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Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Erin raised her hand theatrically... and then brought it down, hard, on Denna's rear. The smack echoed through the silent cave, and she slowly raised her hand again, before hitting the warrior's toned rear, two, four, five times, each time letting her hand rest on the other's rump briefly. She didn't know how willing Denna was to go along with this, but she didn't see many other options besides fighting the cultists, which she didn't see as a good idea - still, she determined to make this as pleasant, or at least as less-unpleasant as possible for the warrior. Who knew, she might even grow to like it.

She picked a decent, slow pace, with a blow every maybe five seconds. Between blows, her hand caressed lightly the reddened skin, as she softly cooed. "Shhh. It's alright, dear. Cry if you have to, there's no shame in it. I know you're a good girl, I know deep down you want to be a good girl. Let me help you. I'm going to teach you everything about being good, but first we have to get rid of the bad, love. So cry the bad out, don't be ashamed. Are you going to be a good girl?" As she spoke, her blows descended down Denna's butt, until they were landing right next to her slit, her hand stroking it oh-so-lightly in the time it had before rising again.
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Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

The entire crowd gave a start when Erin first brought her hand down, and seemed to jump every time they heard a loud smack. Though when they saw her hand making teasing motions on her slit, one nodded his head in the crowd. "Punishment mixed with a little reward! It's genius!" he commented.

The compliment from the audience made the other priests even more jelly. They looked to be fuming with envy.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Denna gave little more than slight grunts at each hard spank. She had taken far worse before, and it hardly bothered her that much. Still, she did her best to help the show Erin was making, giving more cries than she felt they deserved, calling on her child hood to make it as believable as she could.

Abruptly though she felt her sex be caressed, making her gasp in alarm and flush in embarrassment and humiliation, looking up in alarm at the girl. Was it just an accident? Or did she truly mean to molest her in front of all these people?

Her desire to not allow a repeat of such warred with her guilt. She had stood by while Erin was raped before her eyes over and over. Did she really have the right to deny the girl revenge on herself for such a horrible act? Guilt as usual won out, and she resolved to allow the girl to have her way, despite her humiliation.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Erin smiled lovingly at Denna's look of alarm and surprise when she felt her probing hand, hand that quickly withdrew as it hit the warrior's bottom again.

"I asked you a question, dear." The next blow came down much, much harder, with another intimate caress in quick succesion. "Good girls answer when they're asked. You don't want to be a bad girl, do you?" She added, giving a soft stroke to the warrior's clit just to emphasize what she was saying. "Look where being a bad girl got you. Now I have to punish you. Look at all the trouble you've caused." She teased with a surprisingly loving tone. "Don't you feel sorry for being a bad girl?"
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

It definitely was no accident. She honestly didn't know what to think, if this was an act or before was an act or this was some new side of Erin she had never seen before. She shuddered as she was molested by the careful hands of the girl, swatting and caressing, sending dual sensations through her body.

She shuddered, reluctant to answer, half afraid of what she might say, but she had to keep up the act, just for now. "Y-yes, I... I'm sorry I was bad...," she whimpered, it half not an act as she was molested before so many eyes. It was so humiliating to be treated like a play thing by someone she saw as a girl, but... She deserved no less. Erin had worse.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Erin's blows softened once more to Denna's apology, continuing with her constant spanking.

"Such a good girl." She cooed happily. "You all heard her, didn't you? She's sorry. She looks sorry, doesn't she? Poor little thing, so red." Her empty hand trailed over Denna's body, gliding over her back and neck, to her cheek. "And her cheeks are wet. But she'll be a good girl now, won't you?" She asked, smiling at Denna momentarily before looking at the crowd again. "Do you know what happens to good girls?" She asked theatrically, as another blow echoed. "Bad girls get punished, but good girls..." Erin's finger slid softly around Denna's slit, before slipping it in. "Get rewarded." She finished with a smile, pumping the finger briefly before pulling the hand again for another spank. "So what do you think, my kin?" She asked, turning to their audience. "She truly feels sorry. She promises to be a good girl. Does she deserve a reward?"
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

The crowd continued to watch the display, man, woman, and beast seeming terribly excited as Erin's hand struck the shapely toned ass of Denna, their eyes fixating on Erin's fingers as they slipped around her slit, and their cheeks going full flush as her fingers made a wet slip into her folds. Erin had the audience silent and in lustful awe. Most of them, anyway. Krill and David looked ready to cry, as if they didn't feel Denna deserved the punishment. Though when she asked the crowd if she needed a reward, David spoke up first. "I-I still think Denna is a good person inside... Even if she did all that... She's just confused!" David announced. "It's okay, Denna! We'll forgive you! Kyubi is still alive. I don't know how I know this, but I do! So deep down... Denna must have realized her mistake! Until you see a corpse, Kyubi still lives! And even if she is slain, she will live on in our hearts! Denna should still be welcomed!" he announced to his fellows, and the previously angry mob smiled, and gave Denna forgiving smiles.

As well as lustful winks. David himself, his ten inch length looking quite ready to give Denna that 'good feeling' that all were convinced she needed. Unless Erin said otherwise, a dozen would already be climbing onto the stage, eager to have sex with Denna. "To think, we were gonna ban everyone from having sex with Denna." a woman giggled. "That would be too cruel." David replied.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Denna shuddered as she was swatted and molested further, even as Erin talked like she was a pet or some such. It was really humiliating. Her own train of thought was paused as Erin even probed inside her with her fingers.

As she called to the crowd though she had a sinking feeling. She knew where this was going to go. Though she was a bit surprised at how David and Krill spoke up almost teary eyed in her defense. She almost wished she could hate them, that they were monsters, not people. Damn them for not being people she could dislike.

However they also looked like they wanted another round with her. Was Erin really going to give her up to them? She still deserved as much but she also didn't want it either. It would distract them all while Erin and all the others escaped though. So that might be worth it...
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Erin listened to the crowd with a wide smile. "Up you go, Denna." She said softly as her hand finally stopped, wrapping around the warrior's waist instead and helping her to her feet as she stood up as well. Her hand never left the fighter's side, however, holding her right next to Erin.

"Your compassion does you credit, my friends. But even if Denna has promised to behave, she still has another punishment to go through, and that is being in my service." She said, with a wide smile. "And while she is mine, just as I was the one to punish her when it was needed..." Erin let the sentence hang for a brief moment before turning her head and planting a quick kiss on Denna's lips, having to stand on her tiptoes. "She is also mine and only mine to reward." She grinned to the audience. "So please make sure everyone is fine and healthy while I do that, hm? The people over there specially." She pointed towards Brom and the other sacrifices.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

The crowd erupted with a wave of jeers. "The new priestess' stock has declined. No refunds." announced someone in the back. While all the others were ready to give up, one did not. Krill stepped up, onto the stage, facing Erin evenly, but with respect. "I don't mean to go against your will, priestess... But that is my future wife. She carries my child, so I feel I deserve to be there with her at all times." Krill announced.

"Second wife," David added.

"Yes, that." Krill concurred.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Erin looked at Krill's request with neutrality at first, which then turned to contained anger as he spoke and she thought about it. She turned to face him, a growling scowl painted in her face, both from the challenge to her authority and the absurdity of his request.

"And how exactly do you know that it's yours, amongst all the men and beasts that took her? Any number of men and quite a few women could claim to have done that, do you perhaps believe that you're somehow above all of them in your claim to her? And even if you did, enlighten me as to why that matters. Your wife is impregnated with beasts regularly and is not married to them. You've impregnated other women, and you're not married to them either. Lastly, future wife means exactly that - not yet. You get no privileges until she marries you. And I sincerely doubt she will."

She stared into Krill's eyes, a dangerous glint in her own, as she let go of the girl and stepped in front of the man, larger than her, arms crossed under her ample cleavage. "Solitude is her punishment - and understand this, it is not built around what you want or desire. This is not up for discussion, because I do not want to have to listen to every man woman and beast that had sex with her since she arrived try to wiggle their way into being an exception. I did not want to reach this extreme, but since I see there this will be troublesome otherwise... Nobody means nobody. Not you, nor anyone else. Not even me. I do hope you have no reason to complain now?" She asked, finally, a dangerous tone hinting that his insistence could still make it worse.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

"If nothing else, it is my child because I accept responsibility for it!" Krill defended his case. "But I must correct you, priestess. My wife is married to a number of beasts here. We take care of all the pups until they grow. We. Love. Our. Children." he insisted. "And doubt it as you may, Denna has already given me word of her goals as my wife. Though I won't speak for her."

He smiled at Denna. "Tell her, my love. Tell this priestess that we are to become one. Accept this punishment of solitude if you wish, I know you are strong enough to endure it. Just say it here, before us all. You'll return to my side once you are free."

Everyone looked at Denna with excitement, eager to hear what she had to say. Though the other priests and priestesses were beginning to look at Denna with disapproval as well. "Now, new priestess, don't be getting on your high horse! The girl looks to have apologized to me. Solitude is just cruel." said a red haired priestess. Then a man came forth, one hand groping Erin's breast, and the other her bottom. "Remember, we are the elder priests. You'd have become high priestess once we became kitsune like our goddess, leaving you as the remaining priestess, but we still remain."

The other authority figures didn't seem to be taking Erin's powerful tone lightly, their own time as leaders outweighing her own.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Erin's choice of words left some things to be desired. But then the rumblings of the avalanche started. Krill confronted Erin, and Erin seemed to start her trademark losing her temper and going to make questionable decisions. And it was putting herself on the spot as well. She didn't like how the other priests were looking at her though. This was not going to end well.

She felt a bit overwhelmed with how fast this was all riding straight downhill. Having Krill follow her around would be irksome but not necesarilly problematic, she figured she could talk him down.

She looked between the lot, and honestly her own temper was starting to get the better than her. This was all so... Aggravating.

"Look! We can all compare who's got the bigger authority stick later! Right now, that man, that man right there! He;s dying of internal bleeding. Now unless we're condoning letting people just bleed to death in front of us, can we focus on helping him first?! We have all the time in the blasted world to figure out who is going where AFTER lives are not in danger! Damn it, am I the only one with their priorities straight?!," growls Denna irritably.

"Bloody hell, arguing over marriage and punishments at a time like this. Well unless you've decided to punish an unconcious man with death, then somebody help me help him! And you have, then speak up cus I'd love to hear your logic.," growls Denna irritably, going over by Brom's side, shaking her head angrily.

"Fucking politics. You're too busy having slap fights over power bases to help someone who needs it. Why the hell do they need you lot.," she fumed, "If you can't even help them when they need it."
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Erin grabbed the old priest's hand as it touched her butt, and then the one on her breast. "Don't." She growled, shoving him. "You have the balls to call yourselves priests after you failed Kyubi and fell asleep during the ceremony?"

She was about to take a breath and launch into another rant, when Denna mentioned the wounded sacrifices, and she shook her head instead, biting down on her anger and addressing both the other priests and Krill with a single message. "We'll talk this later, if you want to insist. For now, I agree that the wounded should've been my priority, and I'd like to fix that right now. If you want to bicker later, we will, rest assured."
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

One priestess stepped over Brom and put her hands over him. "Healing... And done." she said, as Brom groaned, able to lean up. Seeing all the mutated cultists, he immediately began to freak out, kicking at people and trying to flee. Several women tackled him with their embrace, all cooing at him to try and calm him down.

Once Brom was healed, the priests then looked to Erin. "Yeah, we were asleep. So... Why didn't 'you' stop her?" a man inquired.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

"Because I knocked her out.," says Denna, looking over. "She tried to stop me once. Didn't work out so well. Not that anyone else tried. Thank you for healing him. I have to go fix this, excuse me."

"Brom!," she grumbles, moving over, and looking at him, "Will you lot quit that, you're squishing him, you don't chase a scared person, use your damn wits. Brom, quit yelling and listen damn it! Bloody hell, it's me, Denna."

She snapped her fingers in front of Brom's face with a grumble, "Swear I'm the only remaining bastion of wits around here, and that's a sad damn state of affairs. Now stop yelling and panicking and listen to me. You're going to be fine."

She looked to the lot around her. "Obviously he has a lot to take in, and being in a big crowds not doing any wonders. I'm gonna go take him with the others. Having a lot of familiar faces around him will help. Same goes for those two." She gestured to the other two "sacrifices."

"Now come on, Brom, we'll go get you settled with the others and have a long chat, okay?," she says, offering a hand to help him to his feet, giving him a look that was slightly urgent, hoping he'd realise she was trying to get them all out of there. She had a plan, or at least, some sort of one, she just needed to make sure this worked out.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Erin shrugged and nodded to Denna's explanation and the subsequent question. "That, and I was sealed at the time, which meant all I was pretty limited in my options. What's your excuse?" She replied, calming down pretty quickly once the body contact was over. "Don't explain, actually, we can leave this for later when it's not in front of the whole town. Still have things to take care of."

She sighed to herself, turning to Denna. "It's this way. Follow me." She said, and set off towards the place where she'd last left the captured guards.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

With the three captured sacrifices, Denna and Erin were finally able to leave the stage, while the remaining priests sought to clean up the mess in the cave by getting some people on cleaning duty, and telling the others to go home to do their duties, mostly involving food and the like so they still have something to eat. The people in the cave began to disburse, leaving only the guards behind to ensure the non-cultists don't go running off. Denna and Erin passed these guards on their way to Denna's companions (half of them in one cave, half in the other). A man and a woman, who seemed to have five tamed wolves, a bear, and a boar to defend one side, while the other seemed to have similar protection, beasts and their tamers.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

In some ways she had to admire the skill they had in controlling these creatures. It was truly a shame that they misused this power under Kyubi. Moving through she looked at all her allies that had been gathered, grimacing at the situation.

"Out of the frying pan, into the fire. I suspect at least one of you's going to punch me shortly, so please be quick about it, we've much to discuss, and you can batter me more at your leisure later."
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Erin walked right past the guards with a smile and a nod at them, and then into the room, hoping that the sex had stopped by now, and if not willing to stop it as soon as she came in so she'd be able to have a chat with the prisoners.