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Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Denna got no punches, and Erin, along with everyone else, were free to enter the room. Inside, there was no sex going on, all the men and women were laying about, looking rather exhausted from all the sex. Rose looked broken still.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Erin walked next to Rose, looking sadly at her and grimacing. A dark reminder of her fault, for sure. She shook her head a moment later, though, pushing the guilt aside and turning towards the exhausted men and women in the room.

"Alright, people. Those of you who are not captives, please leave now, we have to talk with the newcomers now."
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Denna looked over them all, sighing sadly. Such damage. Could they not see the harm that had been done to these people? Were they truly that blinded? How much was Kyubi's magic and how much was pure denial? In any case, it seemed this might be harder than she thought. She looked them over as she brought the others in before sitting down in front of them all.

"...Well, I drove that fox thing off. No one died today. Still, we're still here. Nothing I could say could make up for what's happened. I'm sure you've more than your share of things to say to me. I'm sure I more than deserve any insults or reprimands. But I hope you all haven't given up. Because I have not. We will get through this. With the fox thing running with her tails between her legs, they lack any solid leadership. They've been brainwashed, and the programming makes them easily led. If I can play this right I can get us all loose before long. If not... Well, then there is still the other alternatives. That said if you want to give up here, I will not hold it against you.," sighs Denna, looking at them all, before heading over to Rose.

"Poor girl... Cmon, you're alright now. You've handled tougher than this, and you will again.," she says, gently patting her cheek, trying to rouse her. Seeing them like this hurt her badly. It could have been much much worse. Still, this here was proof of her failures. The scars on these people would probably never fully heal.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

The bear man, and the others in the room who had been resting, some with their genitals still linked together with the female victims, would all gather themselves together and head out of the room. Thusly, Denna and Erin were allowed to talk to the victims rather than the cultists. The woman, Rose, would slowly pick herself up after everyone left the room. The men and women in the room took a moment to understand what was happening. Soon, it was Rose who spoke. "All I care for... Is the deaths of every one of these monsters..." she growled. Some seemed to agree, others simply looked eager to escape. "If you're on our side, then help us escape, and help us take up arms, along with bringing a far bigger force. Brainwashed or not, not only are these monsters, but they're also guilty of kidnapping and rape, nevermind what their leader is guilty for." she stated.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

"Tell me something. Do you curse the sword that cut you or the hand that wielded it. They've done terrible things to you, but their minds are not their own. They should be helped, fixed. There's good in them yet and they can be redeemed. If it's vengeance you seek, cut down the source. She'll do this to others, make them into this. They could have been us if I hadn't drove the fox off. But that's irrelevant right now and you know it. You're all in no shape to fight. Leaving is the priority. We're outnumbered, and we're one mage to 8, and while Erin is strong, she's outnumbered. But they obey her, for the most part. We can use that to get them to let us go, or at least give us a chance to slip away.," says Denna, looking over them all.

She get's up with a sigh. "Your bigger force and vengeance is meaningless without the strength to fight or the resources. So for your time here, do not let your anger cloud your judgement. And don't let despair drag you down. You need to keep a clear mind, and you may need to do unfortunate things to get loose. If I can play nice and pretend to agree, so can you. And that's what we need."

She looks over them. "It still needs some details filled but here's the plan. Kyubi escaped, though I left her a scar to remember me by. They know she's gone but not why or where exactly beyond I'm at fault somehow. So my proposition is simple. You're going to play nice. Obviously you're all far too exhausted and sore for any activities so that should keep them off your backs. So my proposition will be simple. We're going on a "pilgrimage" To find Kyubi and beg her forgiveness for my "crimes" and for you all to be annointed in her grace and spread the word of her glory, or such. The priests are jealous of Erin, and even me for some reason, and with the right wording, they can see it as a way to remove the two barriers to their "power." After that, we get out for civilisation. We can figure things out from there."

"There might be an easier way though but that's where Erin comes in.," she says before looking to Erin. "Go find out where we are and if we can skirt around the village. If we can simply walk away unnoticed you just have to send the guards away and we can slip out through the woods. Think you're up to that, Erin? Hm. And while you're at it, can you figure out where that fox thing got to with your magic?"

She looked back to them. "In either case, the worst thing we can do is get mad and pick fights we can't win right now. So, get a good firm grip on your emotions and be ready to be smiles and sunshine to their faces. Doesn't have to be perfect, but if you start throwing punches, we're all going to be here a long time."
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Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Erin let Denna talk to the troops, staying cautiously to the side against a wall without saying anything until she was addressing her directly.

"I'd rather try convincing them to let us loose first instead of just running away Wouldn't want them to send the forest beasts after us, that'd make a pretty mess, and we wouldn't need to hide. Lot less risks involved." She tapped her chin lightly. "I'm no tracker mage, but I'm going to bet the cultists have at least one for the people who run away, which by the way makes it even more important that we convince them to send us away. Kyubi pilgrimage sounds fine, I'm just concerned some of the cultists might want to go with us. Specially Krill, or the other priests. Might be a good time to test de-brainwashing on them, though, so maybe you should at least convince Krill to come." She looked at the captives. "And all you people have to do is not snap at the wrong moment and pretend to be happy and cooperative. Which you should, 'cause we're your best chance of getting out for the time being. The worst is already over, anyways, or so I hope."
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Rose and the other victims of the cultists were all silent. Rose and a few of the many others were clearly biting back anger. By the end of it all, none of them seemed to have a means to argue against what both women had to offer, especially when even the violent one of the pair was on the side of keeping peace rather than waging war. "... Fine, we'll play along." Rose agreed. "As long as it grants us a free ticket out of here. We'll want our equipment back too. The fat cocked bastard who fucked me into the ground with his filthy mutant dick told me that my things were being prepared in some new house or some bullshit that they were making for me, as if I was one of them!" Rose spat, revealing that the villagers were already constructing new living spaces for the additions to their village.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

"Should be easy to do. Shouldn't be too hard to get out of here honestly. Might be worth getting your energy back. And at least you guys won't have to share heh. I'm probably going to be set up with the one who's trying to marry me.," smirks Denna amusedly as she shakes her head.

"I'll do everything in my power to get us out safe though. The plan should be easy enough and function fine. They're pretty willing to listen to most of the bullshit I've made up so far. It's kinda sad. I feel like I'm dealing with children out there. Misguided but well meaning but they've been taught badly. If I could pierce that veil of ignorance somehow maybe I could get them to see what they've done because of Kyubi's trickery.," sighs Denna, sitting down and stretching.

"For now, it's all you Erin. I'll wait here til we get word."
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

"It's the brainwashing. Tries to smash who you are to bits, then overwrite it. Guess I'm lucky they had other stuff to deal with than finishing mine off." Erin shrugged, standing back straight. "I'll tell the guards to not bother you, and then I'll hopefully be able to deal with the priests. Don't assume I'll come back, and stay on guard."

She walked out, doing exactly as she'd told Denna - ordering the guards to just watch the exit, but not enter - and, while she was at it, getting directions towards the other priests if she couldn't just see them and walk to them.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

The guards would nod at Erin. "Yes, of course," the woman replied, agreeing not to bother those inside. Then Erin would find her way to the other cultists after asking around a bit. They scattered somewhat, performing various tasks, but were fairly easy to find. The red head and an average looking man were going about directing clean up, including explanations, as an angry chef was spouting bouts of hatred, demanding Denna and Erin be banished before he was sent growling off, unable to get what he wanted.

Then, the red head looked at Erin, "You again... What do you want?" she said with a bit of annoyance.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Erin looked at her, ignoring the hostility.

"To fix this whole mess, of course. Not just... this..." She says, waving a hand around them at the orgy's leftovers. "The whole disappearance of the Goddess thing. And get my thoughts in order while I'm at it." She frowns and down, silent for a few seconds before she sighs. "So we got off on the wrong foot, and I wasn't expecting any other priests around but... there are, and at least you people were right in that you've more experience than I do. So, uh, I'm sorry for that. I thought about what you said, about isolation being too harsh, and I guess you're right so... I thought maybe it'd be better to have her punishment be find the Goddess? And, uh, maybe I can go along and... y'know, get some actual experience in leading people and all that, and hopefully be less of a mess when we return?" She pauses for a second, thoughtfully. "Might be a good chance to introduce the newcomers to our way of life, too. And Krill's likely to want to come too, which would help me do just that." She paused for a second, then looked a bit embarrassedly at the red-head. Everything was an act, of course, but as before Erin was pretty good at pretending.

"I, ah, I've actually thought about this a lot. I'm open to suggestions but... this is the best I've come up with. I think it makes everyone happy?"
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

The woman regarded Erin for a moment, before nodding. "Yes, a search party would be best. Kyubi had many of us ready to help bring supplies north to the Crolian border. She also told us to pack up and head up there when in doubt. So we'll have Krill, David, and a few priests go with you. The rest of us will have to gather whatever we can. We'll be right behind you in a few days. Go talk to Krill and he'll take care of the rest." the priestess declared, before going back to help clean up, though with a new objective, to take all the supplies.


Meanwhile, while Denna was waiting for Erin, she seemed to be getting along well with the other priestess, before David poked his head into the room Denna was in, smiling. "Hey, Denna. You hungry? How about the rest of you?" he inquired. No one else looked ready to eat what the cultists had to offer, but David proved he was observant by spotting how hungry Denna was.
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Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Denna glanced up as David poked his head in. She glanced at the others before looking to him. "No point in staying hungry. I'd appreciate that David. No drugs though alright? I'd like a clear head for awhile, and they're all too exhausted for anything. Usually I do my own cooking, but I want to keep my friends company awhile."

She honestly was ravenous, she hadn't eaten anything but potions. She hated to find out if that had any side effects. No point in starving, she would need her strength in the time to come. Hopefully Erin was having luck with the scrying bit.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

"Be right back!" David declared, gone for about ten minutes, before returning with a mutton of lamb meat. It would full her up, and looked to have been seasoned over a fire. Given how quickly he showed up, it must have already been mostly done. "Just a plain meal. Believe me, everyone is thinking about getting back to work, so this is plain." he promised, though he smiled at her even after she took it, as if a puppy expecting praise.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

"Guess you were already mostly done huh? Thanks. So when you guys aren't uh... Being all religious, this place is mostly just a normal village huh?," smiles Denna as she ate it, very quickly. Starving girl indeed.

"I'll be honest. I'm a bit surprised you all forgave me so quickly. Doubt it was fear. And you seemed outright moved to tears. Does it not bother you I saved the sacrifices? Though then again maybe you're happy I did.," asked Denna, looking at him curiously after she finished, "After all, it bothered you too."
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

David waved his hand at Denna. "I trust in Kyubi in such matters. I just personally would never kill someone." he explained. "I can forgive you because your heart is in the right place. You mean no wrong, you just do it. I think that's easy enough to fix."
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

"So why obey if you don't agree? If it's not okay for you to do such things, why is it okay for her? You don't think it's right. I definitely do not think it is right. No one should be killed for someone else's benefit. That's just banditry.," grunts Den before shrugging, "Goddesses are capable of mistakes too I think. If they were infallible, I'd not have been able to save them."

She shakes her head, "I imagine you'll see my words as little of note or the thoughts of one who does not understand though. But the way I see it, an outside perspective might be welcome. After all, if you can't see things from others point of view, you'll fall in the trenches. So, why don't we compare notes and see from each other's eyes David? I'm curious just how you think the world works."
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Erin nodded, hiding her great displeasure at how this was turning out under a guise of thoughtfulness. "Sounds good. I'll go tell Denna and the captives, don't know where anyone else is. Think you can take care of letting them know?" She said, waving as she turned to leave, heading towards Krill.

Her bad mood mounted as yet another plan turned south thanks to the bloody cultists, anger increasing with each step. She kept it controlled enough that it wasn't obvious at first sight, but there was a glint in her eyes, a certain quality to her now-intense stare that she could not conceal.

"Krill." She said, neutral tone despite everything, though her wording was all but gentle. "The redhead priestess whose name I don't know has agreed that we should mount an initial expedition to find Kyubi. First ones chosen are the new batch of prisoners, Denna, some David guy, a few priests and myself. Said redheaded priestess thought you'd be able to take care of it all. Questions?"
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

"I didn't say that I don't agree. I just don't like killing people myself. I'm well aware that other people do it to each other, and that the murderer isn't always the bad person." David explained. "That's why I think you should be forgiven, despite being accused of trying to kill Kyubi. I see your perspective, Denna. I do. But if I viewed you in that light, I'd have wanted to kill you myself, I think. It would be a shame to kill someone who's only confused." he declared.


The red head nodded. "I'll inform everyone." she said, before letting Erin go off to speak with Krill. Said Krill looked up at Erin as she approached, wincing a bit at the way Erin presented herself. Before speaking, he stood up from where he was sitting, on a carpet with his wife, tending to her as she had a steadily growing belly, and looked directly at Erin. "Her name's Lira." he began. "And I think we got off on the wrong foot. If we're going to be working together, I'll start by being the better man." He started, before Erin would find Krill kneeling, and putting his hands to Erin's waist, and kissing her petals just once. "I apologize for fighting with you, priestess." he said with a humble tone.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

"I agree. That's why I didn't kill all of you while you were unconscious.," says Denna, smiling wryly, "But that raises a question David. You won't kill but you're okay with others killing, whatever their reasons? Bit blasé isn't it? To be honest I expected to die. But there's also a difference between me and Kyubi, beyond who thrashed who. I don't kill people for my benefit. I kill people who harm others willingly. And whatever her reasoning may have been, she was still taking others lives for her benefit when there were other options. Better options. She didn't listen. But you won't believe anything I have to say on the matter unfortunately."

She shakes her head once more. "I think I need to be clear on something. I have no problem with any of your beliefs except one. What you and another consenting whatever do is your business. Animals, beastfolk, hell if you want to willingly lose your soul to an alien by all means. Just keep those slimy fucks away from me. And that's the problem. You guys don't give a choice. You act like the aliens. Aliens find folk, and rape the souls out of them for dead, or make them all happy followers of their rapey mindless ways. You guys have minds, but in every other respect it's the same. You find folks, and force your views on them and rape them. You think it's the right thing to do. So do the aliens I imagine. But it's wrong. You shouldn't force others to do things, or take their lives or souls. It's no more right than if I were to take your life because I decided to."

"I imagine you'll find the comparison offensive. But by all means, correct me. but think hard on it."