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Blind Revolt (Rule34/Aust) GMed by thetwo

Re: Blind Revolt (Rule34/Aust) GMed by thetwo

"Are we? Are we outnumbered?" Chichira laid her hand on the rock and closed her eyes. "There are dozens of us down here. Whipped, beaten, raped. Good men, honest men, captured by these clanless." Clanless. Lowest of the low for an orc. Dishonest thieves and rapists, every single one of them. In her own culture, they would've been put to the axe already. Here, they controlled the entire city. It was unnatural. Unbearable, and Chichira would not let this continue. She would bring them down or die trying. "You shouldn't worry about what they'll do to us. THEY should worry about what we'll do to THEM."
Re: Blind Revolt (Rule34/Aust) GMed by thetwo

"If I hadn't said it before, I'll say it now: I trust you. If you think we can do this, then I have faith. I would welcome the opportunity to take the fight to those bastards and show them what happens when they mess with the eldest of the Hillguard clan. They have sullied our honor for long enough. I will teach them the true meaning of pain and I will do so at the end of a two handed blade." Despite her bindings and her predicament, she spoke with confidence and conviction. "The cowards will pay for their misdeeds and will pay for them in blood."
Re: Blind Revolt (Rule34/Aust) GMed by thetwo

"It's... nice of you to say you trust me. Thank you." Even though Sena now probably carried her child, the two of them barely knew each other. Oh well, there would be plenty of time for that. "We should sleep now, while we still can. Tomorrow, our slavery ends." One way or another, she mentally added as she returned to the bed, once more stretching out next to Sena. Despite her calm attitude, she was nervous. If things went wrong... No. Things wouldn't go wrong. Mentally shaking her head Sena closed her eyes, trying to push any thought of failure aside.
Re: Blind Revolt (Rule34/Aust) GMed by thetwo

The night seemed to pass quickly. The sound of a club being run down a row of iron bars was the first sign either of the slaves got that dawn was here. "Well, look at the two lovebugs. Guess what? There's been a slight change of plans. Get up, orc. You can eat breakfast on the way down to the mine." He tossed half a loaf of brown bread through the bars onto the bed. "You're already late. Hope they don't whip you too bad for that. And then, I think I'll spend a few quiet - or not so quiet, eh? - minutes with your little slut before she really starts 'work'."

He unlocked the door, entered the cell, and started reaching out towards Chi's collar, club still in one hand.

Chi: fine, Sealed.
Sena: fine, Bound, naked.

Guard: fine.
Re: Blind Revolt (Rule34/Aust) GMed by thetwo

This was it. This was the opening she had waited for. Chichira had stood as soon as she heard the club ringing the cell bars, and now as the guard approached her, arm raised to grab her by the collar, she knew she had to act. A twitch of her eyebrow was all the warning the guard got before Chichira ducked underneath his arm - and threw her entire weight forward, ramming into him shoulder first to take him down.

Attempt grapple.
Re: Blind Revolt (Rule34/Aust) GMed by thetwo

Grapple (Chi): 52+4 = 56 v 46 = 16 + 30 -> Success!

The unsuspecting guard didn't stand a chance. He hit the floor hard, grunting as the orc landed on top of him. Unfortunately, the element of surprise was gone now. That left the nearly-naked orc lying on top of an armed and armored guard. Sena could only watch from the bed she was still tied to, the distance the guard had been carried by the tackle preventing her from even attempting to offer resistance.

The guard tightened his grip on the club and squirmed in Chi's grasp, managing to turn to face her, though he hadn't yet managed to get his arm free enough to swing. He grunted, seeming to realize that the slave was stronger than him. The guard glared. "Let me up and maybe you'll only spend a few days getting fucked, freak."

Chi: fine, Sealed, grappling
Sena: fine, Bound, naked.

Guard: fine, grappled.
Re: Blind Revolt (Rule34/Aust) GMed by thetwo

"Oh, I'll spend a few days fucking, alright," Chichira hissed through her teeth as she struggled to get control of the guard's arms, trying to catch them both in one hand so she'd have a hand free to cave his face in with her fist. "I will fuck your queen, I will fuck your princess, I will fuck your countess or whatever it is that you dogs call the highest woman. Is your wife pretty?" Another strange concept, that lifelong bond to another person. "Probably not, or you wouldn't spend all your time down here buggering the slaves. Either way, I'll fuck HER, too. And she'll thank me for scrubbing your stink off of her with my cock." To be dependent on scum like him made his wife even worse than him somehow, at least in Chichira's mind.

Put him in a submission hold.
Re: Blind Revolt (Rule34/Aust) GMed by thetwo

Grapple (Chi vs Guard): 52+7 = 61 v 44 = 14 + 30 -> Chi wins!

"Gods, do you even know where you are?" The guard made another effort to bring his club into contact with Chi's skull. He failed. The orc tried to pin both his arms with one of hers, and couldn't quite manage it. She had his left hand in a good hold but would have to settle for pinning his right arm under his body for the moment. That left him still holding his weapon, but unable to use it. And it did still leave one of her hands free for hitting him in the face or whatever else she could think of.

He let out a protracted grunt of pain as he nearly dislocated his shoulder trying to struggle free. "If I yell... there are more guards out in the hall. Maybe you can overpower me, but a dozen men will show you your place quick enough. Let me go." His voice was strained, and not just with pain.

Chi: fine, Sealed, grappling
Sena: fine, Bound, naked.

Guard: fine, grappled, submission hold.
Re: Blind Revolt (Rule34/Aust) GMed by thetwo

Chi growled under her breath. The stinking guard was right. But that didn't mean she had to let him go. It only meant she had to make sure he didn't yell. Not bothering to answer him, Chi raised her massive fist up above her head and brought it down, aiming at his throat. Perhaps she could crush his larynx to keep him quiet, or at the very least drive the air out of him.

Commence beating him, with the intention of preventing him from screaming.
Re: Blind Revolt (Rule34/Aust) GMed by thetwo

I'll let you improvise "keep foe silent by beating him" while in a grapple if you win the check by 10.

Grapple(Chi vs Guard): 52+5 = 57 v 39 = 9+30 -> Chi wins by 18.
Damage(Chi): (1,4)+10 = 15 - 5 = 10
(25/30 TP)

Grapple(Chi vs Guard): 52+1 = 53 v 42 = 12+30 -> Chi wins by 11!
Damage(Chi): (2,1)+10 = 13 - 5 = 8
(21/30 TP)

Grapple(Chi vs Guard): 52+8 = 60 v 50 = 20+30 -> Chi wins by 10!!!
Damage(Chi): (1,1)+10 = 12 - 5 = 7
(17/30 TP)

Grapple(Chi vs Guard): 52+20 = 72 v 37 = 7+30 -> Chi wins by 35.
Damage(Chi): (2,4)+10 = 16 - 5 = 11
(11/30 TP)

Grapple(Chi vs Guard): 52+16 = 68 v 42 = 12+30 -> Chi wins by 26.
Damage(Chi): (2,2)+10 = 14 - 5 = 9
(7/30 TP)
-> The guard goes unconscious

The guard saw the fist coming towards his throat and drew in breath. Not quickly enough, though, and he let it out in choking gasps as he tried in vain to bring his hands up to his throat. Finally he managed to lean his head down enough that another strike there would be difficult.

"G-" his cry was cut off again as the fist found his stomach, driving the air from his lungs through his injured throat.

"G-ack". This time he almost managed to cry out. But the orc's free hand hit him again, hard enough to crack a rib, at the last second. This finally seemed to be too much, and he spent the next few blows trying to suck in air rather than call out for help. Finally he went still. It was unlikely that he was dead, but the club that rolled loosely from his hand could change that easily enough, and even lacking that he was going to be out for at least a minute or two.

Perception (Sena): 12 + 14 = 26
Perception (Chi): 20+3 = 23

The guard's leather armor had been somewhat damaged by the beating, and wouldn't come close to fitting either woman, but given their situation it might at least be of some use. He also wore a thin shirt and trousers under it that were more or less undamaged. There were also 20 denarii in a pouch under his armor. A cursory pat of his waistband and boots didn't turn up a knife, but the keys to the cell were easy enough to find.

Chi: fine, Sealed.
Sena: fine, Bound, naked.
Re: Blind Revolt (Rule34/Aust) GMed by thetwo

The whole time, Sena could only watch the events unfold and react accordingly. Just hearing what the man said to begin with was enough to want her to strangle him. And she couldn't help but grin with a sense of moral satisfaction. No matter what the man said or how he tried to weasel his way out of it, Chi was not going to have any of it. The vicious beating that followed was a tiny bit scary to watch, the tribal warrior wincing a bit at the final results. But when all was said and done, Sena squirmed in her bindings for a moment to get a good look at the situation. Some clothing, money, and armor. Not the best, and she still had no way to get untied. "Chi, what am I gonna do about my bindings? That man isn't going to stay knocked out forever. We have to do something and fast!"
Re: Blind Revolt (Rule34/Aust) GMed by thetwo

"Don't worry," Chi growled as she picked up the club. Another one-note weapon. Stupid, stupid humans. Chi felt no remorse as she raised the cudgel over her head and brought it down on the man's skull. It was equal to pulling a tick off your skin. It was bloody, but it had to be done. And as far as Chi knew, the entire city above her head was run by ticks.
Once the man was taken care off and the keys were in her possession, Chi walked over to the bed and inspected the way that Sena was bound to it. If her leash was only attached to a board, she would try to pull it apart to allow Sena to at least walk around. She couldn't remain here with a dead guard - the other dogs would surely tear her apart for what the orc did.
"We need to get you out of these ropes," Chichira said quietly. "This place is still under construction, perhaps there are some tools we could use."

Take keys. Try to pull bed board off its nails if it would be enough to allow Sena to get up. Use the club to break the board if absolutely necessary.
Re: Blind Revolt (Rule34/Aust) GMed by thetwo

A delicate attempt to undo the leash might have worked, given a few hours and no risk of discovery. With only a few minutes before the dead guard would be missed, a more physical approach seemed a better fit to the Orc. First she tried simply pulling the bed apart to get free the bit her fellow slave was secured to, but unfortunately the construction seemed to be fairly good. It wouldn't easily pull apart.

Fortunately, the actual materials were no match for Chi's strength plus a club. A few bashes, a few splintering cracks, and she was left holding a hand-sized length of board with a leash tightly tied to it.

But things would be moving quickly now. The fight had been fairly quiet, but breaking Sena off the bed hadn't been. And sure enough, there was the sounds of several people moving down the cellblock towards the two slaves. The messily dead guard would be impossible to hide, and between the two women there was still only the one terrible weapon.

A few more seconds were lost as the remains of the bed proved to be enough to cut through the looser and less tough material that bound the naked human's hands together. A few seconds more and whoever was coming would be able to see them. Enough time to unlock the cell, but not enough to get out of sight further down the cellblock.
Re: Blind Revolt (Rule34/Aust) GMed by thetwo

The wood breaking and splintering was music to Sena's ears as Chi did everything in her power to get her free. Before she knew it, she was finally able to move and stand up, stumbling slightly as her legs were getting used to standing after a full day of lack of use. The situation however was far from ideal. A dead guard lying on the floor, broken pieces of the cell lying all over the place and two slaves with a weapon and a set of keys. As Sena was cut free, she couldn't help but speak up. "Chi, we gotta move and move fast. I doubt those guards are going to like seeing us standing over one of their dead companions. Unless you had another idea."
Re: Blind Revolt (Rule34/Aust) GMed by thetwo

"Well, if that FUCKER had a knife on him," the orc growled at the dead man's body, punting his head. She stepped over to the cell door and unlocked it hastily before returning towards Sena. "Y'can't run with y'r legs still tied," Chichira said quietly and, without further note, scooped the warrior up and laid her over her shoulder. "This'll have t'do," she added, the rush of adrenaline making her accent thicker again. Grabbing the keys from the lock, Chichira broke out into a sprint down the cell block, away from the approaching voices. The guards club slapped against her thigh with every step.
Re: Blind Revolt (Rule34/Aust) GMed by thetwo

They hadn't made it twenty feet further down the block before a voice shouted after them. "Hey! Where do you think you're going!" The sound of walking feet turned into running feet, and after a few seconds more talking, none of it intelligible save for an oath.

Luck: 1d20 = 14

The cell block came to an abrupt end all too soon. There were unfurnished cells on either side, and a small table at the end. On it were a few tools. A hammer, some nails. A saw. A needle and thread. A small pair of scissors. Nothing that screamed out as an ideal weapon, but at least it was something to work with. And certainly enough to finish cutting Sena's bonds free.

There wouldn't be much time, though. A torch came free of the wall, and soon enough there was a guard standing twenty feet away from the pair of slaves. He held the torch in one hand and a short sword in the other. He turned slightly as someone called out from back the way they had all come. "He's deader than hell!" There was the sound of feet again as the second guard started from the cell towards the two escaping slaves.

The guard, still alone for the moment, turned back to Chi and Sena. "Well, what's it going to be? The easy way, or the hard way?"

Chi: fine
Sena: fine

1 guard, holding a sword and torch, 20 feet away.
At least one more, further down the hall.

You have a few seconds to do as you will with the tools before the guard sees you.
Re: Blind Revolt (Rule34/Aust) GMed by thetwo

Chi's breath came in deep, concentrated, trained breaths as she ran down the hallway. When they busted into the room, finding it a dead end, she cursed in her own tongue and sat Sena down. Grabbing the saw after a moment of looking around, she cut the rope between the human warrior's legs.

At that moment, she could hear the guard outside, and the orc couldn't help but have her heart sink for a moment, doubt creeping into her skull once more only to be pushed aside by the imminent song of violence that rose in her blood. Her nostrils started to flare, her eyes ablaze. No, they would not take her. They would not take Sena. They wouldn't take anybody else ever again. "Grab th'hammer," she growled towards Sena before turning towards the guard and breaking into a dash, closing the distance between them and lowering her shoulder to pin him against the wall.

Move her speed (20)

Initiate grapple against the guard.
Re: Blind Revolt (Rule34/Aust) GMed by thetwo

Sena had to admit that this whole mess was just getting worse and worse by the second. Sure they had gotten away from the cell, but the dead end was going to make this a heck of a lot harder. Within seconds though, the one eyed warrior was plopped down and had the final bits of her bondage cut, giving her free movement once again, something she was happy to have back. But the guards bearing down on them and the lack of any real option was not making this escape any easier. With one of them thinking he could deal with both of them, Sena couldn't help but scowl at the overconfident bastard. But before she could comment, Chi issued her some orders. The hammer? Was that really the best option? Well a weapon's a weapon, no matter what it looks like.

"Got it, Chi. Show that bastard who's boss!"She openly encouraged her companion as she made a grab for the hammer. Time to put them down like the dogs they were.

Take hammer. If possible, move closer to guard as well, but not getting in the way of the grapple attempt.
Re: Blind Revolt (Rule34/Aust) GMed by thetwo

Attack (Chi): 52+2 = 54 v 25 -> Hit!
-> Chi starts a grapple

Attack (Sena): 40+3 = 43 v 25 -> Hit!
Damage (Sena): (1,3)+24 = 28 - 5 = 23

Grapple Check (Chi vs Guard2): 52+5 = 57 v 34 = 4+30 -> Chi wins
-> The guard is unable to take his action

The guard saw Chi charging and grinned, raising his sword like a bat. "The hard way it is!"

Unfortunately for him, the orc seemed to be much more skilled in close-quarters combat. She managed to grab his arm before he could swing, and the look of confidence faded quickly from his face. "Tom! Hurry up!"

The nude human, meanwhile, had grabbed the hammer. With her partner holding the guard in place and a steady arm, she brought it down hard and felt it strike with a satisfying thud. Unfortunately the hand tool wasn't quite a real weapon, but another solid blow or two would certainly put the man under if not outright kill him.

Sena: 83 HP, 40 PP, 39 SP; fine
Chi: 83 HP, 68 PP, 41 SP; sealed, grappling

1 guard, holding a sword and torch. Fine, grappling Chi
At least one more, further down the hall.
Re: Blind Revolt (Rule34/Aust) GMed by thetwo

"Yes, cry f'r y'r comrade," Chi snarled as she tried to force the man's swordarm behind his back. She had an idea brewing in her head that would allow her to deal with both of the guards at once, but for that the other had to come closer first. Oh well, this guy didn't have to be conscious for that plan. Or even alive. "Nice shot," she hollered as the hammer came down on the guy. "Give him another one!"

Attempt to put the guard into a submission hold.