Aurora was.

"This is Aurora, she's a dragon, and new here as well. So she's not used to our ways." David stated.

The woman cocked her head to the side. "Oh... Well... Is she just passing through?" she inquired.

"No, she's going to help escort us North." David declared.

As if an alarm went off, the woman's brow rose, before encouraging everyone inside. "Well then, come on in everyone." she said, and when Aurora walked by, she whispered when the dragon was close. "If you drank anything special, your time is limited. Do not try to hold it in." she said to the dragon with a look of worry, before letting everyone be. "Krill's out at the moment, helping others get packed. I trust you all want to bathe, since Tasha just came back?" she asked with a smile, before directing everyone to the straight path through the house that led to the in-ground bath outside. "It's all yours. Should be enough room if you don't mind cuddling~" she giggled, letting everyone through.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Tasha smiles and gives Krill's wife a polite nod of her head. The gesture is small, but usually Tasha wouldn't give most people the time of day unless they asked for it. While she and the woman hadn't spent as much time together as some others, Tasha felt a bit of a kinship between her and Krill's wife. Perhaps it was because she was the only sane person around prior to Denna and Aurora's arrivals. Stepping over to the bath, Tasha begins to shed her armor, albeit with a few somewhat hesitant looks towards Aurora and Denna. It wasn't that she was shy, so much as she was uneasy without the protection her armor gave her.

Before anyone could get the wrong impression, however, she casually strips bare, depositing her armor and smallclothes in a neat pile where it wouldn't get splashed. The wolf girl's skin is very pale, almost porcelain in both color and shine due to her skin being naturally armored. With her armor gone, her trim and athletic body is bared for her three bath companions. Despite her lithe frame, she has a decent amount of muscle mass, and very little body fat to conceal it. Her breasts are rather large for someone so active, sitting comfortably at a higher C cup. Stretching in a rather catlike manner, she yawns and opens her long bat wings out to stretch them as well. Her wolfish tail swishes back and forth as she dips one clawed toe into the pool of water.