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Blind Revolt (Rule34/Aust) GMed by thetwo

Re: Blind Revolt (Rule34/Aust) GMed by thetwo

Every time the quarterstaff connected, Chi responded with a satisfied grunt. It seemed things worked in her favor. "What about YOUR pride," she called out as she took a step back, trusting in her weapon's superior length. "Is it not worth fighting for?" Driven by the call of her blood, Chi thrusted the staff up into the air and roared as she brought it down towards her opponent.

Just a plain attack.
Re: Blind Revolt (Rule34/Aust) GMed by thetwo

Just when she thought she could gain some sort of ground in the fight, things had to go and get turned on their heads. Her strike failed to make contact and her green skinned foe instead landed two of her own. This pathetic short sword was going to be the death of her. And the orc even had the stones to continue talking. "It...It is! But...but I...GAH!" Tossing the short blade to the ground in a moment of frustration, she was almost ready to give up there. But then she remembered the discarded greatsword the orc cast aside in favor of the staff. It had to be hers. Knowing the orc was reading a blow, the one eyed warrior reached for the greatsword, looking to close out this fight.
Re: Blind Revolt (Rule34/Aust) GMed by thetwo

Attack(Chi): 52+8 = 60 v 45 -> Hit! (No defensive fighting without an attack roll)
Damage(Chi): (2,6)+33 = 41 - 12 = 29

Sena gets the two-handed sword.

Those damn spectators are interfering again! What did they do this time!?

1 = The guard with the shield tosses it at Sena.
2 = A net is thrown.
3 = The floor is lava!
4 = A whirlwind is set loose.

1d4 = 4. A whirlwind starts up in the arena. It will blind anyone it hits for one round, and stick around until the end of the fight.

1 = Hits nobody.
2 = Hits Sena.
3 = Hits Chi.
4 = Hits both.

Sena is blinded.

Throwing away one sword and diving for another, larger sword seemed to baffle the audience and surprise even the human's opponent. But a trained warrior like Chi wasn't going to let a slightly unexpected move throw her. The quarterstaff spun and this time the end drove into Sena's gut, knocking the wind out of her.

The disadvantage was only momentary, the naked woman getting back to her feet quickly and still holding the greatsword with ease. But now she was breathing heavily, and standing up straight hurt. She could still fight, and with the heavier sword might even be able to come back from the edge of defeat. With luck.

Before the fight could continue, one of the guards leaned over the edge and whispered something, extending empty fingers. The air in the arena stirred, then quickened. Between the two fighters a dust-devil rose from the ground, sand flying into the air. The guard pulled back, apparently satisfied. The whirlwind was still there, moving back and forth at random. For a moment it leaned, and suddenly the naked human felt it strike her. Not hard enough to do any sort of damage, but the sand struck her face before she could prepare. Before she could blink.

In a few seconds she would be able to see again, but with an armed foe only yards away a few seconds might be too long.

Sena: 22/83 HP. Blind (1 turn).
Chi: 42/83 HP, Sealed.
Re: Blind Revolt (Rule34/Aust) GMed by thetwo

A tiny glimmer of hope flashed in the tribewomans eye as she reached for the sword. Something she could use properly and a chance at victory. Before she felt a sudden thwack against her bare stomach as the staff did it's job. The hit caused her to stumble a bit and only really knocked the wind out of her. Nothing she couldn't handle. She was now ready to claim victory over her green skinned foe. "Forgive me for what I'm about to do. But know that I respect a strong..." Before she could finish her sentence, the air in the arena began stirring before growing faster. And then she saw it. The damn dust devil. She tried cover her eyes from the storm but she could do nothing to prevent the thing from striking her. Just as it did, her vision became blurred and hazy.

It was bad enough she only had one eye to begin with and now she couldn't even use that? Seemed the gods were playing with her today. She knew she couldn't fight like this. It would be suicide. Wasting no time, the nude warrior planted her feet into the arena and locked herself down, intent on riding out the temporary handicap.

Go Full Defense mode and pray to the RNG gods
Re: Blind Revolt (Rule34/Aust) GMed by thetwo

Chichira caught a glimpse of the dust devil faster than her opponent and shielded her eyes with one hand, noticing how the sand got into the nude woman's eye. It seemed the spirits of earth and wind granted her a favor, and who was she to turn down a gift from nature itself? Grabbing her staff with both hands again, Chi lifted it straight up, spinning around herself once before thrusting the pole forward, aiming it squarely at the warrior's sternum.

Re: Blind Revolt (Rule34/Aust) GMed by thetwo

Attack(Chi): 52+2 = 54 v 65 -> Miss!

1d4 = 4 -> Both fighters are blinded!

The blinded human held her blade defensively, and heard rather than saw the quarterstaff moving through the air towards her head. The blade moved almost instinctively and caught it. Chi looked almost as stunned as Sena, as with a few more blinks the human managed to get the dust out of her eyes. Just in time to see the whirlwind coming in again.

Blinking again was too little too late, and she found herself unable to clearly see for a few more seconds. The only consolation was that this time she could hear her foe stumbling and cursing as she took a faceful of sand as well. The crowd laughed, but a few people began calling out loudly enough to be heard. "FINISH IT!"

Sena: 22/83 HP. Blind (1 turn).
Chi: 42/83 HP, Sealed. Blind (1 turn).
Re: Blind Revolt (Rule34/Aust) GMed by thetwo

How did she DAMN IT ALL MY EYES! Roaring out curses in her language that'd make a seasoned harbor whore blush so hard she'd faint, Chichira blindly swung her polearm around, her rage against the dust-devil unloading in uncoordinated, furious strikes that most likely did nothing but produce more wind.

Blindly attack the air. If she knocks out Sena while she's at it, all the better.
Re: Blind Revolt (Rule34/Aust) GMed by thetwo

Despite her being blind, her years of training and fighting prepared Sena enough to properly deal with this sort of situation. Her keen ears picked up the swing of the staff and she was swiftly able to catch it. A part of her was amazed she could do that, having had trouble doing something like that while being able to see. Thankfully, she was finally able to clear up the dust in her eyes and she prepared to counter...only to have the sand get in her eye again. Damnit all. Was anything going to go her way? The gods must have been laughing almost as hard as the guards and audience were. "D...Damn you all! Hell is too good for you scum!" Was all she could muster as she too began swinging wild, hoping to strike her opponent.
Re: Blind Revolt (Rule34/Aust) GMed by thetwo

Attack(Chi): 36+19 = 55 v 35 -> Hit!
Damage(Chi): (5,4)+33 = 42 - 12 = 30
Attack(Sena): 24+10 = 34 v 23 -> Hit!
Damage(Sena): (4,4)+31 = 39 - 3 = 36

The two warriors, both blinded by sand, lashed out simltaniously. The two-handed sword came down hard on the side of Chi's head, giving the orc a blow that knocked her to the floor. But her quarterstaff had already started along its arc, and that arc finished on Sena's own forehead.

Both collapsed to the floor, but only the orc managed to struggle back to her feet. The dust-devil collapsed and she was left looking at the naked woman in front of her. She was breathing, but not otherwise moving. A gong sounded above, and most of the crowd started cheering. A few threw down bits of paper in disgust, and not all the slaves were happy, but the general feeling seemed to be that it had been a good fight.

Guards entered the arena. Chi had come out victorious, but she could barely walk, much what even attempt to fight six armed and armored men with only a wooden stick. They bound her hands behind her back and led her back to her cell, one of them holding the naked body of her fallen foe.


In the cell, the orc's hands were unbound. She was left alone, without any weapons. In the morning, she'd be expected to go back to work in the mine. Which might be difficult, as she'd received no healing after the fight. Nothing was broken or bleeding, but her body ached.

And she wasn't quite alone. On the bed was a naked human woman, her hands bound behind her back, her feet tied together with a short length of rope between them, and her collar tied to the head of the bed by a similar length of rope. "She'll be there each night for a week, orc. Enjoy your victory," one of the guards had said. Presently, her eyes flickered open. She was awake, and helpless.

Sena: Bound, badly injured.
Chi: injured, Sealed
Re: Blind Revolt (Rule34/Aust) GMed by thetwo

Chi felt... disgusted at the way this fight had ended. No matching of skills, endless interferences. And still, she couldn't help but delight in the shapely form of the warrior before her. Her sense of honor told her it was wrong, but her member, hardening in expectation, urged her to claim what was hers, rightfully or not.
Deciding on a compromise, Chichira stepped up to the bed and sat down on its edge. Her large hand slowly reached out, her fingertips dragging up the warrior's body, up between her breasts, up the side of her neck until they gently clasped her jaw. "You bear the marks of a warrior, human. And you know your way around a sword," she gently murmured, turning the warrior's head slightly to the side to inspect the bruise she left on her forehead. "My name is Chichira, and I have... won you. For a week at least."
Re: Blind Revolt (Rule34/Aust) GMed by thetwo

The last few moments of the fight were all a blur to the one eyed warrior. She felt her weapon impact against the orc, but she also felt the massive blow to her forehead. The world became a haze before she hit the dirt and was carried off by the guardsman. It was not a good day for the once proud north woman.

Her awakening was not what she expecting. Half wishing it was a dream, Sena found herself bound in more ways then one. Hands tied behind her back, feet still bound and her collar attached to a bed. Gods above, this wasn't fair! She didn't deserve any of this! But as much as she wished for this to be over, she now belonged to her opponent. Property of property. How strange was this? It wasn't long after she awoke to find that the orc decided to "inspect" her prize. She felt her hand run along her body, only stopping to clasp her jaw. The dust finally clear, the two at least had a chance to talk. "You are right. My body was forged in the cold of my home and I bear the wounds of many engagements, one of which is quite obvious." Referring to her missing eye. "My name is Sena. Sena Hillguard. Eldest daughter of the Hillguard tribe and heir apparent to leadership. I just wish we could have met under better circumstances. Not with me bound to a bed and naked"
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Re: Blind Revolt (Rule34/Aust) GMed by thetwo

Chichira snorted gently, releasing Sena's chin. "There's no such thing as an heir, Sena," she murmured, her almost harsh tone softened by the underlying silk of arousal as she lowered her body, stretching out next to the one-eyed warrior. "Your people should follow you because of your deeds..." Her voice trailed off. She had an entire week to teach Sena a thing or two about the orcish way of life. Right now though, something else took top priority. Sena could feel that something else against her thigh, throbbing, growing inside Chi's pants which the orc had still not taken off.
The orc didn't know why she found human women so attractive. It may be their smaller frame, making her yearn to protect them. It may be their skin, so pale and pretty in the sun. It may be in their voices, so much softer than an orc's. Sena had all those qualities, and she intended to make the best out of the week they had. Once again her hand started wandering, trailing down Sena's throat to come to a rest on one of her breasts, gently palming it. "So many things I could do to you," Chichira breathed, looking up to meet Sena's eye. "I don't even know where to start."
Re: Blind Revolt (Rule34/Aust) GMed by thetwo

"I...I wasn't serious about the heir thing. I only say that because my people needed to call me something. The eldest child of any head tribal family fights their father to claim leadership of the tribe. My father earned his place by beating his father and I sought to do the same...but as you can see...that won't be the case." A noticeable defeat could be heard in the woman's voice. With her imprisonment, one of her remaining siblings would no doubt take leadership from her. In her lament, she almost didn't notice the feeling against her thigh. It seemed she was getting excited. And the proof was in her actions as the orc, who desired to move her hand from her head down to her breast, cupping it without hesitation. The orc would feel that Sena was far from the most well endowed, her breasts no bigger then a B cup. Sena wasn't ashamed of this and would reject any criticisms. "Tell me, Chichira...are you cursed? By that I mean your...manhood. A woman having one of those is usually a result of some curse. Least that's what my people say."
Re: Blind Revolt (Rule34/Aust) GMed by thetwo

Chichira's eyebrows shot up for a moment, and a naughty grin showed on her face. "What, this?" and she slowly rolled her hips, dragging her clothed member up and down Sena's thigh - was it STILL growing? "My cock," she put a lot of emphasis on that word, "is no curse. Ask my clanswomen, they'll tell you it's a blessing... Or better yet, experience it for yourself," she said with a wink. The orc shifted her weight slightly, hooking one leg over Sena's and pressing their bodies closer together. Her hand kept caressing her prize's breast, unperturbed by their comparatively small size. The orc's breath washed over Sena's neck as she scooted her head closer. "To serve as nothing but a toy to these dogs... it's unfulfilling," she murmured, all the while grinding her own member against Sena's skin, showing her own need. "Tell me Sena, did you come even once while you were here?"
Re: Blind Revolt (Rule34/Aust) GMed by thetwo

Sena began growing more and more uneasy as the womans member continued to grow. Gods above just how big was this thing? And the woman was...proud? Proud to have such a thing growing between her legs? It seemed the two had very different mindsets regarding this protrusion. But it seemed like the orc was not content with mearly talking about it as she hooked one of her legs over Sena's, bringing the two close together. The human warrior let out a sharp gasp as the orc continued to play with her breast. Dear gods it wasn't suppose to feel this good! But Chichira just continued to tease the warrior, treating her no better then the lecherous men she had tried to escape from. "It...It is a rather frustrating problem. The men are rather brutish...They just pound away and treat me like a bag of meat. And no...I haven't. Not once. It's annoying to say the least." The woman seemed to be offering her a chance to truly relax. She was both nervous and a little curious at the prospect.
Re: Blind Revolt (Rule34/Aust) GMed by thetwo

Chichira broke out into a smile as she heard Sena's cute little gasp. As if in reply, she brought her broad thumb into play, letting it circle around the human's nipple. "Same here," she breathed before lowering her head to nibble on Sena's neck, her tusks a presence, but not a threat. "We're both 'n luck then," she purred. Her arousal made her concentration slip, making her accent thicker. "But first, y'said y'wanted t'even th'odds back in th'ring? I'm all about evenin' th'odds." Slowly she sat herself up, now kneeling with one of Sena's legs between her own. Making sure to keep her eyes on Sena's, she unceremoniously lifted her shirt and tossed it away, allowing her large breasts to fall free. Supported by her chest muscles, they rode high and proud on her chest, crowned by hard, dark green nipples. Her body looked... softer than one would expect from the whooping she could dish out. With a cocky grin, she hooked her thumbs into the waistband of her trousers and slowly, very slowly, slid them down her feminine hips. Her eyes watched Sena's face intently as inch after inch of thick girlmeat came into view, trying to gauge her reaction to it.
Re: Blind Revolt (Rule34/Aust) GMed by thetwo

Sena again tried to stifle a gasp as the orc rolled her thumb over her nipple. Damn that orc. Trying to drive her crazy with all this teasing. She even tried to pull her head up as Chi began to nibble on her neck. She had to admit, despite the predicament, she was enjoying the treatment of the orc over the guards and slaves."Who knew orcs could be such gentle lovers. This week might not be so bad." the one eyed warrior said with a slight heaviness to her voice. But then the orc brought up what she said about evening the odds. Gods, did that mean? Before she could guess, the orc began removing her shirt, revealing the magnificent breasts underneath. And boy did they turn Senas face red, especially compared to hers, which seemed pitiful by comparison. She then noted the cocky grin as Chi peeled off her trousers to slowly reveal the eagerly awaiting member underneath. The tribes woman look on with a hint of shock and a bit of curiosity. "I...I don't know what to say...I've never seen one like. Especially on a woman as...strong as yourself "
Re: Blind Revolt (Rule34/Aust) GMed by thetwo

"What, y'think we're all rape fiends? We can take things slow," Chi grinned and bit her lips as her trousers caught on her helmet, dragging her cock lower and lower at an almost painful angle before finally releasing it, causing it to snap upwards and smack against her belly. Her member was larger than even an average orc's, jutting out from her body with an arrogant upward curve, her thick glans of the same dark colour as her nipples, taut skin shimmering in the light of a stray torch. "It's just that once we get goin', we aren't stoppin'. And you..." Lifting her supple leg, Chichira took position between Senas legs. As she leant forward to come face to face with the one-eyed warrior, her breasts smooshed against Sena's, only making the size difference all the more apparent. More importantly, Sena could feel that girthy meat-spear slide up her thigh and kiss her labia for a moment before it slithered further up, becoming trapped between their bodies, throbbing warmly. "You got me goin', Sena."
Re: Blind Revolt (Rule34/Aust) GMed by thetwo

""The wait was mildly agonizing, as the curious warrior squirmed in her bindings. Heaven help her, she was that nervous. But then she finally saw it spring forth from its confinement, hearing the smack as it hit the orcs stomach. The curiosity was now replaced by a sudden feeling of anticipation as she caught a full look at the length. Certainly not what she was expecting. " I must say...I've never seen anything like that. Especially among the men of my tribe. N...not that I would know that..." she said in haste, in an effort to not incriminate herself.

Before she knew it though, Chi had taken a position between her legs and leaned forward practically crushing her breasts. But she had little time ti worry about that as the rock hard length slid up her thigh. As it reach her labia, the warrior let out a sharp gasp and bit her lower lip in anticipation. This was only made worse as it was placed between the pair. " Glad...to hear it. First time in a long tine someone said that. In my experience, men don't like to sleep with women who could beat them up." she said with a smirk despite the growing heat and anticipation.
Re: Blind Revolt (Rule34/Aust) GMed by thetwo

"Any orc'd chop his HAND off t'be with you," Chi murmured as she let her eyes wander over Sena's face. At that moment, Chi felt she understood humans less the more she learned about them. If Sena would've been part of her tribe, the clansmen would've had formed a line stretching once around the camp just to get a CHANCE to be with her. Shifting her weight, she once more let her hand wander, this time sensually sliding up her side. "You're strong... skilled," the orc breathed, the arousal thick in her voice. "You're beautiful AND y'could beat me up." The caressing hand slid under Sena and slowly made its way down again. In a possessive move, Chi grabbed the human's ass and pulled her against her body, sandwiching that throbbing, potent member between them. Her dark mane had tumbled down around them, curtaining off the outside world. It was just Sena and Chichira at that moment.