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Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

"Because butterflies don't run faster than wolves, and I have to turn back to human at some point." Came the defensive reply, as she walked along Denna. "Trust me, knocking myself out due to overexertion isn't my definition of fun either."

She sighed. Well, it was fair that the warrior wouldn't trust her, but she thought she'd at least proven that she wasn't an incompetent fool in that fight. Not a problem, though. She'd just have to do even better next fight.

"Look, magic's a pretty complex thing." Which was true, even if what she did wasn't exactly magic. "There's a lot, and I mean a lot of weird and arbitrary rules you have to know. Don't expect everything to have a reasonable explanation."
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

It wasn't trust that was the issue, it was plain irritation that this might all have been avoided. But Den didn't know that wasn't being conveyed so didn't comment on it.

"Yeah, you're right. They can outrun butterflies. But butterflies fly, wolves do not.," sighs Den irritably, "Just fly out of sight and go somewhere else. And you ran into the woods because you were being chased by people right? Can they run faster than butterflies?"

She grumbled irritably before sighing. "Doesn't matter. It's happened now. I'm irritated, there's so many ways that ability may have helped avoid any of this occurring. But it did. All that matters now is fixing the damage best we can."

She headed for the battlefield with Erin, searching it for the trail to follow. Couldn't be too hard to find, but hopefully the storm hadn't washed the trail away.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Status: Fine
HP: 83
PP: 39
EP: 40
TP: 25/50 (DU: 4)

Status: Rigid Nipples
HP: 38
PP: 38
EP: 86
TP: 13/25 (DU: 2)

Perception: Den and Erin spot a wolf

Despite all the animals that died, there were still plenty more, and an army of that size didn't move without leaving a very obvious trail. After finding the original site of battle, the two women would be able to give chase after the creatures who stole away with the men and women of the guard. Through the forest, following the broken branches and straight trails along the ground from the human bodies dragged along the dirt, they'd walk for quite some time, a few hours in fact. Not even the rain could so easily erase the signs of a large force moving this way, though that's not to say the tracking alone was so simple. Both girls would have been fools if they thought that the entire force simply moved on...

As they were traveling, both girls would see it. A pair of golden canine eyes hidden in some tall grass. It was watching them quietly, stalking them, but not attacking. It was as if it was waiting for it's time to strike.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

"Maybe, maybe not. Once you people came in I couldn't really get away anyways, not without ditching you all." Erin replied, shrugging. She was hardly a damsel in distress, even back then she'd been pretty far from being one. Even trained warriors would've been in trouble at the point she was when she'd been found.

"And besides, if I had, the horde would've found you without me there to clear them out. You were going into a fight soon as you got in here, difference would've been whether I could help or..." Something caught her eye, a golden glint among the bushes. She looked at it for a brief instant, eyes flicking away almost immediately.

"Denna? I think I saw something over there... don't be too obvious when looking." She said, hesitantly, nodding lightly in the direction the wolf had been spotted. "Mind taking care of it?" She asked, as she planted her feet on the ground, breathing slowing, deepening, chest rising and falling under the torn robe as she focused on gathering the surrounding energies for a blast in case something went wrong - in case it was a trap.

Gather energy for SC/2 energy per turn up to three turns, this probably had a real name, I get 9 EP.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Denna had noticed the stalking hound even before Erin had said a thing. A forward scout or sentry perhaps? Best not let the beast get off a howl or some such.

Still, it'd take time to get her bow out and string it, without the creature noticing her. She didn't know how intelligent the creatures were or if they understood language. If they did, Erin's words and the way she was stopping sort of tipped their hand as it were. She had a very bad feeling about all this.

She took out her sword instead, if the beast howled, she couldn't get an arrow off in time to stop it, and if it ran, the trees would pretty much ensure she couldn't land a shot. With her sword, she at least wouldn't be vulnerable if it went on the offensive.

Denna draws her claymore!
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Status: Grappled
HP: 83
PP: 39
EP: 40
TP: 25/50 (DU: 4)

Status: Rigid Nipples, Grappled by two wolves
HP: 38
PP: 38
EP: 86
TP: 13/25 (DU: 2)

Perception: Den and Erin failed to spot two other wolves

Den readies her claymore.

Both Erin and Den are knocked down from behind by two wolves, effectively grappled.

The wolf they saw rushes out, and joins the grapple with Erin, meaning two wolves are grappling with her.

Den drew her claymore, ready to fight the single wolf before them, before they heard something behind them a moment too late. Both Den and Erin felt a pair of paws hit them from behind, and knock them foward onto their faces with their asses sticking into the air in a lewd display. They both felt the beasts paws press against their backs, while the wolf in front rushed out from cover and sat on one of her arms. Both wolves that attacked the two girls put their maws to their necks, as if requesting their surrender, lest things get ugly.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Erin yelped in panic as she was knocked to the ground, holding on to the charge she'd built up even as the wolf behind her attempted to hold her down, succeeding quite handily. Her lstruggling, which had continued through the wolf sitting on her arm, suddenly ceased as the one behind her put its maws to her neck.

She froze in place, half panicked, but still trying to find a way out. There was no way she could leave Erin with the wolves, but perhaps if she used the tactic she'd suggested... Maybe she could even do better.

But then she'd be leaving the warrior alone, against three wolves, at least momentarily. That wasn't too good, at least not while she was pinned. She'd have to buy her some time to break free, wait to see what the wolves were going to do, at least. Longer they spent on her, longer Denna had to get rid of her own wolf. She could always get rid of hers, at least.

So, biting the panic down and gulping, her throat bumping into the wolf's sharp teeth, she stood perfectly still, and continued charging up. Nothing else to do, for now.

Charge is at 18 now. I can charge a third turn for a toal of 27, unaffected by my SC, IIRC
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

While Den had indeed expected an ambush, her reflexes were still too slow to turn in time as the new wolf knocked her into a humiliating position. She prepared to throw the beast back off her when it clamped it's teeth over her neck in a dominant, threatening position.

Denna's mind raced. Erin was in a worse position, an extra wolf upon her arms, stopping her from freeing her like she had with the horse. While her own arms were free, she lacked any magical ability of her own to knock them loose.

They were faced with a humiliating rape and worse. With her own life on the line, she may have tearfully accepted her circumstance as unavoidable. However, it wasn't just her, and she couldn't just do absolutely nothing and allow the girl to share her fate without trying to at least get her loose and away. She could only imagine the girl wasn't butterflies because her arms were pinned, or perhaps on her behalf.

"Rather you fluttered off, but if you insist...," she grimaced. Her own arms were free so she promptly lifted them up to grasp the wolves jaws, happy she had gloves but still expecting some unpleasent injuries from this, and tries to hold it's jaws open and twist, knocking the quadruped off of her.

Denna attempts to escape grapple to save Erin for Great Justice! 1d20+40
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Status: Fine
HP: 72/83
PP: 39
EP: 40
TP: 19/50 (DU: 4)

Status: Nude, Grappled by two wolves, Penetrated
HP: 33/38
PP: 25/38
EP: 86
TP: 0/25 (DU: 2)

The wolf nibbles on Den as she fights him.
Damage: 23-12=11

Den wins the check and throws the wolf off

The wolves around Erin have their way with her.

Wolf1 rips apart Erin's clothes
TP Damage: 51-16=35
Erin is now without clothes

Wolf2 Adjusts himself to slide in his knot
Erin isn't resisting. Erin is now penetrated, but is resisting pleasure.
Pleasure to Erin: 19-6=13
Exhaustion Damage: 5HP
Pleasure to Wolf2: 11

Denna decided to fight. The wolf, with it's fangs around her, wasn't pleased by this fact, and so as she reached up to it's head, it's fangs dug into her flesh somewhat, taking a small chunk out of her before she'd toss the canine off of herself. The wolf itself was quick to get back on it's feet, looking ready to lunge at her again.

Meanwhile, the other two wolves looked rather focused on Erin while Denna struggled. The wolf that they had seen and was trapping Erin applied it's fangs to her remaining rags, and pulled ferociously, tearing them apart in a single loud rip. This left the tan woman's well rounded rump exposed, all to the favor of the wolf who ambushed her, as she felt his cock line up with her honey hole. With little effort at all, Erin felt his slimy length easily slip into her cunt, sheathing entirely in her pussy before wasting no time in drawing back again, giving the girl rapid thrusts, rutting her on the dirt, creating a loud series of wet slaps as his length rapidly vanished in and out of her pink hole. All the while, she could feel his balls touch against her thighs, throbbing, and ready to release their load into the bitch he had claimed.

Though when Denna seemed intent on ruining their fun, the wolves growled. Rather than look ready to attack Denna, their fangs were directed at Erin. The wolf stuffing his canine cock into her pink folds lowered his maw, growling near her sensitive neck, while the other did the same, though looked straight at Denna as if threatening her to behave, lest they draw blood instead of sexual fluid from the spirit user.

Wolf2 has taken 11 PP
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Erin winced when her robes were torn off abruptly by one wolf, but the gesture lasted but a brief moment before shock ran through her face as the other wolf thrust itself inside her. "S-Stop that!" She yelled, magic forgotten in the moment's panic, almost sighing relieved as the canine shaft pulled out - only to pump in again, and again, and again, at a breakneck speed, her whole body bumping slightly forward with each violent motion, sending her wide breasts swinging back and forth.

She whimpered, eyes closed and head as far down as the threatening wolves raping her would allow, fighting tears back as she fought against the sudden intrusion - not that she could do much other than not letting herself have pleasure; not that the wolf would care.

There was a minor change on the weight on her back, a growling, and she opened her eyes. There was something standing up, she saw through the tears, the wolves paying that more attention than they were her.

"D-Denna!" she cried,imploringly, holding back a moan as the wolf kept the unnatural mating going. It was now or never, and so she released the magic she'd built up in a wave of anger, frustration, fear.

Her body suddenly broke up into the buzzing of a hundred wasps, splitting from her whole body and away. With a vengeance, she directed them to the wolf raping her, to its shaft, to sting it, the eyes, the nose, the ears, anywhere they could do harm, even if it was nothing more than getting in the way - but if she could, the wolf's shaft would be stung to the point where it would be nothing but a large, throbbing blur of pain.

Using the accumulated power to run Form of the swarm on, chose wasps.
Being evil with wasps, dunno what stats that requires.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Denna grit her teeth as her neck was bloodied by the wolves fangs, but she tossed the wolf aside, coming back up with sword in hand. She winced, as the wolves tore the girls clothes free and proceeded to rape her right in front of her. As she prepared to rush over to stop them short though, the wolves surprised her, seeming to threaten Erin's life instead.

"You cowardly scum.," she hissed angrily. What, had all the vile folks of her past had their souls imbued into animals that they'd replay her life before her once more? First forcing her choice, and now threatening the life of the innocent so they could have their way?!

She couldn't let her die, not like that, and her heart crushed when the girl called out to her. Then she burst into god damn bees.

Her brain stalled on that vision a moment, a woman being raped by animals bursting apart into bees, before she immediately jumped into action. Erin was fine, it was only her in danger now. She wouldn't have it any other way.

She promptly spun her sword upon the wolf near her, being the closest threat. "Threatening young girls lives, raping them?! I'll cut some damn respect into you! And your hides can be her new damn clothes!," she hissed angrily.

Denna lashes out! Supreme might -5 +5. 1d20+47 for 2d12+36
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Status: Grappled by Wolf(1&2)
HP: 72/83
PP: 39
EP: 40
TP: 19/50 (DU: 4)

Status: FotS
HP: 33/38
PP: 25/38
EP: 86
TP: 0/25 (DU: 2)

Erin transforms into stinger-less bees that collide uselessly against the wolves.

Den turns on the wolf that bit her. Auto-hit
Damage: 39

With Erin vanishing into insects, all three wolves see Denna as a target, minus one who is distracted by the insects.

Wolf1 Charges at Denna. Auto-hit
Wolf1 Grapples with Denna

Wolf3 Joins the grapple

Erin's form, trapped under two wolves, suddenly transforms into a swarm of insects, buzzing everywhere and trying to perform some sort of stinging, but Erin demonstrates how unused to these powers she is as they don't accomplish much more than frightening the wolf that was just pounding itself into her pussy moments ago, while the other wolf that was helping to hold her down pulled back, and instead focused on Denna, who sliced her blade through the wolf that pinned her down moments ago. Her blade nearly cut it clean in half, but the beast survived by a small margin, avoiding death at her hands. It's lack of death was unfortunate for the girl, as she now had two wolves facing her, growling at her. It didn't take long, before her attack was answered in kind by a wolf from the side leaping and smashing into her frame, knocking her down while the wolf she wounded came forth and sat on her face, putting it's canine cock and balls in her face and letting her take in his male pheromones, powerful enough to make her heart race a little, and her sex to become moist with excitement.

The two wolves crowded around Denna, before the unwounded wolf pinned her waist down, and began rubbing his length along her panty covered folds. After teasing her for a moment, he reared his head back, and let out a loud howl, which the other dog on top of Denna joined. Once Denna was pinned down and the two wolves stopped howling, the last wolf escaped from Erin's swarm, and looked to the swarm, growling angrily while it's erect canine cock dripped with the fluids that Erin's pussy coated it with.

Wolf2 has taken 11 PP
Wolf3 has taken 39 Damage
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Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Denna snarls as she slices the wolf, wounding it heavily, unfortunately not enough to finish the job it seems. That's when she was tackled again from the side, her swearing angrily as she was put on her back. That cut off as the wolf she targeted sat on her face of all things with it's disgusting groin. She shuddered at that, shutting her mouth hard. For some reason it's pheromones were exciting her though. That actually scared her, terrified her even. What the hell was wrong with her?

She felt another one straddling her waist and starting to grind against her much as the horse had. Some part of her was grateful that wolves were not nearly as endowed as horses, she may well survive this.

Then they howled. Her heart skipped a beat. They'd bring the whole pack, if not the whole horde down on her. She had to get away, now. She put as much into pushing away as she could, trying to kick one off her waist and shove the other off her face with her arms, before it was too late.

Denna once again fights the grapple!
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Watching Denna kick the wolf off and slice it, Erin would've cheered, right up to the point where the second wolf, the one that had been holding her, decided to charge her as well and the two piles of fur decided to have their way with the poor warrior.

She had to help, and distracting one wolf wasn't cutting it anymore, so with an internal sigh Erin directed the swarm towards the top of the nearest tree, where she'd be able to hit the wolves, and they'd have a much harder time reaching her. There, she began to transform back, trying to ignore as far as possible whatever was going on with Denna. The howling did not herald anything good, but she couldn't help just yet.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Status: Grappled by Wolf(1&3)
HP: 72/83
PP: 39
EP: 40
TP: 8/50 (DU: 4)

Status: Nude
HP: 33/38
PP: 25/38
EP: 86
TP: 0/25 (DU: 2)

Erin reforms in a tree. Wolf2 jumps at the tree and pushes against it.

Erin balance check. DC=20
Body Roll: 29
Erin doesn't lose balance on the tree.

Denna struggles against the wolves.
Denna: 54
Wolf1: 65
Wolf3: 68

Wolf1 Rips at Denna' armor.
Denna loses 11 TP.

Wolf3 Penetrates Denna's mouth.
Pleasure: 15

Erin repositions herself, flying her insects up to a nearby tree to seek shelter from the wolf that was ready to mount her once more. The wolf did it's best, once she reshaped, to take her down. Turns out the tree was rather wobbly, and so she would have to keep her balance while the wolf tried to bring her down. Thankfully she was successful, and would be able to cast a spell, while the wolf didn't relent it's efforts, trying to get her down.

Denna meanwhile, was left helpless. Under the pressure of two wolves, she struggled fruitlessly. Her clothes and armor was ripped at by the wolf between her legs, trying to expose her body, leaving little more than her armor on her body, and her mostly torn but still clinging panties. All the while she'd feel the canine's length rubbing along her clothed folds, stimulating her so much that a tiny gasp would escape, exposing her mouth long enough for the canine over her face to take the opportunity. In a moment's notice, she tasted the canine's cock in her mouth along her tongue, sliding all the way in until it's knot popped into her lips, swollen enough to keep her jaw locked open, allowing it to squirm it's length around inside and let it's warped precum leak into the back of her mouth, forcing her to swallow the foul liquid.

Wolf2 has taken 11 PP
Wolf3 has taken 39 Damage and 15 pleasure
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Denna kept struggling, little cloth left upon her body, and her armor in not much better shape, those pins not going to last much longer before her straps outright snapped.

The bumping against her mostly untouched sex was getting a reaction combined with this damn pheromones, when one particularly well placed grind made her gasp. The wolf was quick to capitalise, jamming it's pointed shaft down her throat, it's knot quickly swelling behind her teeth and sealing her to it.

Her eyes watered in discomfort from the forced deep penetration, forced to drink it's fluids to avoid suffocating as she shuddered, continuing trying to kick the other wolf off or keep it at bay long enough for Erin to help, or get away. That her first oral experience would be with a beast. She shuddered, expecting worse if the rest of the monsters arrived before they could escape.

Den keeps struggling, though probably can't get it out of her mouth without losing her teeth. 1d20+40
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Reforming was an unpleasant, dizzying experience by itself; reforming on top of a tree wobbling due to a wolf hitting it, even more so. Pure instinct took over Erin's reactions as her newly constructed hand shot out and grabbed onto the tree's trunk, barely managing to hold on without being knocked down by the wolf at her doorstep.

She shot a gaze towards Denna as soon as she was stable, grimacing at the sight. She wouldn't be able to free Denna in one hit without blowing her up too, taking care of the wolves holding her might not be possible with the one underneath her pouncing on the tree - but if she didn't do that, she might be raped herself.

The memories made her shudder, recent as they were, and she quickly pushed them aside, eyes watering again, slickness between her legs physical proof. No time to be traumatized, though. One deep breath was all it took for her to call upon her darkest side again - it was becoming easier, or perhaps it was thanks to this particular mixture of emotions - and she was sending a thin shot of flames towards the wolf between Denna's legs, other hand holding onto the tree for dear life.

Using Hellfire Blast, direct attack paying 10 EP, 1d6+58 to hit and (1d6+4)*10 for damage; targeted at the wolf behind Denna.
Instead of channeling more energy, she's trying to hold onto the tree, for whatever that might help.
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Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Status: Fine, looking sexy
HP: 72/83
PP: 39
EP: 40
TP: 8/50 (DU: 4)

Status: Nude
HP: 31/38
PP: 25/38
EP: 76/86
TP: 0/25 (DU: 2)

Erin fires a bolt of hellfire. Auto-hit
Damage: Enough
Wolf1 Is exploded

Denna struggles with ye wolf fucking her face.
59 vs. 40
Denna throws the wolf off.

Then, something happens.

Erin's spell fires out from her hands following a rough gesture, and explodes the wolf tearing apart Denna's clothes while Denna herself throws the wounded wolf off of her face, thusly removing his cock from her lips. Both wolves looked ready to continue their fight, before a whistle was heard. The wolves perked their ears up, before suddenly turning and fleeing towards the whistle, which came from further down the trail that the two girls were tracking, leaving the girls to either recover or attempt to take pot shots at the wolves.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Erin grinned watching the wolf blow up, some revenge for her previous humilliation acquired, though definitely not enough to satisfy her. She watches Denna get rid of the other one quickly and, considering she'd be able to handle it from there, she turned her attention to the last wolf, the one under her tree. The one that had raped her. The grin widened, feral as she prepared to blow the animal up next time it tried to slam her tree.

So the whistle was a very, very unwelcome interruption. What would've been a relief just a few seconds ago, was now met with a brief glare in its direction as the wolf started to run there.

"Oh no you don't." She grunted, releasing a weak bolt as the animal fled, not willing to waste the power required to ensure a kill, but still wanting to give it something to remember her by that wasn't a pleasant memory.

Using Power Gather, trading move for +2 EP to the power used.
Using Devil's lightning with 1 EP plus 2 from power gather, for (1d20)+58 attack and (1d8+4)*3 damage
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax&Vyrian) GM'd by MAF

Den coughed as suddenly the wolf trying to rape her was cinders. The one currently doing so was hurled off this time as she got to her feet, coughing to clear her throat and spitting in disgust as she raised her blade, rage in her eyes.

Then there was a whistling and they bolted. The wolves were trained? She had some choice words for the owner. And perhaps a few feet of steel. Erin seemed to want to blast the fleeing hounds, and she couldn't blame her in the least this time. She wouldn't be shocked if the nude girl wanted to rush after them.

Den personally wanted to fix her armor, and improvise some clothes for the girl, but there likely wasn't time. If there was someone coming, they needed to be ready, she could make time afterwards. She doubted the girl was willing to try and circumvent them with her, but it probably wouldn't help, the wolves had their scent.

They'd be gone before she could have her bow ready, so she settled for catching her breath, and getting out of plain view of the trail, moving around one of the trees. Never knew what was coming but having cover couldn't hurt.

Den moves into the foliage to try get her wind back and some cover from whatever is coming. Stealth 1d20+12