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Blind Revolt (Rule34/Aust) GMed by thetwo

Re: Blind Revolt (Rule34/Aust) GMed by thetwo

Feeling the satisfying thwack of hammer against human was music to the tribes woman's ear. Every blow, every hit was bringing her one step closer to freedom and one step closer to home. And one step closer to bringing these bastards to their knees. With Chi's encouragement, she would smirk with a new found confidence. "With pleasure. Die, you pigs!" Rearing back, she would swing again at the grappled guard, hoping to dispatch him before his friend arrived. 2 on 1 was a much better scenario then 2 on 2. Especially with improvised weaponry.
Re: Blind Revolt (Rule34/Aust) GMed by thetwo

Grapple Check (Chi vs Guard2): 52+2 = 54 v 50 = 30+20 -> Chi wins.
The guard is put into a submission hold.

Attack (Chi): 30+3 = 33 v 25 -> Hit!
Damage (Chi): (1,3) + 24 = 28 - 5 = 23
-> Guard2 is defeated.

Perception(Sena): 12+19 = 31 v 24 = 4+20 -> Success!
Attack (Guard1): 42+8 = 50 v 45 -> Hit!
Damage (Guard1): (4,4)+17 = 25

As the orc held the guard in place, Sena managed to bring her hammer down a second time. There was a wet noise, and the man stopped struggling against Chi's grip, going completely limp. His sword fell from his hand.

At which point the nude human saw a shape moving in the shifting shadows of the fallen torch, just in time to turn to face the second guard as his club came hurtling out of the darkness. Unfortunately she didn't manage to avoid the weapon completely, but she at least kept it from catching her in the back of the head.

The guard seemed to see his fallen comrade. "Well, fuck!" He pulled a dagger from his belt, holding it comfortably in his left hand, and faced the two slaves.

Sena: 58/83 HP, 40 PP, 39 SP; fine
Chi: 83 HP, 68 PP, 41 SP; sealed, grappling

1 guard, melee range, fine
1 guard, apparently unconscious or dead
Re: Blind Revolt (Rule34/Aust) GMed by thetwo

Chi felt the man going slack within her arms and grunted in satisfaction, only to startle as the other man tried and failed to knock out Sena. Spinning around, still holding on to the guard's body, she faced him. "COWARDLY SCUM," the orc roared. With a fire in her eyes, she lifted the body, hoisted it above her head - and flung it forward, throwing it at the second guard.

Use Fling to throw the guard's body at Tom.
Re: Blind Revolt (Rule34/Aust) GMed by thetwo

Another swing, another satisfying twack of flesh on metal as Sena laid another blow on the scumbag jailor. But the smirk of confidence from the naked tribes woman was wiped clear away as the second guard attacked in an effort to knock her out of the fight. The club struck the unaware human but did not have the intended reaction. Sena only turned and gave the man a look of anger and hate. Reaching to pick up the sword, she looked to attack the man. "I'm gonna gut you and feed your remains to the pigs!" But before any attack could be made, Chi threw the body of their recently beaten foe at the new guard. All she could do was duck the incoming body.

(Move enough to avoid body, ir necessary)
Re: Blind Revolt (Rule34/Aust) GMed by thetwo

Attack(Chi): 40+10 = 50 v 25 -> Hit!
Damage(Chi): (4,4,3)+13 = 24-5 = 19

Sena picks up a sword, replacing her hammer.

Attack(Guard1): 42+2 = 44 v 45 -> Miss!

The flying body took the guard completely by surprise. He hadn't even turned at the Orc's cry, and his recent comrade took him out at the knees, causing him to smack his face into the ground before scrambling somewhat unsteadily to his feet. "Empty Night, you're both insane!"

Sena grabbed up the sword, about to make an attack on the guard as she spat an insult at him, but had to pull back to avoid her ally's unusual missile. The guard just looked stunned for a second, then launched an easily-dodged attack at the nude human, turned, and ran.

Sena: 58/83 HP, 40 PP, 39 SP; fine
Chi: 83 HP, 68 PP, 41 SP; sealed

1 guard, a short distance away, fleeing
1 guard, apparently unconscious or dead
Re: Blind Revolt (Rule34/Aust) GMed by thetwo

Chi growled angrily as the guard got back on his feet a lot quicker than she expected. The growl turned into a roar as he slashed at Sena, and the orc broke out into a frenzied dash after the guard, trying to get into reach to bowl him over. If he got away, their escape would quickly come to an end. And Chi would rather die than be back in shackles.

Move as much as she can towards the guard before trying to grapple him.
Re: Blind Revolt (Rule34/Aust) GMed by thetwo

With glee, Sena watched as the man was bowled over by his own partner and even in her state, she was still able to avoid the incoming attack. But now the man was running, a prospect she did not like and nor did Chi for that matter. Sword gripped tightly in her hand, Sena followed behind Chi in an effort to catch the fleeing guard. It would only take his voice to ruin everything and send them both back to bondage.

Move as far as I can and attempt to assist in the grapple.
Re: Blind Revolt (Rule34/Aust) GMed by thetwo

Speed: Both girls are faster.
Grapple (Chi): 52+3 = 55 v 25 -> Success!
-> The guard is grappled
Grapple (Sena): 40+16 = 56 v 25 -> Success!
-> Sena joins the grapple

The two unbound slaves set off after the fleeing guard as soon as they realized he was moving, and despite his head start the orc caught him just outside the cell she and her lover had spent the night in. He hit the ground with a thud as the flying tackle struck home, and the still-nude human abruptly arrested her run before she passed her target, leaping on his legs as she joined her partner.

The guard struggled against his two captors, but to no avail. He spat out a curse, and drew in breath as if to yell something.

Sena: 58/83 HP, 40 PP, 39 SP; grappling
Chi: 83 HP, 68 PP, 41 SP; fine, sealed, grappling

1 guard, grappled
Re: Blind Revolt (Rule34/Aust) GMed by thetwo

Sena was not surprised the pair was able to catch the guard, with Chi tackling the bastard into the ground. She had to stop too, lest she overshoot the target and run into some serious threats. She jumped on the man to compound the grapple, knowing that one scrub of a guard was no match for a pair of trained warriors in terms of strength. However the guard was having none or it and spat insults at the warrior women. But it sounded like he was about to yell for help. " Chi, we gotta shut him up" she said in a hushed but urgent tone. Unless her companion made a motion, Sena would look to silence the man herself by shoving her sword into the back of the mans skull. It was the first thing she could think of in an emergency.
Re: Blind Revolt (Rule34/Aust) GMed by thetwo

Chichira cursed under her breath and reached out with her massive hand, trying to cover the man's mouth. "Are you that loyal to their shiny metal coins that you would risk death for them," she growled into his ear. "We already put down two of you dogs today, you think another matters? I'm giving you a chance, scum, mostly because you don't deserve to splatter me in your blood." Her other hand tried to clutch his jaw, thumb and forefinger digging into his cheeks. "I swear to the spirits, if you scream I will tear your jaw off," she threatened. "Now listen," she emphasized by giving a slight tug with her hand. "Is there another way out of the cell block? Nod or shake your head. A sound, and your death will be painful."
Re: Blind Revolt (Rule34/Aust) GMed by thetwo

The nude human had her sword firmly against the base of the man's skull before she realized that her companion had other intentions. From the way his eyes bulged it was this, as much as anything, that convinced him of the seriousness of his situation. He listened carefully to the orc's question, then gently shook his head, taking care not to lean it back against the sword.
Re: Blind Revolt (Rule34/Aust) GMed by thetwo

Sena relaxed her hand somewhat, but kept herself poised to strike should the man attempt anything. She turned her head to her companion and with genuine concern, said "Well? What are we gonna do now? Guards are going to start getting curious about their missing companions. We can't be here when they get here. We need to get out and fast."
Re: Blind Revolt (Rule34/Aust) GMed by thetwo

Chi bit her bottom lip as she stared down at the guard. On one hand she couldn't care less about the clanless' fate, on the other hand she at least implied she would let him live. And though in combat, she would have killed him without a second thought, she NEEDED Sena to trust her.
With a sigh she pointed over to the cell they both had spent the night in. "Get me some bindings and something to gag him with," she instructed. "We'll also need his armour and the one of that guy so we can stand the least bit of a chance."

She didn't know what drove her, but she leaned down and very gently nibbled on the man's ear. "That's right, we're going to undress you. Have no hopes though. I'm pretty sure Sena would castrate you if you tried something."
Re: Blind Revolt (Rule34/Aust) GMed by thetwo

With the tools at their disposal and the remains of the bed and Sena's bonds for raw material, it would be the matter of a minute or two to gather the supplies to bind the surviving guard. For his part, the guard kept his mouth shut, shrinking away from the human as Chi casually mentioned what might happen to him if he didn't cooperate. This reaction did not, however, seem to inhibit him in other ways; as she considered the notion of stealing the guard's pants, it became obvious to the orc that he had noticed her companion's nudity.

The damaged leather wouldn't fit perfectly, and the guards hadn't been so kind as to provide either woman's favored weapons, but the two slaves were certainly better off than with just the two metal collars and one set of rags they'd started with.

A (not necessarily exhaustive) list of things at your disposal right now:

  • Construction tools and supplies (including a hammer and a saw).
  • 2 night sticks (1-H blunt weapon)
  • A short sword (1-H)
  • A dagger
  • 3 sets of leather armor, damaged to a greater or lesser degree.
  • 3 sets of male clothing
  • Chi's slave rags
  • A key to their cell

Sena is still slightly injured, Chi is fine.
Re: Blind Revolt (Rule34/Aust) GMed by thetwo

She wanted to spit on this pathetic excuse for a man. Despite his situation, the fool had the nerve to only notice her nudity. But now was hardly the time to worry about that. They had to take stock of their current supplies. A few weapons, clothing and some badly damaged armor. Well at the very least, she could get something covering her nudity. "Let me put on some of the clothing. Then we can cobble together a decent set of armor for both of us. I'll hold onto the sword and take one of the clubs as a weapon, unless you have another plan?" Sena offered her two cents to the situation, knowing one needed to be reached.