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Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

David smiled at Denna, pleased to know she was being an open book about things, and he an eager person to read. "I'll try not to annoy you with excessive questions. I'm not the best birthday present giver for no reason! Speaking of which, when are your birthdays?" He inquired with a smile.

Once that was answered, David would answer her question about the religious figures surrounding Kyubi. "The priests and priestesses are the leaders of Kyubi's teachings. They listen to her guidance and lead our beliefs while kickstarting exciting sessions of worship. Man, woman, beast and she-beast all get together in both celebration and worship. Kyubi's priests and priestesses are also capable of miraculous spiritual powers. Their ultimate destiny is during the ceremony which happened when you two arrived. They make love to Kyubi herself, and their souls become one with our goddess, immortal as one of her beloved, fluffy tails." David spoke with passion, smiling at Erin. "I already know what kind of tail Erin would be. She'd be a fiery, passionate tail of red fur and yellow tip. That's what I think, because I think the element of fire suits you well~" David assumed, likely correctly. "Most normal human beings become a simple color, no different than any other, but her priests especially are unique. They allow for her tails to be a glorious rainbow of colors."

Then, David looked to Denna. "Since Denna is apparently becoming the Idol of Kyubi, something that Kyubi once told us would appear to lead us to her in the event of catastrophe, everyone shall look to you as a back-up goddess of sorts~" He declared. "And... All of your followers would love to have your blessing." David declared with a bit of a blush, unable to help but look over Denna's body, soon to sport his own excitement. Given he wore little more than a rag, left nothing to the imagination due to the size of his length pushing the cloth aside. He didn't seem to react too much to them seeing his excitement. He possessed little to no shame in others seeing him in all his glory.

Then, Erin wanted to know about her job. "Ah, as a priestess, a new one at that, I understand that you are supposed to be taught the teachings of Kyubi. Since you've got the mark on you," David refers to the tattoo that was put on Erin when Kyubi began the interrupted brainwashing ceremony, "That must mean you've already went through the trials of meditation. You finished the fastest I've ever heard though. I hear that most priests and priestesses take many days to reach enlightenment. You might be a chosen one or something amazing like that." David said cheerfully in praise of Erin. "Past that, the regular duties of a priestess are to tend to the followers of Kyubi. The male priests tend to the female and gay followers, rewarding them for devote service to their goddess, and the priestesses do the same for the males and gay women... I guess it's already pretty obvious that this guy," David refers to himself, "-is trying to get a head start over the others, eh?" he chuckled nervously. "My intentions weren't entirely impure, I promise! I just... Maybe worked a little faster than I normally do, because I won't deny that the thought of winning your favor was quite a morale boost."
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Denna squeaks, turning bright red as suddenly Erin latched onto her, whispering things into her ear. She starts to stammer something when Erin detached, acting as normal. She blinked a moment then huffed a bit, turning her attention back to David. Where the hell had that come from? The girl was as confusing as always, she probably did that on purpose just to get a reaction. Definitely acting her age. Well, she wasn't actually sure she was older but she sure felt like the girl was younger by a large margin.

"Long as they aren't too weird, fire away. I can't promise my answers are gonna be very good though.," says Denna, distracting herself by answering David's question, "My birthday? Uh... Would you be shocked to hear I don't really know? It's not really something I paid much mind. I spent most of my time working on the farm to make sure we kept food on the table and such, so that sort of stuff sorta slipped by between training to fight and learnin' t' till a field and all that. Truth be told I don't know what year it is either, so I'm guessing I'm in my twenties somewhere as it is. Early thirties at most, but I don't think it's been that long. Sorry I can't give a better answer than that."

She listened to David's explanation, humming a bit. It was what she figured really, the priestesses were essentially glorified prostitutes with magic powers. However they also were the ones who guided the rest. If she could get the priests to bend her way, maybe she could usurp Kyubi in their minds entirely and lead them to a better path. She just wish she knew how to do all that. She was a warrior, not a cult leader or a spy or manipulator. Erin said she could help though she honestly wondered how much the girl actually knew what she was doing. And even if she was an expert, her complete unpredictability made it hard to know where to go with her. She still half expected to wake up to Erin burning everyone alive.

David seemed to confirm that Denna could help. Blessing though?

Denna opened her mouth, about to ask, when he pretty much showed what he meant with his body. She should have guessed. Fortunately he turned to Erin's question, and further confirmed what she figured about the priesthood too. It was a pity, a place openly sexual and without judgement was certainly a nice concept. More acceptance in the world was hardly a bad thing. She just needed to break that desire to force it on others, as always. She also needed to figure out how the heck was she going to handle their beast loving aspects.

David then admitted he was a bit motivated by desire to lie with them. Guess she'd see which coin flip in Erin's head would win and if she'd lash out or bed him on the spot or something. Well she'd throw her two cents in. "It's fine, David, nobody thinks less of someone doing something to try and impress a little. Everyone does it. Though I have to ask, with how good a tailor you are, why just a loin cloth?"

She made sure she didn't look downwards after the initial glance. Wasn't the first hard junk she'd seen but he definitely wasn't small. Seemed like everyone got hyper-sexualised around here though. Wouldn't be shocked if some folks couldn't walk anymore, but this place raised a ton of questions, some she couldn't really voice. She'd have to wait to get her... Co-wife? Whatever she was considered alone to be able to talk more frankly. She hoped she could get her at ease with her, she was an none damaged source of information she could use to make full decisions.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

"My birthday? Damn if I know." Erin shrugs, her town not having been too big on recording stuff accurately. "Just tag me on whenever you celebrate Denna's and that way we can pull one big party."

Denna's reaction to her teasing had been cute enough to get a giggle off the mage, but David's explanation about the priestesses quickly grabbed her attention again. It was clear that large orgies were implied in the post's duties, as well as dying and becoming a tail. Terribly grim prospect, not that the brainwashed fool would know, she thought with a nascent frown.

She waited until David was done explaining, though, since the rest of the information, both about the Idol of Kyubi and about her own duties as a priestess was very interesting, even if the tailor was probably tring to make it something more, given how excited he was. But there were a couple ideas she wanted to cut right off the bat...

"You won't get to see my colour, David, because I'm not destined to become a tail." She raised an eyebrow, hand on her hip. "It's related to why I got my mark so quickly, though I'm afraid I can't really tell you much about it. Suffice to say, I'm not here as a standard priestess. Just as the circumstances call for an Idol to take Kyubi's place, they also call for someone who'll... take different duties." She shrugged, ignoring his shaft for a moment - but then the thought of teasing him passed through her mind, and it was just too much fun to not do it.

"I can't blame you for trying to get a piece of this..." The mage extended a hand to Denna's rump, groping it from the side. "It's soft, and terse, like you'd expect from a fit woman..." Erin closed her eyes for a brief moment, focusing on her magic - with a soft, sensual moan the skin on her groin began to push forward and, a moment later, she was sporting another oversized erection . "I hope you won't mind if I try to impress her too, David." She teased, biting her index softly. "I've been waiting for much longer than you have, after all." She winks.

Erin uses Vampiric Futa with 3 stacks of Large for 5 mana
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

David scratched the back of his head, looking seriously surprised neither of them knew. "Ah, well... You probably missed out on a lot of birthday parties then! Don't worry, I'll see to fixing that!" he promised with a smile. Though at Denna's bit regarding his loin cloth, he shrugged. "It's warm outside, yeah? Clothes will just heat you up more. Wearing less allows you to get more done during the day rather than suffocating your body." he announced.

Then, as Erin explained, David seemed to understand immediately. "Ah, you mean like Kyubi's personal helper?" he said, with indication to the draconic looking lady. "I see now. So you'll just be participating in the orgies then. Let me know if you need any help. I've got good hands and big muscles, so leave it to me." he promised.

Then, as Erin began to rub Denna, David chuckled at Erin. "A nice and round butt is fine too." he said, as Erin found her own butt groped for a moment as Erin went to conjure her penis. If Erin freaked out about being groped, David wouldn't take that lightly, ready to scold Erin for doing the same to Denna when thinking that no one should do that to her. "If it's wrong, then don't do it to Denna, okay?" he's say in all fairness.

At the sight of her penis, with maximum largeness, it could compete with a horse. Looking at it, and then Denna, David twisted his lips. "You might want to make it smaller." he advised her. "Denna is pregnant, you know. You might end up hurting the baby." he said, nodding like a sage.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Denna blinks at David's explanation. "Yeah, I get that I guess, though there's lighter clothes that could work too. Plus, bug bits and such. eh, either way.," she says, refusing to look down at the tent of his loincloth.

She glanced at Erin when she mentioned being special helper or something. David seemed to accept it though so it worked for her. For now anyway. See how accepting the other priests would be.

She looked back to David then yelped as suddenly Erin grasped her rump, pulling away. "Hey-" She paused as David groped Erin's rump in turn, her own head sending alarm bells at the incoming explosion fest and rampage.

Seeing the enormous shaft suddenly grow forth through Erin's clothes however caused her brain to suddenly come to a huge screeching halt. Girl. Cock. Girl cock. Giant girl cock. What. She shook her head, the enormous danger rearing up managing to break her out of it quickly as she swiftly slipped between Erin and David and started pushing David out the door. "Well that was a thing, hey you know what, why don't you show me around the town proper David, immediately. See you in a bit Erin, please remember your promise to me!"

She shoved out and shut the door behind them quickly, sighing and shaking her head. "Well that happened." She promptly recalled she was naked outside, and blushed deeply. "...And this is happening. Uh... Too late now. So uh, tour..."
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Pushed out of the door, David went along, but didn't complain. Once they were outside, David looked to Denna, a little confused but seeming to understand that Denna must have had a good reason to act the way she did. "A tour, you say? Well, on top of the fact that our town is rather simple and small, we're about to leave it, you know?" David chuckled. "How about I introduce you to everyone instead?" he offered. Though on the topic of her being naked, he just shrugged. "There's a medicine we use to keep the bugs off. I happen to have some with me, if you want?" he offered, and if she were to accept, he'd look to a little pouch he had at his side, and fished out a small bottle of the oil, before pouring some into his hand and running his hands along Denna's body casually, coating her in the stuff. "I'll help you to reach the spots you can't." he offered, but just ended up running his hands everywhere else anyway.

Unless she freaked out and refused, David would do it himself. Otherwise he'd give her the bottle. No matter how the deed was done, she was now naked, shiny, and left alone by the few bugs that might be buzzing around. "You already know the tailor, myself, the guard, Krill, and some of the priests. How about we go and visit the town welcoming committee?" he's inquire. And if Denna recalled, he meant the people that raped her.


(Enter the Rathuris)

Aurora, sent from her mother's care to embark on a journey to learn more of the world, would not possess reason nor objective to the location she traveled. Though there wasn't too many places to travel in Badaria for someone of her kind that wasn't Acheron. The general reception would always be the same. Racists would stare and curse her existence. The more zealous racists would even try to kill her. Though, despite all the kinds of people one could expect from such a place, the first human Aurora would encounter would no doubt at least surprise her.

It was a blond haired human woman wearing little but a loin cloth, and nothing else. She also wore a straw hat, presumably to hide her face from the sun, and was working a garden of vegetables, plucking the harvest. Her hair was done back into a ponytail that only went as far as where her neck connected to her shoulders. She had a full chest, but not as large as Aurora herself.

She smiled at Aurora as if she was familiar with her, even though Aurora wouldn't recall meeting the girl before. "Howdy, sister." she greeted Aurora. "Are you walkin' around these parts with a purpose?" she inquired. "Most folks in these lands won't treat you kind, not like us. Won't you stay for a spell? There's some kindness to be found from human beings." she promised.
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Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

No explosions in the house they just left. Thank the gods for small miracles. "Hm? Uh... I guess that works.," says Denna awkwardly, tail giving nervous little swishes, "We didn't meet under the... Most comfortable of circumstances for me."

She blinks curiously at hearing about the medicine. "Oh, that's neat. Makes sense to have. Sure, I'd appreciate that.," Denna smiles, before squeaking as he began to rub it on her, squirming in discomfort at being touched. "Sorry... I've not... Been touched much and all. I guess this is one way to get used to it. I get the feeling everyone wants to grab me somewhere if not more."

She sighed a bit once it was over, before responding with a sigh. "Yeah, why not. Though I think I met all the guys there pretty well."
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Aurora smiled as she spun through the air high above the ground. Spying the village in the distance she decided to take closer look. Her stomach lightly rumbling as she thought about aquiring some meat for a meal. Diving down she landly lightly a short distance away before she walked over. Her thoughts hoping briefly that the inhabitents weren't as hostile as the last village and try to attack her again.

Aurora was momentarily caught off guard at the sight of the blode woman being nearly naked as she worked. Letting her face assume a neutral expression as she moved closer to the farmer. Letting the farmer take in the sight of her body and clothing wondering what would happen next. Hearing the friendly words made the dragoness cautious. With a small nod she answered back. "I am only here to aquire provisions such as meat, before continueing on. Could you direct me to the market?" Though despite the apparent friendliness, her gold eyes briefly glanced about herself warily. Hoping the pitchforks wouldn't make an appearance.

Oh just a quick note regarding her clothing.

Though without the mask. Also the outfit being a dark purple in colour.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

"As long as someone doesn't touch you with the intent to harm you, it should be fine, yes?" David announced. "I don't like hurting people, so don't be afraid of me." he said, trying to calm her down ironically while his hands ran over her tiny breasts.

David nodded, before walking through their village, while most were seen to be packing their things together for the trip ahead. Wood was even being salvaged from some houses for future use. "Everyone's rather busy getting ready. My things are already ready. I don't have much to my name so I didn't have much to prepare for." David declared. "All I've left to do is make you guys some warm clothing for the cold north."

Even though Denna was naked, the other women going to and fro weren't any more decent, and were also fairly shiny with their own oils to deal with the insect menace. Even those that did wear clothes actually made themselves appear even more sexually appealing, so Denna was hardly getting stared at. However, there were still some that couldn't help but look at her booty. All that was left was to reach a large gathering outside where the welcoming committee was gathered. Though if Denna cared to recall the faces of her brainwashed rapists, or count how many there were, she'd note some were missing from the group before her. One among them who was not missing was the chef, whose eyes fixed on Denna specifically, staring at her intently. The very same chef whom Denna defeated before she made the chemicals to allow her to fight Kyubi one on one.

Other than the chef, the other members recognized Denna immediately. Various men and women gathering around her and calling out her name. "Denna! So good to see you again~" A man announced with a seductive coo. The hands of all her rapists moving to shake her hand, embrace her shoulders, rub her arms, and grope her booty. There were dozens of hands out there just wanting to touch her and embrace her, as if it was absolutely essential that they get in close and let Denna know how welcome she was.


"Where are ya headed?" The woman inquired towards Aurora. "To be honest, we're fixin' to move North. Turns out these parts of Badaria aren't so hospitable, not since we lost our leader. We don't have too much to spare, but perhaps we could give you plenty of food to eat if you help us?" the woman offered. "You look strong and capable, we'd be much obliged if you helped protect us!"

Then, a man stepped out from the nearby building, which looked to be in the middle of disassembly, harvested for the materials it was made out of. He was wiping his brow with one arm, looking to be sweating profusely. He was also completely naked, a rather full package on display of unnatural size. If erect, he could no doubt please an Oni. "What god was angered to cause this day to be so awfully hot?" he complained. Then the woman called out to him. "Deo, we have a guest! Cover yourself or you'll scare her!" she lectured him. "I object!" The man, Deo protested as he came forth. "It's too hot to wear anything!"

Once in front of Aurora, he stood before her without shame. "Howdy, name's Deo. This is my wife Kirin. Were you gifted with that body, or were you lucky enough to be born with those beautiful scales and wings?"
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Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Auraro looked at the woman as she spoke. "Heading away from Badaria." Turning to look out on their little village. Thinking about the woman's offer a moment and shrugged, she say no reason why she could guard them. "I am willing to protect to the border. As long as you pay me in food along the way and a good portion to set off with afterwards."

Seeing the naked man, she wasn't really surprised that he was naked with how warm it was today. Though was a bit startling to see him be so large. Averting her eyes she avoided looking down past his hips, as she looked at him. Her face a calm expression as she spoke, fairly use to being around naked people. She wasn't too sure whether to curse or thank her mother for always going naked around her. "Hello, Deo and Kirin." Hearing his question piqued her interest, her thoughts wondering how they were so open and friendly to another race. "I am a Dragon." Speaking as if that one word explained everything.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Denna observed as they walked, seeing people packing up all sorts of things, even parts of the buildings. She glanced to David as he talked, tilting her head a bit. "No? You're an very talented tailor, how would you not have much to your name? Your designs are the sorts I would see in the noble circles when I was a merchant guard. Honestly you should be quite well off. Me, I probably coulda had more, but I don't really take payments or anything. Times like these, everyone has to work together. Often there's not even enough food to go around, never mind denarii, I'm happy just to work for a little food that can be spared and such. Or for free if it can't."

As they went on, it soon became apparent she was far from the only nude lady with a tail around. she tried not to stare, though in some ways it was a relief as it meant she wasn't drawing attention. The people who were clothed seemed to be drawing even more somehow! Though Denna wasn't sure a pair of ribbons really counted as clothing.

Eventually they came to a gathering though. All faces she vaguely knew from a night of horror where she'd been forcibly impregnated, drugged and used until she was unconscious, and beyond it as well most likely. The only face she recognised was the one she had hit quite a few times. Guess she made an impression not even the brainwashing could remove. She'd have to be careful in the future.

Then the grabby hands of men and women were on her, her tail twitching nervously a bit as they latched on. The women she didn't recognise very much, they had all been all over Erin except for her... Co-wife. After a couple moments of it she gently shook the hands off. "Alright, alright, that's enough, you had your fun. What are you all doing out here anyways? Don't you all have stuff to pack?"
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

The man and woman found the Dragon's terms more than agreeable. "Absolutely! Would be cruel of us if we didn't!" Kirin said with a chuckle. Deo also nodded. "We'll see if we also can't give you something else for your troubles. A beautiful dragon like you deserves more than food, yeah?" he offered with a friendly smile, perhaps too friendly. As if he already considered himself a close friend of Aurora's. "Why don't you come inside, take a load off? We're actually cooking up some lamb, surely you wouldn't mind some?" Kirin suggested, while Deo nodded, Kirin and Deo heading back to their house with the assumption Aurora would follow. "By the way, what's your name? I owe you enough respect to not just call you, 'you' all the time." Deo inquired.

Deo was also getting a bit closer to Aurora, getting quite friendly and seemingly trying to make sure she didn't feel unwelcome. He also kept his hands to himself, not going so far as to touch her, seemingly out of respect. Showing her that he didn't mind her presence, but staying far enough away in case she did mind his.


David chuckled as Denna argued the value of him. "What I truly meant was that I didn't have as many large things to move around that would take all day. I packed up within a few hours after the ceremony. I just need my thread, my needles, and my bed. My anvil as well, but that's the only thing." he explained.

Once she shooed the grabby hands away, the group of townsfolk nodded. "We got all of our things packed already. We're taking a break as we awoke early in the morning." a man explained. Then a woman decided to get close again, wrapping an arm around Denna's shoulder and rubbing her belly with the other hand. "How's the baby~?" she inquired. "You got knocked up real good didn't you~" she cooed.

Then, one of the males came over and goosed the woman molesting Denna's belly, with an extra finger in her butt. It did enough to chase the girl off as she gave a squeak in surprise. Pleasant surprise, by the look on her face. "How can we help you, Denna?" he inquired with a smile.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Denna nodded at the explanation, then blushed slightly as she was latched onto and her stomach rubbed, blushing harder at the words. "Erm, yeah. Guess I did. It's going really fast, faster than anything I've seen sides goblins. I've never been a parent so I'm really nervous."

She sighed a little in relief as the girl was chased off, in a very unusual manner. She glanced over. "Oh, I'm mostly getting to know who everyone is and such. Maybe help some people pack, see if anything needs doing. David's sort of introducing me around so to speak. So guess it's more how can I help than anything else?"

No real point in being upset, they wouldn't get it and it'd just cause trouble that wasn't worth it at this time. She needed a proper plan to fix things, but that meant playing along a bit for now. She really was worried about what was growing in her though. She had heard those corrupted tended to cause shorter conception times like more magical entities, but this was insane. Was it going to be human or... Something else? Either way, she supposed it was her child, but it was a worry nevertheless. One among many.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Aurora shrugged as they spoke. "I suppose gold would also work as payment." Looking at them as they mentioned food and nodded. "I would like some lamb." Following them inside their room and taking a seat if it was offered.

Looking at them cautiously. "I am known as Aurora Darkfury." She didn't seem to mind their presence yet. "So what is making you move to a new location?"
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Denna would find the people around her smiling at one another and looking rather happy that she was here to please. "We're all set," a man declared. "Though, the beastmasters always need help keeping our furry friends from raising a ruckus, if you're looking to help someone." He continued, causing some of the girls to chuckle.

David chuckled, rubbing Denna's shoulders. "The only thing Denna would be able to help with are the smaller ones. She's got a baby on the way after all." David argued why Denna wasn't up to the task.

One girl, blond and with a petite frame, shrugged. "Helping with all the small ones is fine too. Anything helps." She declared, sounding as if she herself was a beast master. David looked a bit skeptical that Denna should be doing any work at all, but in the end it was up to Denna herself.

Meanwhile, the chef continued to stare at her from the back of the group with a most intentful stare.


Deo nodded at Aurora, putting his hand on her shoulder. "Nice to meet you, Aurora! Oh!" He exclaimed, before his hands massaged the area where her shoulder met her neck. "You're quite tense. Care for a massage?" he inquired with a smile as they approached their house. Kirin opened the door, and a strong scent of seasoned lamb hit Aurora's nose. It smelled delicious.

"Come on in, miss Darkfury." Kirin invited the dragoness. "Make yourself at home! Mind the dogs, they love visitors, but you won't have to worry about them biting. They're good boys." Kirin announced happily.

When Aurora walked inside the humble home, having to tuck in her wings to avoid making a mess, she'd first be greeted by a trio of canines, each of which were massive in their own right. If they stood on their back paws, they'd easily stand half a foot over Aurora (just under seven feet). There was a brown one, a black one, and a white one with black spots. They rushed to Aurora, tails wagging and noses going. Meanwhile, Kirin looked to be fussing over their eagerness to greet their guest. "Boys, boys, stop! Give her some room to breathe, for goodness sake!" she said with a laugh as she fought a losing battle. The dogs came forth, and began sniffing Aurora all over, tongues soon to follow, licking her legs and feet. Meanwhile, the black dog's nose went right for her nether area, sniffing, before licking her crotch, tickling her erogenous area with a wet lick.

Kirin would eventually be successful in getting the dogs off, unless Aurora chased the dogs off herself. In the former case, the black dog would insistently lick her nether region a few more times before Kirin would pull him off.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Aurora frowned as the man massaged the hard scales about her neck and shoulders. The man likely able to feel her much warmer skin, almost as if she had a fever. "I am fine without one." Removing his hand gently if he persisted in giving her a massage. Once inside she gave a large sniff as she smelt the roating lamb, her stomach rumbling quietly.

She was barely surprised when the dogs swarmed her. "I doubt they will cause me much trouble." Her thoughts wondering how such people could have acquired such large beasts. She watched Kirin struggle with the dogs a moment before feeling one of them lick her groin.

She looked down at the offending dog and glared at it, her gold eyes seeming to take on fiery glow. She let out a deep chest rumbling growl at the lick happy dog and his buddies. Her growl beastial and menacing as she glared at them in anger, hopefully conveying to them that she would rip them apart if they tried anything again.

Once and if the dogs where scared away she would glance at her hosts. Her demeanor still a little angry, though she remained respectful. "Thank you for inviting me for dinner." Taking a seat at their table if one was available.
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Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Denna listened to them. It was nice they were so happy but it felt tainted by how much of it was against their will. Still it was a bit infectious as she found herself smiling a bit. However the proposal was definitely not what she had in mind.

Fortunately David gave her an easy way out of it. "It's sort of my first pregnancy and I don't know much about this stuff, so I rather not risk any, er, intrusions for the time being. Sorry."

Hm. Maybe this would be a good way to figure out more about those beasts and such.

"Well, if you aren't doing anything, you seem to know about them. So, the animals and such, why are they so... Aggressive? I mean I get desiring sex and all, but don't they have their own females and all?"
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Denna would be answered with a shake of her head. "Only males are born when a woman carries for them." she replied. "So we are the only females for them." she declared. "Sorry to hear about that though. Still, there's plenty of women who do it pregnant. So we'll be glad to see you reconsider. It takes a lot of work to please all those boys."

"She already has boys to please." David said with a laugh, hugging Denna close with an arm around her shoulders. That seemed enough to keep them at bay and leave her alone unless Denna had a change of heart.

"Excuse me." The fat chef declared, stepping forth with a confident smile. "If I may, I would like to have a word with our prestigious 'temporary' replacement for our beloved Kyubi." he said with emphasis on the word temporary. "I find that this is a conversation that will interest you... Greatly." he said, as if offering her something amazing, though likely only to Denna, it would sound like a threat.


As Aurora would focus on the dogs, she'd find that their eyes were glowing slightly red, and that their features were slightly disfigured with signs of the corruption having an influence on them. They were no normal dogs, and in that light, her growls were not answered. As she stared at the offending dog, the other, brown dog stood up a little and licked Aurora's cheek before the three of them finally answered Kirin's calls.

Meanwhile, Deo was taking the lamb out of the oven, and putting the mashed potatoes and gravy on display as well as some corn. A rather delicious meal rarely seen by travelers. "Come and eat, honored guest!" Deo announced with a smile.

"Sorry about that, they're too friendly for their own good." Kirin announced, coming back from putting the dogs away as she brushed her hand along Aurora's arm in an apologetic gesture. Meanwhile, Deo pulled out chairs for both Kirin and Aurora for them to sit, before fetching a large jug and putting three glasses down on the table, one for each of them. He poured forth the liquid into his and Kirin's glasses, which was honey colored, before taking a seat and holding hands with his significant other for a moment and looking to Aurora. "Would you like water, or our delicious mead?" he inquired. It even smelled like honey, and gave every impression that it'd be delicious. The scent alone would make Aurora's heart race, though Aurora was free to resist drinking something so exciting.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Denna preferred not to sleep with another species, so it was something of a relief to get a pass on that. David was fortunately a boon in this manner. She smiled at him as he hugged her.

Sadly no good things last. The chef seemed to be as affected as ever. She couldn't help but wonder if he was the opposite of Krin's wife, not brainwashed and going along of his own free will. Worst case scenario indeed.

Nevertheless she didn't show any reluctance and simply nodded. "Certainly."

Better to hear what he had to say, that way she would know what she'd have to do on the matter.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Seeing the odd sight of people owning corrupting creatures was strange. Though she really should be talking considering her grandmother was a giant winged lizard. Still she paid it no mind for the moment, thinking they were likely from Archeon. "It is alright."

Still despite the strangeness of it she still sat down in the offered chair. "Thanks." Looking at the food on the table and gave a small sniff at the smell of food and mead. Offering her cup to them. "A glass of mead is fine." Waiting for her hosts to eat and drink first before eating herself, in case they offered a prayer or peerformed some sort of ritual before hand. "So who should I speak to in the village about getting hired as a guard?"