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Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

The chef would invite Denna to walk with him to a private area, which just happened to end up being his own house. After closing the door behind Denna, the nude woman would find the chef pushing her against the wall aggressively. "I didn't forget what I saw. You're no messiah come to lead us to Kyubi. You're a false prophet." The chef announced. "Luckily for you, I'm willing to keep that a secret~" he chuckled. "Provided you be a good little bitch, that is. How about it, traitor? I keep your little deception a secret, and you bow down to me and pay me 'privilege'." He instructed her. "Works out for both of us, yes? I get to give you plenty of payback, and you get to walk around without your cover blown... As well as my baby in your belly~" he chuckled, groping her pregnant belly and suggesting that he, the second one to cum inside her, was the father.

"You can start by getting onto your knees." He declared to Denna, holding his erect cock to her pussy lips, and provided she was willing, then her mouth.


With a courteous smile, her hosts gladly poured her some of their mead. The scent of which would strongly impact her, making her feel a little blissful, as if her worries were being melted away. Then, Deo took his seat again, before both he and Kirin looked eager to provide what she wanted for her food, giving no ceremony of any sort before they began eating. "You already talked to us!" Deo announced with a chuckle. "We're a very close community. All we have to do is say you're with us and everyone will acknowledge you." he boasted.

After Aurora got all the meat and potatoes she could desire, Deo held up his mead glass in an offer of toast. "To the beautiful Lady Dragon Darkfury, our honored guest!" he declared, as Kirin held her cup up as well before he continued. "It is a pleasure to care for you in our house. We hope you'll stay around!" he declared, before he and Deo went to meet each other's cups. Aurora was welcome to join as well before they began to drink in celebration.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Aurora gave a small nod. "Alright." Watching them dish out the food on to a plate. After she had a very large healthy serving she happily dug into her food.

She decided to toast with them before taking a healthy swell of the unsual mead. Idling wondering if the mead had some sort of special herbs. She gave them each a nod at their toast. "What can you tell me about your village?" Curious why they had corrupted creatures as pets. "And where does your village hope to go?" Digging into the food as she waited for them to respond.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Denna thought something like this would be the case. The question was, how to react to it. A large part of her wanted to hit him, but that wouldn't solve anything. Should she just submit to him, let him do as he pleased? No, if she submitted he would hold this over her head forever, and could force her to do anything. And she wouldn't go to Erin, she'd probably burn his whole house down.

She thought back to how effortlessly Erin seemed to work the crowd and controlled it, her mannerisms, how she had resolved it so easily. When she could keep a grip on her emotions, she had charisma, she had some sort of... Dominance. Maybe if she was going to do this, she'd need to do that too.

She thought about the matter at hand. What he had saw...

Denna pushed the man back away from her and grabbed hold of him instead. "What you saw was already addressed. By the very person you saw. She forgave me. And I was only doing what you did to the poor Su-Ku-Ta you had in a chokehold before then. IT's okay for you to manhandle and choke people, but I can't then? You call me a traitor, yet if I was so false, why would your god choose me then? Are you saying you don't trust Kyubi's judgement?"

Denna would try to push him down, glaring. "You've manhandled everyone I've seen you with. And now you accuse me of falsehood. But you don't have anything. Any claim you have basically amounts to things that were forgiven or chalked up to my inexperience. Or maybe jealousy. I am here to help everyone, including you, but you really make me want to make an exception for you. But I won't. I am getting everyone to the north and we'll find Kyubi if she is still there, through all the bandits, inquisitors and aliens that are going to attack us, regardless of who it is. I don't blackmail, I don't like people who do. But you're getting to Kyubi, all of you. You need me. and if you want to stir things up and try to turn everyone against me, so be it. But you've nothing but a grudge to go on."

Assuming she did get him down she'd pin him down before grabbing a hold of his shaft with a smirk. "Now with that all said, I did hurt you, and while I personally think you earned it, universal love is a rule of the faith. Love forgives, and I will make up for hitting you still. But I suggest you learn some finesse, not many people find chokeholds very appealing it turns out."

She would feel dirty for grasping someone like this, or for the things she'd try to do, but damn it she couldn't afford this grudge, and she wanted it resolved. If Erin could control and work people like this, she'd figure it out too. And that meant getting her hands dirty to save people.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

The fat man would give a grunt of surprise as he was pushed back, Clearly surprised that he had the tables turned on him. It wasn't even so much that he was overpowered. Rather, it seemed he assumed that he'd have Denna on her back just by his oppression alone. "Kyubi!?" was all he'd get out before he was shoved down. When it came down to it, Denna found herself to be the stronger physically. With her words as well, she'd find herself quickly controlling the scene with the chef on the ropes as it were. The chef was dumbstruck. His original plan was retaliated against and it seemed he was struggling to create a new one, especially when Denna slammed the fact upon him that he had a grudge and nothing more to use against her. Though she took it one step further. With his cock in hand, Denna found the chef the most obedient he'd ever been since she met him.

The effects of the brainwashing showed as Denna would find him stiff in her grip and intimidated by who appeared to be someone firmly representing Kyubi's cultist beliefs. "You're different... You were an outsider! Traitor! The very aspects of Kyubi's teachings should be enough to make you thrash in hate before the teachings set in! What the hell are you?!" he questioned, confused as to why Denna wasn't acting as a heretic should.


Aurora, digging into her food and mead, would find that the food was scrumptious and the mead made her throat and belly comfortably warm with a pleasant feeling washing through her. Her skin began tingling more than it had from smelling it, and her heart, rather than speeding up, began to beat normally albeit with hard thumps that felt powerful enough to quake the whole planet. Though thankfully it seemed the world would not be affected by such a sensation. Aurora's cheeks would burn up with a blush, and it soon became clear that she wasn't just feeling the effects of good alcohol. There was something a little extra added into the mead, though clearly no poison nor addition of malicious intent. Such was seen as Aurora saw the man and woman drink the mead together in celebration, downing it just as happily as Aurora did. "It's good, right? Want some more?" Kirin inquired while Deo chuckled. "This mead is Kirin's pride and joy. We got a whole bunch of it thankfully stocked up for the trip to help keep our minds from going on edge." Deo declared.

Their cheeks were flush as well, and Kirin's nipples were erect with excitement. Aurora was no different. Even her leather could not hide her pointed tips, and her futanari length was getting stiff as well. Meanwhile, the seat below her was being marked by the first drop of Aurora's sexual juices.

Also, the brown dog that had licked her cheek earlier was sitting to the side of her chair, wagging it's tail and looking up at her as if putting on an appearance of friendliness.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

It was working! She had barely expected it to do so but evidently it worked! Maybe she could do this after all. It'd just mean sacrificing a lot more than she may have wanted. Well, it was her creed after all...

Denna rolled her eyes a bit at him. "You just don't get it. I dislike one thing, one. I don't like people being hurt. I want people to live in harmony, I want a world where we can respect each other and appreciate differences and similarities. I'm opposed to people being preyed upon and mistreated and blackmailed. You call me an outsider, but where's the love in this talk of heresy and traitors? How can you love someone if you shut them out or force them? Love is respect and caring and doing things because it makes them happy, and it goes both ways. So no, I'm not an outsider. I'm the one who's going to make sure we get to show that love and to show there can be a place that will accept everyone. But that also means you'll have to accept me, and I you. I'm not perfect, I'm pretty new to all this. But me and and the teachings of Kyubi have more in common than you claim."

She kept stroking, keeping him pinned with a smile. "But that's enough of that. Words are pretty things, but how about you let me show you I do mean it instead. Everyone is packing up, and we'll all go north, together. And I'll be making sure to protect everyone I can. And you can judge me from that. And I'll be playing catch up in understanding everything that goes on here."

She then chuckled a bit. "Truth be told, you were my second sexual experience. Obviously you know who the first was. Struggling and such is because I thought you all were bandits and I wanted to have my first time on my terms and to protect Erin. You scared me is all and it'd have been nice to have been asked. I may have said yes. I think that might be the big flaw in the welcoming commitee, it doesn't feel very welcoming because it's easily mistaken for banditry and such. Ruins the mood, don't you think? Oh and by the way, far as I'm concerned, it's my child. I don't care who struck the final blow, but if you want to help, I expect you to shape up and be a good role model. I don't want a child thinking it's okay to throw people around."

She sighed and then turned to look at his shaft, starting to explore his length and test to see where he was most sensitive. She glanced back with another smirk. "As I said, you were my second. Drugged as I was, I was treated more like furniture than a person by you all. Last that;s how it felt to me. I admit to being a little upset over it, because I couldn't respond or reciprocate or anything. I didn't get to find out just how to make you groan, or how to please a man, or anything. So you're going to lie there and be honest so I can learn how to play you like a fiddle. Until I make you spend yourself all dry. Then we'll be even, hm? I mean you could keep going with your hate of me, and I'll be sad, but you've the right to not like me. But you'll need to decide what's more important, your dislike of me, or spreading love. But until then, you lie there and let me welcome you instead."

With that, she began to explore his shaft, testing and feeling him, caressing his sack at times and listening to what seemed to please him more. It was quite an unpleasant task all considered in her head, she didn't like this guy much, but it would be an important skill to learn and she was determined to help the lot of them somehow. and it seemed they were more open or responsive when sexual activities were going.

It felt dirty to exploit them almost like Kyubi had, but unlike Kyubi she at least had their best interests at heart. It was sorta ironic. Barring the rapeyness, if Kyubi wasn't just abusing people for her selfish interests using a flimsy claim of supposed human destruction of everything as justification, Denna might have actually supported her willingly. And now it almost seemed like she was being the Kyubi they should have had instead. She just hoped she didn't lose herself in the process.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Aurora couldn't help but blush faintly, as she swiftly realized the mead was drugged. Though seeing the married pair's reaction to it, it was likely meant more fore their enjoyment. After finishing her first cup, she shook her head. "N-No thank you. I need to be sober to guard effectively." Trying to ignore the arousal from the first glass as she ate.

Feeling the dog staring at her, she glanced down a moment before returning to her meal. Closing her legs firmly shut, and giving a small shudder as she felt them rub together. "So... Uh..." Collecting her thoughts after a moment through the mead induced arousal. "How many people will be heading north? Is is some of the village, or is it everyone?"
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Rathuris) GM'd by MAF

Using the teachings of Kyubi against the chef proved to be invaluable in placing herself as in the right, and him in the wrong. He ended up listening to everything Denna had to say quietly. His face was strikingly familiar to a certain kind of expression she'd seen before. If she'd recall, it would have been back in the cave Kyubi threw the ceremony in. Everyone listened to her with that exact face, as if so brainwashed that her words in that moment became new pieces of brainwashing that they automatically added into their heads. The key seemed to be what he was looking at. In the reflection of his eyes, she saw her own tail waving slowly through the air. He was focused on it, perhaps obsessed with it. His lower half became energetic as well, and before Denna knew it, her fingers were soaked with copious amounts of dripping pre-cum. His balls pulsed in her hands excitedly, eager to blow their fat load from his heavy sack.

"You... You really are the prophet!" He declared, finally convinced. "I was a fool! I met you when you had not yet awakened, but I should have seen the signs that your heart was touched by Kyubi greater than any other. Your words... They make so much sense! Yes!" He announced, no longer scowling as he now looked giddy and happy. His hips began moving as well, his lubricated cock shifting back and forth through her fingers. "Forgive me, prophet! I was spiteful! And evil! I was wrong!" he pleaded, sounding like a criminal trying to profess his desire to change. "There is no doubt to me now, that you truly love everyone here as much as Kyubi does!" A statement which may be more true than he realizes, depending on Denna.

Then, the chef rose up, and put his hand on the back of her head, before rushing in and delivering a kiss to her lips. His tongue slipped past her teeth and licked the inside of her mouth before he pulled back with a wet smack. "Whatever you wish, prophet, I will grant it." he declared, before looking to the scene of her hand playing with his dick. "First of all, you're already doing great. Be gentle with the scrotum, it's sensitive, but feels nice when you play with it and cup it in your hand." he declared with a grin. "Second, pay more attention to the tip and underside of my dick. They're more sensitive than the top." he instructed. "And lastly..." he grinned, reaching down between Denna's legs. "What you said holds true. You should allow your partner to play with you as well, while you play with them." he announced, and if Denna did not shy him away, she'd find his fingers groping her crotch, and slipping one finger into her pussy.


Finishing her cup in it's entirety, the effects hit her even harder. The chair she sat upon began to form it's own small puddle of her own sexual fluids, causing her to slip around a little bit in her seat as her body became restless with arousal. She began to notice the cocks of the dogs in such a way that it became impossible to ignore, even if they were still in their sheaths. At her response, Kirin and Deo chuckled, before Deo himself stood up, his length already at full erection due to the drugs effects on him. The sight of all his ten inches would cause Aurora's instincts to go wild, opening up the floodgates as a dripping sound could be heard. The source of which was her own chair. "You just got here! And you haven't even been officially hired yet. Don't worry about it!" Deo said, dismissing her worries as he took it upon himself to pour her another glass.

Meanwhile, Kirin smiled at Aurora. The sight of her pretty face and well-toned, curvy body and decently sized breasts caused Aurora's cock to throb with need. Precum was already erupting from her shaft, making even more of a mess of her undergarments than it already was. Every single movement Aurora made, causing her clothes to shift along her genitals, would make Aurora's mind swoon from the sensitive pleasure. She could still focus and talk, but the number one thing on her mind was becoming the need to address that lust. Then, she heard even more dripping. Perhaps she may think herself becoming a river source, before finding out that the sound was coming from Kirin's chair. "We're a humble but fairly sized village of over a hundred people. We plan on all heading north. The leader of our society went ahead of us to prepare more socially hospitable lands for us, as well as prepare the land for our future harvests. We await paradise ahead, to be sure!" Kirin announced with a happy smile.

"Most of our things are packed up. So let us celebrate, and rest before our big trip." Deo declared happily. Kirin nodded, offering up another toast. "To heck with it! Another toast!" she declared, Deo happily followed up, bringing his glass up. "You're certainly pleased, Kirin!" Deo laughed with mirth. Kirin nodded, gesturing at Aurora. "Our guest is pleased! Of course I'm happy to be a successful host!" she said as if it were natural. "A toast, to pleasure!" Kirin declared. "To pleasure!" Deo followed up. Then, they waited on Aurora's response.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Rathuris) GM'd by MAF

Aurora shook her head as she tried to ignore the naked beasts nearby. She looked up only to she her host stand up. A blush quickly growing on her face as she saw that he was erect. Feeling herself growing wet at the sight, she tried to drive the thoughts from her mind. Though the sight of Kirin didn't help, and only sparked interest from her other part of her dual nature.

Shifting in her seat to try and get comfortable, and suppression some gasps and light moans. Seeing her hosts toast, she raised her cup to join them. Thought she still felt uncomfortable about feeling such things for humans. She decided to say something the hosts didn't. "To a safe journey."
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Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Rathuris) GM'd by MAF

The look in the chef's eyes as she stroked him seemed familiar. Like they were at the ritual again. she could watch her new tail swishing in his eyes. Was this really making her happy on some level? In any case, he seemed eager, totally different from how he was. No longer hateful, he seemed, reverent.

Denna accepted the cooks pleases with a soft smile and a sigh. "Don't worry about it. Just try to do better, okay? We'll call it even and work together to make sure everyone has a good happy trip."

She blinked a bit in surprise when he rose up, before pressing a rather forceful and passionate kiss on her. It was fortunately brief though she tried not to show any displeasure at it. He meant well, she just wasn't that interested in him. Sadly this was likely going to be a thing.

She was a bit surprised to find out she was doing well with him, adjusting her movements to take advantage of his instruction. She felt a little proud that she evidently had some sort of natural talent for it. The distraction gave him time to slip a finger into her in turn, her giving a gasp of surprise.

"Nf... Yeah, go ahead, just be careful... I always feel really tired afterwards, I don't know why. Kinda reminds me of the drug a bit. It doesn't linger in your system any does it?," groaned Denna, continuing to work as she shivered upon his fingers, still quite tight despite how much she had been used. Even she had no idea how many men had had her now. Made her feel kind of dirty. Sadly that number was liable to grow if she wanted to protect these people.

She had to get into a new mindset, one more accepting of such things than just not caring. She'd need to figure out one who was both trustworthy and seductive, one that was kind too. David seemed to know everyone, she'd ask him. For now though, seemed she had to finish her work here.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

(Yet another addition to the BI team, huzzah)


The chef shook his head. "It doesn't seem to linger." he said, before moving forward, seeking to push Denna onto her back as she didn't seem to be taking any action herself. If allowed, the chef would climb on top of her and take her legs, spreading them apart as he adjusted himself, pressing his length against her folds.



Her hosts clinked their drinks together, seeming to pay Aurora no mind when she said her own take on the toast, before tipping their glasses back and downing another mouthful of the arousing stuff. "Aaah," Deo let out a moan of delight. "I say, Aurora." he looked at the dragon girl. "You look awfully suffocated, if you'll forgive my rudeness. Why look so uncomfortable?" Deo inquired, and Kirin listened intently as well, both looking concerned about their guest not feeling well.



A lot apparently happened while she was away. The townspeople were getting their belongings together, and their food and whatever else they could manage to put into a cart for one of the many beasts to pull. Tasha the werewolf was coming home from a bit of an extended hunt for game in order to replenish the town's stock of food. As it turns out, the food would come quite valuable as they were apparently about to head out. The townsfolk were just about as naked as she'd remember, barely wearing rags to allow as much heat to escape from their bodies as possible. Some didn't even wear rags. Though it wasn't a rare sight for Tasha, who had already been there for a while.

Though, her pair of companions, a man and a woman along with a large canine beast corrupted, would notice something odd even if she didn't. "So soon after the festival of Kyubi, everyone is packing up?" the woman inquired, her name was Zeno "Something must have happened. Everyone should be resting after the merriment." the man replied, his name Ricard. "Seems like it's because of some new guests we have in town." Ricard said, as the three of them would spot the new faces. "What you wanna do, Tasha?" Ricard asked.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Tasha, for her part, is more clothed than most, wearing her dark armor to cover herself. Thanks to her naturally cool and hard skin, she hardly has to worry about chaffing and is naked underneath her protective gear. It could deflect anything but an actual focused attack with a weapon, so she hardly had to worry about the mundane things that most naked people would. Not one to leave weaknesses in her defenses though, all of her naughtier areas are covered, making her attire significantly less revealing than most others. A stag is slung over her shoulders and a few rabbits are tied to her belt along with a leg she'd cut off from the deer for herself. Hanging from her neck are a few pheasants too. The hunt had been longer than normal, but she figured that the festival may have taken more of their food stores than predicted. And Tasha was nothing if not cautious.

The pretty werewolf taps her bare feet as she thinks for the moment, wondering what could have happened. Yeah, some people should be resting after all the rutting they'd been going, but at least eight of them would have been turned into tails. Tasha knew how kitsune worked, unlike most people, but she wasn't intent on sharing really. It would have blown her cover, and she didn't feel like she owed the priests who were likely now fluffy additions to Kyubi's admittedly lovely rump. After all, they were the reason she'd been "coerced" into joining. She'd joined the cult on her own terms, but mostly because she didn't want to go up against multiple spellcasters forcing her into it. Besides, some of the cultists weren't bad in bed. Krill was at least pretty good. At the very least, they weren't trying to kill her for what she was, and that was a very welcome feeling. Especially in gods damned Badaria. In fact, may of the cultists liked her werewolf form, despite the terrifying power it held. Or perhaps because of it. Besides, the wolves liked her. The animal spirit inside her allowed her to bond with the beasts much better than most. Despite not being able to talk, she felt they understood each other more than most humans.

Scratching the ears of her wolf companion, she turns to her two companions with a worried frown, "Ask around to see what happened. I'll see about these newcomers after delivering the catch. Chef'll be pleased with these pheasants at least. Ricard, good hunt. Zeno, I'll meet you at your place later if I'm not busy."

Tasha gives the woman a bit of a wink, and a small grin. It was rare to ever see Tasha smile, so little grins were all that most people could get from her. And even those were rare. But the girl had been a good hunting companion, and was easy on the eyes too. Fun bed times would be for later though. First, to the kitchen. The chef's kitchen in particular. He'd been the one who'd ordered the pheasants, after all. And if he made any advances on her, she could use the excuse that she needed to deliver the rest of the food and didn't have time for anything he had in mind. A light blue shine comes over her skin as she focuses her spiritual power and pictures the chef's home, the kitchen specifically. Maybe she'd spook the guy. That would make for a good laugh. Besides, teleporting was costly. If he wasn't home, she didn't want to waste one getting into his place.

Instant Transmission 6 EP to the chef's kitchen.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Aurora set the class down, not bothering to take another sip from the drugged drink. She shook her head to clear it after a moment. "Uh? A l-little." Trying to think of a way to excuse herself without hurting their feelings, or letting her arousal hurt them. "Just stuffy in here. Smells overwhelmingly of dog and humans. I don't spend alot of time indoors, and is a little cloying. I think I need some fresh air." She stood up and looked at her hosts. "I just need some fresh air to feel better."

Aurora would head to the door and make her way outside. Provided she wasn't stopped, she would step outside and lean against the house. Letting the fresh air wash over her as she tried to calm herself down.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

"Huh... If you say so...," frowns Denna, wondering if she was a unique case. It seemed like her attention had slacked a bit as the chef pushed her off and over and tried to push into her.

She thought fast. She really didn't want this, frankly she was doing what she didn't want and it was working. Could she really refuse his sexual advances and keep control? It was possible, but then the sexual activity might further cement her as a power before him. And if she could convert the one who may have been condemning her behind closed doors, it might solve more problems in the long run.

Truth was, chances are she'd need to repeat this with every person before the end. She didn't have to like it, she just had to get used to it and use it. And that meant going along with this. She supposed it was fortunate she was already pregnant, regardless of how bizarre it was progressing.

Denna sighed and spread her legs a bit more so he could get in, reaching up and grabbing his sides and pulling in him, gasping lightly as she forced him into her. Boy that was uncomfortable, but she had to keep control.

Denna smirked up at her partner, "Well not teaching me much doing this, but it's what you've been wanting, so why not get to it. Just be careful of my baby."
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF


"Of course I'm teaching you!" The chef declared, before taking Denna's opening of her legs gratefully as he pushed himself into her folds in a familiar manner. Even if she were blind, she'd recognize the shape of the man who raped her that night as he was now fucking her currently. Wasting no time, the chef began to thrust his hips, shifting himself in and out of Denna's pussy while moaning in delight, just as a pale woman with black hair that appeared to be some mix of su-ku-ta and canine happened to suddenly appear inside the room as if out of nowhere. The chef was oblivious to the fact that this new arrival could see his cock and balls thrusting at Denna's pussy, as he continued to thrust without a care in the world, enjoying Denna to the fullest.



Kirin and Deo went silent as Aurora voiced her discomfort. Apparently trying to welcome her like good hosts and failing, they had expressions of resigned shame as they allowed Aurora to step outside on her lonesome and get some air.



Ricard nodded at Tasha. "We wouldn't have done so well without your nose." he complimented her, while Zeno smiled at Tasha fondly. "If I'm not there... You'll know where else I am." she said with a wink. Like most of this little collection of kitsune worshipping cultists, Zeno enjoyed the more savage things in life, like the persistent orgies that occur every now and then. If Tasha ever was hard to find, it's only because the mass of people in the orgy made her hard to pick out at a distance.

Teleporting herself into the chef's kitchen, she found herself beholding an interesting sight. There was a girl with black hair and a thin body laying on her back on the ground with her legs spread wide in invitation, with her hands gripping the body of the chef Tasha was seeking. They were in the middle of the ever familiar act, and Tasha popped in just so properly placed right behind the chef that the first thing she'd probably notice is his fattened cock plunging into the girl's pussy, and his balls slapping against her ass. Upon closer inspection, the girl looked pregnant too.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Aurora took a few deep breaths of the outside air. After a few moments she wiggled her pants to mae her erection a little easier to bear. She decided to wait outside and let the fresh air cool her passion down. Her eyes looking about the village curiously to see what other surprises the village might have in store for her.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF


Adjusting herself, Aurora would find that it wouldn't be hard to not stand out with her shifting. In fact, she was standing out by being clothed. Most others walking around were just as naked as Deo and Kirin, and some couldn't be bothered to look her way, as she saw a man and a woman against a wall, thrusting against one another while their peers passed by with little more than a smile of acknowledgement of their passion. Another man walked up behind the group, greeted them with names, and kissed the first man before getting right behind him and becoming the third member of their little party. Sex seemed to be standard, and publicly so. With no boundries either, as Aurora, with her sharp eyes, would spot a woman out in the woods, with a large canine beast pounding his cock into her pussy. To put it frankly, the new place she had arrived to was 'different.'
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Tasha smirks and sniffs the air, picking out individual scents through the smell of sex and assorted odors of meat and old and possibly misfired cumshots. Her habit of of wrinkling her nose was often found to be one of the few cute things about her, but in most cases it was just her sensitive nose wincing at the more powerful smells of rutting, or her picking up on someone's pheromones. The thing is, she'd sniffed everyone in the cult at least once, and could pick up their scents easily. This newcomer didn't smell like anyone she recognized. Must have been one of the new recruits that people were buzzing about. By the look of her belly, she must have already gone through the "initiation" night. Tasha's had been coerced, but consensual. Rather than let herself get gang raped she'd chosen the strongest looking guy and rode him instead. Turned out Krill had been a lover who could keep up. She liked that about him.

Knowing the chef was preoccupied, she studies the new girl with her icy blue eyes, the stag still slung over her shoulder and a string of pheasants in her other hand. Athletic looking, short hair, strong arms. No doubt this woman was a warrior of some variety. Not that mages couldn't have similar features, but those of magical talent didn't tend to have the carefully chiseled look of the newcomer's muscles. Tasha keeps the newcomer's scent locked into her memory. Maybe she could track down the warrior woman later and have some fun with her.

Her eyes suddenly pick out a small detail about the woman that had been hidden from her a moment ago by the chef's slapping balls. The golden fox tail that pokes out from underneath the new girl's tush. No wonder there was such a fuss being raised. Well, looking for answers had been part of why she was here. And now she'd found them. Suppressing a smile at the current situation, she puts on her usual stony mask of detachment and holds out the pheasants.

"Knock knock. Special delivery."
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Seeing that the people outside were just as lustful as the couple inside made her blush. Neither really helping to calm herself down. She glanced about looking for a safe place to cool off, but seeing a woman take a beast near the edge of the forest, she realized she likely wouldn't in town. After a few moments to get her bearings, she took off into the air. Flying high above the little village and letting the sir cool her passions once the people looked like little ants on the ground.

She would circle lazily above while she waited for the drugged wine to wear off as well as her passion. She decided she would give a look over the course north the villager were likely to take.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Denna really pretty sure she was not being taught anything except how to get screwed. She already had that crash course, was pretty familiar with it. How to get knocked up in one night and bare in a week. It occurred to her chances were she wasn't going to have one child before the end of this.

She had every recollection he was one of the men to rape her, she seemed to recall he was the second to do so. Still she couldn't help but groaning a bit. whatever her feelings were, her body was able to warm up to him enough to make her groan a bit. She didn't bother resisting though, she just had to take it for now. she didn't need to break the programming she had already done on him after all. Denna shuddered at such an almost heartless thought, before giving a yelp as suddenly they weren't alone.

She wasn't sure what she was looking at. Some sort of cat... wolf... woman... another mutant, easy enough. It was clearly bringing a catch in, and staring at them both. She clearly could see everything, making Denna flush furiously.

Something strange about her beyond the gaze though. She seemed stoic, almost cold, where as everyone else seemed almost constantly giddy. She clearly wanted the chef's attention though, and Denna decided to let him deal with it and observe for now. She doubted she'd get any reprieve even if he did shift his attention a bit.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Denna & Tasha

The chef gives a start only for a moment to look back and see the woman behind him, before relaxing immediately. "Oh, it's you Tasha." he said, his length buried inside Denna as he regarded her. "You know where the meat goes." he said, indicating to the room that looked like a closet on the side that was where he hung up the meat to chop them up that day to cook and serve them as meals. "If that's all, then get going. Unless you wanna join in?" he inquired with a lecherous grin, reaching one hand back to grip Denna's ass and show off her asshole to Tasha, which was soaked with Denna's fluids coming out around his cock buried deep inside her.


Taking to the sky, Aurora would find herself wrapped by the sound of wind passing by her and the feeling of it blowing past her body. The path to the north looked to be one previously cleared out, as if they'd already gone that route before. In light of that, looking along the path north did not reveal too much other than the fact that it'd be easy to keep on track and not get lost so long as they followed their created path.